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CRISPR-Cas系统是细菌和古细菌来源的RNA介导的适应性免疫系统,利用RNA介导的核酸酶活性抵抗以噬菌体为代表的外源核酸的入侵.为逃避这种来源于宿主的免疫反应,噬菌体进化出了较小的anti-CRISPR蛋白(Acr). Acrs采用不同的抑制策略,将Cas效应蛋白限制在不同的阶段,从而使其失活.随着Cas蛋白在生物技术领域和临床上的广泛应用, Acr已被开发为有用的调控工具.对Acr的研究不仅可以加深人们对Cas蛋白别构调控的理解,而且可以为开发新型的基于Acr的调控工具打下基础.利用实验和生物信息学的手段,越来越多的Acr被发现,其中第2大类CRISPR-Cas系统目前有大约50种.本综述聚焦于第2大类CRISPR-Cas系统的Acr,从基因发现、抑制机制和技术应用三个方面对其进行总结,并对未来的研究方向做出展望.  相似文献   

规律成簇的间隔短回文重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)是原核生物的适应性免疫系统,对抗外来遗传物质(如质粒和噬菌体)的攻击。近年来,科学家们发现了一种新型基因编辑工具,一种强大的分子剪刀CRISPR/Cas12a系统,该系统在对靶标DNA进行切割的同时还具有对体系内单链DNA进行任意切割的活性,并将其转移到体外检测系统。本文对CRISPR/Cas12a系统组成、结构、Cas12a与Cas9的对比和CRISPR/Cas12a系统在核酸检测中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9技术,主要用于基因编辑。最近发现,CRISPR/Cas9技术亦可用于特异性杀伤癌细胞。天然状态下,CRISPR/Cas9系统存在于细菌,其功能是识别并切割入侵病毒或噬菌体的DNA,由此导致病毒或噬菌体死亡。因此,对于细菌来说,CRISPR/Cas9是一种"基因剪刀"或"基因武器",是细菌重要的"免疫系统"。目前,CRISPR/Cas9系统一般用于对单基因或多基因的敲除或插入,以构建细胞或动物研究模型。  相似文献   

CRISPR是一个特殊的DNA重复序列家族,其基因结构的主体是由同向重复序列(repeat)与间隔序列(spacer)构成的多段R-S结构组成,称为CRISPR基因座(CRISPR locus)。在CRISPR位点的一端存在几组编码蛋白质的基因序列,称为CRISPR相关(CRISPR-associated,Cas)基因,其编码的蛋白质称为CAS蛋白。利用CRISPR-Cas9系统对DNA分子的靶向切割特性,使其可被用于定向的基因修饰。除用于定点的基因编辑,CRISPR-Cas系统也可用于干扰目的基因的转录。  相似文献   

CRISPR(clustered regulatory interspersed short palindromic repeat)序列源于原核生物的一种获得性免疫系统,协同Cas(CRISPR-associated)蛋白家族参与抵抗噬菌体或其它病毒的二次感染,广泛存在于细菌(60%)和古菌(90%)中.病菌和宿主的共同进化导致了CRISPR-Cas系统具有多样性,可分为3大类(Ⅰ-Ⅲ),又分为10亚类.在Ⅱ型CRISPR-Cas系统基础上建立了RNA介导的CRISPR-Cas系统来修饰(删除、添加、激活、抑制)靶细胞中特定的基因序列,现已在人类细胞、小鼠、斑马鱼、酵母、细菌、果蝇、线虫、拟南芥中得以应用.本文主要介绍了Ⅱ型CRISPR-Cas系统的结构特点、作用机理及作为新型基因组定点修饰技术的研究进展,分析该技术优势,并展望CRISPRCas系统的应用前景.  相似文献   

成簇规律间隔短回文重复(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, CRISPR),是细菌或古菌在与噬菌体长期生存进化获得的一种免疫系统. 根据Cas蛋白(CRISPR-associated protein)的不同,CRISPR系统可分为3种. 其中II型CRISPR/Cas9已被改造成为一种有效的基因编辑工具,并运用于多种物种基因的改造. 作为1种基因编辑的手段,CRISPR/Cas9技术通过诱导DNA双链断裂损伤,进一步干扰基因的表达. 与传统的基因编辑技术相比,CRISPR/Cas9技术显示出效率高、成本低和易操作等特点. 与此同时,二代测序技术的发展促进全基因组的解析. CRISPR技术结合高通量二代测序手段的使用,在肿瘤的治疗领域中已发挥出了独特的优势. 本文就近年来CRISPR/Cas9高通量筛选技术的发展,及其在肿瘤治疗过程中的应用进行综述.  相似文献   

