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Crude methanolic extracts and fractions from the aerial parts of seven species of Hypericum (H. caprifoliatum Cham. and Schltdl., H. carinatum Griseb., H. connatum Lam., H. ternum A. St.-Hil., H. myrianthum Cham. and Schltdl., H. piriai Arechav. and H. polyanthemum Klotzsch ex Reichardt) growing in southern Brazil were analyzed for their in vitro antifungal activity against a panel of standardized and clinical opportunistic pathogenic yeasts and filamentous fungi, including dermatophytes, by the agar dilution method. Chloroform and hexane extracts of H. ternum showed the greatest activity among extracts tested.  相似文献   

Two new cycloartane derivatives, macrostachyosides A (1) and B (2), and seventeen known compounds were isolated from the methanol extract of Mallotus macrostachyus leaves. Their structures were elucidated by NMR and MS data. Macrostachyosides A (1) and B (2) showed significant cytotoxic activities on KB (epidermoid carcinoma) and LU-1 (lung adenocarcinoma) human cancer cell lines with IC50 values ranging from 4.31 ± 0.09 to 7.12 ± 0.07 μg/mL.  相似文献   

Hypericin in Hypericum lydium Boiss. growing in Turkey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The composition of the essential oils of ten Centaurea species from Turkey, Centaurea aladaghensis, C. antiochia var. prealta, C. antitauri, C. babylonica, C. balsamita, C. cheirolepidoides, C. deflexa, C. iconiensis, C. lanigera, C. ptosimopappoides have been studied. Multivariate statistical analyses (Principal Component Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis) applied to GC-MS data, seem to be very useful to investigate and establish the natural taxonomic delimitation of this very difficult genus. The groupings resulted independent from the ecological similarities (i.e. plants that live in the same habitats or share similar morphological characteristics), so it seems that the environment has no influence on the biosynthesis of the volatiles of these plants.  相似文献   

The crude methanolic extracts of six species of Hypericum [H. caprifoliatum Cham. & Schlecht., H. carinatum Griseb., H. connatum Lam., H. ternum A. St. Hil., H. myrianthum Cham. & Schlecht. and H. polyanthemum Klotzsch ex Reichardt] growing in southern Brazil were analyzed for antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). The most active plant was H. caprifoliatum, which showed activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Only H. polyanthemum and H. ternum extracts were active against Bacillus subtilis. None of the crude methanolic extracts showed activity against S. epidermidis, Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Extracts from these species were evaluated chemically and tannin, flavonoid and phenolic acids were the prominent compounds. The plants contained quercitrin, hyperoside (except H. connatum) and, less frequently, isoquercitrin and chlorogenic acid. In contrast to H. perforatum, which has high concentrations of rutin, these species do not produce this flavonoid or it appears as traces. The tannin concentration varied between 5.1 and 16.7% in H. myrianthum and H. ternum, respectively.  相似文献   

The forest under-storey herbs Anemone nemorosa, Lamiastrum galeobdolon and Veronica montana are generally considered indicator species of old, broadleaved woodland sites where the soil fertility is often low. In a glasshouse bioassay, however, all three species not only showed large positive growth responses to supplied P concentrations (0–10mgL –1) solutions, but also tolerated high P concentrations (20–40mgL –1), well above those normally found in their natural habitat. Plants responded by raising the concentrations of P in their shoot and root tissues and increasing their biomass, resulting in an increased P uptake. A shade-tolerant competitor species, Urtica dioica, also grew vigorously across the full range of P concentrations, restricting the growth of the woodland species. This emphasises the difficulty of establishing semi-natural woodland vegetation in the presence of competitor species, for example in situations where new woodlands are planted on fertile ex-agricultural soils containing large residual concentrations of P. The influence of soil pH on the growth and nutrient relations of A. nemorosa, L. galeobdolon, V. montana, Poa trivialisandU. dioicawas determined in a separate experiment using an ex-arable soil as the growing medium with pH levels adjusted from 7.4 to 5.8 and 4.3 respectively. Acidifying the soil enhanced growth, but reduced the concentrations of N, P and K in the leaves of all three woodland species, probably due to dilution of these minerals in the increased dry matter production. The competitor species (P. trivialis and U. dioica) responded in similar manner to the woodland indicator species. These results suggest that manipulating soil pH as a means of facilitating the establishment of woodland indicator species in new farm woods is unlikely, in the short term, to be effective where competitor species are present.  相似文献   

