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薜荔和爱玉子均属雌雄异株桑科榕属植物,两者互为原变种与变种的关系,分别与薜荔传粉小蜂和爱玉子传粉小蜂(二者互为隐存种)建立了专性共生关系,榕树榕果挥发物在维系传粉小蜂与其寄主的共生关系上起着重要作用。利用Y型嗅觉仪测定薜荔榕小蜂(薜荔和爱玉子的传粉小蜂)对薜荔和爱玉子雌花期榕果挥发物的行为反应。结果表明:(1)雌花期果型的大小对薜荔榕小蜂行为反应无显著影响,薜荔大、小果型雌花期雌(雄)榕果挥发物对其传粉小蜂均具有强烈的吸引作用;(2)榕果挥发物浓度影响薜荔榕小蜂行为反应,薜荔、爱玉子雌花期雌(雄)榕果挥发物对其传粉小蜂的吸引作用均可能存在阈值反应,即榕果挥发物浓度未超过阈值时,雌花期榕果挥发物对传粉小蜂的吸引作用与挥发物浓度成正相关关系,而一旦超过阈值,榕果挥发物对传粉蜂的吸引作用显著下降,表明寄主榕果挥发物浓度影响传粉小蜂的寄主定位;(3)薜荔传粉小蜂对低浓度爱玉子雌花期雌(雄)榕果挥发物、爱玉子传粉小蜂对低浓度薜荔雌花期雌(雄)榕果挥发物均既无趋向也无驱避行为;薜荔传粉小蜂对高浓度的爱玉子雌花期雌(雄)榕果挥发物表现为显著的驱避行为,而爱玉子传粉小蜂对高浓度薜荔雌(雄)雌花期榕果挥发物表现为显著的趋向行为,因此,薜荔传粉小蜂与爱玉子传粉小蜂存在寄主专一性不对称现象,爱玉子传粉小蜂进入薜荔雌(雄)果内传粉或产卵的可能性较大,而福州地区的薜荔传粉小蜂可能难以进入爱玉子雌(雄)果内传粉或产卵。本研究结果将为榕-蜂共生体系的化学生态学理论研究以及爱玉子栽培提供科学依据。  相似文献   

烟草挥发物对2近缘种夜蛾产卵行为的影响及其成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寡食性烟夜蛾Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée)和广食性棉铃虫H.armigera (Hübner)是铃夜蛾属2近缘种,烟草是其共同寄主.室内实验测定了1个普通烟草品种和4个黄花烟草品种叶片挥发物对二者电生理和行为反应的影响.结果表明,烟夜蛾处女雌蛾和交配雌蛾对4个黄花烟草品种叶片挥发物的EAG反应均显著高于普通烟草,而棉铃虫对普通烟草叶片挥发物的反应显著高于黄花烟草;二者的行为反应与EAG测试结果相似,黄花烟草叶片挥发物对烟夜蛾有较强的引诱作用,棉铃虫对普通烟草叶片挥发物有较强趋性;两种夜蛾雄蛾对这些挥发物的EAG和行为反应均没有雌蛾强烈,性别差异显著;GC-MS分析表明,与K326相比,马合烟叶片挥发物中尼古丁的相对含量高(76.91%),绿叶气味种类多但芳香族化合物种类少,挥发物种类和含量的不同是否与两种夜蛾产卵趋性差异相关,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck),是一种世界性的蛀果害虫。利用产卵选择试验研究了15种寄主植物挥发物对梨小食心虫受孕雌虫的产卵引诱活性。室内试验表明:受孕雌虫对不同挥发物的产卵选择趋性不同,其中对叶醇和己酸丁酯表现出明显的产卵选择趋性。为验证寄主挥发物对受孕雌虫的实际诱捕效果,进行了田间诱捕试验。结果发现,挥发物中己酸丁酯、苯甲腈、叶醇、E-2-己烯醛以及乙酸己酯诱捕到的雌虫均为受孕雌虫,显著高于空白对照及其他物质,其中己酸丁酯的平均诱捕量最多,苯甲腈次之,E-2-己烯醛、乙酸己酯这两种物质的平均诱捕量分别为第三、第四,叶醇的诱捕量低于乙酸己酯,其余物质的诱捕量均较低。综合室内及田间试验结果发现,寄主植物挥发物对受孕雌虫的引诱作用也随它们之间的作用距离表现出一定的差异性。  相似文献   