为研究CRISPR/Cas系统及其相关蛋白Cas2(TTE2657)在腾冲嗜热厌氧杆菌热适应中的作用,应用PCR技术构建了原核重组质粒pET-28a::cas2,并在大肠埃希菌BL21表达Cas2蛋白;结合生物信息学软件对cas2编码蛋白的基本理化性质、氨基酸同源性、空间结构及蛋白质相互作用网络进行预测和分析。结果显示,成功构建了原核表达载体pET-28a::cas2并在大肠埃希菌BL21中得到表达,Cas2分子质量大小为9.9 ku,主要以可溶性形式存在;qRT-PCR显示cas2 mRNA在60℃和75℃高表达;生物信息学分析显示cas2基因其完整的ORF全长264 bp,编码88个氨基酸,其中Ile(14)、Ser(14)、Phe (12)含量较高,等电点为9.31,不存在跨膜结构。其蛋白质二级空间结构以α-螺旋、无规则卷曲、β-折叠为主,蛋白互作预测网络显示Cas2与Cas3、Cas5、Cas7等其家族大部分蛋白存在相互作用。进化树分析显示腾冲嗜热厌氧杆菌cas2基因与厌氧菌芽胞杆菌B7M1同源性最高(39.5%)。腾冲嗜热厌氧杆菌cas2编码蛋白是一种亲水性蛋白,在原核系统能高效表达。本研究为嗜热蛋白质的热稳定性机制的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】通过对酸性矿山环境中嗜酸硫杆菌属(Acidithiobacillus)、脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio)、钩端螺旋菌属(Leptospirillum)、硫化杆菌属(Sulfobacillus)、酸原体属(Acidiplasma)和铁质菌属(Ferroplasma)的100株冶金微生物基因组中CRISPR-Cas系统的结构特征和同源关系进行生物信息学分析,在基因组水平上解析冶金微生物基于CRISPR系统对极端环境的适应性免疫机制。【方法】从NCBI网站下载基因组序列,采用CRISPR Finder定位基因组中潜在的CRISPR簇。分析CRISPR系统的组成结构与功能:利用Clustal Omega对重复序列(repeat)分类;将间隔序列(spacer)分别与nr数据库、质粒数据库和病毒数据库比对,获得注释信息;根据Cas蛋白的种类和同源性对酸性矿山环境微生物的CRISPR-Cas系统分型。【结果】在100株冶金微生物基因组中共鉴定出415个CRISPR簇,在176个c CRISPR簇中共有80种不同的重复序列和4147条间隔序列。对重复序列分类,发现12类重复序列均能形成典型的RNA二级结构,Cluster10中的重复序列在冶金微生物中最具有代表性。间隔序列注释结果表明,这些微生物曾遭受来自细菌质粒与病毒的攻击,并通过不同的防御机制抵抗外源核酸序列的入侵。冶金微生物细菌的大部分CRISPR-Cas系统属于I-C和I-E亚类型,而古菌的CRISPR-Cas系统多为I-D亚类型,两者基于CRISPR-Cas系统的进化过程中存在显著差异。【结论】酸性矿山环境微生物的CRISPR结构可能采用不同免疫机制介导外源核酸序列与Cas蛋白的相互作用,为进一步揭示极端环境微生物的适应性进化机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

规律成簇间隔的短回文序列(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)是细菌和古菌中的获得性免疫系统,利用该系统能定点进行基因编辑。最近,科学家发现了新的CRISPR-associated (Cas)蛋白,其中由Cas12a介导的基因编辑能显著降低脱靶率。文中对CRISPR/Cas系统的发现历史、组成和分类、工作原理进行概述,并总结了该系统的最新研究进展及在斑马鱼Danio rerio中的应用。  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas系统广泛存在于细菌及古生菌中, 是机体长期进化形成的RNA指导的降解入侵病毒或噬菌体DNA的适应性免疫系统。对Ⅱ型CRISPR/Cas系统的改造使其成为继锌指核酸酶(ZFNs)和TALE核酸酶(TALENs)以来的另一种对基因组进行高效定点修饰的新技术, 与ZFNs和TALENs相比, CRISPR/Cas系统更简单, 并且更容易操作。文章重点介绍了Ⅱ型CRISPR/Cas系统的基本结构、作用原理及这一技术在基因组定点修饰中的应用, 剖析了该技术可能存在的问题, 展望了CRISPR/Cas系统的应用前景, 为开展这一领域的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Mobile genetic elements such as phages and plasmids have evolved anti-CRISPR proteins (Acrs) to suppress CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems. Recently, several phage and non-phage derived Acrs including AcrIIA17 and AcrIIA18 have been reported to inhibit Cas9 through modulation of sgRNA. Here, we show that AcrIIA17 and AcrIIA18 inactivate Cas9 through distinct mechanisms. AcrIIA17 inhibits Cas9 activity through interference with Cas9-sgRNA binary complex formation. In contrast, AcrIIA18 induces the truncation of sgRNA in a Cas9-dependent manner, generating a shortened sgRNA incapable of triggering Cas9 activity. The crystal structure of AcrIIA18, combined with mutagenesis studies, reveals a crucial role of the N-terminal β-hairpin in AcrIIA18 for sgRNA cleavage. The enzymatic inhibition mechanism of AcrIIA18 is different from those of the other reported type II Acrs. Our results add new insights into the mechanistic understanding of CRISPR-Cas9 inhibition by Acrs, and also provide valuable information in the designs of tools for conditional manipulation of CRISPR-Cas9.  相似文献   

