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Social aggression is a pervasive feature of insect societies. In eusocial Hymenoptera, aggression among females can affect task performance and competition over direct reproduction (egg laying); in most species males participate in social interactions relatively rarely. Males of the independent-founding paper wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus are exceptional: they are aggressive toward female nestmates, leading us to explore the function of this unusual behavior. We applied social network analyses to data on M. mastigophorus social aggression to quantify sex differences in giving and receiving social aggression. The network analyses supported the pattern of biased male aggression toward female nestmates; females are relatively rarely aggressive to males. We then asked whether male aggression toward females was biased by females’ relative ovary development. Males were more aggressive toward females with better-developed ovaries, opposite to patterns of aggression among females. Because food brought to the colonies is often monopolized by dominant females, we suggest that males direct aggression toward socially dominant females with better-developed ovaries to obtain food. The implications of biased male aggression for female task performance and physiology are unknown.


Social interactions can have profound effects on reproduction and the proximate mechanisms involved are just beginning to be understood. Lythrypnus dalli, the bluebanded goby, is an ideal organism for analyzing the dynamics of socially controlled sex change both in the laboratory and field. As with most research species, the majority of its behavioural and physiologic study has been performed in the laboratory. The goal of our study was to induce sex change of L. dalli in a more natural environment and compare field dynamics with our laboratory-based model. Groups of L. dalli, composed of one large male and three females of varying sizes, were introduced into artificial habitats in the field. After male removal, the dominant, largest female underwent protogynous sex change in the majority of the groups. Within 15 days, 9 of 15 of the dominant females (focal fish) successfully fertilized eggs as males, compared to 13 of 17 in the laboratory. Focal fish displayed the distinctive temporal sequence of behaviour changes consisting of a dominance, quiescent, and courtship phase. In addition, focal fish had gonads, genital papillae, and accessory gonadal structures with morphology in between that of females and males. Those fish that fertilized eggs had this transitional morphology, but were functionally male. Steroids of focal fish were assayed by water sample, and morning samples of free 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) positively correlated with the percent of male tissue in the gonad, with the size of the accessory gonadal structure but not the genitalia (genital papilla), and with aggressive displacement behaviour on the last day before the fish were sacrificed. These morphological, physiological, and behavioural patterns parallel those seen in the laboratory. Lower rates of behaviour and the dramatic effects of ambient temperature in the field provide insights as to how the environmental context modifies the behaviour and, subsequently, the reproductive function of individuals within a social group.  相似文献   

1. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, effects of opiate receptor antagonist naloxone, 9 or 30 microg per animal, on aggressive behavior were investigated. 2. Naloxone had no significant impact on aggression of isolated and dominant males. In contrast, the drug caused a dramatic release of social aggression in female and subordinate male crickets. 3. The results suggest that activity of the opioid system contributes to suppress aggression in subordinate males, as well as in females, during social contacts.  相似文献   

Territorial aggression is influenced by many social and environmental factors. Since aggression is a costly behavior, individuals should account for multiple factors such as population density or reproductive status before engaging in aggression. Previous work has shown that male California mice (Peromyscus californicus) respond to winning aggressive encounters by initiating aggression more quickly in future encounters, and we investigated the physiological basis for this effect. We found that injections that produced a transient increase in testosterone (T) following an aggressive encounter caused males to behave more aggressively in an encounter the following day. Experience alone was not enough to change aggression, as males treated with saline injections showed no change in aggression. The effect of T injections on aggression was androgen-based, as the inhibition of aromatase did not block the T injections from increasing aggression. Aromatase inhibition did, however, increase aggression in the initial aggression tests (before application of T or saline injections), and aromatase activity in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) was negatively correlated with aggression. A previous study suggested that aromatase activity in the BNST decreases after males become fathers. Thus, distinct neuroendocrine mechanisms allow male California mice to adjust aggressive behavior in response to changes in social and reproductive status.  相似文献   

