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Relatives of the vertebrate estrogen receptor (ER) are found in Aplysia californica, Octopus vulgaris, Thais clavigera, and Marisa cornuarietis. Unlike vertebrate ERs, invertebrate ERs are constitutively active and do not bind estradiol. To investigate the molecular basis of the absence of estrogen binding, we constructed a 3D model of the putative steroid-binding domain on octopus ER. Our 3D model indicates that binding of estradiol to octopus ER is prevented by steric clashes between estradiol and amino acids in the steroid-binding pocket. In this respect, octopus ER resembles vertebrate estrogen-related receptors (ERR), which have a ligand-binding pocket that cannot accommodate estradiol. Like ERR, octopus ER also may have the activation function 2 domain (AF2) in a configuration that can bind to coactivators in the absence of estrogens, which would explain constitutive activity of octopus ER.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to detect the ontogeny of estrogen receptor (ERα and ERβ) and androgen receptor (AR) expressions and their co-localization with Islet-1 in the developing dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of sheep fetuses by immunohistochemistry. From the single staining results, the ERα immunoreactivity (ERα-ir), ERβ immunoreactivity (ERβ-ir) and AR immunoreactivity (AR-ir) was first detected at days 90, 120 and 90 of gestation, respectively. From days 90 to 120, ERα and AR were consistently detected in the nuclei of DRG neurons and the relative percentage (approximately 60%) of ERα-ir or AR-ir cells did not change significantly. Moreover, there was no change in ERα expression, while a dramatic loss of AR expression was observed at birth. From day 120 of gestation to birth, very few neurons (approximately 8%) showed nuclear ERβ immunoreactivity. The dual staining results showed that Islet-1 was co-localized with ERα, ERβ or AR in the nuclei of DRG neurons with various frequencies, and over 70% ERα-ir, ERβ-ir or AR-ir cells contained Islet-1. These results imply that ERs, AR and Islet-1 may be important in regulating the differentiation and functional maintenance of some phenotypes of DRG neurons after mid-gestation in the sheep fetus.  相似文献   

Carboranes are a class of carbon-containing polyhedral boron-cluster compounds with globular geometry and hydrophobic surface that interact with hormone receptors. Estrogen deficiency results in marked bone loss due to increased osteoclastic bone resorption in females, but estrogen replacement therapy is not generally used for postmenopausal osteoporosis due to the risk of uterine cancer. We synthesized a novel carborane compound BE360 to clarify its anti-osteoporosis activity. BE360 showed a high binding affinity to estrogen receptors (ER), ERα and ERβ. In ovariectomized (OVX) mice, femoral bone volume was markedly reduced and BE360 dose-dependently restored bone loss in OVX mice. However, BE360 did not exhibit any estrogenic activity in the uterus. BE360 also restored bone loss in orchidectomized mice without androgenic action in the sex organs. Therefore, BE360 is a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that may offer a new therapy option for osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Jordan VC  Brodie AM 《Steroids》2007,72(1):7-25
This article describes the origins and evolution of "antiestrogenic" medicines for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Developing drugs that target the estrogen receptor (ER) either directly (tamoxifen) or indirectly (aromatase inhibitors) has improved the prognosis of breast cancer and significantly advanced healthcare. The development of the principles for treatment and the success of the concept, in practice, has become a model for molecular medicine and presaged the current testing of numerous targeted therapies for all forms of cancer. The translational research with tamoxifen to target the ER with the appropriate duration (5 years) of adjuvant therapy has contributed to the falling national death rates from breast cancer. Additionally, exploration of the endocrine pharmacology of tamoxifen and related nonsteroidal antiestrogen (e.g. keoxifene now known as raloxifene) resulted in the laboratory recognition of selective ER modulation and the translation of the concept to use raloxifene for the prevention of osteoporosis and breast cancer. However, the extensive evaluation of tamoxifen treatment revealed small but significant side effects such as endometrial cancer, blood clots and the development of acquired resistance. The solution was to develop drugs that targeted the aromatase enzyme specifically to prevent the conversion of androstenedione to estrone and subsequently estradiol. The successful translational research with the suicide inhibitor 4-hydroxyandrostenedione (known as formestane) pioneered the development of a range of oral aromatase inhibitors that are either suicide inhibitors (exemestane) or competitive inhibitors (letrozole and anastrozole) of the aromatase enzyme. Treatment with aromatase inhibitors is proving effective and is associated with reduction in the incidence of endometrial cancer and blood clots when compared with tamoxifen and there is also limited cross resistance so treatment can be sequential. Current clinical trials are addressing the value of aromatase inhibitors as chemopreventive agents for postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

