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Although enormous progress has been made in understanding the events and regulation of the later stages of ovarian follicular development, the early stages of development, to a large extent and particularly in large mammals, remain a mystery. Mechanisms that regulate the initiation of follicular growth (follicle activation) and the ensuing growth and differentiation of preantral follicles are of considerable interest, since their elucidation is a prerequisite to use of the primordial pool to enhance reproductive efficiency in domestic animals, humans, and endangered species. This review is an attempt to summarize the approaches that have been taken to further this goal and the results thus far of these efforts. Preantral follicular development can be divided into three stages: activation of primordial follicles, the primary to secondary follicle transition, and the development of secondary follicles to the periantral stage. The activation of primordial follicles in vitro has been achieved thus far in rodents, cattle, and primates, where it occurs spontaneously without the addition of growth factors or hormones. The ovaries of rodents are small enough to be cultured intact and, in that experimental situation, some follicles activate, while many remain in the resting pool, and the addition of specific factors can increase or decrease the number of follicles that leave the resting pool in vitro. In contrast, follicular activation in cattle and primates has been studied by culturing small pieces of the ovarian cortex, rich in primordial follicles, and the great majority of the primordial follicles activate in that situation, suggesting the importance of inhibitory factors to the normal, gradual exit of follicles from the resting pool. In cultured rodent ovaries, follicles appear to pass easily and spontaneously from the primary to the secondary stage, whereas few of the activated follicles in cultured cortical pieces from cattle or primates progress from the primary to the secondary stage. Understanding the requirements for the primary to secondary transition is critical for growing follicles activated in vitro to the late preantral and antral stages. In contrast, the requirements for the continued growth of larger preantral follicles, which can be isolated for in vitro studies, have been extensively explored in rodents and to a lesser extent in domestic species. A number of hormones and factors have been implicated and will be discussed. Taken together, the results highlight the need for a better understanding of the earliest stages of follicular development in domestic ruminants, particularly follicle activation and the primary to secondary follicle transition.  相似文献   

In vitro development of sheep preantral follicles   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Preantral ovarian follicles isolated from prepubertal sheep ovaries were individually cultured for 6 days in the presence of increasing doses of FSH (ranging from 0.01 to 1 microg/ml) and under two different oxygen concentrations, 20% and 5% O2. Follicle development was evaluated on the basis of antral cavity formation as well as the presence of healthy cumulus oocyte complexes. Follicle growth was enhanced by FSH addition to culture medium, while the use of a low oxygen concentration slightly stimulated this process. However, when follicles were cultured in the presence of high doses of FSH (1 microgram/ml) and under low oxygen concentration, a high proportion of them showed the presence of an antral cavity and of a healthy cumulus-oocyte complex. In addition, under this specific culture condition sheep preantral follicles released higher levels of estradiol as compared to those secreted at lower FSH concentrations or under 20% O2. When the meiotic competence of oocytes derived from follicles cultured at 1 microgram/ml FSH was assessed, no significant difference was recorded between the two oxygen groups. These results show that the culture conditions here identified are beneficial to in vitro growth and differentiation of sheep preantral follicles.  相似文献   

Huanmin Z  Yong Z 《Theriogenology》2000,54(4):641-650
The in vitro growth and developmental pattern of caprine preantral follicles cultured in agar gel was observed. Preantral follicles 50 to 150 microm in diameter were isolated from prepuberal goat ovaries by treatment with collagenase and DNase. The isolated preantral follicles were cultured in agar gel for up to 14 days. A group of 10 follicles in different developmental stages was cultured in a culture well coated with 0.6% agar gel and filled with DMEM medium supplemented with FCS (10%), hypoxanthine (2 mmol/mL), dbcAMP (2 mmol/mL), FSH (100 ng/mL), insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS) (50 ng/mL), IGF-1 (50 ng/mL), hydrocortisone (40 ng/mL) and antibiotics. Follicle viability was determined under an inverted phase-contrast microscope according to morphological and histological criteria, and follicle growth was assessed by their size and appearance. The results showed that the three-dimensional structures and forms of follicles were basically maintained intact during culture. Primary follicles developed into secondary follicles and a few of them into antral follicles. A large portion of secondary follicles entered the antral stage, and oocytes also acquired growth. The formation of theca lamina and zona pellucida was observed. The survival capacity of secondary follicles was greater than primary follicles. The survival rates for primary and secondary follicles were 11.36% (5/44) and 71.16% (53/74), respectively. During in vitro development the follicles demonstrated dominance. This experiment revealed the preliminary characteristics of the in vitro development of caprine preantral follicles.  相似文献   

