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It is has been suggested that synonymous codon bias is a consequence of mutation bias in mammals. We tested this hypothesis in humans using single-nucleotide polymorphism data. We found a pattern of polymorphism which was inconsistent with the mutation bias hypothesis in G+C-rich genes. However, the data were consistent with the action of natural selection or biased gene conversion. Similar patterns of polymorphism were also observed in noncoding DNA, suggesting that natural selection or biased gene conversion may affect large tracts of the human genome.  相似文献   

In this study codon usage bias of all experimentally known genes of Lactococcus lactis has been analyzed. Since Lactococcus lactis is an AT rich organism, it is expected to occur A and/or T at the third position of codons and detailed analysis of overall codon usage data indicates that A and/or T ending codons are predominant in this organism. However, multivariate statistical analyses based both on codon count and on relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) detect a large number of genes, which are supposed to be highly expressed are clustered at one end of the first major axis, while majority of the putatively lowly expressed genes are clustered at the other end of the first major axis. It was observed that in the highly expressed genes C and T ending codons are significantly higher than the lowly expressed genes and also it was observed that C ending codons are predominant in the duets of highly expressed genes, whereas the T endings codons are abundant in the quartets. Abundance of C and T ending codons in the highly expressed genes suggest that, besides, compositional biases, translational selection are also operating in shaping the codon usage variation among the genes in this organism as observed in other compositionally skewed organisms. The second major axis generated by correspondence analysis on simple codon counts differentiates the genes into two distinct groups according to their hydrophobicity values, but the same analysis computed with relative synonymous codon usage values could not discriminate the genes according to the hydropathy values. This suggests that amino acid composition exerts constraints on codon usage in this organism. On the other hand the second major axis produced by correspondence analysis on RSCU values differentiates the genes into two groups according to the synonymous codon usage for cysteine residues (rarest amino acids in this organism), which is nothing but a artifactual effect induced by the RSCU values. Other factors such as length of the genes and the positions of the genes in the leading and lagging strand of replication have practically no influence in the codon usage variation among the genes in this organism.  相似文献   

Shao ZQ  Zhang YM  Feng XY  Wang B  Chen JQ 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33547


In yeast coding sequences, once a particular codon has been used, subsequent occurrence of the same amino acid tends to use codons sharing the same tRNA. Such a phenomenon of co-tRNA codons pairing bias (CTCPB) is also found in some other eukaryotes but it is not known whether it occurs in prokaryotes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we focused on a total of 773 bacterial genomes to investigate their synonymous codon pairing preferences. After calculating the actual frequencies of synonymous codon pairs and comparing them with their expected values, we detected an obvious pairing bias towards identical codon pairs. This seems consistent with the previously reported CTCPB phenomenon, since identical codons are certainly read by the same tRNA. However, among co-tRNA but non-identical codon pairs, only 22 were often found overrepresented, suggesting that many co-tRNA codons actually do not preferentially pair together in prokaryotes. Therefore, the previously reported co-tRNA codons pairing rule needs to be more rigorously defined. The affinity differences between a tRNA anticodon and its readable codons should be taken into account. Moreover, both within-gene-shuffling tests and phylogenetic analyses support the idea that translational selection played an important role in shaping the observed synonymous codon pairing pattern in prokaryotes.


Overall, a high level of synonymous codon pairing bias was detected in 73% investigated bacterial species, suggesting the synonymous codon ordering strategy has been prevalently adopted by prokaryotes to improve their translational efficiencies. The findings in this study also provide important clues to better understand the complex dynamics of translational process.  相似文献   

While mRNA stability has been demonstrated to control rates of translation, generating both global and local synonymous codon biases in many unicellular organisms, this explanation cannot adequately explain why codon bias strongly tracks neighboring intergene GC content; suggesting that structural dynamics of DNA might also influence codon choice. Because minor groove width is highly governed by 3-base periodicity in GC, the existence of triplet-based codons might imply a functional role for the optimization of local DNA molecular dynamics via GC content at synonymous sites (≈GC3). We confirm a strong association between GC3-related intrinsic DNA flexibility and codon bias across 24 different prokaryotic multiple whole-genome alignments. We develop a novel test of natural selection targeting synonymous sites and demonstrate that GC3-related DNA backbone dynamics have been subject to moderate selective pressure, perhaps contributing to our observation that many genes possess extreme DNA backbone dynamics for their given protein space. This dual function of codons may impose universal functional constraints affecting the evolution of synonymous and non-synonymous sites. We propose that synonymous sites may have evolved as an ‘accessory’ during an early expansion of a primordial genetic code, allowing for multiplexed protein coding and structural dynamic information within the same molecular context.  相似文献   