发展了一套测定棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera (H櫣bner)对植物挥发物的行为反应的生测系统。这套系统由嗅觉仪、风洞和风洞室组成。用这套系统测定了棉铃虫对萎蔫后的枫杨Pterocaryastenoptera叶、加拿大杨Populuscanadensis叶、香椿Toonasisnensis叶、新鲜的芹菜与胡萝卜花挥发物以及苯乙醛的行为反应。结果显示 ,萎蔫的枫杨叶、加拿大杨叶、香椿叶的挥发物均对棉铃虫处女雌蛾表现出显著的引诱作用 ,而对已交配过的雌蛾和雄蛾无明显的引诱作用 ;新鲜的芹菜与胡萝卜花挥发物对棉铃虫两性性成虫均不表现出显著的引诱作用 ;苯乙醛对棉铃虫处女雌、雄蛾有较强的引诱作用。讨论了杨树枝把引诱棉铃虫的原因。  相似文献   

桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)是一种多食性的蛀果害虫,近年来其发生危害日趋加重。本研究通过田间调查,探究了桃蛀螟在广东的发生情况、分布及其种群动态。结果表明,广东桃蛀螟发生主要集中在粤东地区的河源市以及粤北地区的清远和韶关市,并在上述地区的板栗和鹰嘴蜜桃上发生严重危害,该虫在珠三角地区零星发生,在粤西、梅州和潮汕地区则尚未发生危害。除板栗和鹰嘴蜜桃外,受桃蛀螟为害的作物还有三华李、水晶梨、荔枝、龙眼、杨桃、向日葵和甜玉米,但受害较轻。桃蛀螟成蛾在广东河源一年有5个发生高峰,并以幼虫于11月下旬至翌年3月上旬越冬。  相似文献   

高榕,雌雄同株,与其共生的形态高度相似的传粉小蜂Eupristina altissima与非传粉小蜂Eupristina sp.均为果内产卵。利用Y型嗅觉仪生物测定法研究E.altissima和Eupristina sp.对不同发育期高榕榕果挥发物以及合成信息素混合物的行为反应差异。结果表明:E.altissima和Eupristina sp.对高榕雌花期榕果挥发物具极显著趋向行为,对高榕雄花期榕果挥发物具极显著驱避行为,表明E.altissima与Eupristina sp.雌蜂能够敏锐辨别高榕雌花期和雄花期榕果的挥发物,快速远离雄花期榕果,并实现对宿主雌花期榕果的定位。但是,E.altissima与Eupristina sp.对其它发育时期榕果挥发物的行为反应具有差异性,前者对雌前期榕果和传粉或产卵后榕果释放的挥发物存在显著的趋避反应,而后者无明显的行为偏向性,表明E.altissima能够识别雌前期榕果和传粉或产卵后榕果,可避免误入其中而无法繁殖后代,Eupristina sp.则不具备这种识别能力。E.altissima和Eupristina sp.小蜂对合成信息素的行为反应也高度相似,表现为芳樟醇、苯乙烯,以及苯乙烯和金合欢醇的交互作用对两种小蜂选择行为影响显著,组合A_1B_2C_2(0.5%Linalool+1%Benzyl ethylene+1%Farnesol)的混合信息素对两种小蜂具有极显著的驱避作用,而组合A_2B_1C_1(1%Linalool+0.5%Benzyl ethylene+0.5%Farnesol),A_2B_1C_2(1%Linalool+0.5%Benzyl ethylene+1%Farnesol),A2B2C1(1%Linalool+1%Benzyl ethylene+0.5%Farnesol)的混合信息素对其具有极显著的吸引作用,但两种小蜂对组合A_1B_1C_1(0.5%Linalool+0.5%Benzyl ethylene+0.5%Farnesol)的行为反应存在差异。两种小蜂对榕果挥发物和合成信息素的反应异同,可能与其触角结构的差异密切相关。研究结果为探究榕-蜂共生体系的化学信号传导机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

