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Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV) mutants expressing v-Abl proteins lacking the carboxyl terminus are compromised in the ability to transform lymphoid but not NIH 3T3 cells. This feature correlates with the presence of low levels of phosphotyrosine in lymphoid cells infected with carboxyl-terminal truncation mutants. In contrast, high levels of phosphotyrosine are observed in NIH 3T3 cells infected with wild-type and mutant Ab-MLV. Two downstream targets affected in lymphoid transformants are the GTPase-activating protein and GTPase-activating protein-associated protein p62, molecules which are heavily tyrosine phosphorylated in lymphoid cells transformed by wild-type Ab-MLV but not carboxyl-terminal truncation mutants of Ab-MLV. This difference suggested that signaling mediated via the Ras pathway may be compromised in lymphoid cells expressing the carboxyl-terminal truncation mutants. Consistent with this idea, expression of v-Ha-ras complemented these mutants in primary bone marrow transformation assays and increased transformation frequencies obtained with the Ab-MLV mutants 8- to 20-fold. These data suggest that a biologically important link exists between the carboxyl terminus of v-Abl protein and the Ras pathway. Signals transmitted via this connection may enhance those mediated via other regions of the v-Abl protein and facilitate transformation of primary, nonimmortalized cells such as pre-B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR-2/Flk-1) is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) whose activation regulates angiogenesis. The regulatory mechanisms that attenuate VEGFR-2 signal relay are largely unknown. Our study shows that VEGFR-2 promotes phosphorylation of c-Cbl, but activation, ubiquitylation, and down-regulation of VEGFR-2 are not influenced by c-Cbl activity. A structure-function analysis of VEGFR-2 and pharmacological approach revealed that down-regulation of VEGFR-2 is mediated by a distinct mechanism involving PKC. A tyrosine mutant VEGFR-2, defective in PLC-gamma1 activation underwent down-regulation efficiently in response to ligand stimulation, suggesting that activation of classical PKCs are not involved in VEGFR-2 down-regulation. Further studies showed that the ectodomain of VEGFR-2 is dispensable for PKC-dependent down-regulation. Progressive deletion of the carboxyl-terminal domain showed that at least 39 amino acids within the carboxyl-terminal domain, immediately C-terminal to the kinase domain, is required for efficient PKC-mediated down-regulation of VEGFR-2. Mutation of serine sites at 1188 and 1191, within this 39 amino acid region, compromised the ability of VEGFR-2 to undergo efficient ligand-dependent down-regulation. Altogether the results show that the regulatory mechanisms involved in the attenuation of VEGFR-2 activation is mediated by nonclassical PKCs and the presence of serine sites in the carboxyl terminal of VEGFR-2.  相似文献   

Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV) transforms NIH 3T3 and pre-B cells via expression of the v-Abl tyrosine kinase. Although the enzymatic activity of this molecule is absolutely required for transformation, other regions of the protein are also important for this response. Among these are the SH2 domain, involved in phosphotyrosine-dependent protein-protein interactions, and the long carboxyl terminus, which plays an important role in transformation of hematopoietic cells. Important signals are sent from each of these regions, and transformation is most likely orchestrated by the concerted action of these different parts of the protein. To explore this idea, we compared the ability of the v-Src SH2 domain to substitute for that of v-Abl in the full-length P120 v-Abl protein and in P70 v-Abl, a protein that lacks the carboxyl terminus characteristic of Abl family members. Ab-MLV strains expressing P70/S2 failed to transform NIH 3T3 cells and demonstrated a greatly reduced capacity to mediate signaling events associated with the Ras-dependent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. In contrast, Ab-MLV strains expressing P120/S2 were indistinguishable from P120 with respect to these features. Analyses of additional mutants demonstrated that the last 162 amino acids of the carboxyl terminus were sufficient to restore transformation. These data demonstrate that an SH2 domain with v-Abl substrate specificity is required for NIH 3T3 transformation in the absence of the carboxyl terminus and suggest that cooperativity between the extreme carboxyl terminus and the SH2 domain facilitates the transmission of transforming signals via the MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Yi CR  Rosenberg N 《Journal of virology》2007,81(17):9461-9468
Like the v-Onc proteins encoded by many transforming retroviruses, the v-Abl protein is expressed as a Gag-Onc fusion. Although the Gag-derived myristoylation signal targets the v-Abl protein to the plasma membrane, the protein contains the entire MA and p12 sequences and a small number of CA-derived residues. To understand the role of Gag sequences in transformation, mutants lacking portions of these sequences were examined for the effects of these deletions on v-Abl function and localization. Deletion of the N-terminal third of p12 or all of p12 enhanced the transformation of both pre-B cells and NIH 3T3 cells. In contrast, deletions in MA or a deletion removing all of Gag except the first 34 amino acids important for myristoylation highly compromised the ability to transform either cell type. Although all of the mutant proteins retained kinase activity, those defective in transformation were reduced in their ability to activate Erk, suggesting a role for Gag sequences in v-Abl signaling. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that a v-Abl protein retaining only the first 34 amino acids of Gag localized to the nucleus. These data indicate that Gag sequences are important for normal v-Abl signaling and that they suppress nuclear localization of the molecule.  相似文献   