The levels of synonymous codon bias is shown to be positively correlated to gene length in Escherichia coli genes which are thought to be expressed at similar levels; these are genes whose products are present in multimeric proteins in equimolar amounts. It is argued that the positive correlation could be caused by selection to avoid missense errors during translation. Since the cost of producing a protein is proportional to its length, selection in favor of codons which increase accuracy should be greater in longer genes, and long genes should therefore have higher synonymous codon bias. It is also shown that there is variation in synonymous codon use which is independent of either expression level, gene length, amino acid composition, or chromosomal location. This variation is consistent with selection for translational accuracy but may have other origins.   相似文献   

Translation of mRNA into protein is a unidirectional information flow process. Analysing the input (mRNA) and output (protein) of translation, we find that local protein structure information is encoded in the mRNA nucleotide sequence. The Coding Sequence and Structure (CSandS) database developed in this work provides a detailed mapping between over 4000 solved protein structures and their mRNA. CSandS facilitates a comprehensive analysis of codon usage over many organisms. In assigning translation speed, we find that relative codon usage is less informative than tRNA concentration. For all speed measures, no evidence was found that domain boundaries are enriched with slow codons. In fact, genes seemingly avoid slow codons around structurally defined domain boundaries. Translation speed, however, does decrease at the transition into secondary structure. Codons are identified that have structural preferences significantly different from the amino acid they encode. However, each organism has its own set of ‘significant codons’. Our results support the premise that codons encode more information than merely amino acids and give insight into the role of translation in protein folding.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are not used at equal frequency throughout the genome, a phenomenon termed codon usage bias (CUB). It is often assumed that interspecific variation in the intensity of CUB is related to species differences in effective population sizes (Ne), with selection on CUB operating less efficiently in species with small Ne. Here, we specifically ask whether variation in Ne predicts differences in CUB in mammals and report two main findings. First, across 41 mammalian genomes, CUB was not correlated with two indirect proxies of Ne (body mass and generation time), even though there was statistically significant evidence of selection shaping CUB across all species. Interestingly, autosomal genes showed higher codon usage bias compared to X‐linked genes, and high‐recombination genes showed higher codon usage bias compared to low recombination genes, suggesting intraspecific variation in Ne predicts variation in CUB. Second, across six mammalian species with genetic estimates of Ne (human, chimpanzee, rabbit, and three mouse species: Mus musculus, M. domesticus, and M. castaneus), Ne and CUB were weakly and inconsistently correlated. At least in mammals, interspecific divergence in Ne does not strongly predict variation in CUB. One hypothesis is that each species responds to a unique distribution of selection coefficients, confounding any straightforward link between Ne and CUB.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage of 53 protein coding genes in chloroplast genome of Coffea arabica was analyzed for the first time to find out the possible factors contributing codon bias. All preferred synonymous codons were found to use A/T ending codons as chloroplast genomes are rich in AT. No difference in preference for preferred codons was observed in any of the two strands, viz., leading and lagging strands. Complex correlations between total base compositions (A, T, G, C, GC) and silent base contents (A3, T3, G3, C3, GC3) revealed that compositional constraints played crucial role in shaping the codon usage pattern of C. arabica chloroplast genome. ENC Vs GC3 plot grouped majority of the analyzed genes on or just below the left side of the expected GC3 curve indicating the influence of base compositional constraints in regulating codon usage. But some of the genes lie distantly below the continuous curve confirmed the influence of some other factors on the codon usage across those genes. Influence of compositional constraints was further confirmed by correspondence analysis as axis 1 and 3 had significant correlations with silent base contents. Correlation of ENC with axis 1, 4 and CAI with 1, 2 prognosticated the minor influence of selection in nature but exact separation of highly and lowly expressed genes could not be seen. From the present study, we concluded that mutational pressure combined with weak selection influenced the pattern of synonymous codon usage across the genes in the chloroplast genomes of C. arabica.  相似文献   

In many organisms, selection acts on synonymous codons to improve translation. However, the precise basis of this selection remains unclear in the majority of species. Selection could be acting to maximize the speed of elongation, to minimize the costs of proofreading, or to maximize the accuracy of translation. Using several data sets, we find evidence that codon use in Escherichia coli is biased to reduce the costs of both missense and nonsense translational errors. Highly conserved sites and genes have higher codon bias than less conserved ones, and codon bias is positively correlated to gene length and production costs, both indicating selection against missense errors. Additionally, codon bias increases along the length of genes, indicating selection against nonsense errors. Doublet mutations or replacement substitutions do not explain our observations. The correlations remain when we control for expression level and for conflicting selection pressures at the start and end of genes. Considering each amino acid by itself confirms our results. We conclude that selection on synonymous codon use in E. coli is largely due to selection for translational accuracy, to reduce the costs of both missense and nonsense errors.  相似文献   

