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Compared to research carried out on decapod crustaceans, the development of the visual system in representatives of the entomostracan crustaceans is poorly understood. However, the structural evolution of the arthropod visual system is an important topic in the new debate on arthropod relationships, and entomostracan crustaceans play a key role in this discussion. Hence, data on structure and ontogeny of the entomostracan visual system are likely to contribute new aspects to our understanding of arthropod phylogeny. Therefore, we explored the proliferation of neuronal stem cells (in vivo incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine) and the developmental expression of synaptic proteins (immunohistochemistry against synapsins) in the developing optic neuropils of the brine shrimp Artemia salina Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea, Entomostraca, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from hatching to adulthood. The morphology of the adult visual system was examined in serial sections of plastic embedded specimens. Our results indicate that the cellular material that gives rise to the visual system (compound eyes and two optic ganglia) is contributed by the mitotic activity of neuronal stem cells that are arranged in three band-shaped proliferation zones. Synapsin-like immunoreactivity in the lamina ganglionaris and the medulla externa initiated only after the anlagen of the compound eyes had already formed, suggesting that the emergence of the two optic neuropils lags behind the proliferative action of these stem cells. Neurogenesis in A. salina is compared to similar processes in malacostracan crustaceans and possible phylogenetic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The neuronal types and patterns in the visual system of the species Artemia salina and Daphina magna have been studied with the Golgi method and electron microscopy. The lamina contains five classes of neurons: photoreceptor axons, monopolar, centrifugal, tangential and amacrine neurons. The terminals of the receptor axons are distributed in two (A. salina) or three (D. magna) layers. The dilated terminals have an extensive and wide array of fine branches. One axon from each ommatidium bypasses the lamina and terminates in the medulla in A. salina. A. salina has four types of monopolar neurons, two of which are stratified, whereas in D. magna only two types are found, one of which is bistratified. Tangential T-neurons connect the lamina with the protocerebrum. D. magna has in addition one tangential T-neuron connecting both the lamina and the medulla with the protocerebrum. In both species monopolar-type centrifugal neurons connect the medulla and the lamina, whereas that of A. salina has a wide laminar distribution. Both species also have amacrine cells in the lamina. The medulla contains, besides those shared with the lamina, transmedullary neurons (two types in A. salina), amacrine cells and neurons originating in the protocerebrum.Cartridge-type synaptic compartments are lacking in the investigated species, although a periodic arrangement is discernible in the distal portion of the lamina of A. salina. The receptors from three types of specialized contacts in Artemia, one of which involves a dyad. D. magna has only one-to-one synapses. Neurosecretory fibres are absent in A. salina.The investigation was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (Grant No. 2760-009)  相似文献   

Brain morphology is an important character in the discussion of arthropod relationships. While a large body of literature is available on the brains of Hexapoda and Malacostraca, the structure of the brain has been rarely studied in representatives of the Entomostraca. This account examines the morphology and development of the nervous system in the brine shrimp Artemia salina Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) by classical histology and immunohistochemistry against synaptic proteins (synapsins), and the neurotransmitters serotonin and histamine. The results indicate that the shape of the developing larval brain in A. salina (a circumstomodeal ring of neuropil) closely resembles that in malacostracan embryos. Furthermore, the organization of the central complex as well as the tritocerebral innervation pattern of the labrum is homologous in this species and in Malacostraca. Nevertheless, differences exist in the layout of the deutocerebrum, specifically in the absence of olfactory glomeruli in A. salina while the glomerular organization of the olfactory lobe is a character in the ground pattern of Malacostraca. These findings are compared to the brain structure in other Euarthropoda and possible phylogenetic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Artemia has a remarkable genetic variability that can be expressed in various phenotypic characteristics, such as morphometry, growth rate, reproductive isolation or molecular composition. This study presents reproduction characteristics, survival rate and sex-ratio of four Artemia salina populations from Tunisia cultured under standard conditions. Results show that both low (17.8% and 30.6% in Megrine saltwork and Sabkhet Sijoumi, respectively) and high (83.9% for Sahline saltwork) values were recorded for the percentage of total oviparous offspring. The offspring per brood varied from 70.3?±?41.9 (Megrine saltwork) to 73.6?±?51.4 (Sabkhet El Adhibet). Broods per female varied between 3.1?±?0.9 (Sahline saltwork) and 4.5?±?1.2 (Megrine saltwork), and time between broods ranged from 5.7?±?1.1 to 6.5?±?2.2 days for Megrine and Sahline, respectively. Statistical analysis (one-way analysis of variance, Tukey's HSD test, p?<?0.05) revealed no significant differences between reproductive traits of the four studied populations except for mean of oviparous and oviviparous offspring per female (F?=?9.158, p?<?0.05), and brood per female (F?=?4.779, p?<?0.05). The survival rate of the four studied A. salina populations fluctuated between 31.4% and 64.5% for Megrine and Sahline saltwork, respectively. However, the sex-ratio showed that for Megrine saltwork and Sabkhet El Adhibet, males predominated with 1?:?0.90 and 1?:?0.97 (males?:?females), respectively. The comparison between our results and those reported of other Artemia populations showed that the offspring per brood of Tunisian Artemia are comparable to A. persimilis but different to A. salina from Abu Kammash (Libya) and A. urmiana (Urmia Lake, Iran), and that days between brood, are similar to A. salina from Abu Kammash, A. sinica and polyploid A. parthenogenetica, but different from A. persimilis and A. franciscana.  相似文献   