Summary The endoplasmic reticulum in granulosa cells of primary, secondary, and small tertiary follicles of the porcine ovary is sparse and largely of the granular type.In granulosa cells of large tertiary follicles the endoplasmic reticulum shows distinct signs of proliferation. Some cells even contain whorls of endoplasmic reticulum membranes, essentially of the agranular variety.Direct continuity between endoplasmic reticulum membranes of the granular and agranular type as well as the continuous increase in agranular membranes suggest that these membranes may originate from the granular membranes.Granulosa cells isolated from large tertiary follicles by microdissection and keptin vitro show essentially the same ultrastructure as granulosa cells of intact large tertiary follicles.Some lipid droplets appear to be localized in cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum. It is suggested that the droplets contain precursor material for steroid hormone synthesis.Finally, the development of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum including the appearance of whorls in some granulosa cells of large tertiary follicles indicates that steroid synthesis may occur in such follicular granulosa cells.Read at the Meeting of the Swedish Society for Pathology in Umeå, September 25, 1965 (Bjersing, 1966).This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Projects No. 13 X-78-01, 12 X-78-02, and 12 X-78-03).  相似文献   

We examined the effect of supplementing the culture medium with follicular fluid (FF) on the growth of porcine preantral follicles and oocytes. Firstly, preantral follicles were retrieved from ovaries and then FF was collected from all antral follicles that were 2-7 mm in diameter (AFF), which included large follicles of 4-7 mm in diameter (LFF) and small follicles of 2-3 mm in diameter (SFF). When preantral follicles with a diameter of 250 mum were cultured in medium containing AFF, the growth of follicles and oocytes was greater than when follicles were cultured in medium containing fetal calf serum (FCS). When this growth-promoting effect in AFF was compared for LFF and SFF, the LFF were shown to be significantly more effective than SFF. This LFF effect was lost, however, when the concentration of LFF in the medium was decreased from 5% to 0.5% or when LFF were heat treated (60 degrees C for 30 min) or trypsin was added. In contrast, a decrease in SFF concentration from 5% to 0.5% and heat treatment of the SFF enhanced preantral follicle growth. Furthermore, proteins obtained from LFF that had molecular weights greater than 10 kDa (LFF > 10 kDa) had similar, but relatively reduced, growth-promoting properties. The remaining three LFF protein fractions (<10 kDa or <100 kDa or >100 kDa), however, did not have these growth-promoting properties. In conclusion, the supplementation of medium with LFF, rather than serum, enhanced preantral follicle and oocyte growth. Factors that enhanced follicle development in LFF and factors that suppressed follicle development in SFF were proteins and these LFF factors ranged in size from 10 kDa to over 100 kDa.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify an in vitro culture system that would support intact porcine follicle growth from preantral follicle to antral stages, oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryonic development; and to evaluate factors that influence porcine preantral follicle growth in vitro. Preantral follicles isolated from prepubertal porcine ovaries were cultured for 4 days in the presence of different concentrations of porcine serum and FSH, and with different numbers of follicles per well. A series of experiments showed that porcine antral follicles can be grown at a high frequency in vitro from healthy preantral follicles with intact theca when cultured in North Carolina State University 23 medium supplemented with 1.5 ng/ml FSH, 7.5% serum, and when cultured with three follicles per well. After 4 days of culture, 68% healthy cumulus-enclosed oocytes from these follicles were obtained, and 51% of the oocytes completed meiotic maturation to the metaphase II stage. Fifty-three percent of the mature oocytes underwent fertilization, 43% of the fertilized oocytes cleaved, and 13% developed to the blastocyst stage. The results show 1) that porcine preantral follicles can grow efficiently to the antral stage using these culture conditions, and 2) that oocytes from in vitro-matured porcine preantral follicles can acquire meiotic competence and undergo fertilization and embryonic development.  相似文献   

