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Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) of alginate and chitosan were formed by addition of 0.1% alginate solution (pH 6.5) to 0.1% chitosan solution (pH 4.0), and by adding the chitosan solution to the alginate solution under high shearing conditions. Variations in the properties of the polymers and the preparation procedure were studied, and the resultant PEC size, zeta potential (Zp), and pH were determined using dynamic light scattering (DLS), electrophoresis and by measuring turbidity and pH. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to examine some of the complexes. The particle size was decreased as the speed and diameter of the dispersing element of the homogenizer was increased. The net charge ratio between chitosan and alginate, and the molecular weights (MW) of both the alginate and chitosan samples were the most significant parameters that influenced the particle size, Zp, and pH. The mixing order also influenced the size of the PECs, however, the Zp and pH were not affected by the mixing order. The stability of the complexes was investigated by incubation at an elevated temperature (37 °C), storage for one month at 4 °C, alteration of the pH of the PEC mixture, and addition of salt to physiological ionic strength (0.15 M NaCl). The properties of the PEC could be affected according to the molecular properties of the polyelectrolytes selected and the preparation procedures used. The resultant PEC sizes and properties of the complex were rationalised using a core-shell model for the structure of the complexes.  相似文献   

M Hiebl  R Maksymiw 《Biopolymers》1991,31(2):161-167
The temperature dependence of the apparent expansibility of lysozyme and ovalbumin in solution has been measured as a function of pH. This temperature dependence is explained in terms of suppressed fluctuations in bound water due to the protein. It is shown that the thermal expansion coefficient of bound water is different from bulk water. The pH dependence can be explained by increased hydration of side chains at lower pH. The amount in volume of hydration water in a typical protein-water system varies from 0.16 to 0.7. How the intrinsic thermal expansion coefficient of proteins can be derived from the apparent quantity is discussed. Intrinsic values of the thermal expansion coefficient for lysozyme at room temperature are between 1.7 and 4.4 x 10(-4) K-1 for a 10% solution.  相似文献   

Chitosan has a variety of biological functions through conjugating of other compounds to their amino and hydroxyl groups. To further expand applicability of chitosan, we have modified the amino group of chitosan with 2-iminothiolane to bestow thiol groups and obtained about 20% yield, which is equivalent to 913 microequiv SH/g chitosan or 457 nequiv SH/nmol chitosan. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was reacted with N-(epsilon-maleimidocaproyloxy)sulfosuccinimide ester (sulfo-EMCS), and maleimide-modified BSA (MalN-BSA) was obtained. The yield of sulfo-EMCS addition was 12.8-36.8 mol MalN/mol BSA. When the chitosan-SH was reacted with MalN-BSA via thioether, 97.8% of the maleimide group was reacted, and 37.2% of the SH group was consumed. The remaining SH group was quenched by bromoacetamide. This is the first report of covalent conjugation of a protein to chitosan. Our method should find many applications in developing new chitosan-based biomedical materials containing other components such as growth factors and cell adhesion molecules, known to be crucial to cells. Our thiolated chitosan will facilitate conjugation of such biomedical components to provide new types of materials for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC25 gene and closely homologous genes in other eukaryotes encode guanine nucleotide exchange factors for Ras proteins. We have determined the minimal region of the budding yeast CDC25 gene capable of activity in vivo. The region required for full biological activity is approximately 450 residues and contains two segments homologous to other proteins: one found in both Ras-specific exchange factors and the more distant Bud5 and Lte1 proteins, and a smaller segment of 48 amino acids found only in the Ras-specific exchange factors. When expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein, this region of CDC25 was found to be a potent catalyst of GDP-GTP exchange on yeast Ras2 as well as human p21H-ras but inactive in promoting exchange on the Ras-related proteins Ypt1 and Rsr1. The CDC25 fusion protein catalyzed replacement of GDP-bound to Ras2 with GTP (activation) more efficiently than that of the reverse reaction of replacement of GTP for GDP (deactivation), consistent with prior genetic analysis of CDC25 which indicated a positive role in the activation of Ras. To more directly study the physical interaction of CDC25 and Ras proteins, we developed a protein-protein binding assay. We determined that CDC25 binds tightly to Ras2 protein only in the absence of guanine nucleotides. This higher affinity of CDC25 for the nucleotide-free form than for either the GDP- or GTP-bound form suggests that CDC25 catalyzes exchange of guanine nucleotides bound to Ras proteins by stabilization of the transitory nucleotide-free state.  相似文献   

The HR6A and -B genes, homologues of the yeast Rad6 gene, encode ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes that are required for postreplication repair of DNA and damage-induced mutagenesis. Using surface plasmon resonance, we show here that HR6 protein (referred as Rad6) physically interacts with p53. Analysis of proteins coimmunoprecipitated with Rad6 antibody from metabolically labeled normal MCF10A human breast epithelial cells not only confirmed Rad6-p53 interactions in vivo but also demonstrated for the first time that exposure of MCF10A cells to cisplatin or adriamycin (ADR) induces recruitment of p14ARF into Rad6-p53 complexes. Further analysis of ADR-induced p53 response showed that stable Rad6-p53-p14ARF complex formation is associated with a parallel increase and decrease in monoubiquitinated and polyubiquitinated p53, respectively, and arrest in G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle. Interestingly, the ADR-induced suppression of p53 polyubiquitination correlated with a corresponding decline in intact Hdm2 protein levels. Treatment of MCF10A cells with MG132, a 26S proteasome inhibitor, effectively stabilized monoubiquitinated p53 and rescued ADR-induced downregulation of Hdm2. These data suggest that ADR-induced degradation of Hdm2 occurs via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Rad6 is present in both the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments of normal MCF10A cells, although in response to DNA damage it is predominantly found in the nucleus colocalizing with ubiquitinated p53, whereas Hdm2 is undetectable. Consistent with in vivo data, results from in vitro ubiquitination assays show that Rad6 mediates addition of one (mono-) to two (multimono-) ubiquitin molecules on p53 and that inclusion of Mdm2 is essential for its polyubiquitination. The data presented in the present study suggest that Rad6-p53-p14ARF complex formation and p53 ubiquitin modification are important damage-induced responses that perhaps determine the fidelity of DNA postreplication repair.  相似文献   