Abelson murine leukemia virus transforms both lymphoid cells and fibroblasts in vitro and induces a unique type of thymus-dependent lymphoma in vivo. Four fibroblast-transforming strains of Abelson murine leukemia virus were identified, based on the sizes of the Abelson murine leukemia virus-specific phosphoproteins produced by these isolates. Two of these strains, the standard P120- and the P160-producing viruses, transformed lymphoid cells efficiently in vitro and induced Abelson disease in vivo. Two other strains, which synthesized small Abelson murine leukemia virus-specific proteins with molecular weights of 90,000 (P90) and 100,000 (P100), transformed lymphoid cells very poorly both in vitro and in vivo. The reduced oncogenic potentials of these isolates were correlated with a high level of synthesis of fairly unstable P90 and P100. In addition, neither P90 nor P100 functional efficiently in protein kinase assays. The correlation of abnormal metabolism and deficient protein kinase activity with the reduced oncogenic potentials of these virus strains supported a direct role for these proteins and the kinase activity in transformation. Furthermore, these results suggested that the requirements for lymphoid cell transformation and fibroblast transformation are different.  相似文献   

Analysis of the biological and biochemical activities of pp60recombinant-src proteins encoded by 12 carboxyl-terminal mutants showed that a wide family of alternate src carboxyl termini permit complete transforming and kinase activities. src proteins having carboxyl termini which are up to 10 amino acids longer than that of pp60c-src (17 amino acids longer than that of pp60v-src) still permit transformation. Transformation-positive mutations preserve leucine-516, a residue which is highly conserved in protein-tyrosine kinase sequences; removal causes in vivo protein instability. Successive deletion mutants show that this residue is at the boundary of a region required for kinase activity. pp60src which is truncated just outside this point still transforms cells and binds both pp50 and pp90 cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Human lymphoid cell transformation by Epstein-Barr virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J H Pope  W Scott  D J Moss 《Nature: New biology》1973,246(153):140-141

In polyomavirus-transformed cells, pp60c-src is activated by association with polyomavirus middle T antigen. These complexes have a higher tyrosine kinase activity compared with that of unassociated pp60c-src. Genetic analyses have revealed that the carboxy-terminal 15 amino acids of pp60c-src and the amino-terminal half of middle T antigen are required for this association and consequent activation of the tyrosine kinase. To define in greater detail the borders of the domain in middle T antigen required for activation of pp60c-src, we constructed a set of unidirectional amino-terminal deletion mutants of middle T antigen. Analysis of these mutants revealed that the first six amino acids of middle T antigen are required for it to activate the kinase activity of pp60c-src and to transform Rat-1 fibroblasts. Analysis of a series of insertion and substitution mutants confirmed these observations and further revealed that mutations affecting the first four amino acids of middle T antigen reduced or abolished its capacity to activate the kinase activity of pp60c-src and to transform Rat-1 cells in culture. Our results suggest that the first four amino acids of middle T antigen constitute part of a domain required for activation of the pp60c-src tyrosyl kinase activity and for consequent cellular transformation.  相似文献   

