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We present three novel mutations in the G6PD gene and discuss the changes they cause in the 3-dimensional structure of the enzyme: 573C-->G substitution that predicts Phe to Leu at position 191 in the C-terminus of helix alphae, 851T-->C mutation which results in the substitution 284Val--> -->Ala in the beta+alpha domain close to the C-terminal part of helix alphaj, and 1175T-->C substitution that predicts Ile to Thr change at position 392.  相似文献   

Two new variants of erythrocyte glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase are discovered in 3 unrelated Ashkenazi Jew patients with severe deficiency of enzyme. Both variants have a resemblance to 2 other variants in Ashkenazi: G6PD Boston and G6PD Kilgore, but have a significantly higher affinity for substrates and their analogues and are not associated with chronic hemolytic disease. Probably, all 4 variants arise from two ancestral mutations.  相似文献   

A Pekrun  S W Eber  W Schr?ter 《Blut》1989,58(1):11-14
Two new G6PD variants with severe enzyme deficiency in Switzerland (G6PD Avenches, G6PD I) and in Germany (G6PD Moosburg, G6PD II) are described. One patient had suffered from severe postpartal hyperbilirubinemia, the other one presented with chronic hemolysis and remittent hyperbilirubinemia. Both variants showed diminished electrophoretic mobility, both variants were heat labile. The Michaelis-Menten constants KM for glucose-6-phosphate and for NADP+ were normal. 2-Desoxy-glucose-6-phosphate was utilized by G6PD I in a higher and by G6PD II at a lower rate than by the normal enzyme. Desamino-NADP+ and galactose-6-phosphate were utilized by both variants at a normal rate. The electrophoretic separation of membrane proteins of G6PD II showed both in the presence and in the absence of 6-mercaptoethanol no difference concerning the formation of membrane protein aggregates between patient and normal control.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of apolipoproteins is an important procedure for the isolation of apolipoprotein isoforms. In this paper we describe the use of agarose/urea as a focusing medium for IEF of apolipoproteins. This technique, which offers several advantages over the traditional polyacrylamide gel focusing, yields a further microheterogeneity of the known isoforms of apolipoproteins A-I and E. In addition, by subsequent immunoprecipitation, both specificity and sensitivity are enhanced. Using a monospecific antiserum against Apo A-I, a new minor isoform was detected at the basic end of the Apo A-I spectrum (pI 6.02) which has not yet been observed in normal plasma samples. Another advantage of this technique in combination with immunoprecipitation is the specific detection of Apo E phenotypes which is essential for the diagnosis of hyperlipoproteinemia type III.  相似文献   

Six variant forms of HLA-1327 were identified among 68 unrelated 1327-positive donors by isoelectric focusing (IEF) gel analysis. Each of the six IEF variants was distinguished by charge heterogeneity of desialated B27 heavy chains immunoprecipitated with specific monoclonal antibody (MAb). Charge differences varied from single to several charge units, indicating that these variants may have substantially different amino acid compositions. Informative family study showed that three B27 variant molecules were genetically determined. The uniqueness of these variant molecules was also demonstrable using a panel of alloantisera and MAbs recognizing 1327-associated epitopes. Six distinct serological reactivity patterns were observed. Five of these serological patterns correlated with four of the IEF-defined variants, two of these patterns being associated with one IEF variant form. The sixth serological pattern was shared by the remaining two IEF variants. Combining the results of the electrophoretic and serological analyses, it is apparent that there are more than six structural variants within the B27 alloantigen family. Some B27 variant forms were found only in individuals of particular racial origin, indicating that unique genetic variations might occur in different racial groups. In a preliminary analysis of patients with ankylosing spondylitis, no apparent correlation was observed between any specific B27 variants and disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

The method of isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel was used to separate G6PD isozymes in crude hemolysates of human, rabbit, and rat erythrocytes. G6PD (B) from erythrocytes of a normal human male donor revealed six bands of activity. Their mean isoelectric points, using pH 3–10 and 5–8 range empholytes, were pI 7.04 for band I, pI 6.60 for band II, pI 6.37 for band III, pI 6.11 for band IV, pI 5.94 for band V, pI 5.79 for band VI. G6PD from rabbit and rat erythrocytes revealed completely different multiple band patterns. The method of isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel is presented as a new way of detecting G6PD isozyme patterns.  相似文献   

Precision medicine uses genomic guidance to improve drug treatment safety and efficacy. Prior knowledge of genetic variant impact can enable such strategies, but current knowledge of African variants remains scarce. G6PD variants are linked to haemolytic adverse effects for a number of drugs commonly used in African populations. We have investigated a set of G6PD variants with structural bioinformatics techniques to further characterise variants with known effect, and gain insights into variants with unknown impact. We observed wide variations in patterns of root-mean-square deviation between wild-type and variant structures. Variants with known, highly deleterious impact show structural effects which may likely result in the destabilisation of the G6PD homodimer. The V68M and N126D variants (which are both common across African populations, and together form the A- haplotype) induce large conformational shifts in the catalytic NADP+ binding domain. We observed a greater impact for the haplotype than for each of the individual variants in these cases. A novel African variant (M207T) shows the potential to disrupt interactions within the protein core, urging further investigation. We explore how characterising the molecular impact of African G6PD variants can enable advanced strategies for precision medicine, as well as impact the use of novel therapeutics aiming to treat G6PD deficiency. This knowledge can assist in bridging current knowledge gaps, and aid to facilitate precision medicine applications in African populations.  相似文献   