The study of the interaction of the pancreatic inhibitor with different alkylated derivatives of alpha- and beta-trypsin shows that: 1) TLCK-beta-trypsin forms a complex with pancreatic inhibitor in tris buffer and tris-ethanol 40% system. 2) TLCK-alpha-trypsin and TLCK-TPCK-beta-trypsin have lost their ability to complex formation with pancreatic inhibitor. TLCK-alpha-trypsin and TLCK-TPCK-beta-trypsin are in derivatives in which the "chymotryptic" active site is destroyed. The results presented in this paper prove the participation of the "chymotrypic" active site in the interaction between trypsin and pancreatic inhibitor. This is the second interaction beside that of the electrostatic bond between Asp-117 of trypsin and Lys-15 of the inhibitor which we proved earlier.  相似文献   

As of the present, a significant number of small molecules have been discovered in the interstellar medium. The largest molecule unambiguously detected, HC11N, has only thirteen atoms. In this article, the prospects for observing far more complex species than this in interstellar clouds are discussed as are the mechanisms by which such complex species might be synthesized.  相似文献   

The binding of lysozyme (LZM) to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhibited the biological activities of LPS as well as the enzymic activity of LZM. The mode of binding has been characterized by using dansylated LZM and enzyme inhibition. The binding of LPS to LZM significantly increased the fluorescence intensity (Fl-intensity) of the danyl group and was found to be time-dependent; the complex was produced gradually and became stabilized within 20 min at 37 degrees, 10 min at 50 degrees, and 1 min at 70 degrees. The maximum level of binding was also dependent on the reaction temperature, and more complex was formed at higher temperatures. Complexation was strongly dependent on the salt concentration and was not observed at greater than 0.5M NaCl. From collected evidence of the Fl-intensities of various dansyl derivatives and amphiphiles, it is concluded that LZM interacts with LPS by multiple binding-modes, the first being strongly related to the enzyme inhibition, the second being close to the Fl-intensity, and the third being dependent on the inhibition of immunopharmacological activities. For the amphiphiles used in this study, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-2-hydroxy-propanesulfonate (CHAPSO), decansulfonic acid, and cardiolipin have binding modes similar to that of LPS.  相似文献   

The N-terminal sequence (residues 1-101) of trypsin-link protein from cartilage proteoglycan complex is reported: it presents structural homologies with the poly-Ig receptor and immunoglobulin domains.  相似文献   

The surface behavior of aqueous solutions of fibrinogen, transferrin, gamma-globulin and albumin at the liquid-gas interface has been investigated by a modified Wilhelmy technique. The temperature dependence of the surface tension was studied over a temperature range of 20--80 degrees C and a pH range of 2--12. Most pronounced conformational changes of fibrinogen with this technique were found in physiological conditions: 35--45 degrees C and pH 7--8. A conformational change was found for gamma-globulin and transferrin solutions, but at a higher temperature and less pronounced than fibrinogen. Albumin did not undergo conformational transitions to a significant extent.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and various energy inhibitors on the formation of a complex between Escherichia coli male cells and filamentous phage fd was studied by a novel filtration method. Centrifuged male cells were observed by electron microscopy to have lost the majority of pili and to produce complexes with fd only above 25 degrees C. After preincubation of the cells at 37 degrees C without addition of the phage, nearly half the level of complex formation observed at 37 degrees C was detected at 0 degrees C and fd was at a minimum at about 20 degrees C. Several energy inhibitors and uncouplers drastically reduced complex formation at 37 degrees C, and also at 0 degrees C if the cells were briefly exposed to the reagents at the end of preincubation. Alteration of the cellular ATP concentration, either by shift-down of temperature or by the addition of the reagents, accompanied alteration in the ability of cells to form a complex with fd as well as alteration of the number of pili on the cell surface. In contrast to earlier reports, these results indicate that the complex formation between male cells and filamentous phage does not proceed either when pili disappear from the cell surface because of a decrease in the cellular energy level or when pili are removed by mechanical forces. The results also show that phage fd adsorption itself is not energy-dependent.  相似文献   

Several lines of investigation have shown that protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi is more complex than previously imagined. Dynamic sorting of both membrane and soluble proteins is now believed to occur on the cis side of the Golgi apparatus with some proteins returning to the endoplasmic reticulum while others travel onwards.  相似文献   

Continuing our research on the development of nucleopeptides as ODN analogs for biomedical and bioengineering applications, here we report the synthesis and the chemical–physical characterization of a homoadenine hexamer based on a l-diaminobutyric acid (l-DABA) backbone (dabPNA), and its binding studies with a complementary aegPNA. We demonstrated by CD and UV experiments that the l-dabPNA binds the aegPNA forming a complex with good thermal stability, that we identified as a left-handed triplex.  相似文献   

Assembly of the active site of the [NiFe]-hydrogenase enzymes involves a multi-step pathway and the coordinated activity of many accessory proteins. To analyze complex formation between these factors in Escherichia coli, they were genomically tagged and native multi-protein complexes were isolated. This method validated multiple interactions reported in separate studies from several organisms and defined a new complex containing the putative chaperone HybG and the large subunit of hydrogenase 1 or 2. The complex also includes HypE and HypD, which interact with each other before joining the larger complex.  相似文献   

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