A neuroanatomical screening of a collection of P-element mutagenized flies has been carried out with the aim of finding new mutants affecting the optic lobe of the adult brain in Drosophila melanogaster. We have identified a new gene that is involved in the development of the adult axon array in the optic ganglia and in the ommatidia assembly. We have named this locus visual system disorganizer (vid). Reversional mutagenesis demonstrated that the vid mutant was the result of a P-element insertion in the Drosophila genome and allowed us to generate independent alleles, some of which resulted in semilethality, like the vid original mutant, while the others were completely lethal. A genetic somatic mosaic analysis indicated that the vid gene is required in the eye for its normal development by inductive effects. This analysis also suggests an inductive effect of the vid gene on the distal portion of the optic lobe, particularly the lamina and the first optic chiasma. Moreover, the absence of mutant phenotype in the proximal region of the optic ganglia, including the medulla, the second optic chiasma, and the lobula complex underlying mosaic eyes, is suggestive of an autonomously acting mechanism of the vid gene in the optic lobe. The complete or partial lethality generated by different mutations at the vid locus suggests that this gene's role may not be limited to the visual system, but may also affect a vital function during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Lampreys, which represent the oldest group of living vertebrates (cyclostomes), show unique eye development. The lamprey larva has only eyespot‐like immature eyes beneath a non‐transparent skin, whereas after metamorphosis, the adult has well‐developed image‐forming camera eyes. To establish a functional visual system, well‐organised visual centres as well as motor components (e.g. trunk muscles for locomotion) and interactions between them are needed. Here we review the available knowledge concerning the structure, function and development of the different parts of the lamprey visual system. The lamprey exhibits stepwise development of the visual system during its life cycle. In prolarvae and early larvae, the ‘primary’ retina does not have horizontal and amacrine cells, but does have photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells. At this stage, the optic nerve projects mostly to the pretectum, where the dendrites of neurons in the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (nMLF) appear to receive direct visual information and send motor outputs to the neck and trunk muscles. This simple neural circuit may generate negative phototaxis. Through the larval period, the lateral region of the retina grows again to form the ‘secondary’ retina and the topographic retinotectal projection of the optic nerve is formed, and at the same time, the extra‐ocular muscles progressively develop. During metamorphosis, horizontal and amacrine cells differentiate for the first time, and the optic tectum expands and becomes laminated. The adult lamprey then has a sophisticated visual system for image‐forming and visual decision‐making. In the adult lamprey, the thalamic pathway (retina–thalamus–cortex/pallium) also transmits visual stimuli. Because the primary, simple light‐detecting circuit in larval lamprey shares functional and developmental similarities with that of protochordates (amphioxus and tunicates), the visual development of the lamprey provides information regarding the evolutionary transition of the vertebrate visual system from the protochordate‐type to the vertebrate‐type.  相似文献   