【目的】比较健康和机械损伤的薄荷Mentha spicata对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella成虫嗅觉反应的影响,为筛选小菜蛾植物源驱避剂提供科学依据。【方法】利用触角电位(EAG)仪和Y型嗅觉仪分别测定小菜蛾雌、雄成虫对健康和机械损伤薄荷的触角电位和嗅觉行为反应,通过田间试验测定雌蛾产卵选择的忌避反应。【结果】健康薄荷和机械损伤薄荷均能引起小菜蛾雌、雄成虫触角电位反应,但损伤薄荷引起的触角电位反应值显著高于健康薄荷(P0.05);室内行为选择试验结果显示,损伤薄荷对小菜蛾雄性成虫有显著驱避作用(P0.05),驱避指数为53.33%,对雌性成虫有极显著驱避作用(P0.01),驱避指数达到80%;田间产卵选择试验发现,损伤薄荷对小菜蛾雌成虫产卵有极显著驱避作用(P0.01),产卵忌避指数达到71.32%。但是健康薄荷对小菜蛾雌、雄成虫的行为选择和雌性成虫的产卵选择均无显著驱避作用(P0.05)。【结论】机械损伤薄荷对小菜蛾成虫有较强的驱避效果,可以对其进行驱避活性挥发物质的筛选或作为驱避源来防治小菜蛾的危害。  相似文献   

为明确延迟交配对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella的影响,在室内条件下,分别对初羽化未交配的马铃薯块茎蛾雌虫、雄虫及雌雄虫同时延迟1~5 d配对饲养,研究不同延迟交配处理对该虫产卵量、卵的孵化率及雌雄成虫寿命的影响.结果表明,从产卵量来看,分别将雄虫或雌虫延迟1~3 d交配对产卵量无显著影响,而延迟4和5 d交配能显著降低其产卵量,其中雄虫分别延迟4 d和5 d交配后使单雌产卵量分别降低了 20.50%和42.00%,雌虫分别延迟4 d和5 d交配后单雌产卵量分别降低了 26.01%和35.79%.当将雌雄同时延迟1~2 d交配,对单雌产卵量无显著影响,而延迟3 d、4 d和5 d交配时,产卵量分别降低了 12.50%、23.84%和44.57%.从卵的孵化率来看,延迟1~5 d交配对卵的孵化无明显影响.从成虫寿命来看,不同延迟交配对雌雄虫的寿命均无显著影响.由此表明,马铃薯块茎蛾延迟3d或4 d后交配有利于降低其产卵量,因此可通过在田间设置性诱剂以干扰马铃薯块茎蛾正常交配来降低产卵量,从而达到控制田间马铃薯块茎蛾下一代虫口数量的作用.  相似文献   

利用Y型嗅觉仪研究南方小花蝽雌、雄成虫对6种不同处理菜豆以及8种挥发物标样在不同浓度下的行为反应。结果显示,不论与干净空气、健康菜豆还是机械损伤菜豆相比,南方小花蝽雌、雄成虫对西花蓟马成虫和若虫为害的菜豆均有明显的正趋性;与健康菜豆相比,外源茉莉酸与水杨酸甲酯处理的菜豆对南方小花蝽雌成虫没有明显的作用,但对雄成虫表现为明显的吸引作用。与机械损伤菜豆相比,外源茉莉酸与水杨酸甲酯处理的菜豆对南方小花蝽雌成虫有极强的吸引作用,但对雄成虫没有明显作用。在被测的8种挥发物单体不同浓度中,对南方小花蝽引诱作用最强的是浓度为10~(-1)μL/μL的乙酸叶醇酯、1-辛烯-3-醇、叶醛和浓度为10~(-3)μL/μL的1-辛烯-3-醇、叶醛,且雌成虫的选择率高于雄成虫。结果说明不同处理的菜豆叶片对南方小花蝽雌、雄成虫行为反应有明显的影响,挥发物单体的种类及相对浓度对南方小花蝽的影响也不同。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾在风洞中对性信息素的行为反应及田间诱捕试验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孙凡  杜家纬  陈庭华 《昆虫学报》2003,46(1):126-130
雌蛾腺体内含量最高的组份9,11-14∶Ac(A)在风洞中能引起雄蛾从搜索气迹、定向飞行到撒开味刷企图交尾连续的行为反应,而雌蛾腺体内其它组份单独使用时均不能引起雄蛾上述行为反应。一定量的Z9,E12-14∶Ac(B)对A的活性有增效作用,诱芯中B数量过多,不但失去对A的活性增效作用,还对雄蛾接近诱芯和企图交尾有强烈的抑制作用。9-14∶Ac(C)与11-14∶Ac (D)对雄蛾的定向行为无影响,诱芯中含有50%的C时,反而对雄蛾接近诱芯和企图交尾有抑制作用。A与B在滤纸诱芯中的含量比例与诱芯释放的挥发物比例明显不同,从9∶1(A∶B)诱芯释放的挥发物比例更接近于雌蛾腺体内的天然比例。田间诱捕试验中两组份诱芯的诱捕量随两组份比例不同而变化, 9∶1(A∶B)诱芯的诱捕量最大,1∶1(A∶B)诱芯的诱捕量低于单一的A组份诱芯。  相似文献   