The single protein encoded by Abelson murine leukemia virus is a fusion of sequence from the retroviral gag genes with the v-abl sequence. Deletion of most of the gag region from the transforming protein results in a virus capable of transforming fibroblasts but no longer capable of transforming lymphoid cells. Smaller deletions in gag reveal that p15 gag sequences are responsible for this effect, whereas deletion of p12 sequences had no effect on lymphoid transformation. In transformed fibroblasts, p15-deleted and normal proteins had similar activities and subcellular localization. When the p15-deleted genome was introduced into previously transformed lymphoid lines, its protein product exhibited a marked instability. The tyrosine-specific autophosphorylation activity per cell was less than 1/20th that of the nondeleted protein. Although pulse-Ia-beling showed that the p15-deleted protein was synthesized efficiently, immunoblotting demonstrated that its steady-state level was less than 1/10th that of the nondeleted Abelson protein. The specific instability of the p15-deleted protein in lymphoid cells explains the requirement of these sequences for lymphoid but not fibroblast transformation.  相似文献   

Gene 12 of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1), the homolog of herpes simplex virus (HSV) VP16 (alpha TIF, Vmw65), was cloned into a eukaryotic expression vector by PCR and used in transactivation studies of both the EHV-1 and HSV-1 IE1 promoters. Results demonstrated that the product of gene 12 is a potent transactivator of immediate-early gene expression of both viruses, which requires sequences in the upstream HSV-1 promoter for activity. Mutational analysis of the gene 12 open reading frame indicated that removal of the C-terminal 7 amino acids, which contain a short region of homology with the extreme C terminus of VP16, inactivated the protein. Within this region, only a single methionine residue appeared to be essential for activity, implying that gene 12 may have a modular array of organization similar to that of VP16. However, fusion of the gene 12 C terminus to a truncated form of VP16, which contained the complex formation domain, did not restore activity to the HSV-1 protein. These data demonstrate that the EHV-1 immediate-early transactivator may not be functionally colinear with VP16, with transactivation requiring both the C terminus and another region(s) present within the N-terminal portion.  相似文献   

The structural basis for agonist-mediated sequestration and desensitization of the beta-adrenergic receptor (beta AR) was examined by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of the hamster beta AR gene and expression of the mutant genes in mouse L cells. Treatment of these cells with the agonist isoproterenol corresponded to a desensitization of beta AR activity. A mutant receptor that bound agonist but did not couple to adenylate cyclase showed a dramatically reduced sequestration response to agonist stimulation. In contrast, beta AR mutants in which the C-terminus was truncated and/or in which two regions that have been proposed as phosphorylation substrates for cAMP-dependent protein kinase were removed showed normal sequestration responses. These results demonstrate that agonist-mediated sequestration of the beta AR can occur in the absence of the C-terminus of the protein and reveal a strong correlation between effective coupling to Gs and sequestration.  相似文献   

The role of the carboxyl (C)-terminal region of coffee bean alpha-galactosidase (alpha-GAL) has been studied by expressing C-terminal deletion mutants in the methylotrophic yeast strain Pichia pastoris. A previous study of human alpha-galactosidase determined that enzyme activity increased when up to 10 amino acid residues were deleted. Deleting 11 residues reduced activity, and deleting 12 residues abolished activity. In our studies, alpha-GAL activity is reduced when one or two amino acids are deleted, as is enzyme secretion directed by P. pastoris signal sequences. The pH profile is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. Deleting 3 or more residues from the C-terminal end results in a complete loss of both enzyme secretion and activity. The C-terminus of alpha-GAL seems to play an important role in overall enzyme conformation and may directly affect the proper conformation of the active site.  相似文献   

Among several tyrosine-protein kinases, only v-abl could abrogate interleukin 3 dependence of a lymphoblastoid cell line; v-src and v-fps proteins gave partial or no interleukin 3 independence, respectively. Lymphokine independence was achieved via a nonautocrine mechanism. Direct involvement of c-myc in this process was not evident.  相似文献   