Prostate is one of the major targets for dihydrotestosterone (DHT), however this gland is also recognized as a nonclassical target for estrogen as it expresses both types of estrogen receptors (ER), especially ERbeta. Nevertheless, the concentrations of aromatase and estradiol in the prostate are low, indicating that estradiol may not be the only estrogenic molecule to play a role in the prostate. It is known that DHT can be metabolized to 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol (3beta-diol), a hormone that binds to ERbeta but not to AR. The concentration of 3beta-diol in prostate is much higher than that of estradiol. Based on the high concentration of 3beta-diol and since this metabolite is a physiological ERbeta ligand, we hypothesized that 3beta-diol would be involved in the regulation of ERbeta expression. To test this hypothesis, adult male rats were submitted to castration followed by estradiol, DHT or 3beta-diol replacement. ERbeta and AR protein levels in the prostate were investigated by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting assays. The results showed that after castration, the structure of the prostate was dramatically changed and ERbeta and AR protein levels were decreased. Estradiol had just minor effects on the parameters analyzed. DHT-induced partial recovery of ERbeta while it was the most effective inductor of AR expression. Replacement with 3beta-diol-induced the highest levels of ERbeta, but was comparatively less effective in recovering the AR expression and the gland structure. These results offer evidence that one functional role of 3beta-diol in the prostate may be autoregulation of its natural receptor, ERbeta.  相似文献   

Estrogens play fundamental roles in regulating reproductive activities and they act through estrogen receptor (ESR) in all vertebrates. Most vertebrates have two ESR subtypes (ESR1 and ESR2), whereas teleost fish have at least three (Esr1, Esr2a and Esr2b). Intricate functionalization has been suggested among the Esr subtypes, but to date, distinct roles of Esr have been characterized in only a limited number of species. Study of loss‐of‐function in animal models is a powerful tool for application to understanding vertebrate reproductive biology. In the current study, we established esr1 knockout (KO) medaka using a TALEN approach and examined the effects of Esr1 ablation. Unexpectedly, esr1 KO medaka did not show any significant defects in their gonadal development or in their sexual characteristics. Neither male or female esr1 KO medaka exhibited any significant changes in sexual differentiation or reproductive activity compared with wild type controls. Interestingly, however, estrogen‐induced vitellogenin gene expression, an estrogen‐responsive biomarker in fish, was limited in the liver of esr1 KO males. Our findings, in contrast to mammals, indicate that Esr1 is dispensable for normal development and reproduction in medaka. We thus provide an evidence for estrogen receptor functionalization between mammals and fish. Our findings will also benefit interpretation of studies into the toxicological effects of estrogenic chemicals in fish.  相似文献   

In this review, the cholecystokinin (CCK)(-like) receptors throughout the animal kingdom are compared on the level of physiological functions, evolutionary basis and molecular structure. In vertebrates, the CCK receptor is an important member of the G-protein coupled receptors as it is involved in the regulation of many physiological functions like satiety, gastrointestinal motility, gastric acid secretion, gall bladder contraction, pancreatic secretion, panic, anxiety and memory and learning processes. A homolog for this receptor is also found in nematodes and arthropods, called CK receptor and sulfakinin (SK) receptor, respectively. These receptors seem to have evolved from a common ancestor which is probably still closely related to the nematode CK receptor. The SK receptor is more closely related to the CCK receptor and seems to have similar functions. A molecular 3D-model for the CCK receptor type 1 has been built together with the docking of the natural ligands for the CCK and SK receptors in the CCK receptor type 1. These molecular models can help to study ligand-receptor interactions, that can in turn be useful in the development of new CCK(-like) receptor agonists and antagonists with beneficial health effects in humans or potential for pest control.  相似文献   

One class of the nuclear receptor AF-2 coactivator complexes contains the SRC-1/TIF2 family, CBP/p300 and an RNA coactivator, SRA. We identified a subfamily of RNA-binding DEAD-box proteins (p72/p68) as a human estrogen receptor alpha (hER alpha) coactivator in the complex containing these factors. p72/p68 interacted with both the AD2 of any SRC-1/TIF2 family protein and the hER alpha A/B domain, but not with any other nuclear receptor tested. p72/p68, TIF2 (SRC-1) and SRA were co-immunoprecipitated with estrogen-bound hER alpha in MCF7 cells and in partially purified complexes associated with hER alpha from HeLa nuclear extracts. Estrogen induced co-localization of p72 with hER alpha and TIF2 in the nucleus. The presence of p72/p68 potentiated the estrogen-induced expression of the endogenous pS2 gene in MCF7 cells. In a transient expression assay, a combination of p72/p68 with SRA and one TIF2 brought an ultimate synergism to the estrogen-induced transactivation of hER alpha. These findings indicate that p72/p68 acts as an ER subtype-selective coactivator through ER alpha AF-1 by associating with the coactivator complex to bind its AF-2 through direct binding with SRA and the SRC-1/TIF2 family proteins.  相似文献   