【目的】为了更好地了解性信息素结合蛋白(pheromone binding proteins, PBPs)在桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)嗅觉识别过程中的作用,明确其与配体化合物的结合特性。【方法】本研究利用RT-PCR结合RACE方法克隆了桃蛀螟一个性信息素结合蛋白基因;采用Real-time PCR方法分析了该蛋白在桃蛀螟不同发育阶段及雌雄蛾间的表达差异;利用荧光竞争结合实验对Cpun-PBP1蛋白与16种配基化合物的结合特性进行了分析。【结果】克隆了一个桃蛀螟性信息素结合蛋白基因,命名为Cpun-PBP 1(GenBank登录号:KP027486)。Cpun-PBP 1开放阅读框全长510 bp,编码 169个氨基酸,预测分子量为19.12 kDa,等电点为5.09,N-末端包括由起始位置开始的30个氨基酸组成的信号肽。蛋白特征分析显示,该氨基酸序列具有昆虫气味结合蛋白的典型特征,即含有6个保守的半胱氨酸残基。Cpun-PBP 1在桃蛀螟成虫阶段表达量最高,且几乎全部在触角中表达,卵期微量表达,幼虫期和蛹期均不表达。通过构建Cpun-PBP 1原核表达载体,诱导并获得Cpun-PBP 1重组蛋白。荧光竞争结合实验对2种性信息素组分和14种寄主植物挥发物的结合力发现,Cpun-PBP1不但能有效地与桃蛀螟性信息素组分(顺-10-十六碳烯醛和十六醛)结合,结合常数分别为7.32和9.39 μmol/L;还能与8种寄主植物挥发物有效结合;其中,与莰烯的结合能力最强,结合常数为3.76 μmol/L。【结论】根据这些结果,我们推测Cpun-PBP1在桃蛀螟感受性信息素和寄主植物挥发物的过程中发挥着双重作用。  相似文献   

温度对桃蛀螟生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了明确温度对桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)生长发育和繁殖的影响, 本实验在恒温条件(15, 19, 23, 27和31℃共5个温度梯度)下, 以板栗为寄主食料, 研究了温度对桃蛀螟实验种群生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明: 温度对桃蛀螟各虫态的发育历期、 存活率、 蛹重以及种群繁殖力有显著影响。在15~27℃范围内, 各虫态的发育历期均随温度的升高而缩短, 发育速率与温度呈显著正相关。但是, 当温度上升至31℃时, 幼虫生长发育受到抑制, 其发育历期比27℃时延长了1.11 d, 而卵期、 蛹期和产卵前期仍符合随温度升高趋于缩短的趋势。此外, 15℃下桃蛀螟5龄幼虫发育停滞, 表明老熟幼虫的发育起点温度高于其他低龄幼虫。桃蛀螟世代存活率随环境温度变化的大小顺序为23℃>27℃>19℃>31℃, 其中, 23~27℃的存活率较高, 为54.44%~63.56%, 31℃时为4.30%, 说明温度过高或过低均不利于其生长发育。成虫产卵量在23℃时最高, 单雌平均产卵量达55.00粒, 其次为19℃和27℃, 单雌平均产卵量分别为43.30和39.70粒; 31℃下产卵量最少, 仅为20.90粒。由直接最优法计算得到桃蛀螟卵期、 幼虫期、 蛹期、 产卵前期及全世代的发育起点温度分别为10.37, 10.06, 14.27, 7.47和11.85℃, 有效积温依次为70.84, 287.71, 118.42, 58.33和509.06日度。研究结果为桃蛀螟发生期的预测预报提供了基础参考数据, 对指导生产实践有实际的应用意义。  相似文献   

