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In Arabidopsis, two floral homeotic genes APETALA2 (AP2) and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identities of perianth and reproductive organs, respectively, in flower development. The two genes act antagonistically to restrict each other to their proper domains of action within the floral meristem. In addition to AG, which antagonizes AP2, miR172, a microRNA, serves as a negative regulator of AP2. In this study, we showed that AG and miR172 have distinct functions in flower development and that they largely act independently in the negative regulation of AP2. We uncovered functions of miR172-mediated repression of AP2 in the regulation of floral stem cells and in the delineation of the expression domain of another class of floral homeotic genes. Given the antiquity of miR172 in land plants, our findings have implications for the recruitment of a microRNA in the building of a flower in evolution.  相似文献   

刘芳  郝小花  陈中元  何昊 《广西植物》2024,44(5):936-950
为探究油菜miR172前体(pre-miR172)及成熟体(miR172)对AP2基因的调控功能,该研究通过生物信息学方法对miR172和AP2启动子进行调控元件预测,分析6条油菜AP2基因的进化关系及miR172与AP2的靶向关系; 通过qRT-PCR方法检测AP2、miR172和pre-miR172在早熟和晚熟油菜不同组织的表达规律; 比较分析miR172丰度和AP2表达量间的相关关系,以及比较分析 pre-miR172和miR172在表达水平上的相关关系; 通过过表达pre-miR172,再次验证pre-miR172对成熟体miR172及AP2的作用。结果表明:(1)miR172和AP2启动子区均存在调控花发育的顺式元件。(2)6条AP2序列均经历了强烈的纯化选择,均具备miR172的结合位点,属miR172的靶基因。(3)miR172家族成员均可促进早熟油菜AP2表达,但miR172d作用不明显。在晚熟油菜中,miR172a和miR172c作用微弱,miR172b和miR172d二者共同发挥作用降低AP2的表达水平。(4)pre-miR172家族对于早熟油菜中miR172家族的表达水平均有促进作用; 在晚熟油菜中pre-miR172a和pre-miR172b对其成熟序列的形成发挥正调控作用,pre-miR172c和pre-miR172d则对于其成熟序列的形成发挥负调控作用。过表达pre-miR172后,miR172和AP2表达规律与上述结果保持一致,证实pre-miR172对miR172及AP2的调控功能。该研究结果丰富了油菜AP2基因的功能调控路径,为基因的调控功能研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Phylogeny and domain evolution in the APETALA2-like gene family   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The combined processes of gene duplication, nucleotide substitution, domain duplication, and intron/exon shuffling can generate a complex set of related genes that may differ substantially in their expression patterns and functions. The APETALA2-like (AP2-like) gene family exhibits patterns of both gene and domain duplication, coupled with changes in sequence, exon arrangement, and expression. In angiosperms, these genes perform an array of functions including the establishment of the floral meristem, the specification of floral organ identity, the regulation of floral homeotic gene expression, the regulation of ovule development, and the growth of floral organs. To determine patterns of gene diversification, we conducted a series of broad phylogenetic analyses of AP2-like sequences from green plants. These studies indicate that the AP2 domain was duplicated prior to the divergence of the two major lineages of AP2-like genes, euAP2 and AINTEGUMENTA (ANT). Structural features of the AP2-like genes as well as phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide and amino acid (aa) sequences of the AP2-like gene family support the presence of the two major lineages. The ANT lineage is supported by a 10-aa insertion in the AP2-R1 domain and a 1-aa insertion in the AP2-R2 domain, relative to all other members of the AP2-like family. MicroRNA172-binding sequences, the function of which has been studied in some of the AP2-like genes in Arabidopsis, are restricted to the euAP2 lineage. Within the ANT lineage, the euANT lineage is characterized by four conserved motifs: one in the 10-aa insertion in the AP2-R1 domain (euANT1) and three in the predomain region (euANT2, euANT3, and euANT4). Our expression studies show that the euAP2 homologue from Amborella trichopoda, the putative sister to all other angiosperms, is expressed in all floral organs as well as leaves.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Nicotiana benthamiana were inoculated with grapevine virus A (GVA). Three weeks later, upon systemic symptom expression, cultures were established in vitro using single nodes from these plants. GVA was purified from these cultures and from leaves of GVA-infected N. benthamiana plants maintained in the greenhouse. More virus was obtained from the proliferating in vitro node cultures than from the leaves. The use of in vitro cultures for virus purification represents a valuable practical application of plant tissue culture techniques.  相似文献   