Follicular fluid obtained from large (6-12 mm) porcine follicles (LFF) was investigated to determine its stimulatory activity on progesterone secretion and on follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) induction of 125I-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-luteinizing hormone (LH) binding sites in porcine granulosa cells in a 4-day culture. Incubation of granulosa cells harvested from small porcine follicles (1-2 mm) with 50% LFF led to stimulation of LH/hCG binding sites and progesterone secretion. After partial purification of pooled LFF or proteins precipitated with 90% ethanol on Sephadex G-100 the greatest stimulatory activity was found in the second protein peak eluted from the column. Chromatography of part of the active fraction on DEAE Sephacel using a continuous gradient of NH4HCO3 yielded seven protein fractions. The second fraction, which eluted early, contained the majority of the stimulatory activity which was purified about 32-fold compared to native LFF. In contrast, addition of follicular fluid recovered from small porcine follicles inhibited FSH induction of LH/hCG binding sites and progesterone secretion. It can be concluded, that maturation of granulosa cells from small follicles may be enhanced by protein(s) present in LFF, but not in fluid recovered from less mature follicles.  相似文献   

Women are born with a finite population of ovarian follicles, which are slowly depleted during their reproductive years until reproductive failure (menopause) occurs. The rate of loss of primordial follicles is determined by genetic and environmental influences, but certain toxic exposures can accelerate this process. Ionizing radiation reduces preantral follicle numbers in rodents and humans in a dose-dependent manner. Cigarette smoking is linked to menopause occurring 1-4 yr earlier than with nonsmokers, and components of smoke, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, can cause follicle depletion in rodents or in ovaries in vitro. Chemotherapeutic agents, such as alkylating drugs and cisplatin, also cause loss of preantral ovarian follicles. Effects depend on dose, type, and reactivity of the drug, and the age of the individual. Evidence suggests DNA damage may underlie follicle loss induced by one common alkylating drug, cyclophosphamide. Occupational exposures have also been linked to ovarian damage. In an industrial setting, 2-bromopropane caused infertility in men and women, and it can induce ovarian follicle depletion in rats. Solvents, such as butadiene, 4-vinylcyclohexene, and their diepoxides, can also cause specific preantral follicle depletion. The mechanism(s) underlying effects of the latter compound may involve alterations in apoptosis, survival factors such as KIT/Kit Ligand, and/or the cellular signaling that maintains primordial follicle dormancy. Estrogenic endocrine disruptors may alter follicle formation/development and impair fertility or normal development of offspring. Thus, specific exposures are known or suspected of detrimentally impacting preantral ovarian follicles, leading to early ovarian failure.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the effect of different sucrose concentrations combined with ethylene glycol in the preservation of vitrified porcine preantral follicles. Fragments of ovarian cortex were vitrified in cryotubes containing 200 μl of the vitrification solution (30% Ethylene Glycol; 20% Fetal Bovine Serum; 0 M–0.25 M – 0.75 M or 1 M sucrose) and stored in liquid nitrogen for a week. Histological analysis showed that after vitrification the number of normal follicles decreased compared to the fresh tissue (control). The percentage of normal primordial follicles was sucrose dose dependent. The percentage of normal primary follicles was similar in 0 M or 0.25 M sucrose, while higher concentrations (0.75 M and 1 M) increased significantly the percentage of abnormal follicles (p < 0.05). Morphometric analysis showed a statistically significant reduction in the total area of primordial follicles with 0.75 M sucrose and a significant increase in the cytoplasmic area of primordial follicles with 0 M sucrose (p < 0.05). The qualitative and the quantitative analysis appear to be a complementary tool when choosing a vitrification protocol. For our cryopreservation system - vitrification of ovarian cortex slices in cryotubes-the best vitrification medium was TCM 199-Hepes with 30% de ethylene glycol, 20% of Fetal Bovine Serum and 0 or 0.25 M sucrose. The present study shows that the use of high sucrose concentrations in the vitrification solution has a deleterious effect on the preservation of porcine preantral follicles contained in ovarian tissue. Consequently, its use at 0.75 M or 1 M wouldn't be recommended.  相似文献   

