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Singh A  Sood N  Chauhan UK  Mohindra V 《Gene》2012,502(1):53-59
A normalized cDNA library from spleen of Indian catfish, Clarias batrachus, was constructed with a redundancy factor of 2.29. A total of 2045 clones from the library were single-pass sequenced, which generated 1937 high quality ESTs with an average read length of approximately 700 bp. Based on sequence similarities, 65 ESTs were found to be associated with immune functions, which were mainly associated with response to stress, response to chemical stimulus, cellular response to stimulus, response to external stimulus, immune response and regulation of response to stimulus. The immune-relevant gene for CD141, thrombomodulin, has been identified in Teleosts for the first time. Six EST-SSRs and three SNPs were found associated with eight immune-relevant genes. These markers associated with important immune genes would be useful for the identification of trait associated alleles for marker-assisted selection. The identification of the putative immune-related genes provides a meaningful framework to understand the Indian catfish immune system and defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Catfishes are commercially important fish for both the fisheries and aquaculture industry. Clarias batrachus, an Indian catfish species is economically important owing to its high demand. A normalized cDNA library was constructed from spleen of the Indian catfish to identify genes associated with immune function. One thousand nine hundred thirty seven ESTs were submitted to the GenBank with an average read length of approximately 700 bp. Clustering analysis of ESTs yielded 1,698 unique sequences, including 184 contigs and 1,514 singletons. Significant homology to known genes was found by homology searches against data in GenBank in 576 (34 %) ESTs, including similarity to functionally annotated unigenes for 158 ESTs. Additionally, 433 ESTs revealed similarity to unigenes and ESTs in the dbEST but the remaining 658 EST sequences (39 %) did not match any sequence in GenBank. Of a total of 1,698 ESTs generated, 65 ESTs were found to be associated with immune functions. Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway analyses of C. batrachus ESTs collectively revealed a preponderance of immune relevant pathways apart from the presence of pathways involved in protein processing, localization, folding and protein degradation. This study constitutes first EST analysis of lymphoid organ in aquaculturally important Indian catfish species and could pave the way for further research of immune-related genes and functional genomics in this catfish.  相似文献   

The possible synthesis of citrulline, a rate limiting step for urea synthesis via the ornithine-urea cycle (OUC) in teleosts was tested both in the presence of ammonia and glutamine as nitrogen-donating substrates by the isolated liver mitochondria of ureogenic air-breathing walking catfish, C. batrachus. Both ammonia and glutamine could be used as nitrogen-donating substrates for the synthesis of citrulline by the isolated liver mitochondria, since the rate of citrulline synthesis was almost equal in presence of both the substrates. The citrulline synthesis by the isolated liver mitochondria requires succinate at a concentration of 0.1 mM as an energy source, and also requires the involvement of intramitochondrial carbonic anhydrase activity for supplying HCO3 as another substrate for citrulline synthesis. The rate of citrulline synthesis was further stimulated significantly by the isolated liver mitochondria of the fish after pre-exposure to 25 mM NH4Cl for 7 days. Due to possessing this biochemical adaptational strategy leading to the amelioration of ammonia toxicity mainly by channeling ammonia directly and/or via the formation of glutamine to the OUC, this air-breathing catfish could succeed in surviving in high external ammonia, which it faces in its natural habitat in certain seasons of the year.  相似文献   

Spontaneous testicular tumors, seminoma, were noticed in four male hybrid catfish (C. batrachus female x C. gariepinus male) after the age of two years. The hybrids showed massive abdominal swelling with catchectic body and free lobulated, encapsulated tumors (> 325 g) within the serosanguinous fluid-filled peritoneal cavities. The tumor cells were large and polyhedral with prominent centrally located nuclei. Other vital organs appeared normal. It seems to be the first report of seminoma in hybrid catfish and possibly of genetic cause.  相似文献   