Two transgenic lines, of Nicotiana benthamiana expressing Turnip crinkle virus (TCV)-coat protein (CP) gene with contrasting phenotype, the highest (#3) and the lowest (#18) CP expressers, were selected and challenged with the homologous TCV. The former, the highest expresser, showed nearly five times more CP expression than the latter. Progenies of #3 and #18 lines showed 30 and 100% infection rates, respectively. The infected progenies of #3 line showed mild and delayed symptom with TCV. This is a coat protein-mediated resistance (CP-MR), and its resistance level is directly proportional to CP transgene expression. However, CP-MR of the transgenic plants was specific only for TCV but not for heterologous viruses. Newly growing leaves of those infected progenies of #3 line did not show any visible symptoms at 4-week post-inoculation (wpi) with TCV, suggesting a reversal from infection. This was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis with the disappearance of the target at 4 wpi. This is a case of RNA-mediated resistance, and a threshold level of transgene expression may be needed to achieve the silent state. To confirm the RNA silencing, we infiltrated Agrobacterium carrying TCV-CP into leaves of progenies of #3 and performed RT-PCR analysis. The results indicate that TCV-CP’s suppressor activity against RNA silencing itself can be silenced by the homologous expression of TCV-CP in the transgenic plants. The transgenic plants containing TCV-CP seem to be a model system to study viral protection mediated by a combination of protein and RNA silencing. Ayyappan Vasudevan and Tae-Kyun Oh have contributed equally in this study.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (UBC6) encoding a homologue to ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes has been isolated which is capable of encoding a protein of 183 amino acids of ca. 21 kDa. Northern analysis indicates that the gene is expressed in flowers, seeds and, to a somewhat lesser extent, in 10-day seedlings but not in mature leaves, callus and pre-flowering plants. This pattern of expression is confirmed using transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing a UBC6 promoter-GUS gene fusion construct. These plants displey GUS activity in mature anthers prior to dehiscence, in developing embryos, sepals and the style after pollination.  相似文献   

Plastids from Nicotiana benthamiana were transformed with the vector for dicistronic expression of two genes—aminoglycoside 3'-adenyltransferase (aadA) and green fluorescent protein (gfp)—in the plastids of Nicotiana tabacum. Transplastomic shoots exhibited green fluorescence under UV light. Transformation efficiencies were similar between species. Although the border sequence (trnI and trnA) for homologous recombination to transform the plastid genome of N. benthamiana was identical to that sequence of N. tabacum, the exception was a 9-bp addition in the intron of trnI. This indicated that the N. tabacum sequence used as a border region for recombination was sufficient to insert the foreign gene into the target site between the trnI and trnA of N. benthamiana with similar efficiency. Southern blot analysis detected the presence of aadA and gfp between trnI and trnA in the plastid genome of N. benthamiana. Northern and western blot analyses revealed high expression of gfp in the plastids from petals and leaves. Our results suggest that the plastid transformation system established here is applicable to investigations of the interactions between plastid and nucleus in N. benthamiana.  相似文献   

Traditionally, developmental studies in plant biology have suffered from the lack of a convenient means to study gene function in non-model plant species. Here we show that virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an effective new tool to study the function of orthologs of floral homeotic genes such as DEFICIENS (DEF) in non-model systems. We used a tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-based VIGS approach to study the function of the Nicotiana benthamiana DEF ortholog (NbDEF). Silencing of NbDEF in N. benthamiana using TRV-VIGS was similar to that of Antirrhinum def and Arabidopsis ap3 mutants and caused transformation of petals into sepals and stamens into carpels. Molecular analysis of the NbDEF -silenced plants revealed a dramatic reduction of the levels of NbDEF mRNA and protein in flowers. NbDEF silencing was specific and has no effect on the mRNA levels of NbTM6, the closest paralog of NbDEF. A dramatic reduction of the levels of N. benthamiana GLOBOSA (NbGLO) mRNA and protein was also observed in flowers of NbDEF-silenced plants, suggesting that cross-regulation of this GLO-like gene by NbDEF. Taken together, our results suggest that NbDEF is a functional homolog of Antirrhinum DEF. Our results are significant in that they show that TRV efficiently induces gene silencing in young and differentiating flowers and that VIGS is a promising new tool for analyses of developmental gene function in non-model organisms.  相似文献   

Prune dwarf virus (PDV) is an Ilarvirus systemically infecting almond trees and other Prunus species and spreading through pollen, among other means. We have studied strategies based on coat protein (cp) gene to block PDV replication in host plant cells. A Portuguese isolate of PDV was obtained from infected almond leaves and used to produce the cDNA of the cp gene. Various constructs were prepared based on this sequence, aiming for the transgenic expression of the original or modified PDV coat protein (cpPDVSense and cpPDVMutated) or for the expression of cpPDV RNA (cpPDVAntisense and cpPDVwithout start codon). All constructs were tested in a PDV host model, Nicotiana benthamiana, and extensive molecular characterization and controlled infections were performed on transformants and their progenies. Transgenic plants expressing the coat protein RNA were able to block the proliferation of a PDV isolate sharing only 91% homology with the isolate used for cpPDV cloning, as evaluated by DAS-ELISA on newly developed leaves. With cp expression, the blockage of PDV proliferation in newly developed leaves was only achieved with the construct cpPDV Mutated, where the coat protein has a substitution in the 14th aa residue, with arginine replaced by alanine. This result points to a possible role of the mutated amino acid in the virus ability to replicate and proliferate. This work reveals the possibility of achieving protection against PDV through either coat protein RNA or mutated cp sequence.  相似文献   

