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L-精氨酸生物合成机制及其代谢工程育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
L-精氨酸是人体半必需的氨基酸,在生命代谢过程中起着非常重要的作用,且具有广泛的应用价值及市场需求。目前,L-精氨酸主要采用微生物发酵法进行生产,为了提高L-精氨酸的产量和稳定性,最有效的方法是优化L-精氨酸生产菌株,通过代谢工程改造微生物菌株有望达到这一目的。本文分析了微生物中L-精氨酸的代谢途径和调控机制,并综述了构建高产L-精氨酸的代谢工程策略。此外,展望了菌株稳定性和底物扩展利用的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

乳酸是自然界中最小的手性分子,广泛应用于食品、医药和化工等领域,同时也是合成生物可降解塑料——聚乳酸的前体。目前,化学合成法和微生物发酵法是生产乳酸的两种主要方法,而后者在底物的可再生性、产物光学纯度和环境友好等方面均具有潜在优势。自然界中许多微生物细胞都能合成和积累乳酸,如大肠杆菌、酿酒酵母和乳酸菌等。与乳酸菌、芽胞乳杆菌和谷氨酸棒状杆菌等乳酸生产菌株相比,大肠杆菌具有生长速度快、营养要求简单、易于高密度发酵、代谢网络清楚、遗传操作方法成熟和产物乳酸光学纯度高等优势。本文中,笔者介绍了乳酸的研究现状及其在工业生产领域中的作用,系统综述了国内外通过代谢工程改造大肠杆菌生产乳酸的研究进展,在此基础上展望了乳酸生产研究的发展方向,以期为其工业应用提供参考。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)作为最简单的真核模式生物被广泛应用于生命科学的各项研究中。目前,大多数天然产物的主要生产途径是从原材料中直接提取,该方法效率较低,同时消耗了大量的生物资源,已逐渐被新兴的合成生物学方法所取代。其中通过改造酿酒酵母自身的代谢途径并加入异源代谢途径生产目标天然产物已成为一种高效的资源获取途径。通过对外源基因启动子的优化及改造,调控外源基因在宿主中的表达水平,从而协调宿主自身代谢途径,定向合成目的代谢产物是酵母合成生物学和代谢工程的研究热点。从构建酿酒酵母合成天然产物过程中启动子结构、类型及优化表达的方法进行了综述,为相关研究者利用酿酒酵母作为底盘细胞进行合成生物学的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

L-乳酸的发酵生产和聚L-乳酸的化学加工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L-乳酸广泛应用于食品、医药、日化和工业等各个领域。近年来随着石化资源的不断紧缺,众多化学合成的高分子材料的生产受到了限制。以生物质资源为基础的L-乳酸因此被大量用于加工生产成聚L-乳酸等环境友好型生物可降解材料。正是由于L-乳酸需求量的增大,如何高效低成本地生产L-乳酸显得尤为重要。系统综述了L-乳酸生产菌株的选育,用于L-乳酸发酵生产的廉价资源的开发利用,L-乳酸的发酵生产和L-乳酸的分离纯化等方面的研究进展。目前研究的热点和难点正是基于上述四个部分:菌种方面,以可以高效代谢利用廉价底物,且营养需求低的选育目标获得了多个优良的生产菌种,然而具备综合代谢优势的菌种还有待进一步选育;发酵底物方面,已开发利用多种廉价,来源丰富且易于菌种代谢并高效转化成乳酸的底物,但是对这些底物工业规模应用还有待进一步研究;发酵工艺方面,建立了环境友好型,劳动强度低的发酵工艺,然而实际应用中仍然存在成本高的问题;后提取方面,通过选育低营养需求的生产菌种和采用新型发酵工艺有效地简化了后提取过程,但是实际应用方面仍受发酵工艺成本高的制约。最后对聚L-乳酸的化学加工以及聚L-乳酸的生物降解进行了探讨并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

充分利用木质纤维素中的糖分是提高以此类生物质为原料生产二代燃料乙醇经济盈利性的基本要求,也是实现其他生物基化学品规模化生产的基础。传统的乙醇生产微生物酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae具有独特的生产性能及内在优势,是备受关注的底盘细胞,但其不能有效地利用戊糖。利用代谢工程、合成生物学策略,对二代燃料乙醇生产专用酿酒酵母的精准构制持续研究了30余年,已明显改善了其对木糖/葡萄糖的乙醇共发酵能力。近年来关注点集中在早期忽略的限速步骤即糖转运环节的研究上,以期实现不同糖分各行其道、高效专一性转运蛋白各行其责的二代燃料乙醇生产特种酿酒酵母所需的糖转运理想状态。文中主要综述了酿酒酵母戊糖转运蛋白的研究进展,及酿酒酵母的木糖和L-阿拉伯糖代谢工程的研究现状。  相似文献   

构建高产高附加值产品的微生物细胞工厂是代谢工程的研究目标之一,设计高效的产品合成途径是实现这一目标的重要方式.不同微生物底盘因其代谢能力有所差异,故而可以利用的底物和生产的产品范围有限.为了扩大其生产能力,需要进行代谢途径从无到有的设计.传统代谢工程基于经验进行异源途径设计的方式低效且无法确保结果的全面性,而系统生物学...  相似文献   