Transformation mediated by the v-Abl oncoprotein, a tyrosine kinase encoded by the Abelson murine leukemia virus, is a multi-step process requiring genetic alterations in addition to expression of v-Abl. Loss of p53 or p19ARF was previously shown to be required for Abelson murine leukemia virus transformation of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). By comparing gene expression patterns in primary p53-/- MEFs acutely infected with the v-Abl retrovirus, v-Abl-transformed MEF clones, and v-Abl-transformed MEF clones treated with Abl kinase inhibitor STI 571, we have identified additional genetic alterations associated with v-Abl transformation. Bcl-xL mRNA was elevated in three of five v-Abl-transformed MEF clones. In addition, elevated expression of c-Myc mRNA, caused either by c-myc gene amplification or by enhanced signaling via STAT3, was observed in five v-Abl-transformed MEF clones. The data suggest that increases in cell survival associated with Bcl-xL and increases in cell growth associated with c-Myc facilitate the transformation process dependent on constitutive mitogenic signaling by v-Abl.  相似文献   

Wild-type and J domain mutant simian virus 40 large T antigens alter the cell cycle and bud morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast, yeast cells expressing mutant T antigen lacking the carboxy-terminal 150 aa exhibit normal morphology, indicating that this region of T antigen is required for cell cycle disruption.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation sites act to transduce signals into changes in enzymatic activity, representing a point of interaction within a regulatory pathway. The amino acid sequence surrounding a phosphorylation site may well have several functions, including recognition by an appropriate kinase. By generating random mutations in its immediate vicinity, we have examined the sequence requirements of a regulatory tyrosine phosphorylation site, Tyr527, in the proto-oncogene product, p60c-src. The transforming and kinase activities of p60c-src are repressed by phosphorylation of Tyr527. Mutations were made around Tyr527 without changing Tyr527 or the kinase domain. Twenty-nine mutants were sequenced and classified as transforming or nontransforming for Rat-2 cells. Nontransforming mutants contained a surprising variety of COOH-terminal mutations, although acidic residues were present at positions 518 and 524 in all nontransforming mutants. Transforming mutants that contained single-residue changes at Asp518 and Ser522 demonstrated the importance of these residues. Other transforming mutants contained two or more substitutions, but the results are most simply explained if residues Glu524 and Thr523 are also important for normal regulation. Transforming mutations reduced the phosphorylation of Tyr527. We conclude that only a few of the residues in the COOH terminus other than Tyr527 are required to ensure normal phosphorylation and repression of activity in fibroblasts. Other residues may have been conserved during evolution to permit normal function and regulation in other cell types.  相似文献   

The majority of cell lines derived by infection of murine bone marrow cells with Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) synthesize a mu chain but no detectable light chain. Aside from this mu-only phenotype, lines that make only light chain, both chains or no immunoglobulin-related polypeptides have also been found. Two lines have been studied in detail: one that makes only mu chain and one that makes only kappa light chain. Synthesis of both polypeptides can be increased by modifying the culture conditions so as to decrease the growth rate of the cells. Although some kappa chain secretion was observed, neither secreted nor surface mu was detected. We suggest that the mu- only phenotype may be an early normal step in the pathway of B lymphocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The transforming protein of the Abelson murine leukaemia virus encodes a protein-tyrosine kinase. Previously, we have shown that in Abelson-transformed cells, the Abelson kinase regulates the phosphoserine content of ribosomal protein S6. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA), which activates protein kinase C, induces the phosphorylation of S6 at the same five phosphopeptides as found in S6 isolated from Abelson-transformed cells. We have investigated three models whereby the Abelson kinase might regulate S6 phosphorylation via the activation of protein kinase C. First, the Abelson kinase could phosphorylate protein kinase C on tyrosine. However, we do not detect significant amounts of phosphotyrosine in protein kinase C in vivo. Second, it has been suggested that protein-tyrosine kinases might phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol. This could increase the intracellular levels of diacylglycerol and thereby activate protein kinase C. Our data strongly suggest that direct phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol by the Abelson protein-tyrosine kinase has no physiological role. Third, an indirect activation of protein kinase C may occur via an increase in the rate of phosphoinositide breakdown. We have found that phosphoinositide breakdown appears to be constitutively activated in Abelson-transformed cells. The implications of these observations are discussed with regard to S6 phosphorylation and the mechanism of Abelson-induced transformation.  相似文献   

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