Exposure of fish to alkaline conditions inhibits the rate of ammonia excretion, leading to ammonia accumulation and toxicity. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of ureogenesis via the urea cycle, to avoid the accumulation of ammonia to a toxic level during chronic exposure to alkaline conditions, for the air-breathing walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, where a full complement of urea cycle enzyme activity has been documented. The walking catfish can survive in water with a pH up to 10. At a pH of 10 the ammonia excretion rate by the walking catfish decreased by approximately 75% within 6 h. Although there was a gradual improvement of ammonia excretion rate by the alkaline-exposed fish, the rate remained 50% lower, even after 7 days. This decrease of ammonia excretion was accompanied by a significant accumulation of ammonia in plasma and body tissues (except in the brain). Urea-N excretion for alkaline-exposed fish increased 2.5-fold within the first day, which was maintained until day 3 and was then followed by a slight decrease to maintain a 2-fold increase in the urea-N excretion rate, even after 7 days. There was also a higher accumulation of urea in plasma and other body tissues (liver, kidney, muscle and brain). The activity of glutamine synthetase and three enzymes operating in the urea cycle (carbamyl phosphate synthetase, argininosuccinate synthetase, argininosuccinate lyase) increased significantly in hepatic and extra-hepatic tissue, such as the kidney and muscle in C. batrachus, during exposure to alkaline water. A significant increase in plasma lactate concentration noticed during alkaline exposure possibly helped in the maintenance of the acid-base balance. It is apparent that the stimulation of ureogenesis via the induced urea cycle is one of the major physiological strategies adopted by the walking catfish (C. batrachus) during chronic exposure to alkaline water, to avoid the in vivo accumulation of ammonia to a toxic level in body tissues and for the maintenance of pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

Abstract In the duplex retina of the catfish Clarias batrachus(Linnaeus, 1758), the apical processes of the pigment epithelial cells have been found by transmission electron microscopy to be in intimate contact with the calycal processes around the basal portion of the photoreceptor outer segments. It is hypothesized that the retinal pigment epithelium effectively transports synthesized products and metabolites to the photoreceptor inner segments via the anatomical zone of the apical–calycal processes interface in this species.  相似文献   

Hemolytic anemia accompanied by changes in the immunology system is one of the sulfide intoxication harmful effects on Hoplosternum littorale. Hematological parameters are considered as effective indicators of stress caused by this hydrogen sulfide. During sulfide exposure, H. littorale neither alters the methemoglobin concentration nor forms sulfhemoglobin in the presence of high levels of dissolved sulfide in the water. Cytochrome c oxidase shows little activity in the gills and blood of H. littorale when exposed to sulfide. Alternative metabolic routes are suggested through which the accumulation of pyruvate leads to the formation of an end product other than lactate.  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been used to study the morphology of the accessory air-breathing organs of the catfish Clarias batrachus . Although the gross morphology of the dendritic organs, the fan organs and the membrane lining the supra-branchial chambers differ, the nature of the respiratory surfaces are similar. The gaseous exchange surfaces of all three organs consist of double rows of paired lamellae, a feature strongly indicative of their common origin from the gills. The surfaces of the epithelial cells from the respiratory organs were seen to have numerous small projections consisting of microvilli and short microridges. This is in contrast to the concentric whorls of micro-ridges on the surface of cells from the interlamella regions of these organs.  相似文献   

Exposure of perfused liver of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) to hypotonicity (-80 mOsmol/L) caused swelling of liver cells as evidenced by the increase in liver mass by 11.5%, and inhibition of [(3)H]leucine release (as a measure of proteolysis) by 37% from the radiolabeled perfused liver. Whereas, exposure of perfused liver to hypertonicity (+80 mOsmol/L) caused shrinkage of liver cells as evidenced by the decrease in liver mass by 10.4%, and stimulation of [(3)H]leucine release by 24%. Infusion of amino acids such as glutamine plus glycine (2 mM each) also caused increase in liver cell volume as evidenced by the increase in liver mass by 8.9%, and inhibition of [(3)H]leucine release by 29%. Adjustment of anisotonicity of the media without changing the NaCl concentration in the media had almost similar effects on proteolysis in the perfused liver. A direct correlation of cell volume changes or hydration status of liver cells with that of proteolysis was observed in the perfused liver regardless of whether the cell volume increase/decrease was evoked by anisotonic perfusion media or by the addition of amino acids. Thus, it appears that the increase/decrease in hepatic cell volume could be one of the important modulators for adjusting the autophagic proteolysis in walking catfish probably to avoid the adverse affects of osmotically induced cell volume changes, to preserve the hepatic cell function and for proper energy supply under osmotic stress. This is the first report of cell volume-sensitive changes of autophagic proteolysis in hepatic cells of any teleosts.  相似文献   