In highly social species, dominant individuals often monopolize reproduction, resulting in reproductive investment that is status dependent. Yet, for subordinates, who typically invest less in reproduction, social status can change and opportunities to ascend to dominant social positions are presented suddenly, requiring abrupt changes in behaviour and physiology. In this study, we examined male reproductive anatomy, physiology and behaviour following experimental manipulations of social status in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. This unusual fish species lives in permanent social groups composed of a dominant breeding pair and 1-20 subordinates that form a linear social dominance hierarchy. By removing male breeders, we created 18 breeding vacancies and thus provided an opportunity for subordinate males to ascend in status. Dominant females play an important role in regulating status change, as males successfully ascended to breeder status only when they were slightly larger than the female breeder in their social group. Ascending males rapidly assumed behavioural dominance, demonstrated elevated gonadal investment and androgen concentrations compared with males remaining socially subordinate. Interestingly, to increase gonadal investment ascending males appeared to temporarily restrain somatic growth. These results highlight the complex interactions between social status, reproductive physiology and group dynamics, and underscore a convergent pattern of reproductive investment among highly social, cooperative species.  相似文献   

Six adult male rhesus monkeys were introduced individually to an all-female group for 10 days during the mating season. The initial aggressive responses of the females were rapidly replaced by positive social behaviour, and each male achieved alpha status and had access to social and sexual partners. A repetition of this paradigm in the non-breeding season produced significantly more female aggression, and no male attained high rank or engaged in sexual or other social behaviour. Male testosterone levels rose following introduction to the females in both seasons, but were significantly higher during the breeding season. Hormonal levels following removal from the females suggest a complex interplay between social, sexual and seasonal variables and recent social experiences. The differences in female social behaviour with newly introduced males, as a function of season, suggest an explanation for the seasonal limitation of male troop transfers.  相似文献   

Cortisol excretion in males of group living species is often associated with social rank and competition for oestrous females. Rank-related patterns of cortisol levels can be used to study mechanisms of rank maintenance and costs associated with mate competition. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) are interesting because males form a linear dominance hierarchy but are not dominant over females and therefore aggressive male-male competition over access to females alone is not considered to be a successful reproductive strategy. In this study on social correlates of urinary cortisol in wild male bonobos, we investigated the relationship between cortisol levels and several aspects of mate competition, including male rank, aggression rates, and association time with oestrous females. We found that cortisol levels correlated positively with dominance rank when oestrous females were present, but not when they were absent. This result is consistent with the idea that aggressive behaviour plays a minor role in maintenance of high rank. While aggression received from males and females explained within-individual variation in cortisol levels, it was the time spent in association with oestrous females that best explained between-individual variation in male cortisol levels. The observed increase in male cortisol may be associated with spatial proximity to oestrous females and could result from anticipated aggression from other group members, reduced feeding time in the males, or a combination of both.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aggressive behaviour occurring in intrasexual competition is an important trait for animal fitness. Although female intrasexual aggression is reported in several insect species, little is known about female competition and aggressive interactions in polygynous male lekking species. The interactions of female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (a male lekking species), with other females and mating pairs under laboratory conditions are investigated. Mature, unmated (virgin) females are aggressive against each other and against mating pairs, whereas immature females are not. Female aggression against other females decreases dramatically after mating; however, mated females maintain aggression against mating pairs. In addition, higher intrasexual aggression rates are observed for mature, virgin females than for virgin males of the same age. The results show that female aggressiveness is virginity related, suggesting female competition for mates. These findings have important implications for understanding the physiological aspects of a complex social behaviour such as aggression and should stimulate further research on female agonistic behaviour in male lekking mating systems.  相似文献   