Many proteins and peptides can form amyloid-like structures both in vivo and in vitro. Although strikingly similar fibrillar structures can be observed across a variety of amino acid sequences, the fibrils formed often exhibit a stunning wealth of polymorphisms at the level of electron or atomic force microscopy. This appears to violate the Anfinsen principle seen for globular proteins, where each protein sequence codes for just one well-defined fold. To a large extent, polymorphism reflects variable packing of a single protofilament structure in the mature fibrils. However, we and others have recently demonstrated that polymorphism can also reflect real structural differences in the molecular packing of the polypeptide chains leading to several possible protofilament structures and diverse mature fibrillar structures. Glucagon has been a particularly useful model system for studying the fibrillogenesis mechanisms that lead to the formation of structural polymorphism, thanks to its single tryptophan residue and the availability of large quantities at pharmaceutical-grade quality. Combinations of structural investigations and seed extension experiments have revealed the reproducible formation of at least five different self-propagating fibril types from subtle variations in growth conditions. These reflect the underlying complexity of the peptide conformational landscape and provide a link to natively disordered proteins, where structure is dictated by context in the form of different binding partners. Here we review some of the latest advances in the study of glucagon fibrillar polymorphism and their implications for mechanisms of fibril formation in general.  相似文献   

Adhesion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to endothelial cells and to syncytiotrophoblasts lining the placenta is a key feature of malaria pathogenesis. P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1, a family of variable proteins, mediates adhesion to CD36 and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in the systemic vasculature, and to chondroitin sulphate A and hyaluronic acid in the placenta. Recent studies of the pathology of fatal cerebral malaria and of placental malaria that follow such sequestration suggest that coagulation disturbances may have a greater role in pathogenesis than previously realized, and that monocyte infiltrates in response to malaria may initiate some of these changes. Chemokines such as macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha and beta and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 may play a key role in attracting monocytes to the placenta and other organs, but the stimulus to chemokine secretion is not presently known.  相似文献   

Analysis of synonymous codon usage pattern in the genome of a thermophilic cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 using multivariate statistical analysis revealed a single major explanatory axis accounting for codon usage variation in the organism. This axis is correlated with the GC content at third base of synonymous codons (GC3s) in correspondence analysis taking T. elongatus genes. A negative correlation was observed between effective number of codons i.e. Nc and GC3s. Results suggested a mutational bias as the major factor in shaping codon usage in this cyanobacterium. In comparison to the lowly expressed genes, highly expressed genes of this organism possess significantly higher proportion of pyrimidine-ending codons suggesting that besides, mutational bias, translational selection also influenced codon usage variation in T. elongatus. Correspondence analysis of relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) with A, T, G, C at third positions (A3s, T3s, G3s, C3s, respectively) also supported this fact and expression levels of genes and gene length also influenced codon usage. A role of translational accuracy was identified in dictating the codon usage variation of this genome. Results indicated that although mutational bias is the major factor in shaping codon usage in T. elongatus, factors like translational selection, translational accuracy and gene expression level also influenced codon usage variation.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage variation among Giardia lamblia genes and isolates.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The pattern of codon usage in the amitochondriate diplomonad Giardia lamblia has been investigated. Very extensive heterogeneity was evident among a sample of 65 genes. A discrete group of genes featured unusual codon usage due to the amino acid composition of their products: these variant surface proteins (VSPs) are unusually rich in Cys and, to a lesser extent, Gly and Thr. Among the remaining 50 genes, correspondence analysis revealed a single major source of variation in synonymous codon usage. This trend was related to the extent of use of a particular subset of 21 codons which are inferred to be those which are optimal for translation; at one end of this trend were genes expected to be expressed at low levels with near random codon usage, while at the other extreme were genes expressed at high levels in which these optimal codons are used almost exclusively. These optimal codons all end in C or G so G + C content at silent sites varies enormously among genes, from values around 40%, expected to reflect the background level of the genome, up to nearly 100%. Although VSP genes are occasionally extremely highly expressed, they do not, in general, have high frequencies of optimal codons, presumably because their high expression is only intermittent. These results indicate that natural selection has been very effective in shaping codon usage in G. lamblia. These analyses focused on sequences from strains placed within G. lamblia "assemblage A"; a few sequences from other strains revealed extensive divergence at silent sites, including some divergence in the pattern of codon usage.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching: causes and consequences   总被引:24,自引:11,他引:13  
《Coral reefs (Online)》1997,16(5):S129-S138