To overcome CRISPR-Cas defense systems, many phages and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) encode CRISPR-Cas inhibitors called anti-CRISPRs (Acrs). Nearly all characterized Acrs directly bind Cas proteins to inactivate CRISPR immunity. Here, using functional metagenomic selection, we describe AcrIIA22, an unconventional Acr found in hypervariable genomic regions of clostridial bacteria and their prophages from human gut microbiomes. AcrIIA22 does not bind strongly to SpyCas9 but nonetheless potently inhibits its activity against plasmids. To gain insight into its mechanism, we obtained an X-ray crystal structure of AcrIIA22, which revealed homology to PC4-like nucleic acid–binding proteins. Based on mutational analyses and functional assays, we deduced that acrIIA22 encodes a DNA nickase that relieves torsional stress in supercoiled plasmids. This may render them less susceptible to SpyCas9, which uses free energy from negative supercoils to form stable R-loops. Modifying DNA topology may provide an additional route to CRISPR-Cas resistance in phages and MGEs.

Derived from phages of the gut microbiome, this study describes a CRISPR-Cas9 inhibitor with an unexpected mechanism; instead of binding Cas9 itself, this “anti-CRISPR” relaxes plasmid DNA and enables Cas9 evasion, suggesting that DNA topology is an underappreciated battleground in phage-bacterial conflicts.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins provide prokaryotes with nucleic acid–based adaptive immunity against infections of mobile genetic elements, including phages. To counteract this immune process, phages have evolved various anti-CRISPR (Acr) proteins which deactivate CRISPR-Cas–based immunity. However, the mechanisms of many of these Acr-mediated inhibitions are not clear. Here, we report the crystal structure of AcrIF13 and explore its inhibition mechanism. The structure of AcrIF13 is unique and displays a negatively charged surface. Additionally, biochemical studies identified that AcrIF13 interacts with the type I-F CRISPR-Cas surveillance complex (Csy complex) to block target DNA recognition and that the Cas5f-8f tail and Cas7.6f subunit of the Csy complex are specific binding targets of AcrIF13. Further mutational studies demonstrated that several negatively charged residues of AcrIF13 and positively charged residues of Cas8f and Cas7f of the Csy complex are involved in AcrIF13–Csy binding. Together, our findings provide mechanistic insights into the inhibition mechanism of AcrIF13 and further suggest the prevalence of the function of Acr proteins as DNA mimics.  相似文献   

Prokaryotes evolved clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins as a kind of adaptive immune defense against mobile genetic elements including harmful phages. To counteract this defense, many mobile genetic elements in turn encode anti-CRISPR proteins (Acrs) to inactivate the CRISPR-Cas system. While multiple mechanisms of Acrs have been uncovered, it remains unknown whether other mechanisms are utilized by uncharacterized Acrs. Here, we report a novel mechanism adopted by recently identified AcrIF23. We show that AcrIF23 interacts with the Cas2/3 helicase-nuclease in the type I-F CRISPR-Cas system, similar to AcrIF3. The structure of AcrIF23 demonstrated a novel fold and structure-based mutagenesis identified a surface region of AcrIF23 involved in both Cas2/3-binding and its inhibition capacity. Unlike AcrIF3, however, we found AcrIF23 only potently inhibits the DNA cleavage activity of Cas2/3 but does not hinder the recruitment of Cas2/3 to the CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex (the Csy complex). Also, in contrast to AcrIF3 which hinders substrate DNA recognition by Cas2/3, we show AcrIF23 promotes DNA binding to Cas2/3. Taken together, our study identifies a novel anti-CRISPR mechanism used by AcrIF23 and highlights the diverse mechanisms adopted by Acrs.  相似文献   

