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A protein microarray system containing different dilutions of 77 related and non-related proteins was used to show that IgE from subjects allergic to Brazil nut specifically recognise the seed 2S albumin protein (Ber e 1). Further, correctly folded chimaeric 2S albumin proteins containing structural epitope replacement were constructed and directed to the secretion pathway of the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris. Through the use of a chimaeric protein microarray system together with sera from a panel of 18 well-characterised Brazil nut allergic subjects, a structural IgE epitope of Ber e 1 was mapped to a helix-loop-helix region. The same structural region has been previously reported as the immunodominant region in related food allergens by different techniques. In conclusion, the combination of chimaeric proteins and protein microarrays will greatly facilitate the screening of a large number of individuals for a particular structural epitope and help to further our understanding of how proteins are recognised by the adaptive immune system.  相似文献   

Aspergillus terreus is an allergenic fungus, in addition to causing infections in both humans and plants. However, the allergens in this fungus are still unknown, limiting the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. We used a proteomic approach to search for allergens, identifying 16 allergens based on two-dimensional immunoblotting with A. terreus susceptible patient sera. We further characterized triose-phosphate isomerase (Asp t 36), one of the dominant IgE (IgE)-reactive proteins. The gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Phylogenetic analysis showed Asp t 36 to be highly conserved with close similarity to the triose-phosphate isomerase protein sequence from Dermatophagoides farinae, an allergenic dust mite. We identified four immunodominant epitopes using synthetic peptides, and mapped them on a homology-based model of the tertiary structure of Asp t 36. Among these, two were found to create a continuous surface patch on the 3D structure, rendering it an IgE-binding hotspot. Biophysical analysis indicated that Asp t 36 shows similar secondary structure content and temperature sensitivity with other reported triose-phosphate isomerase allergens. In vivo studies using a murine model displayed that the recombinant Asp t 36 was able to stimulate airway inflammation, as demonstrated by an influx of eosinophils, goblet cell hyperplasia, elevated serum Igs, and induction of Th2 cytokines. Collectively, our results reveal the immunogenic property of Asp t 36, a major allergen from A. terreus, and define a new fungal allergen more broadly. This allergen could serve as a potent candidate for investigating component resolved diagnosis and immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The norepinephrine transporter(NET) is a member of the Na^ /Cl^- dependent neurotransmitter transporter family and constitutes the target of several clinically important antidepressants.To delineate the critical amino acid residues and the function of C-terminal in regulating transport activity of NET,here we constructed two site mutants (V70F,F72V;V70I,F72V) and one C-terminal truncated mutant (Δ 611-617).The wild type and mutants of NET were expressed in Xenopus oocytes by injection of their cRNA.We found that all of these mutants lost their transport activity.These results indicate that the amino acid residues of V70 and F72,and the last seven amino acids of C-terminal are essential to the transport activity of NET.  相似文献   

Human sera obtained from children with egg allergy reacted well with both native and heated ovomucoid (OM). Ovalbumin is present in egg white in a 5 times greater quantity than OM; however, it easily aggregates and becomes difficult to extract by heating. For accurate food allergen labeling of processed food, therefore, OM should be evaluated with the determination of egg white protein in consideration of heat denaturation. Three kinds of monoclonal antibodies and sandwich ELISA tests were established which are able to recognize the native and/or heat-denatured forms of OM. The usefulness of these characteristic mAbs and ELISA tests are discussed in relation to allergen labeling, monitoring food processing, and movement or change of dietary protein in vivo.  相似文献   

A trypsin-resistant core peptide of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) was isolated and analyzed by high-energy Cs+ liquid secondary-ion (LSI) mass spectrometric analysis. This analysis provided successful detection of the high-mass disulfide-linked core peptide as well as information confirming the existence of disulfide pairing. Similarly, LSI mass spectrometric analysis of the peptide fragments isolated chromatographically from a Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digest of rhGM-CSF provided rapid confirmation of the cDNA-derived sequence and determination of the existing disulfide bonds between cysteine residues 54-96 and 88-121. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was employed to measure the molecular weight of the intact protein and to determine the number of the disulfide bonds in the protein molecule by comparative analysis of the protein before and after reduction with beta-mercaptoethanol.  相似文献   