Coral bleaching: causes and consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brown  B. E. 《Coral reefs (Online)》1997,16(1):S129-S138
It has been over 10 years since the phenomenon of extensive coral bleaching was first described. In most cases bleaching has been attributed to elevated temperature, but other instances involving high solar irradiance, and sometimes disease, have also been documented. It is timely, in view of our concern about worldwide reef condition, to review knowledge of physical and biological factors involved in bleaching, the mechanisms of zooxanthellae and pigment loss, and the ecological consequences for coral communities. Here we evaluate recently acquired data on temperature and irradiance-induced bleaching, including long-term data sets which suggest that repeated bleaching events may be the consequence of a steadily rising background sea temperature that will in the future expose corals to an increasingly hostile environment. Cellular mechanisms of bleaching involve a variety of processes that include the degeneration of zooxanthellae in situ, release of zooxanthellae from mesenterial filaments and release of algae within host cells which become detached from the endoderm. Photo-protective defences (particularly carotenoid pigments) in zooxanthellae are likely to play an important role in limiting the bleaching response which is probably elicited by a combination of elevated temperature and irradiance in the field. The ability of corals to respond adaptively to recurrent bleaching episodes is not known, but preliminary evidence suggests that phenotypic responses of both corals and zooxanthellae may be significant.  相似文献   

Liu Q  Dou S  Ji Z  Xue Q 《Bio Systems》2005,80(2):123-131
The relationship between codon usage and gene function was investigated while considering a dataset of 2106 nuclear genes of Oryza sativa. The results of standard chi(2) test and F-statistic showed that for every 59 synonymous codons, a strongly significant association with gene functional categories existed in rice, indicating that codon usage was generally coordinated with gene function whether it was at the level of individual amino acids or at the level of nucleotides. However, it could not be directly said that the use of every codons differed significantly between any two functional categories. Notably, there existed large difference both in selection for biased codons or selection intensity among functional categories. Therefore, we identified at least two classes of genes: one group of genes, mainly belonging to the "METABOLISM" category, was tended to use G- and/or C-ending codons while the other was more biased to choose codons ending with A and/or U. The latter group contained genes of various functions, especially those genes classified into the "Nuclear Structure" category. These observations will be more important for molecular genetic engineering and genome functional annotation.  相似文献   

同义密码子使用模式作为核苷酸与氨基酸的纽带,其多样性介导了核糖体扫描速率,同时扩充了基因的遗传信息存储量。随着新型技术的应用,发现特异性密码子和密码子结合力可调节核糖体扫描速率并影响蛋白质构象。同义密码子使用模式通过多种方式在不同环节影响着核糖体扫描速率,同时还影响着自身mRNA的稳定性。本文简述了密码子使用模式如何在核糖体扫描翻译mRNA的过程中实现对多肽链翻译延伸的调控,为今后生物工程学领域如何优化蛋白高效表达提供可参考的思路与理念。  相似文献   

The usage of alternative synonymous codons in the apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum has been investigated. A data set of 54 genes was analysed. Overall, A- and U-ending codons predominate, as expected in an A+T-rich genome. Two trends of codon usage variation among genes were identified using correspondence analysis. The primary trend is in the extent of usage of a subset of presumably translationally optimal codons, that are used at significantly higher frequencies in genes expected to be expressed at high levels. Fifteen of the 18 codons identified as optimal are more G+C-rich than the otherwise common codons, so that codon selection associated with translation opposes the general mutation bias. Among 40 genes with lower frequencies of these optimal codons, a secondary trend in G+C content was identified. In these genes, G+C content at synonymously variable third positions of codons is correlated with that in 5' and 3' flanking sequences, indicative of regional variation in G+C content, perhaps reflecting regional variation in mutational biases.  相似文献   

The immergence and dissemination of multidrug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in recent years have expedited the research on the discovery of novel anti-staphylococcal agents promptly. Bacteriophages have long been showing tremendous potentialities in curing the infections caused by various pathogenic bacteria including S. aureus. Thus far, only a few virulent bacteriophages, which do not carry any toxin-encoding gene but are capable of eradicating staphylococcal infections, were reported. Based on the codon usage analysis of sixteen S. aureus phages, previously three phages were suggested to be useful as the anti-staphylococcal agents. To search for additional S. aureus phages suitable for phage therapy, relative synonymous codon usage bias has been investigated in the protein-coding genes of forty new staphylococcal phages. All phages appeared to carry A and T ending codons. Several factors such as mutational pressure, translational selection and gene length seemed to be responsible for the codon usage variation in the phages. Codon usage indeed varied phage to phage. Of the phages, phages G1, Twort, 66 and Sap-2 may be extremely lytic in nature as majority of their genes possess high translational efficiency, indicating that these phages may be employed in curing staphylococcal infections.  相似文献   

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