In previous research, male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were found to be more ‘conciliatory’ than females, in that after aggressive incidents males more often engaged in socially positive contact with former opponents. The first part of the present paper presents similar results for a large breeding troop of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). To investigate further the possible sex difference in postconflict behaviour, a series of experiments was carried out on small isosexual groups of young rhesus monkeys, three male and three female groups. Food competition was created by providing either a single apple piece (Monopoly test) or a handful of small pieces (Equality test). Observations lasted for 30 min, and behaviour in tests without food provisioning was also recorded. The predicted response to food was an increase in aggression followed by restorative behaviour, such as grooming. In Equality tests both sexes showed similar responses, i.e. increased aggression and decreased grooming and cohesiveness. In Monopoly tests, however, their responses differed. After the aggression increase, which occurred in all groups, males showed a significant increase in grooming and cohesiveness, whereas females showed the (non-significant) opposite trend. Another sex difference was that changes in grooming and aggression frequencies were related to the rank order in female groups, but not in male groups. Since there was no evidence for a direct causal connection between grooming and aggression, a new model is introduced which links grooming behaviour to the type of food provision rather than to the social disturbance by aggression. According to this model inequality in food distribution causes social tensions. Males actively try to reduce these tensions, whereas females do not. Some alternative explanations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Extensive research has focused on territorial aggression during the breeding season and the roles of circulating testosterone (T) and its conversion to 17beta-oestradiol (E2) in the brain. However, many species also defend territories in the non-breeding season, when circulating T-levels are low. The endocrine control of non-breeding territoriality is poorly understood. The male song sparrow of Washington State is highly territorial year-round, but plasma T is basal in the non-breeding season (autumn and winter). Castration has no effect on aggression in autumn, suggesting that autumnal territoriality is independent of gonadal hormones. However, non-gonadal sex steroids may regulate winter territoriality (e.g. oestrogen synthesis by brain aromatase). In this field experiment, we treated wild non-breeding male song sparrows with a specific aromatase inhibitor (fadrozole, FAD) using micro-osmotic pumps. FAD greatly reduced several aggressive behaviours. The effects of FAD were reversed by E2 replacement. Treatment did not affect body condition or plasma corticosterone, suggesting that all subjects were healthy These data indicate that E2 regulates male aggression in the non-breeding season and challenge the common belief that aggression in the non-breeding season is independent of sex steroids. More generally, these results raise fundamental questions about how sexual and/or aggressive behaviours are maintained in a variety of model vertebrate species despite low circulating levels of sex steroids or despite castration. Such non-classical endocrine mechanisms may be common among vertebrates and play an important role in the regulation of behaviour.  相似文献   

Study on Social Interactions between Male and Female Genets (Genetta genetta L.): Relations between Scent Marking and Aggression The aim of this work was to study the relations between marking behaviour and aggression in genets (Genetta genetta L.). Observations on social interactions were made on a socially stable pair and during encounters between unfamiliar pairs. In the first case, there appeared to be a relationship between marking activity in the male and aggression. During aggression periods, marking with the ano-urogenital region increased in the male and decreased in the female. Another striking variation concerned flank rubbing and hindleg rubbing. In both male and female these marking frequencies increased significantly during aggression periods and flank rubbing was modified by visual cues. Data recorded during encounters between unfamiliar pairs (one male being introduced in a female's cage) showed that agonistic behaviours were released through visual cues in females and olfactory cues in males. The same changes in marking frequencies were observed. These results also showed that ano-urogenital marking was inhibited in females during aggression periods. The adaptative significance of these phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

Serotonin is widely believed to exert inhibitory control over aggressive behavior and intent. In addition, a number of studies of fish, reptiles, and mammals, including the lizard Anolis carolinensis, have demonstrated that serotonergic activity is stimulated by aggressive social interaction in both dominant and subordinate males. As serotonergic activity does not appear to inhibit agonistic behavior during combative social interaction, we investigated the possibility that the negative correlation between serotonergic activity and aggression exists before aggressive behavior begins. To do this, putatively dominant and more aggressive males were determined by their speed overcoming stress (latency to feeding after capture) and their celerity to court females. Serotonergic activities before aggression are differentiated by social rank in a region-specific manner. Among aggressive males baseline serotonergic activity is lower in the septum, nucleus accumbens, striatum, medial amygdala, anterior hypothalamus, raphe, and locus ceruleus but not in the hippocampus, lateral amygdala, preoptic area, substantia nigra, or ventral tegmental area. However, in regions such as the nucleus accumbens, where low serotonergic activity may help promote aggression, agonistic behavior also stimulates the greatest rise in serotonergic activity among the most aggressive males, most likely as a result of the stress associated with social interaction.  相似文献   