植物萜类化合物是以异戊二烯为结构单位的一大类植物天然的次生代谢产物。D-柠檬烯属于单萜类化合物,由于它具有抑菌、增香、抗癌、止咳、平喘等多种功能,已被广泛应用于食品、香料、医疗等行业。目前D-柠檬烯的工业生产主要是从植物的果皮或者果肉中提取的,但提取方法存在着分离纯化复杂、产率低、能耗大等缺点。而本世纪初合成生物学技术的兴起,为微生物异源合成天然活性化合物带来了全新的理念与工具,打破了物种间的界限,使微生物异源合成D-柠檬烯成为现实。构建定向、高效的异源合成D-柠檬烯的微生物细胞工厂,实现微生物发酵法替换传统的植物提取法,具有重要的经济与社会效益。本文主要回顾了近几年利用代谢工程改造酿酒酵母异源合成萜类化合物取得的成就,阐述了以酿酒酵母作为底盘微生物,利用代谢工程和合成生物学的手段构建高产D-柠檬烯的合成策略。  相似文献   

利用大肠杆菌工程菌廉价高效生产聚羟基丁酸酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用大肠杆菌生产聚羟基脂肪酸酯是近来国际上生物可降解塑料的研究热点,本研究通过对适宜于聚羟基脂肪酸酯生产的大肠杆菌菌株的选择和碳源利用试验,初步确立了大肠杆菌代谢工程改造生产聚羟基脂肪酸酯的基础。并在此基础上,通过对大肠杆菌磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸葡萄糖转移酶系统的改造和工程菌环境诱导系统的应用,解决了大肠杆菌工程菌无法同时利用多种碳源合成聚羟基脂肪酸酯的难题。发酵试验证明,工程化改造的大肠杆菌利用廉价底物在5L发酵罐中分批培养32h后,菌体终浓度能够达到8.24g/L,聚羟基脂肪酸酯占细胞干重的84.6%。  相似文献   

Chen XZ  Shen W  Fan Y  Wang ZX 《遗传》2011,33(10):1067-1078
丝状真菌不仅是传统发酵工业中抗生素、酶制剂和有机酸的主要生产者,而且也是代谢工程育种中异源蛋白表达的重要细胞工厂。丝状真菌的遗传修饰和代谢工程研究是现代工业生物技术领域最具活力的研究方向之一。特别是与细菌和酵母相比,丝状真菌在细胞生长、营养需求、环境适应性、翻译后修饰、蛋白分泌能力和生物安全性等方面具有显著的优势。文章综述了丝状真菌作为异源蛋白表达系统在基因组学技术研究和代谢工程研究方面的最新进展。作者在分析丝状真菌基因组结构、特点的基础上,阐述了比较基因组学、蛋白质组学、转录组学和代谢组学等对丝状真菌的代谢途径重构、新型蛋白挖掘和代谢工程育种中的作用和意义。另一方面,作者分析了丝状真菌在表达外源蛋白时遇到的瓶颈问题,总结了丝状真菌代谢工程育种中的常用策略包括异源基因的融合表达、反义核酸技术、蛋白分泌途径改造、密码子优化和蛋白酶缺陷宿主的选育等技术和手段。最后,对该领域的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

甲醇酵母由于独特优点被认为是绿色生物制造的潜在宿主。特别是其天然甲醇利用性能有望建立甲醇生物转化路线,拓展生物炼制底物,具有重要经济价值和环保意义。文中综述了代谢工程改造甲醇酵母合成蛋白质和化学品的最新研究进展,并比较了其与模式生物酿酒酵母作为细胞工厂的优缺点。随后,分析了甲醇酵母代谢工程改造面临的挑战,并展望了潜在解决方案。随着基因操作工具开发和细胞代谢阐释,甲醇酵母将在未来绿色生物制造发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

The high price of petroleum-based diesel fuel has led to the development of alternative fuels, such as ethanol. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was metabolically engineered to utilize glycerol as a substrate for ethanol production. For the synthesis of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) by engineered S. cerevisiae that utilize glycerol as substrate, heterologous expression of an unspecific acyltransferase from Acinetobacter baylyi with glycerol utilizing genes was established. As a result, the engineered YPH499 (pGcyaDak, pGupWs-DgaTCas) strain produced 0.24 g/L FAEEs using endogenous ethanol produced from glycerol. And this study also demonstrated the possibility of increasing FAEE production by enhancing ethanol production by minimizing the synthesis of glycerol. The overall FAEE production in strain YPH499 fps1Δ gpd2Δ (pGcyaDak, pGupWs-DgaTCas) was 2.1-fold more than in YPH499 (pGcyaDak, pGupWs-DgaTCas), with approximately 0.52 g/L FAEEs produced, while nearly 17 g/L of glycerol was consumed. These results clearly indicated that FAEEs were synthesized in engineered S. cerevisiae by esterifying exogenous fatty acids with endogenously produced ethanol from glycerol. This microbial system acts as a platform in applying metabolic engineering that allows the production of FAEEs from cheap and abundant substrates specifically glycerol through the use of endogenous bioethanol.  相似文献   