Using the scanning electron microscope, the gills of the air-breathing catfish, Clarias batrachus , have been studied. The overall morphology of the gills are similar to other teleosts. In contrast to water-breathing species, however, microridges are absent from the surfaces of the secondary lamellae and only short microvilli are present. Long, convoluted microridges are present on the epithelial cells of the gill filaments. The possible roles of these structures in relation to water flow are discussed.  相似文献   

The retina of the catfish Clarias butrachus (L.), supposed to possess an all-rod retina, is found on re-investigation to contain both rods and cones. The retina is characterized by a prominent tapetum and multiple optic papillae.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess the toxicity of acid alone and two different sublethal concentrations of aluminium, (25% and 75% dose of 96 hr LC50 value in acidified soft water of pH 5) on red blood cells of a stenohaline catfish, C. batrachus for an acute exposure of 5 days. The scanning electron microscopic studies on all the three treated groups revealed several kinds of erythrocyte alterations and modifications with abnormal morphology. These included abnormal surface-wrinkling accompanied with excessive roughness on the membrane, erythrocytes with surface granulation in higher dose and finally the appearance of morphologically abnormal forms, the codocyte (target cell) and the stomatocyte. The results suggest that abnormality in the shape of erythrocytes could be linked to altered surface membrane area to volume ratio, decrease in cytoplasmic volume owing to reduced Hb content or increase in the amount of water content within the cell resulting from osmotic disequilibrium. In this context, the abnormal surface membrane morphology could be attributed to cytoskeleton fragility and defects in structural proteins. Further, the acid group exhibited a striking behavior of cellular adhesion and bonding to adjoining cell surfaces, culminating in several bunches which thereby reduces the surface area for gaseous exchange and could produce blocking effect while flowing through microcirculation.  相似文献   

The air-breathing ureogenic walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) faces various environmental constraints throughout the year leading to the problem of accumulation of toxic ammonia. In the present study, the possible role of conversion of accumulated ammonia to various non-essential free amino acids (FAAs) was tested in this fish under hyper-ammonia stress caused by exposing the fish at 25 mM NH(4)Cl for 7 days. Significant accumulation of ammonia of approximately two- to threefold was observed in different tissues (except in the brain), which was accompanied with the significant accumulation of non-essential FAAs in the NH(4)Cl-exposed fish. There was approximately two- to threefold increase of non-essential FAAs in different tissues and in the plasma of the NH(4)Cl-exposed fish compared to the control fish after 7 days of exposure, which was mainly attributable to the increase of Asp, Ala, Gly, Glu, Gln and taurine (Tau) concentrations in general, with certain tissue-specific variations. This was also accompanied with significant increase of activity of certain amino acid metabolism-related enzymes such as the glutamine synthetase (approx. two- to threefold), glutamate dehydrogenase (ammonia utilizing direction) (approx. twofold), aspartate and alanine aminotransaminases (approx. twofold) mainly in the liver, kidney and muscle of the NH(4)Cl-exposed fish. Thus, it appears that the walking catfish has the capacity of active conversion of accumulated ammonia to non-essential FAAs under condition of high concentrations of external ammonia. However, the increase of urea excretion rate due to active conversion of ammonia to urea via the induced urea cycle appears to be quantitatively much more important pathway than the increase of tissue levels of FAAs in dealing with a severe ammonia load.  相似文献   

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