Observations of the coral reef fish Anthias squamipinnis (Peters) suggest that the behavioural control of female-to-male sex reversal is more complex than a simple dependence on the presence or absence of a male or on simple aspects of aggression or aggressive dominance. When the behavioural interactions of all group members of small, bisexual social groups of this fish were examined before and after male removal, two behavioural features were identified as possible factors controlling the initiation of sex change: the profile for behaviours received from, and the percentage of rushes given to other group members. Males and females each showed characteristic profiles both for behaviours given and for behaviours received. On the basis of the behaviour-given profile I identified two types of female. Both types were capable of changing sex following the removal of the male. Two to four weeks were required by sex-reversing fish for the profiles for behaviour given to change to a completely male form. After male removal, the remaining females began to treat the sex-reversing fish as though she the behavioural and coloration changes of sex reversal in a female.  相似文献   

Testosterone is assumed to be the key hormone related to resource-defence aggression. While this role has been confirmed mostly in the context of reproduction in male vertebrates, the effect of testosterone on the expression of resource-defence aggression in female vertebrates is not so well established. Furthermore, laboratory work suggests that progesterone inhibits aggressive behaviour in females. In this study, we investigated the hormonal changes underlying territorial aggression in free-living female African black coucals, Centropus grillii (Aves; Cuculidae). Females of this sex-role reversed polyandrous bird species should be particularly prone to be affected by testosterone because they aggressively defend territories similar to males of other species. We show, however, that territorial aggression in female black coucals is modulated by progesterone. After aggressive territorial challenges female black coucals expressed lower levels of progesterone than unchallenged territorial females and females without territories, suggesting that progesterone may suppress territorial aggression and is downregulated during aggressive encounters. Indeed, females treated with physiological concentrations of progesterone were less aggressive than females with placebo implants. This is one of the first demonstrations of a corresponding hormone-behaviour interaction under challenged and experimental conditions in free-living females. We anticipate that our observation in a sex-role reversed species may provide a more general mechanism, by which progesterone--in interaction with testosterone--may regulate resource-defence aggression in female vertebrates.  相似文献   

Social insects are premier models for studying the evolution of self-organization in animal societies. Primitively social species may be informative about the early stages of social evolution and transitions in self-organization. Previous worker removal studies in Polistes instabilis paper wasps suggested that dominant but non-egglaying workers play an important role in regulating rates of task performance by inducing foraging in subordinates. We extend previous worker removal studies by quantifying changes in individuals’ behavior following removals, and by measuring associations between behavioral change and individuals’ reproductive capacity (ovary development). Workers changed their rates of aggressive behaviors more than queens following the dominant worker removals. Increases in worker’s rates of aggressive behaviors were correlated with decreases in their foraging rates. Changes in individual rates of social aggression were associated with their reproductive capacity: worker females with well-developed ovaries increased their rates of aggression. Further changes in rates of aggression after the dominant workers were returned also depended on ovary development. These patterns suggest that task performance and potential fecundity are linked in workers, and that worker interactions play a strong role in regulating task performance. We conclude that worker reproductive competition may have influenced the evolution of colony organization in social insects. Received 6 June 2008; revised 11 August 2008; accepted 12 August 2008.  相似文献   

Social environment can affect the expression of sex-typical behavior in both males and females. Males of the African cichlid species Astatotilapia burtoni have long served as a model system to study the neural, endocrine, and molecular basis of socially plastic dominance behavior. Here we show that in all-female communities of A. burtoni, some individuals acquire a male-typical dominance phenotype, including aggressive territorial defense, distinctive color patterns, and courtship behavior. Furthermore, dominant females have higher levels of circulating androgens than either subordinate females or females in mixed-sex communities. These male-typical traits do not involve sex change, nor do the social phenotypes in all-female communities differ in relative ovarian size, suggesting that factors other than gonadal physiology underlie much of the observed variation. In contrast to the well-studied situation in males, dominant and subordinate females do not differ in the rate of somatic growth. Dominant females are not any more likely than subordinates to spawn with an introduced male, although they do so sooner. These results extend the well known extraordinary behavioral plasticity of A. burtoni to the females of this species and provide a foundation for uncovering the neural and molecular basis of social dominance behavior while controlling for factors such as sex, gonadal state and growth.  相似文献   