The gluteal musculature of primates has been a focus of great research interest among those who study human evolution. Most current theorists agree that gluteus superficialis (= maximus) need not have changed its action in the step from pongid to hominid, but dispute has arisen over a purported change in action and role of the gluteus medius. To clarify the functions of gluteus medius, gluteus superficialis, and tensor fasciae femoris during ape locomotion, we conducted a telemetered electromyographic study of these muscles in two gibbons, one orangutan, and four chimpanzees as they walked bipedally on the ground and on a horizontal tree trunk, walked quadrupedally on the same substrates, and climbed a vertical tree trunk. The results indicate that the gluteus medius of apes is not, as has been previously suggested, primarily an extensor of the thigh; its action is chiefly that of medial rotation. The role of the gluteus medius during bipedality is the same in apes and humans–to provide side-to-side balance of the trunk at the hip. The change in the hominid lateral balance mechanism can be viewed as primarily osteological, allowing preservation of the same muscle function with an extended thigh. As a result, the stride length is increased and there occurs a diminution of the demands placed on other muscles to maintain anteroposterior balance at the hip and knee. Our data also support the view that vertical climbing may be specifically preadaptive to bipedalism. One may picture the earliest hominid as part biped, when on the ground traveling between scattered food trees, and part climber, when moving from the ground to food.  相似文献   

The complexity of gonadal steroid hormone actions is reflected in their broad and diverse effects on a host of integrated systems including reproductive physiology, sexual behavior, stress responses, immune function, cognition, and neural protection. Understanding the specific contributions of androgens and estrogens in neurons that mediate these important biological processes is central to the study of neuroendocrinology. Of particular interest in recent years has been the biological role of androgen metabolites. The goal of this review is to highlight recent data delineating the specific brain targets for the dihydrotestosterone metabolite, 5α-androstane, 3β,17β-diol (3β-Diol). Studies using both in vitro and in vivo approaches provide compelling evidence that 3β-Diol is an important modulator of the stress response mediated by the hypothalmo–pituitary–adrenal axis. Furthermore, the actions of 3β-Diol are mediated by estrogen receptors, and not androgen receptors, often through a canonical estrogen response element in the promoter of a given target gene. These novel findings compel us to re-evaluate the interpretation of past studies and the design of future experiments aimed at elucidating the specific effects of androgen receptor signaling pathways.  相似文献   

田鼠属的一些近缘种间具有独特的社会行为多态性。例如Microtusochrogaster和M .pinetorum为一夫一妻制 ,而M .montanus和M .pennsylvanicus则为独居和一夫多妻制。无论是在野外还是人工饲养的条件下 ,单配制的田鼠其雌、雄成年个体一经交配即在两者之间形成长期的配偶关系并且双亲共同哺育后代。已证明神经多肽加压素 (Vasopressin)参与了田鼠单配制行为的神经调控。本篇综述了过去以及近期关于加压素调控田鼠配偶关系形成的研究结果和进展。首先 ,阐述了加压素V1a受体 (V1aR)在脑分布的种间差异 ,并以此来鉴别特定脑区在配偶关系形成中的功能 ;其次 ,探讨了运用V1aR拮抗物的药理学方法来决定究竟哪些脑区参与配偶关系的形成 ,还描述了田鼠种间V1aR基因结构和功能的不同 ,以及这些不同对V1aR在大脑的分布和行为调控潜在的作用机制 ;最后 ,讨论了最新的研究结果 ,即对一夫多妻制田鼠进行脑V1aR基因的改造 ,从而使之表现出一夫一妻制田鼠的行为。总之 ,了解复杂的社会性行为的遗传和神经机制可以加深我们对种间和种内行为分歧进化的理解  相似文献   

The evolution, taxonomy and conservation of the genus Equuswere investigated by examining the mitochondrial DNA sequences of thecontrol region and 12S rRNA gene. The phylogenetic analysis of thesesequences provides further evidence that the deepest node in thephylogeny of the extant species is a divergence between twolineages; one leading to the ancestor of modern horses (E.ferus, domestic and przewalskii) and the other to thezebra and ass ancestor, with the later speciation events of the zebrasand asses occurring either as one or more rapid radiations, or withextensive secondary contact after speciation. Examination of the geneticdiversity within species suggested that two of the E. hemionussubspecies (E. h. onager and E. h. kulan) onlyrecently diverged, and perhaps, are insufficiently different to beclassified as separate subspecies. The genetic divergence betweendomestic and wild forms of E. ferus (horse) and E.africanus (African ass) was no greater than expected within anequid species. In E. burchelli (plains zebra) there was anindication of mtDNA divergence between populations increasing withdistance. The implications of these results for equid conservation arediscussed and recommendations are made for conservation action.  相似文献   