Type III CRISPR-Cas effector systems detect foreign RNA triggering DNA and RNA cleavage and synthesizing cyclic oligoadenylate molecules (cA) in their Cas10 subunit. cAs act as a second messenger activating auxiliary nucleases, leading to an indiscriminate RNA degradation that can end in cell dormancy or death. Standalone ring nucleases are CRISPR ancillary proteins which downregulate the strong immune response of Type III systems by degrading cA. These enzymes contain a CRISPR-associated Rossman-fold (CARF) domain, which binds and cleaves the cA molecule. Here, we present the structures of the standalone ring nuclease from Sulfolobus islandicus (Sis) 0811 in its apo and post-catalytic states. This enzyme is composed by a N-terminal CARF and a C-terminal wHTH domain. Sis0811 presents a phosphodiester hydrolysis metal-independent mechanism, which cleaves cA4 rings to generate linear adenylate species, thus reducing the levels of the second messenger and switching off the cell antiviral state. The structural and biochemical analysis revealed the coupling of a cork-screw conformational change with the positioning of key catalytic residues to proceed with cA4 phosphodiester hydrolysis in a non-concerted manner.  相似文献   

CRISPR-Cas immune systems function to defend prokaryotes against potentially harmful mobile genetic elements including viruses and plasmids. The multiple CRISPR-Cas systems (Types I, II, and III) each target destruction of foreign nucleic acids via structurally and functionally diverse effector complexes (crRNPs). CRISPR-Cas effector complexes are comprised of CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) that contain sequences homologous to the invading nucleic acids and Cas proteins specific to each immune system type. We have previously characterized a crRNP in Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) that contains Cmr (Type III-B) Cas proteins associated with one of two size classes of crRNAs and cleaves complementary target RNAs. Here, we have isolated and characterized two additional native Pfu crRNPs containing either Csa (Type I-A) or Cst (Type I-G) Cas proteins and distinct profiles of associated crRNAs. For each complex, the Cas proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and immunoblotting and the crRNAs by RNA sequencing and Northern blot analysis. The crRNAs associated with both the Csa and Cst complexes originate from all seven Pfu CRISPR loci and contain identical 5′ ends (8-nt repeat-derived 5′ tag sequences) but heterogeneous 3′ ends (containing variable amounts of downstream repeat sequences). These crRNA forms are distinct from Cmr-associated crRNAs, indicating different 3′ end processing pathways following primary cleavage of common pre-crRNAs. Like other previously characterized Type I CRISPR-Cas effector complexes, we predict that the newly identified Pfu Csa and Cst crRNPs each function to target invading DNA, adding an additional layer of protection beyond that afforded by the previously characterized RNA targeting Cmr complex.  相似文献   

Bacteria and archaea use the CRISPR-Cas system to fend off invasions of bacteriophages and foreign plasmids. In response, bacteriophages encode anti-CRISPR (Acr) proteins that potently inhibit host Cas proteins to suppress CRISPR-mediated immunity. AcrIE4-F7, which was isolated from Pseudomonas citronellolis, is a fused form of AcrIE4 and AcrIF7 that inhibits both type I-E and type I-F CRISPR-Cas systems. Here, we determined the structure of AcrIE4-F7 and identified its Cas target proteins. The N-terminal AcrIE4 domain adopts a novel α-helical fold that targets the PAM interaction site of the type I-E Cas8e subunit. The C-terminal AcrIF7 domain exhibits an αβ fold like native AcrIF7, which disables target DNA recognition by the PAM interaction site in the type I-F Cas8f subunit. The two Acr domains are connected by a flexible linker that allows prompt docking onto their cognate Cas8 targets. Conserved negative charges in each Acr domain are required for interaction with their Cas8 targets. Our results illustrate a common mechanism by which AcrIE4-F7 inhibits divergent CRISPR-Cas types.  相似文献   

CRISPR-Cas systems are adaptive immune systems in bacteria and archaea that provide resistance against phages and other mobile genetic elements. To fight against CRISPR-Cas systems, phages and archaeal viruses encode anti-CRISPR (Acr) proteins that inhibit CRISPR-Cas systems. The expression of acr genes is controlled by anti-CRISPR-associated (Aca) proteins encoded within acr-aca operons. AcrIF24 is a recently identified Acr that inhibits the type I-F CRISPR-Cas system. Interestingly, AcrIF24 was predicted to be a dual-function Acr and Aca. Here, we elucidated the crystal structure of AcrIF24 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and identified its operator sequence within the regulated acr-aca operon promoter. The structure of AcrIF24 has a novel domain composition, with wing, head and body domains. The body domain is responsible for recognition of promoter DNA for Aca regulatory activity. We also revealed that AcrIF24 directly bound to type I-F Cascade, specifically to Cas7 via its head domain as part of its Acr mechanism. Our results provide new molecular insights into the mechanism of a dual functional Acr-Aca protein.  相似文献   

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