Hern A  Dorn S 《Phytochemistry》2001,57(3):409-416
The changes in the emission of volatiles from mature apple fruits in response to larval feeding by the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) under laboratory conditions are reported. A time course experiment investigated the emission of volatiles throughout the period of larval development following infestation. The volatiles consisted mainly of esters, a few aldehydes, and the terpene alpha-farnesene. Infested apples emitted the same compounds as healthy apples. The quantities of volatiles released were much higher for infested as compared to healthy fruits for an initial three day period. Following this period there was a decrease in volatile emissions (days 6-9), eventually declining back to the levels emitted from healthy apples or below by 9-21 days after infestation. In a separate experiment, the volatile emissions from healthy and artificially damaged fruits were compared to those from herbivore damaged fruits for each of the five larval instars of C. pommonella. The results from the discriminant analysis indicate that the most effective induction of volatiles occurred when fruits were infested with first instar larvae. Induction by first instar larvae was generally higher than after infestation by later instars, and for most compounds it also exceeded the emission from artificially damaged fruits.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):695-703
Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer- Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee is a major insect pest on brinjal- Solanum melongena worldwide. An effective strategy used in developing pest controlling agents is the synergism between insect pheromones and host plant volatiles, which can increase the attraction of insect pest. The present study was aimed at investigating the chemical constituents and attractant effects of the volatiles extracted from different parts of the host plant brinjal on the behavior of adult L. orbonalis. Bioassay using Y-shaped olfactometer revealed that the one-day old virgin female, gravid female and male insects respond positively to the host plant volatiles extracted from fruits, leaves and shoots but not to that of flowers. It was shown that the gravid females were significantly attracted to all three volatiles (p < 0.05). Bioassay using X-shaped olfactometer identified that all three types of insects highly preferred the volatiles from fruits (p < 0.05). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of volatiles indicated that brinjal plant produces volatile secondary metabolites, which include 2,2′-(Ethane-1,2-diylbis(oxy))bis(ethane-2,1-diyl) dibenzoate (12.11%), 3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol (22.38%), Benzyl alcohol (22.9%) and Benzyl alcohol (27.06%) as major constituents from fruits, shoots, leaves and flowers respectively. Responses of insects to the volatiles from host plant in the absence of visual cues direct us to focus on the importance of host plant volatiles to locate the plant. Results of this study emphasize the major role that host plant volatiles play in the attraction of insect pests towards the plant.  相似文献   

In laboratory and field experiments, stimuli were tested that might affect oviposition decisions by female peach twig borer moths, Anarsia lineatella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). When given a choice between immature green peach fruits, green mature peach fruits and soft-ripe peach fruits, the latter received the fewest eggs. Fuzzy halves of peach fruits received ten times more eggs then shaved hairless halves. Volatiles from both almond and peach shoots induced more oviposition by females than by control stimuli. Similarly, volatiles from immature green peach fruits, mature green or mature hard-ripe peach fruits induced more oviposition than their respective control stimuli. In a choice experiment, volatiles from immature peach fruit stimulated three times more oviposition than those from soft-ripe peach fruit. Discrimination against mature soft-ripe peach fruits as potential oviposition sites may lie in the phenology of A. lineatella and host peach fruits. Larval development to the pupal stage takes 15–27 days. Therefore, any eggs laid on a ripe fruit 14 days before it falls from the tree will not likely develop into adult insects because developing larvae will only reach third or fourth instar before the fruit is decomposed, and only first and second instar larvae can overwinter.  相似文献   