We showed previously that large domain exchanges between the bradykinin B2 (BKB2) and angiotensin II type 1a (AT1a) receptors can result in functional hybrids. However, when we proceeded to exchange the entire bradykinin B2 receptor (BKB2R) C-terminal tail with the AT1aR C-terminus, the hybrid, while continuing to bind BK and be endocytosed as wild type (WT) BKB2R, lost much of its ability to activate phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover or the release of arachidonic acid (ARA). In this study, we constructed chimeric receptors within the proximal C-terminus between the BKB2R and AT1aR or bradykinin B1 receptor (BKB1R). The mutant and WT receptor cDNAs were stably transfected into Rat-1 cells. Also, point mutations were generated to evaluate the role of the individual residues within this region. These chimeric studies revealed that the proximal portion of the BKB2R C-tail is crucial for G protein-linked BKB2R functions. This region could not be swapped with the AT1aR to obtain a BK activated PI turnover or ARA release. Further studies demonstrated that the distal portion (325-330) of this region is exchangeable; however, the middle portion (317-324) is not. Small motif exchanges within this section identified the KSR and EVY motifs as crucial for G(alphaq), G(alphai) related signaling of the BKB2R. Point mutations then showed that the charged amino acids K317, R319, and E320 are the residues critical for linking to PI turnover and ARA release. However, these proximal chimeras showed normal receptor uptake. Interestingly, while apparently not activating G protein-linked signaling, the proximal tail AT1aR exchange mutant and the entire C-terminus exchange hybrid continued to cause a substantial bradykinin effected increase in connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) mRNA level, as WT BKB2R.  相似文献   

The complexity of gonadal steroid hormone actions is reflected in their broad and diverse effects on a host of integrated systems including reproductive physiology, sexual behavior, stress responses, immune function, cognition, and neural protection. Understanding the specific contributions of androgens and estrogens in neurons that mediate these important biological processes is central to the study of neuroendocrinology. Of particular interest in recent years has been the biological role of androgen metabolites. The goal of this review is to highlight recent data delineating the specific brain targets for the dihydrotestosterone metabolite, 5alpha-androstane, 3beta,17beta-diol (3beta-Diol). Studies using both in vitro and in vivo approaches provide compelling evidence that 3beta-Diol is an important modulator of the stress response mediated by the hypothalmo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Furthermore, the actions of 3beta-Diol are mediated by estrogen receptors, and not androgen receptors, often through a canonical estrogen response element in the promoter of a given target gene. These novel findings compel us to re-evaluate the interpretation of past studies and the design of future experiments aimed at elucidating the specific effects of androgen receptor signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Summary All aphids harbor symbiotrophic prokaryotes (primary symbionts) in a specialized-abdominal cell, the bacteriocyte. Chaperonin 60 (Cpn60, symbionin) and chaperonin 10 (Cpn10), which are high and low molecular weight heatshock proteins, were sought in tissues of more than 60 aphid species. The endosymbionts were compared immunologically and histologically. It was demonstrated that (1) there are two types of aphids in terms of the endosymbiotic system: some with only primary symbionts and others with, in addition, secondary symbionts; (2) the primary symbionts of various aphids are quite similar in morphology whereas the secondary symbionts vary; and (3) irrespective of the aphid species, Cpn60 is abundant in both the primary and secondary symbionts, while Cpn10 is abundant in the secondary symbionts but present in small amounts in the primary ones. Based on these results, we suggest that the primary symbionts have been derived from a prokaryote that was acquired by the common ancestor of aphids whereas the secondary symbionts have been acquired by various aphids independently after divergence of the aphid species. In addition, we point out the possibility that the prokaryotes under intracellular conditions have been subject to some common evolutionary pressures, and as a result, have come to resemble cell organelles.  相似文献   

N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors play crucial roles in neuronal synaptic plasticity, learning and memory. However, as to whether different NMDA subunits are implicated in specific forms of memory is unclear. Moreover, nothing is known about the interspecific genetic variability of the GRIN2A subunit and how this variation can potentially explain evolutionary changes in behavioral phenotypes. Here, we used 28 primate GRIN2A sequences and various proxies of memory across primates to investigate the role of GRIN2A . Codon-specific sequence analysis on these sequences showed that GRIN2A in primates coevolved with a likely ecological proxy of spatial memory (relative home-range size) but not with other indices of non-spatial learning and memory such as social memory and social learning. Models based on gene averages failed to detect positive selection in primate branches with major changes in relative home-range size. This implies that accelerated evolution is concentrated in specific parts of the protein expressed by GRIN2A . Overall, our molecular evolution study, the first on GRIN2A , supports the notion that different NMDA subunits may play a role in specific forms of memory and that phenotypic diversity along with genetic evolution can be used to investigate the link between genes and behavior across evolutionary time.  相似文献   

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