The genus Verbascum L. (mulleins) comprises of about 360 species of flowering plants in the Scrophulariaceae family. Mulleins have been used in the traditional folk medicine for centuries, for treatment of a wide range of human ailments, inter alia bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, and different inflammations. Despite all applications the knowledge of the metabolites, accumulated in different mullein species, is still limited and based mainly on determination of the major compounds. Here we report the application of 1H NMR metabolic fingerprinting in combination with principal component analyses (PCA) in five different Verbascum species. Based on the obtained results mulleins were divided in two groups: group A (Verbascum phlomoides and Verbascum densiflorum) and group B (Verbascum xanthophoeniceum, Verbascum nigrum and Verbascum phoeniceum). Further it was found that the plants in group B accumulate higher amounts of bioactive iridoid and phenylethanoid glycosides. V. xanthophoeniceum and V. nigrum accumulate higher amounts of the pharmaceutically-important harpagoside (∼0.5% on dry weight basis) and verbascoside, forsythoside B and leucosceptoside B (in total 5.6–5.8% on dry weight basis), which underlines the possibility for their application in pharmaceutical industry. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on the analyses of Verbascum sp. leaf metabolome.  相似文献   

In vitro anthelmintic activity of crude extracts of the ripe fruits of Hedera helix was investigated on eggs and adult nematode parasites Haemonchus contortus. Aqueous extract of H. helix was also evaluated for in vivo anthelmintic activity at dose of 1.13 and 2.25 g/kg in sheep artificially infected with H. contortus. ED(50) for egg hatch inhibition was 0.12 and 0.17 mg/ml for aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the activity of the two extract types (p>0.05). Hydro-alcoholic extract showed better in vitro activity against adult parasites compared to the aqueous extract. Significant faecal egg count reduction (FECR) was detected in groups treated with both doses of H. helix (p<0.05) on day 2 post-treatment. On day 7 post-treatment significant reduction was detected only for higher dose of H. helix (p<0.05) while on day 14 post-treatment there was no significant FECR in both groups treated with H. helix. The percentage of larvae recovered from culturing faeces obtained from groups of sheep treated with lower and higher doses of H. helix was 47.52% and 36.07%, respectively, which was significantly lower than (p<0.05) that recovered from the control group (60%). Significant (p<0.05), dose dependent total worm count reduction (WCR) was observed for groups of sheep treated with H. helix. Increasing the dose of H. helix improved the efficacy against the male than the female parasites. Treatment with both doses of H. helix helped the animals maintain their packed cell volume (PCV) unlike the untreated control group. The overall findings of the current study indicated that H. helix has a potential anthelmintic benefit and further in vitro and in vivo evaluation of the different parts and fractions is needed to make use of this plant for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

To ascertain the anthelmintic efficacy ofFlemingia vestita (an indigenous leguminous plant of Meghalaya, having putative anthelmintic usage), its crude root-tuber peel extract and active chemical principle, genistein, were testedin vitro with reference to esterase activity in the fowl tapeworm,Raillietina echinobothrida. With the localization of non-specific esterases (NSE) and cholinesterase (ChE), the organization of the cholinergic components of the nervous system in toto could be visualized in the cestodeo The specific ChE in the parasite is acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Both NSE and ChE were found in close association with the central and peripheral nervous components, besides being present in the tegument and muscular parts of the terminal male genitalia. The whole tissue homogenate of the parasite also showed a high AChE activity. After exposure to the crude peel extract (50 mg/ml of the incubation medium) and to genistein (0.5 mg/ml), a pronounced decline in the visible stain intensity in the cholinergic components of the nervous system and in the tegument was noticeable, indicating extremely reduced activity of NSE and ChE in these sites. The total AChE activity was also reduced to 4907% and 56–77%, following treatment with the peel extract and genistein, respectively. The reference drug, praziquantel (0.01 mg/ml) also caused reduction in the enzyme activity, somewhat at par with the genistein treatment. Genistein appears to have a transtegumental mode of action. Alteration in the AChE activity points towards acetylcholine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in cestodes, as the potential target of action.  相似文献   

The essential oils of six Eupatorium species were obtained by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC-MS. The oil of E. macrophyllum was rich in sabinene (46.7%) and limonene (23.3%). The oil of E. laevigatum was mainly constituted by a mixture of aristolone+laevigatin (23.6%), globulol (16.2%) and germacrene D (8.6%). The principal constituents of the oils of the chemotypes A and B of E. squalidum, E. amygdalinum and E. conyzoides were caryophyllene oxide (17.4–30.1%), globulol (25.1%), germacrene D (10.4–21.6%), spathulenol (14.2%) and β-caryophyllene (7.1–12.3%). The oils of the chemotypes A and B of E. marginatum were dominated by α-zingiberene (57.5%), α-gurjunene (19.5%), germacrene D (14.8%), (E)-8-bisabolene (9.7%) and α-selinene (9.0%).  相似文献   

Veronica fridericae spec. nova, described from the type locality in the S.E. Turkish province Van, is related toV. acrotheca andV. farinosa, both endemic to W. Iran. All 8 perennial species with pinnatifid leaves in S.W. Asia are presented in a key.  相似文献   

Three new species ofMycogloea are described and illustrated; they are:M. amethystina from Canada,M. nipponica, from Japan, andM. bullata from Thailand.Mycogloea tahitiensis is reported from Japan and additional undescribed taxa in the genus are briefly noted. Some characteristics of the genus are discussed, and a key is provided for six species recognized at this time.  相似文献   