The possibility of using waste Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris) as a substrate for microbial biomass production was investigated. The juice from waste Chinese cabbage contains relatively high amounts of reducing sugars suitable for yeast culture. The cell mass and protein content of four species of yeast, Candida utilis, Pichia stipitis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were determined when cultured in juice extracted from cabbage waste. Compared to YM broth containing the same level of sugar, all the strains except C. utilis showed higher total protein production in cabbage juice medium (CJM).  相似文献   

A model of broth pH has been established based upon the mineral requirements of the microorganism, the substrate consumption and the metabolites production. It has been tested on acetic acid, citric acid and yeast fermentations. It has then been used to predict the mineral composition of the feed for fedbatch growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

单萜类化合物在食品、医药和工业等领域有重要的应用,具有可观的经济价值.随着合成生物学的日益发展,利用微生物作为细胞工厂合成单萜类化合物成为时下的研究热点.酿酒酵母是真核生物表达的模式菌株,其甲羟戊酸途径为单萜类化合物的合成提供直接前体,因此在酿酒酵母中构建异源单萜类化合物合成途径有较大优势.本文介绍了酿酒酵母细胞中异源单萜类化合物合成途径的构建.从甲羟戊酸途径代谢通量调控机制和融合酶调控酶催化反应效率两方面概述了酿酒酵母异源合成单萜类化合物的研究进展.  相似文献   

We aimed to manipulate the metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce lactic acid and search for the potential influence of acid transport across the plasma membrane in this process. Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-1A is able to use l-lactic acid but its production in our laboratory has not previously been detected. When the l-LDH gene from Lactobacillus casei was expressed in S.?cerevisiae W303-1A and in the isogenic mutants jen1?, ady2? and jen1? ady2?, all strains were able to produce lactic acid, but higher titres were achieved in the mutant strains. In strains constitutively expressing both LDH and JEN1 or ADY2, a higher external lactic acid concentration was found when glucose was present in the medium, but when glucose was exhausted, its consumption was more pronounced. These results demonstrate that expression of monocarboxylate permeases influences lactic acid production. Ady2 has been previously characterized as an acetate permease but our results demonstrated its additional role in lactate uptake. Overall, we demonstrate that monocarboxylate transporters Jen1 and Ady2 are modulators of lactic acid production and may well be used to manipulate lactic acid export in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Comparative study of alcohol dehydrogenase activity in flor yeast extracts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The highest activities of alcohol dehydrogenase were obtained when flor yeasts were grown on L-lactic acid as the main carbon source. The strains with the lowest average of alcohol dehydrogenase activities, grown on glucose and ethanol, make up the velum on wines during the early stages ageing. One of the strains studied ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae, M10) may be a suitable source from which to isolate this enzyme (32 units of activity per mg protein).  相似文献   

香紫苏醇是一种来源于植物的双环二萜醇,常用于香味成分且具有重要生物学活性。为实现香紫苏醇的微生物生产,以酿酒酵母为宿主,表达焦磷酸赖百当烯二醇酯合酶和香紫苏醇合酶,构建香紫苏醇的人工生物合成途径。发现过表达前体代谢关键酶、蛋白质融合增强底物通道效应及去除异源蛋白信号肽等,有利于香紫苏醇合成。在摇瓶培养条件下,组合优化得到的工程菌株S6的香紫苏醇产量达到8.96 mg/L。研究结果对其他萜类化合物的异源生物合成具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Huang B  Guo J  Yi B  Yu X  Sun L  Chen W 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(7):1121-1137
Heterologous expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of various products is of increasing interest in biotechnology and in drug research and development. Microbial cells are most appropriate for this purpose. Availability of more microbial genomic sequences in recent years has greatly facilitated the elucidation of metabolic and regulatory networks and helped gain overproduction of desired metabolites or create novel production of commercially important compounds. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as one of the most intensely studied eukaryotic model organisms with a rich density of knowledge detailing its genetics, biochemistry, physiology, and large-scale fermentation performance, can be capitalized upon to enable a substantial increase in the industrial application of this yeast. In this review, we describe recent efforts made to produce commercial secondary metabolites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as pharmaceuticals. As natural products are increasingly becoming the center of attention of the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, such as naringenin, coumarate, artemisinin, taxol, amorphadiene and vitamin C, the use of S. cerevisiae for their production is only expected to expand in the future, further allowing the biosynthesis of novel molecular structures with unique properties.  相似文献   

Yu B  Su F  Wang L  Zhao B  Qin J  Ma C  Xu P  Ma Y 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(24):7013-7014
Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a type of probiotic bacteria with industrial potential for L-lactic acid production. We announce the draft genome sequence of L. rhamnosus CASL (2,855,156 bp with a G+C content of 46.6%), which is an efficient producer of L-lactic acid from cheap, nonfood substrate cassava with a high production titer.  相似文献   

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