Across taxa, individuals must respond to a dynamic social environment of challenges and opportunities on multiple biological levels, including behavior, hormone profiles, and gene expression. We investigated the response to a complex social environment including both territorial challenges and reproductive opportunities in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni (Burton's mouthbrooder), a species well-known for its phenotypic plasticity. Male A. burtoni are either socially dominant or subordinate and can transition between the two phenotypes. We used this transition to simultaneously study changes in aggression, reproductive behavior, testosterone and estradiol levels, gonadal histology, and testes expression of three genes involved in testosterone synthesis. We have found that males immediately become aggressive and increase testosterone levels when they become dominant in this paradigm of challenge and opportunity. Reproductive behavior and estradiol increase slightly later but are also up-regulated within 24h. Increases in steroid hormone levels are accompanied by an increase in expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), the rate-limiting enzyme during testosterone synthesis, as well as an increase in testis maturation as measured by histological organization. Reproductive behavior was found to correlate with female gravidity, suggesting that males were able to perceive reproductive opportunity. Our study demonstrates the rapid plasticity at multiple levels of biological organization that animals can display in response to changes in their complex social environment.  相似文献   

We recently reported (Michael & Zumpe: American Journal of Primatology 15:157–170, 1988) evidence for the hypothesis that copulations by pairs of rhesus monkeys are linked more closely to the ovulatory phase of the female's menstrual cycle when a male has access to several females in different cycle phases rather than access to females in the same cycle phase. We have now used data from this earlier study to assess the role of female dominance. Artificial menstrual cycles were induced with hormone injections in two of four ovariectomized females in eight social groups (each consisting of one male and four females). The artificial cycles were either synchronized or offset by 7-day increments. There were differences in the behavioral interactions of the higher-ranking (dominant) and lower-ranking (subordinate) hormone-treated females in each group. The amount of male sexual activity received by dominant and subordinate females differed little, but dominant females initiated significantly more sexual activity (P<.0001) than did subordinate females. Dominant females were significantly more aggressive (P<.0001) toward other females and received more direct and redirected aggression from males. Males generally initiated and maintained more social contacts with dominant than with subordinate females, and dominant females were less active than subordinates in initiating and maintaining social interactions with males. The findings provide new evidence for both female mate competition and mate choice by males for higher-ranking females.  相似文献   

Socially controlled sex change in teleosts is a dramatic example of adaptive reproductive plasticity. In many cases, the occurrence of sex change is triggered by a change in the social context, such as the disappearance of the dominant individual. The orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides is a typical protogynous hermaphrodite fish that changes sex from female to male and remains male throughout its life span. In this study, male-to-female sex reversal in male Epinephelus coioides was successfully induced by social isolation. The body length and mass, gonadal change, serum sex steroid hormone levels and sex-related gene expression patterns during the process of socially controlled male-to-female sex reversal in E. coioides were systematically examined. This report investigates the physiological mechanisms of the socially controlled male-to-female sex reversal process in a protogynous hermaphrodite grouper species. The results enable us to study the physiological control of sex change, not only from female to male, but also from male to female.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the hormonal responses of male macaques to sexually receptive females are mediated by specific socioenvironmental cues. Twelve, socially living male Macaca fascicularis were exposed to two-ovariectomized, estrogen-primed females under pair test, peer group, and peer group without dominant male conditions. Preexposure to postexposure changes in serum cortisol levels and testosterone levels were examined in relation to male dominance rank, age, and conditions of access to stimulus females. The males displayed significantly lower cortisol increases and greater testosterone increases with females under peer group than pair test conditions. Dominant males displayed greater testosterone increases than subordinate males under peer group conditions. The testosterone levels of subordinate males were greatly enhanced by removing the dominant male from each group. Adult males displayed greater cortisol responsivity to changes in conditions of access to females than did subadult males. Subadult males displayed greater testosterone responsivity to removal of the dominant male from the group than did adult males. It is concluded that specific social cues can greatly influence the endocrine responses of males to receptive females, and further, that there may be optimal socioenvironmental parameters for eliciting testosterone increases in male primates.  相似文献   

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