Summary Five new genetically determined Gc variants were observed by isoelectric focusing. Seven rare variants 1A4, 1C1, 1C3, 1C9, 1C11, 2A2, and 2A5 were also found in the material comprising Danish ans Swedish paternity cases. All the variants were further analysed by electrophoresis in agarose gel. Two of the new variants had double bands of which the anodal one was susceptible to neuraminidase treatment (Gc 1C13 and 1C14). The three other new variants appeared as a single band, which was unaffected by neuraminidase treatment (Gc 2A9, 2C5, and 2C6). The Gc Ar variant originally detected by electrophoresis was reexamined by isoelectric focusing and named 2C4.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of astaxanthin (Ast) and aluminum (Al) on the erythrocyte glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) enzymes activities in vivo and on G6PD enzyme in vitro in rats. For in vitro studies, G6PD enzyme was purified from rat erythrocyte by using 2′,5′‐ADP‐Sepharose 4B affinity gel. The effects of Ast and Al3+ ion were investigated on the purified enzyme. It was determined that Ast increased the enzyme activity, whereas Al3+ inhibited the enzyme activity noncompetitively (IC50 values; 0.679 mM, Ki values 1.32 mM). For in vivo studies, the rats were divided into the groups: control (Cont.), Al, Ast, and Al + Ast. The last three groups were compared with the control group. In Al group, a significant degree of inhibition was observed in the activity of G6PD and 6PGD enzymes when compared with the control group (P < 0.05), whereas there was an increase in the activities of G6PD and 6PGD enzymes in Ast and Al + Ast groups (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) in polyacrylamide gels has been used to study the isozymes of human galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT) in erythrocytes and fibroblasts. In addition to the usefulness of IEF in differentiating normal, Duarte variant, and galactosemic homozygotes and heterozygotes, the ability of IEF to distinguish the residual GALT activity in two different galactosemic fibroblast lines and in revertants from them is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila melanogaster chorion proteins are characterized on one-dimensional isoelectric focusing (IF) gels. The six major chorion components previously identified on SDS gels are shown to resolve into at least 11 components in our IF system. IF screening of 102 geographic strains ofDrosophila melanogaster revealed seven cases of variation in major chorion components. Two strains, Crimea and Falsterbo, which were monomorphic for a variant B1 protein and two strains, Skafto and Lausanne, which were monomorphic for a variant C1 protein, were chosen for further study. After IF developmental analysis of F1 hybrids had indicated that the sources of the variation resided in the structural genes for these proteins, each variant was crossed to a multiply marked and inverted strain (BLT) to determine the linkage group of the variant gene. To localize genes to more specific sites multiply marked 3rd (SKERO) or X-chromosomal (CB1) (X-PLE) mapping strains were used. In both Crimea and Falsterbo the gene for the B1 protein is located near map location 26 on the 3rd chromosome. In both Lausanne and Skafto the C1 gene is located on the X chromosome. Hence, for the first time, we have demonstrated genetically the non-linkage of two chorion genes, B1 and C1.  相似文献   

G6PD Konan and G6PD Ube are the most common glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) variants found in Japan. To clarify the molecular abnormality of these two variants, the entire coding region was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from genomic DNA (G6PD Konan) or cDNA (G6PD Ube). Direct sequencing revealed that both variants have the same nucleotide substitution (241 C to T) in exon 4, which predicts an Arg to Cys substitution at amino acid 81.  相似文献   

High enzyme activity of mitochondrial creatine kinase (creatine-N-phosphotransferase, mCK, EC was detected in serum from a patient with advanced carcinoma of the rectum and its isoforms were characterized by means of isoelectric focusing (IEF). Three forms of mCK, membrane-bound (pI 6.9–7.0), octameric (pI 7.0–7.9) and dimeric (pI 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 and 7.0), were detected in the fresh serum. These three forms of mCK were converted to five dimeric isoforms, and these were characterized as one reduced form (pI 7.0) and four oxidized (pI 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9) forms upon treatment with urea, hydrogen peroxide or 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME). The C-terminal of the mCKs was concluded to be a lysine residue because the mCKs treated with carboxypeptidase B migrated to positions closer to the anode than did those not treated with carboxypeptidase B. Therefore, four bands were concluded to represent one reduced-delysined isoform (pI 6.4) and three oxidized-delysined isoforms (pI 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3). The broad octameric mCK band disappeared and a narrow band focused at pI 6.8–6.9 appeared upon probable delysination of the mCKs. Thus, the number of lysine residues at the C-terminal of the octamer was concluded to be variable due to variable catalysis by carboxypeptidase N in the plasma. mCKs seemed to be inactivated during conversion from a membrane-bound form to dimeric oxidized-delysined forms via the octameric, dimeric reduced and oxidized forms.  相似文献   

A method is described which allows the simultaneous separation of all polymorphic protein fractions in cow's milk in one single run. The separation could be achieved by isoelectric focusing in ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gels. The method is especially suitable for screening purposes because it combines low costs, high resolution and short separation time.  相似文献   

Using a direct PCR sequencing technique, we have identified two DNA base substitutions in 8 different biochemical G6PD variants of Chinese origin. Neither one of these abnormalities has been reported in other ethnic groups. An abnormality (C1) of G to T substitution at cDNA 1376 causing an amino acid change from Arg to Leu has been found in 3 variants. Another abnormality (C2) of G to A substitution at cDNA 1388 causing an amino acid change from Arg to His has been found in 5 variants. Both C1 and C2 are located in exon 12 of the G6PD gene and are only 12 base pairs apart. However, C1 is associated with a significant increase in the deamino-NADP utilization rate, whereas C2 is not. Taken together, our data suggest that C1 and C2 are very common among Chinese with a G6PD deficiency and exon 12 may define an important functional domain of the human G6PD.  相似文献   

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