Less than 1% of ovarian follicles ever mature to ovulation. The remainder undergo atretic degeneration via apoptosis during development. Though the regulation of antral and preovulatory survival has been studied for many years, very little is known about the regulation of survival and development of preantral follicles. This review discusses recent findings regarding preantral follicle development with emphasis on the regulation of preantral follicle apoptosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the number of follicles per drop (one or three) and antral follicles on in vitro development of isolated goat preantral follicles. Preantral follicles were isolated through microdissection and distributed individually (control) or in groups of three follicles (treatment) in microdroplets of α-MEM with or without 1000 ng/ml follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) for Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Experiment 3 was divided into four treatments according to the presence of one or three preantral follicles, associated or not with antral follicles. After culture, oocytes were retrieved from morphologically normal follicles and submitted to in vitro maturation (IVM) and live/dead fluorescent labelling. Results of Experiment 1 (basic medium without FSH) showed that culture of preantral follicles in groups enhances viability, growth and antrum formation after 12 days. However, in the presence of FSH (Experiment 2), only the recovery rate of fully grown oocytes for IVM was significantly affected by grouping of follicles. In Experiment 3, in general, co-culture of preantral follicles with an early antral follicle had a detrimental effect on viability, antrum formation and production of oocytes for IVM. In conclusion, the performance of in vitro culture of goat preantral follicles is affected by the number of follicles per drop, the presence of an antral follicle and FSH.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of adding different insulin concentrations to the culture medium for goat preantral follicle development in vitro. The ovarian fragments were immediately fixed or cultured for 7 days in MEM with insulin (0, 5, 10 ng/ml and 5 or 10 μg/ml). The results showed that, after 7 days of culture, insulin at 10 ng/ml was the best concentration to preserve follicular viability and ultrastructure, resulting in the highest rates of normal follicles. After 7 days, only treatments with 10 ng/ml and 5 μg/ml of insulin increased follicular activation when compared to other concentrations. Regarding follicular and oocyte growth, the presence of 10 ng/ml of insulin promoted a larger diameter than other treatments. In conclusion, this study shows that addition of 10 ng/ml of insulin to the culture medium improved the survival and stimulated growth of goat preantral follicles.  相似文献   

Connexin 43 (Cx43) and gap junctional coupling appear to play a critical role in early follicular development because absence of Cx43 disrupts progression of follicles beyond primary stages in transgenic mouse ovaries. Two experimental culture systems were used to determine whether epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates expression of Cx43 in early porcine follicular development. Ovarian explants were collected from 32- to 40-day-old gilts and cultured for 6 days on membrane inserts in Waymouth MB 752/1 medium supplemented with 0, 50, or 500 ng/ml mouse EGF. Western blot analysis demonstrated significant increases (P < 0.05) in relative amounts of Cx43 protein (both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated) with 50 and 500 ng/ml of EGF as compared with control cultures. Preantral follicles were enzymatically isolated from 70- to 86-day-old gilts and cultured for 8 days in collagen matrices. Medium and EGF treatments were the same as previously described. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant increase (P < 0.05) in relative amounts of Cx43 protein with 50 and 500 ng/ml of EGF as compared with control cultures. EGF increased expression of Cx43 protein in secondary preantral follicles in a dose-dependent manner, which suggests that EGF or similar growth factor molecules may modulate early folliculogenesis by stimulating expression of Cx43 gap junctions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess fertilization and embryonic development following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of oocytes from porcine preantral follicles matured in vitro. Also, another aim was to describe actin filament distribution during fertilization and embryonic development of those oocytes after ICSI as one of the factors assessed. Preantral follicles isolated from prepubertal porcine ovaries were cultured in a system that supports follicular development. After in vitro maturation, the oocytes were fertilized by ICSI or conventional fertilization in vitro (IVF). Actin filaments of the fertilized oocytes and embryos produced by ICSI or IVF were stained by rhodamine-phalloidin and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. ICSI resulted in 64% fertilization of porcine preantral follicle oocytes matured in vitro. Of those, 51% of the fertilized oocytes cleaved and 21% developed to the blastocyst stage. No significant differences in percentages of oocyte fertilization, cleavage, and blastocyst formation were observed between ICSI and IVF (53%, 45% and 16%, respectively). Actin filament distribution during fertilization and embryonic development of ICSI- or IVF-fertilized oocytes from porcine preantral follicles was similar to that of oocytes derived from antral follicles and fertilized by standard IVF. These results indicate that oocytes from porcine preantral follicles matured in vitro following ICSI can undergo fertilization and subsequent embryonic development.  相似文献   