李兆英 《昆虫学报》2012,55(3):309-315
神经胶质作为视觉系统的重要成分之一, 对视觉系统的发育及功能起着重要的作用。本研究通过组织解剖观察、 免疫组织化学等技术, 对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana幼虫和蛹的视觉系统中神经胶质的类型和发育过程进行了比较研究。研究表明: 在中华蜜蜂视觉系统中, 根据神经胶质的位置和形态主要分为表面神经胶质、 皮层神经胶质和神经纤维网神经胶质3种类型; 神经胶质主要来源于视柄和视叶中的神经胶质前体中心; 神经胶质细胞数量的增加一方面来自于细胞的迁移, 另一方面来自于神经胶质细胞自身的分裂增殖。本研究为昆虫神经胶质的发育以及功能研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

In recent years, comparing the structure and development of the central nervous system in crustaceans has provided new insights into the phylogenetic relationships of arthropods. Furthermore, the structural evolution of the compound eyes and optic ganglia of adult arthropods has been discussed, but it was not possible to compare the ontogeny of arthropod visual systems, owing to the lack of data on species other than insects. In the present report, we studied the development of the crustacean visual system by examining neurogenesis, neuropil formation, and apoptotic cell death in embryos of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, the spider crab, Hyas araneus, and the caridean shrimp, Palaemonetes argentinus, and compare these processes with those found in insects. Our results on the patterns of stem cell proliferation provide evidence that in decapod crustaceans and hemimetabolous insects, there exist considerable similarities in the mechanisms by which accretion of the compound eyes and growth of the optic lobes is achieved, suggesting an evolutionary conservation of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

In seven species of plethodontid salamanders (Desmognathus ochrophaeus, Eurycea bislineata, Plethodon cinereus, Batrachoseps attenuatus, Hydromantes italicus, Thorius narisovalis and Bolitoglossa subpalmata), absolute and relative volumes of the eye, the brain, major regions of the brain, and regions containing the major visual and visuomotor centres (i.e. thalamus, praetectum, tectum and tegmentum mesencephali), and the density and number of neurons in these regions were determined. The seven species range from moderately large to extremely small in body size and from the smallest to the largest genome sizes found in terrestrial salamanders. The following processes were observed in miniaturized salamanders with intermediate to large genome and cell sizes (Batrachoseps, Thorius) as compared to small and medium-sized salamanders with small genome and cell sizes: (1) increase in the relative size of the brain, from 3.9 to 12.4% of head volume; (2) reduction in relative size of the ventricles from 10.9 to 5.8% of brain volume; (3) increase in relative volume of those brain regions containing the major visual and visuomotor centres from 29.2 to 37% of brain volume; (4) increase in volume of grey matter relative to white matter, from 33.2 to 44.4% of midbrain volume; (5) increase in volume of tectal relative to tegmental grey matter, from 54.8 to 76.8% of total midbrain volume; (6) increase in neuron packing density in the regions containing the visual centres, from 16 to 31.5%. Because of these compensatory processes, Thorius, the smallest species with a head 1/27 and a brain 1/9 the size of that of the largest one, Hydromantes, has 1/3 as many central visual neurons (58 000 vs. 187 000). Some of these processes found in miniaturized salamanders, such as increase in tectal cell density, also occur in large salamanders with very large genome and cell sizes, viz. in Bolitoglossa (25%) and Hydromantes (29%). Thus, increase in genome size and cell size seem to pose functional problems similar to miniaturization; both cases involve an increase in cell size relative to overall organismal structure.  相似文献   

Diopsid flies have eye stalks up to a centimeter in length, displacing the retina laterally from the rest of the head. This bizarre condition, called hypercephaly, is rare, but has evolved independently among several insect orders and is most common in flies (Diptera). Earlier studies of geometrical optics and behavior have led to various hypotheses about possible adaptive advantages of eye stalks, such as enhanced stereoscopic vision while other hypothesis suggest that eye stalks are an outcome of sexual selection. Here, we focus on how these curious distortions of head/eye morphology are accompanied by changes in the neural organization of the visual system of Cyrtodiopsis quinqueguttata. Histological examinations reveal that the optic lobes, lamina (La), medulla (Me), lobula (Lo), and lobula plate (LP) are contained entirely within the fly's eye bulbs, which are located at the distal ends of the eye stalks. We report that the organization of the peripheral visual system (La and Me) is similar to that of other Diptera (e.g., Musca and Drosophila), but deeper visual areas (Lo and LP) have been more strongly modified. For example, in both the lobula and lobula plate, fewer but larger giant collector neurons are found. The most pronounced difference is the reduction in the number of wide-field vertical cells of the lobula plate, where there are only four relatively large fibers, as opposed to 11 in Musca. The “fewer but larger” neural organization may enhance the conduction velocities of these cells, but may result in a loss of spatial resolution. At the base of the eye bulb, axon bundles collect and form a long optic nerve that extends the length of the eye stalk. We suggest that this organization of the diopsid visual system provides evidence for the costs of possessing long eye stalks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 449–468, 1998  相似文献   