A hydrophilic region consisting of strikingly clustered charged amino acids is present at the center of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif. In this study, the role for this central hydrophilic region (E(88)WRKKR(93)) in the virus replication in nonpermissive H9 cells was investigated by extensive deletion and substitution analysis. A total of 31 mutants were constructed. Deletion of the E(88) or W(89) residue alone abolished viral infectivity in H9 cells and impaired virus replication in primary macrophage cultures. Substitution analysis indicated that the hydrophilicity and charge of the central region are insignificant for the function of Vif. Of the 16 substitution mutants, 3 mutants with substitution of E(88) and W(89) with an A residue did not grow in H9 cells. Upon transfection, four mutants (i.e., two mutants with deletion of E(88) or W(89); a mutant with substitution of E(88) and W(89) with A; and a mutant with substitution of E(88), W(89), and R(90) with A) were found to express Vif at a very reduced level relative to that by the wild-type clone. These results have thus demonstrated that amino acid residues 88 and 89 of Vif are critical for the replication of HIV-1 in target cells by enhancing the steady-state expression of Vif. In addition, E(88) and W(89) residues were found to be extremely conserved among the Vif proteins of naturally occurring HIV-1 field isolates as well as those of laboratory HIV-1 strains.  相似文献   

A trucated human c-Ha-Ras protein that lacks the C-terminal 18 amino acid residues and the truncated Ras protein with the amino acid substitution Gly Val in position 12 were prepared by anE. coli overexpression system. The truncated Ras protein showed the same guanine-nucleotide binding activity and GTPase activity as those of the full-length Ras protein. Further, the same extent of GTPase activity enhancement due to GTPase-activating protein was observed for the truncated and full-length Ras proteins. In fact, two-dimensional proton NMR analyses indicated that the tertiary structure of the truncated Ras protein (GDP-bound or GMPPNP-bound) was nearly the same as that of the corresponding catalytic domain of the full-length Ras protein. Moreover, a conformational change around the effector region upon GDP GMPPNP exchange occurred in the same manner for both proteins. These observations indicate that the C-terminal flanking region (18 amino acid residues) of the Ras protein does not appreciably interact with the catalytic domain. Therefore, the truncated Ras protein is suitable for studying the molecular mechanism involved in the GTPase activity and the interaction with the GTPase-activating protein. On the other hand, an active form of the truncated Ras protein, unlike that of the full-length Ras protein, did not induce neurite outgrowth of rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. Thus, membrane anchoring of the Ras protein through its C-terminal four residues is not required for the interaction of Ras and GAP, but may be essential for the following binding of the Ras-GAP complex with the putative downstream target.  相似文献   

The relative binding site location and species specificity of 19 mouse hybridoma antibodies, produced in four laboratories, to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus major fecal allergen, Der p I, was studied by using immobilized mAb and inhibitions of radiolabeled Ag binding. Four mAb groups were defined, within which 4, 6, 8, and 5 mAb, respectively, cross-inhibited each other. Five mAb were members of both group 2 and 3, demonstrating a considerable overlap of epitopes between the corresponding antibody-binding regions. The degree of mAb species specificity, as assessed by inhibition with cold Der p I and Ag Der m I and Der f I from the related species, Dermatophagoides microceras and Dermatophagoides farinae, was highly variable even for mAb binding to the same region on the Ag. Five cases of cross-reactivity between Der p I and Der m I and one case of cross-reactivity between Der p I and Der f I were found. The N-terminal 30 amino acids of the three species showed 7 substitutions between Der p I and Der m I/Der f I and 2 between Der f I and Der p I/Der m I. Single mAb inhibited up to 65% of labeled Der p I binding to immobilized human IgE from allergic patients' sera and up to 24% of labeled Der p I binding to immobilized rabbit antibodies. The spectrum of species specificities in human IgE sera, as assessed by inhibitions with cold Ag, was similar to that of the mAb. No evidence for the presence of strictly sequential epitopes, reactive with either mAb or human IgE was found, as judged from the weak inhibitory activity of acid-denatured Der p I.  相似文献   

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