As a fundamental aging mechanism, cellular senescence causes chronic inflammation via the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Theca-interstitial cells are an essential but little-studied component of follicle development in the ovarian microenvironment. In the present study, we observed significant cellular senescence in theca-interstitial cells and secretion of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5) by these cells during aging. Furthermore, we aimed to investigate whether and how senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)-associated CCL5 may be involved in follicle development. Increased levels of CCL5 in the microenvironment of follicles attenuated preantral follicle growth, survival, and estradiol secretion. Oocyte maturation and the expression of zona pellucida 3 and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) were also inhibited by CCL5. Granulosa cell apoptosis in follicles was promoted by CCL5, accompanied by the phosphorylation of nuclear factor-κB by CCL5 and inhibition of the PI3K/AKT pathway. These results suggest that SASP-associated CCL5 produced by senescent theca-interstitial cells may impair follicle development and maturation during ovarian aging by promoting granulosa cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

The present investigation attempts to improve the frequency of in vitro maturation of oocytes by culturing small (150–250 μm) and large (>250–400 μm) preantral follicles (PFs) of sheep for 6 days in various combinations/sequences of thyroxin (T4), FSH, LH, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and heat-treated foetal calf serum (FCS). Bicarbonate-buffered tissue culture medium 199, supplemented with 50 μg ml−1 gentamicin sulphate, served as the control medium. In vitro development was initially assessed by the proportion of PFs exhibiting an increase in size, mean increase in diameter and antrum formation. Nuclear maturation to the metaphase II stage of the oocytes isolated from cultured PFs, after an additional 24-h in vitro maturation, indicated success. A total of 15% of oocytes from small PFs and 55% from large PFs, cultured in T4 + FSH, matured to metaphase II. Culture of PFs in other combinations/sequences of hormones and growth factors, including the control medium, supported a significantly lower proportion of oocytes maturing to metaphase II stage. It is concluded that 6-day in vitro culture of sheep PFs in thyroxin and FSH greatly improves the frequency of oocyte maturation to metaphase II stage.  相似文献   

Oocyte-cumulus complexes and granulosa cells were harvested from small (1–2 mm), medium (3–5 mm), and large (6–12 mm) porcine antral follicles and cultured for 2 and 3 days. The effects of various doses of purified hCG and human FSH on progesterone secretion and monolayer formation were examined. After a 2-day culture period it was found that FSH was more effective in stimulation of progesterone secretion by cultured oocyte-cumulus complexes than in granulosa cells harvested from small follicles (P < 0.01), whereas hCG was more effective in stimulating progesterone secretion in granulosa cells than in oocytecumulus complexes harvested from large follicles. In contrast, after a 3-day culture period, granulosa cells secreted more progesterone compared to oocytecumulus complexes under control conditions or in the presence of hCG or FSH. After 3 days both FSH and hCG stimulated progesterone secretion by oocytecumulus complexes and granulosa cells; however, the hormone effect was greater upon granulosa cells than oocyte-cumulus complexes. After 3 days of culture in the case of both follicular cell types, there was a greater response to FSH in the case of cells harvested from small compared to large follicles. The reverse was true in the case of hCG responsiveness. Monolayer formation ability of oocyte-cumulus complexes was greater in the case of complexes harvested from small and medium than complexes harvested from large follicles. Addition of hCG to the cultures led to a dose-dependent decrease in monolayer formation by oocyte-cumulus complexes harvested from all sizes of follicles.  相似文献   

In vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bovine preantral follicles (40-100 microm diameter at collection) were collected from ovaries of slaughtered cows and cultured in vitro with one of the four treatments: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH; 100 ng/ml) alone; FSH plus epidermal growth factor (EGF; 100 ng/ml); FSH plus insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS; +1%) or FSH plus hypoxanthine (4 mM) in tissue culture medium (TCM 199) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), 0.1 mg/ml sodium pyruvate, 100 IU/ml of penicillin and 100 microg/ml streptomycin. The control culture medium was TCM 199 with supplements without any treatments. Follicles of each size were cultured separately in groups of one to three in 24-well multidishes each containing 500 microl of the appropriate culture medium. Culture commenced at follicle recovery (day 1) and continued for 10 days (harvested on day 11). In each case, half the medium was removed and replaced by fresh medium every third day. Follicle diameters were recorded on days 1, 5 and 11 of the experiment. At the end of the 10-day culture period, half of the follicles were stained with trypan blue to assess their potential viability and half were stained with bisbenzimide plus propidium iodine to estimate various morphological features of the follicles. Follicles of all initial sizes, on all culture treatments, increased in diameter during in vitro cultures with the greatest increases, both in absolute and proportional size, occurring between days 1 and 5 of culture. All of the culture medium supplements caused greater increases in follicle diameters than control medium at both days 5 and 11 of culture for all initial sizes of follicles (p<0.01). The most effective culture supplements for follicles of 40-, 60- and 80-microm initial diameter were FSH alone and FSH+EGF. The size of these follicles at both days 5 and 11 of culture on both the treatments was significantly larger (p<0.01) than follicles cultured in the presence of the other two supplementary treatments. The growth of follicles of 100-microm initial diameter did not differ between culture medium supplements. None of the culture media caused follicle size to increase to the initial diameters of the next larger size category during the 10 days of culture although follicles of 100-microm diameter achieved a diameter of 120 microm, after 4 days of culture.The overall follicular viability and morphology were better with treatments than the controls in all cases; however, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) among them.From this experiment, FSH and FSH plus EGF may be recommended for in vitro culture of smaller (40, 60 and 80 microm) follicles.  相似文献   

Thirteen female Yorkshire pigs, ranging from 8–11 months of age, were slaughtered between days 12–20 of the cycle, after at least two normal oestrous cycles. Follicles were dissected from the ovaries and dispersed cells from the theca interna were recovered. A direct effect of glucocorticoids on steroidogenesis was examined by incubating the isolated thecal cells (5 × 105), in triplicate, in 3 ml of TC-199 medium for 3 h with, or without, cortisol (0.92 × 10−7, 10−6M). Androstenedione in extracts of the media was measured by radioimmunoassay with an antiserum having very low cross-reactivity with cortisol (< 0.001%). An effect on androstenedione production by dispersed thecal cells was not seen with the lower concentration of cortisol. Treatment with the higher concentration (0.92 × 10−6M) resulted in an increase in all except five of the experiments. The response to cortisol was greater with cells from smaller follicles (<6 mm diameter), where material from only one animal out of seven failed to show a statistically significant increase. Compared with untreated cells in each case, the average production of androstenedione rose by 100 and by 45% for cells from follicles < 6 mm and > 6 mm, respectively. The study has demonstrated a direct effect of cortisol in vitro on androgen secretion by thecal cells of the porcine ovary.  相似文献   

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