The compound eyes of three taxa of Rhenish Lower Devonian eurypterids are examined and compared with those known from other eurypterids and the extant horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus. The lateral eyes of the small species Rhenopterus diensti, a phylogenetically basal representative of the stylonurine clade, are characterized by a comparatively low number of lenses and high interommatidial angle Δφ (2.8°). The comparatively limited visual capacities of R. diensti are more similar to L. polyphemus than to its closer relatives of the eurypterine clade and perhaps this reflects a progression of lateral eye structure in the evolution of eurypterids as a whole. The number of eye facets in Adelophthalmus sievertsi is higher than that in the supposed ambush predator Acutiramus cummingsi, but lower than that in other ‘swimming’ eurypterids (Eurypterina). Due to poor preservation, no other eye parameters could be analysed in this species, but further morphological attributes and geographical distribution designate the mid‐sized A. sievertsi as an able swimmer. A low interommatidial angle Δφ of less than 1° confirms that the visual capacities of Jaekelopterus rhenaniae are in line with an interpretation of this giant species as an active high‐level predator. The inferred lifestyles of adult individuals of these three, co‐occurring Rhenish eurypterids indicate niche differentiation avoiding to some degree the competition for food in their marginal marine to delta plain transitional habitats.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(5):403-420
The Canjuers conservation Lagerstätte represents a Late Jurassic lagoonal environment. The sedimentology and stratigraphy of the locality show three different depositional sequences. Fossils are mainly found in the basalmost layers that correspond to the first phase of deposition in the lithographic limestones sensu stricto. The fossil biodiversity is rich. So far, more than 1000 specimens including 38 invertebrate and 18 vertebrate taxa have been recovered from the limestones. The depositional information suggests that most invertebrates and vertebrates were not autochthonous to the lagoon, but swept in during storm events from the open sea or nearby emerged reef environments.  相似文献   

The extrinsic sensory stimulation plays a crucial role in the formation and integration of sensory modalities during development. Postnatal behavior is thereby influenced by the type and timing of presentation of prenatal sensory stimuli. In this study, fertilized eggs of white Leghorn chickens during incubation were exposed to either species‐specific calls or no sound. To find the prenatal critical period when auditory stimulation can modulate visual system development, the former group was divided into three subgroups: in subgroup A (SGA), the stimulus was provided during embryonic day (E)10 to E16, in SGB E17‐ hatching, and in SGC E10‐hatching. The auditory and visual perceptual learning was recorded at posthatch day (PH) 1–3, whereas synaptic plasticity (evident from synaptophysin and PSD‐95 expression), was observed at E19, E20, and PH 1–3. An increased number of responders were observed in both auditory and visual preference tests at PH 1 following stimulation. Although a decrease in latency of entry and an increase in total time spent were observed in all stimulated groups, it was most significant in SGC in auditory preference and in SGB and SGC in visual preference test. The auditory cortex of SGC and visual Wulst of SGB and SGC revealed higher expression of synaptic proteins, compared to control and SGA. A significant inter‐hemispheric and gender‐based difference in expression was also found in all groups. These results indicate facilitation of postnatal behaviour and synaptogenesis in both auditory and visual systems following prenatal repetitive auditory stimulation, only when given during prenatal critical period of development. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 688–701, 2013  相似文献   

