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Optimal design in random-effects regression models 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Bayesian experimental design is investigated for Bayesian analysis of nonlinear mixed-effects models. Existence of the posterior risk for parameter estimation is shown. When the same prior distribution is used for both design and inference, existence of the preposterior risk for design is also proven. If the prior distribution used in design is different from that used for inference, sufficient conditions are established for existence of the preposterior risk for design. A case study of design for an experiment in population HIV dynamics is provided. 相似文献
We consider that observations come from a general normal linearmodel and that it is desirable to test a simplifying null hypothesisabout the parameters. We approach this problem from an objectiveBayesian, model-selection perspective. Crucial ingredients forthis approach are proper objective priors to beused for deriving the Bayes factors. Jeffreys-Zellner-Siow priorshave good properties for testing null hypotheses defined byspecific values of the parameters in full-rank linear models.We extend these priors to deal with general hypotheses in generallinear models, not necessarily of full rank. The resulting priors,which we call conventional priors, are expressedas a generalization of recently introduced partiallyinformative distributions. The corresponding Bayes factorsare fully automatic, easily computed and very reasonable. Themethodology is illustrated for the change-point problem andthe equality of treatments effects problem. We compare the conventionalpriors derived for these problems with other objective Bayesianproposals like the intrinsic priors. It is concluded that bothpriors behave similarly although interesting subtle differencesarise. We adapt the conventional priors to deal with nonnestedmodel selection as well as multiple-model comparison. Finally,we briefly address a generalization of conventional priors tononnormal scenarios. 相似文献
Different methods have been developed to consider the effects of statistical associations among genes that arise in population genetics models: kin selection models deal with associations among genes present in different interacting individuals, while multilocus models deal with associations among genes at different loci. It was pointed out recently that these two types of models are very similar in essence. In this paper, we present a method to construct multilocus models in the infinite island model of population structure (where deme size may be arbitrarily small). This method allows one to compute recursions on allele frequencies, and different types of genetic associations (including associations between different individuals from the same deme), and incorporates selection. Recursions can be simplified using quasi-equilibrium approximations; however, we show that quasi-equilibrium calculations for associations that are different from zero under neutrality must include a term that has not been previously considered. The method is illustrated using simple examples. 相似文献
Robust and efficient design of experiments for the Monod model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper the problem of designing experiments for the Monod model, which is frequently used in microbiology, is studied. The model is defined implicitly by a differential equation and has numerous applications in microbial growth kinetics, environmental research, pharmacokinetics, and plant physiology. The designs presented so far in the literature are local optimal designs, which depend sensitively on a preliminary guess of the unknown parameters, and are for this reason in many cases not robust with respect to their misspecification. Uniform designs and maximin optimal designs are considered as a strategy to obtain robust and efficient designs for parameter estimation. In particular, standardized maximin D- and E-optimal designs are determined and compared with uniform designs, which are usually applied in these microbiological models. It is demonstrated that maximin optimal designs are substantially more efficient than uniform designs. Parameter variances can be decreased by a factor of two by simply sampling at optimal times during the experiment. Moreover, the maximin optimal designs usually provide the possibility for the experimenter to check the model assumptions, because they have more support points than parameters in the Monod model. 相似文献
An experimental design problem is considered for the analysis of long-term selection experiments with nonlinear regression models. For a 3-parametric exponential regression function whose parameters have also a reasonable biological interpretation approximate formulas for the determination of the necessary number of observations at each generation are constructed in such a way that the half expected length of an (1 — α)-confidence interval for a chosen parameter is not greater than a given value. In this sense the accuracy of the parameter estimators can be described. 相似文献
Amiya Ranjan Bhowmick Gaurangadeb Chattopadhyay Sabyasachi Bhattacharya 《Journal of biological physics》2014,40(1):71-95
Scientific formalizations of the notion of growth and measurement of the rate of growth in living organisms are age-old problems. The most frequently used metric, “Average Relative Growth Rate” is invariant under the choice of the underlying growth model. Theoretically, the estimated rate parameter and relative growth rate remain constant for all mutually exclusive and exhaustive time intervals if the underlying law is exponential but not for other common growth laws (e.g., logistic, Gompertz, power, general logistic). We propose a new growth metric specific to a particular growth law and show that it is capable of identifying the underlying growth model. The metric remains constant over different time intervals if the underlying law is true, while the extent of its variation reflects the departure of the assumed model from the true one. We propose a new estimator of the relative growth rate, which is more sensitive to the true underlying model than the existing one. The advantage of using this is that it can detect crucial intervals where the growth process is erratic and unusual. It may help experimental scientists to study more closely the effect of the parameters responsible for the growth of the organism/population under study. 相似文献