Chronic hypoxia is a clinically important condition known to cause vascular abnormalities. To investigate the cellular mechanisms involved, we kept rings of a rat tail artery for 4 days in hypoxic culture (HC) or normoxic culture (NC) (PO(2) = 14 vs. 110 mmHg) and then measured contractility, oxygen consumption (JO(2)), and lactate production (J(lac)) in oxygenated medium. Compared with fresh rings, basal ATP turnover (J(ATP)) was decreased in HC, but not in NC, with a shift from oxidative toward glycolytic metabolism. JO(2) during mitochondrial uncoupling was reduced by HC but not by NC. Glycogen stores were increased 40-fold by HC and fourfold by NC. Maximum tension in response to norepinephrine and the JO(2) versus tension relationship (JO(2) vs. high K(+) elicited force) were unaffected by either HC or NC. Force transients in response to caffeine were increased in HC, whereas intracellular Ca(2+) wave activity during adrenergic stimulation was decreased. Protein synthesis rate was reduced by HC. The results show that long-term hypoxia depresses basal energy turnover, impairs mitochondrial capacity, and alters Ca(2+) homeostasis, but does not affect contractile energetics. These alterations may form a basis for vascular damage by chronic hypoxia.  相似文献   

[目的]本研究旨在明确气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins,OBPs)在桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis化学感受过程中的生理功能,为以OBPs蛋白为防治靶标的桃蛀螟绿色防控提供理论依据.[方法]基于前期桃蛀螟触角转录组测序数据,利用PCR技术从桃蛀螟触角中获得桃蛀螟气味结...  相似文献   

Detection of interspecific competition between insects is often sensitive to scaling. We give an example of scale-dependent interference between the weevil Curculio elephas and the moth Cydia splendana, which both have larvae that develop in the fruits of chestnut Castanea sativa. Measures at three scales were considered: chestnut, husk (with one to three fertile fruits) and tree. Data come from observations in the field over 14 years, complemented by experiments done directly in trees. Data on individual chestnut fruits revealed a marked statistical interference between the two insects. Experiments demonstrated that presence of a moth larva in a fruit usually inhibits weevil egg-laying. Conversely, weevil presence does not strongly modify moth larval behavior. Cases of double infestation often correspond to fruits first attacked by the weevil. With measures on husks, interference between the two insects was observed only in some trees; its intensity was always weaker than in the chestnuts themselves. At the scale of entire trees, rates of infestation by each insect are not correlated. Interference in chestnut fruits is interpreted by assuming that the weevil female either is sensitive to a repellent molecule originating from a moth larva or its frass, or can detect moth larval sounds. Mechanisms governing infestation rates from data per tree are discussed in relation to those found at fruit scale and to plant-insect interactions. The need to estimate available resources both from quantitative and qualitative points of view is emphasized.  相似文献   

[目的]本研究旨在对桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis性信息素结合蛋白CpunPBP3进行鉴定和定性分析,完善对桃蛀螟性信息素感受机制的理解.[方法]扩增、分析桃蛀螟CpunPBP3的cDNA序列,并与其他草螟科昆虫的同源蛋白氨基酸序列进行比较.利用qRT-PCR测定桃蛀螟不同日龄雄成虫触角中Cpu...  相似文献   

Cydia molesta is an important pest of peach and pear fruits late in growing season. We identified and quantified volatiles from immature and mature fruits of peach and pear using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Antennally, active compounds were identified by gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection and were further tested in the field. Consistent electroantennographic activity was obtained for nine compounds from headspace collections of the mature fruits of two peach and two pear varieties. Esters were the major components, but qualitative and quantitative differences were found among four odor profiles. Blends mimicking pear fruit volatiles were more attractive to both sexes than blends mimicking peach fruit volatiles in both orchards. Our finding indicated that mixtures mimicking peach and pear fruit volatiles attracted both females and males of C. molesta, and these host volatiles may also be involved in the host switch behavior from peach to pear in mid-late season.  相似文献   

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