The root tuber peel of Flemingia vestita has been in use in local traditional medicine against intestinal worm infections in Meghalaya (North-East India). In order to evaluate and authenticate the anthelminitc efficacy of the isoflavones of F. vestita, the root peel extract of this putative plant was tested against several helminth parasites, extensively on Rallietina echinobothrida, with respect to different parameters of these parasites. In this paper, we describe various methods to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of this medicinal plant with respect to carbohydrate metabolism in R. echinobothrida at paralytic time caused by the isoflavones of F. vestita. To meet the high energy demand by the parasite due to the anthelmintic stress, glucose breakdown follows the PEPCK-malate pathway in the parasite.  相似文献   

Castilleja chambersii is described from several collections made in the Coast Range of southwestern Clatsop County, Oregon. The new species is a member of subgenusCastilleja and is most closely related toC. parviflora andC. rupicola. This rare species is known from only three small and geographically restricted populations. Two new meiotic chromosome counts ofn=12 are reported for the new species.  相似文献   

The utility of the dnaJ gene for identifying Vibrio species was investigated by analyzing dnaJ sequences of 57 type strains and 22 clinical strains and comparing sequence homologies with those of the 16S rDNA gene and other housekeeping genes (recA, rpoA, hsp60). Among the 57 Vibrio species, the mean sequence similarity of the dnaJ gene (77.9%) was significantly less than that of the 16S rDNA gene (97.2%), indicating a high discriminatory power of the dnaJ gene. Most Vibrio species were, therefore, differentiated well by dnaJ sequence analysis. Compared to other housekeeping genes, the dnaJ gene showed better resolution than recA or rpoA for differentiating Vibrio coralliilyticus from Vibrio neptunius and Vibrio harveyi from Vibrio rotiferianus. Among the clinical strains, all 22 human pathogenic strains, including an atypical strain, were correctly identified by the dnaJ sequence. Our findings suggest that analysis of the dnaJ gene sequence can be used as a new tool for the identification of Vibrio species.  相似文献   

The genus Hypericum has received considerable interest from scientists, as it is a source of a variety of biologically active compounds including the hypericins. The present study was conducted to determine ontogenetic, morphogenetic and diurnal variation of the total hypericins content in some species of Hypericum growing in Turkey namely, Hypericum aviculariifolium subsp. depilatum var. depilatum (endemic), Hypericum perforatum and Hypericum pruinatum. The Hypericum plants were harvested from wild populations at vegetative, floral budding, full flowering, fresh fruiting and mature fruiting stages four times a day. Plants were dissected into stem, leaf and reproductive tissues, which were dried separately, and subsequently assayed for total hypericin content. The density of dark glands on leaves at full flowering plants was determined for each species. Floral parts had the highest hypericin content in all species tested. But diurnal fluctuation in the hypericin content of whole plant during the course of ontogenesis varied among the species. It reached the highest level at floral budding and tended to increase at night in H. aviculariifolium subsp. depilatum var. depilatum and H. pruinatum, whereas in H. perforatum hypericin content was the highest at full flowering and no diurnal fluctuation was observed. In general, hypericin content of leaves and whole plant was higher in H. aviculariifolium subsp. depilatum var. depilatum whose leaves had more numerous dark glands than those of the two other species.  相似文献   

Veronica davisii M. A.Fischer, sp. n., limited to the mountains of Kurdistan (S. E. Turkey and N. Iraq), is related to the Turkish-CaucasianV. gentianoides Vahl.V. montbretii M. A.Fischer, sp. n., a local endemic of Erzincan prov. (E. Anatolia), shows affinities to the CaucasianV. liwanensis C. Koch and to the Turkish endemicV. oltensis Woron. & Schelk. from Erzurum province.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance is a major problem for the control of many parasitic nematode species and has become a major constraint to livestock production in many parts of the world. In spite of its increasing importance, there is still a poor understanding of the molecular and genetic basis of resistance. It is unclear which mutations contribute most to the resistance phenotype and how resistance alleles arise, are selected and spread in parasite populations. The main strategy used to identify mutations responsible for anthelmintic resistance has been to undertake experimental studies on candidate genes. These genes have been chosen predominantly on the basis of our knowledge of drug mode-of-action and the identification of mutations that can confer resistance in model organisms. The application of these approaches to the analysis of benzimidazole and ivermectin resistance is reviewed and the reasons for their relative success or failure are discussed. The inherent limitation of candidate gene studies is that they rely on very specific and narrow assumptions about the likely identity of resistance-associated genes. In contrast, forward genetic and functional genomic approaches do not make such assumptions, as illustrated by the successful application of these techniques in the study of insecticide resistance. Although there is an urgent need to apply these powerful approaches to anthelmintic resistance research, the basic methodologies and resources are still lacking. However, these are now being developed for the trichostrongylid nematode Haemonchus contortus and the current progress and research priorities in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

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