Axel Meyer 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(20):5582-5593
Colonization of novel habitats is typically challenging to organisms. In the initial stage after colonization, approximation to fitness optima in the new environment can occur by selection acting on standing genetic variation, modification of developmental patterns or phenotypic plasticity. Midas cichlids have recently colonized crater Lake Apoyo from great Lake Nicaragua. The photic environment of crater Lake Apoyo is shifted towards shorter wavelengths compared to great Lake Nicaragua and Midas cichlids from both lakes differ in visual sensitivity. We investigated the contribution of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in shaping the visual system of Midas cichlids after colonizing this novel photic environment. To this end, we measured cone opsin expression both during development and after experimental exposure to different light treatments. Midas cichlids from both lakes undergo ontogenetic changes in cone opsin expression, but visual sensitivity is consistently shifted towards shorter wavelengths in crater lake fish, which leads to a paedomorphic retention of their visual phenotype. This shift might be mediated by lower levels of thyroid hormone in crater lake Midas cichlids (measured indirectly as dio2 and dio3 gene expression). Exposing fish to different light treatments revealed that cone opsin expression is phenotypically plastic in both species during early development, with short and long wavelength light slowing or accelerating ontogenetic changes, respectively. Notably, this plastic response was maintained into adulthood only in the derived crater lake Midas cichlids. We conclude that the rapid evolution of Midas cichlids’ visual system after colonizing crater Lake Apoyo was mediated by a shift in visual sensitivity during ontogeny and was further aided by phenotypic plasticity during development.  相似文献   

Using both nuclear and mitochondrial sequences, we demonstrate high genetic differentiation in the genus Talpa and confirm the existence of cryptic species in the Caucasus and Anatolia, namely, T. talyschensis Vereschagin, 1945, T. ognevi Stroganov, 1948, and Talpa ex gr. levantis. Our data support four clades in the genus Talpa that showed strong geographical associations. The ‘europaea’ group includes six species from the western portion of the genus' range (T. europaea, T. occidentalis, T. romana, T. caeca, T. stankovici, and T. levantis s.l.); another three groups are distributed further east: the ‘caucasica’ group (Caucasus), the ‘davidiana’ group (eastern Anatolia and Elburz) and T. altaica (Siberia). The phylogenetic position of T. davidiana was highlighted for the first time. The order of basal branching remains controversial, which can be attributed to rapid diversification events. The molecular time estimates based on nuclear concatenation estimated the basal divergence of the crown Talpa during the latest Miocene. A putative scenario of Talpa radiation and issues of species delimitation are discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The identification of microsnail taxa based on morphological characters is often a time-consuming and inconclusive process. Aspects such as morphological stasis and phenotypic plasticity further complicate their taxonomic designation. In this study, we demonstrate that the application of DNA barcoding can alleviate these problems within the Carychiidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). These microsnails are a taxon of the pulmonate lineage and most likely migrated onto land independently of the Stylommatophora clade. Their taxonomical classification is currently based on conchological and anatomical characters only. Despite much confusion about historic species assignments, the Carychiidae can be unambiguously subdivided into two taxa: (i) Zospeum species, which are restricted to karst caves, and (ii) Carychium species, which occur in a broad range of environmental conditions. The implementation of discrete molecular data (COI marker) enabled us to correctly designate 90% of the carychiid microsnails. The remaining cases were probably cryptic Zospeum and Carychium taxa and incipient species, which require further investigation into their species status. Because conventional reliance upon mostly continuous (i.e. nondiscrete) conchological characters is subject to fallibility for many gastropod species assignments, we highly recommend the use of DNA barcoding as a taxonomic, cutting-edge method for delimiting microsnail taxa.  相似文献   

Mouthpart and alimentary canal development was examined in Lysmata amboinensis larvae using scanning electron microscopy and histology. The gross morphological features of external mouthparts and internal digestive tract structures of larvae at different developmental stages indicate that ingestive and digestive capabilities are well developed from early on. With increasing age of the larvae the mouthpart appendages increased in size, the hepatopancreas in tubular density and the midgut in length. The density of setae and robustness of teeth and spines of individual structures increased. The most pronounced changes from early to late stage larvae involved formation of pores on the paragnaths and labrum, transformation of the mandibular spine‐like teeth to molar cusps, development of the filter press in the proventriculus and of infoldings in the previously straight hindgut. The results suggest that early stage L. amboinensis larvae may benefit from soft, perhaps gelatinous prey, whereas later stages are better equipped to handle larger, muscular or more fibrous foods. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

At first glance the three eukaryotic protein translocation machineries--the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) transport apparatus of the endoplasmic reticulum, the peroxisomal importomer and SELMA, the pre-protein translocator of complex plastids--appear quite different. However, mechanistic comparisons and phylogenetic analyses presented here suggest that all three translocation machineries share a common ancestral origin, which highlights the recycling of pre-existing components as an effective evolutionary driving force. Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays ERAD ubiquitin ligases Abstract.  相似文献   

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