In angiosperm flower development the identity of the floral organs is determined by the A, B and C factors. Here we present the characterisation of three homologues of the A class gene APETALA2 (AP2) from the conifer Picea abies (Norway spruce), Picea abies APETALA2 LIKE1 (PaAP2L1), PaAP2L2 and PaAP2L3. Similar to AP2 these genes contain sequence motifs complementary to miRNA172 that has been shown to regulate AP2 in Arabidopsis. The genes display distinct expression patterns during plant development; in the female-cone bud PaAP2L1 and PaAP2L3 are expressed in the seed-bearing ovuliferous scale in a pattern complementary to each other, and overlapping with the expression of the C class-related gene DAL2. To study the function of PaAP2L1 and PaAP2L2 the genes were expressed in Arabidopsis. The transgenic PaAP2L2 plants were stunted and flowered later than control plants. Flowers were indeterminate and produced an excess of floral organs most severely in the two inner whorls, associated with an ectopic expression of the meristem-regulating gene WUSCHEL. No homeotic changes in floral-organ identities occurred, but in the ap2-1 mutant background PaAP2L2 was able to promote petal identity, indicating that the spruce AP2 gene has the capacity to substitute for an A class gene in Arabidopsis. In spite of the long evolutionary distance between angiosperms and gymnosperms and the fact that gymnosperms lack structures homologous to sepals and petals our data supports a functional conservation of AP2 genes among the seed plants.  相似文献   

Activation of two mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), wound-induced protein kinase (WIPK) and salicylic acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK), is one of the earliest responses that occur in tobacco plants that have been wounded, treated with pathogen-derived elicitors or challenged with avirulent pathogens. We isolated cDNAs for these MAPKs ( NbWIPK and NbSIPK) from Nicotiana benthamiana. The function of NbWIPK and NbSIPK in mediating the hypersensitive response (HR) triggered by infiltration with INF1 protein (the major elicitin secreted by Phytophthora infestans), and the defense response to an incompatible bacterial pathogen ( Pseudomonas cichorii), was investigated by employing virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) to inhibit expression of the WIPK and SIPK genes in N. benthamiana. Silencing of WIPK or SIPK, or both genes simultaneously, resulted in reduced resistance to P. cichorii, but no change was observed in the timing or extent of HR development after treatment with INF1.Communicated by R. G. Herrmann  相似文献   

We have recently characterized Nicotiana cytoplasmic (cyt) tRNAGCA Cys as novel UGA suppressor tRNA. Here we have isolated its corresponding (NtC1) and a variant (NtC2) gene from a genomic library of Nicotiana rustica. Both tRNACys genes are efficiently transcribed in HeLa cell nuclear extract and yield mature cyt tRNAsCys. Sequence analysis of the upstream region of the RAD51 single-copy gene of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome revealed a cluster of three tRNACys genes which have the same polarity and comprise highly similar flanking sequences. Of the three Arabidopsis tRNACys genes only one (i.e. AtC2) appears to code for a functional gene which exhibits an almost identical nucleotide sequence to NtC1. These are the first sequenced nuclear tDNAsCys of plant origin.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that carrots expressing the Arabidopsis H+/Ca2+ transporter CAX1 (Cation Exchanger 1) contained up to 50% more calcium (Ca) than plants transformed with control vectors. The CAX1-expressing carrots were fertile, and robust plant growth was seen in the majority of the transgenic plants. CAX1-expressing carrots were crossed to a commercial carrot variety to confirm that the increased Ca accumulation was mediated by CAX1-expression, and the increased Ca content was clearly correlated with the transgene. This study suggests that modulation of ion transporters could be an important means of increasing the Ca content of agriculturally important crops. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempts to use biotechnology to increase the Ca content of an agriculturally important crop.  相似文献   

In plants, cytosolic Ca2+ levels are tightly regulated, and changes in cytosolic Ca2+ have been implicated in converting numerous signals into adapted responses. Vacuolar ion transporters are thought to be key mediators of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations. In an attempt to interpret the role of vacuolar Ca2+ transport in plant processes, we have expressed the yeast vacuolar Ca2+/H+ antiporter, VCX1, in Arabidopsis and tobacco. This transporter localizes to the plant vacuolar membrane. VCX1-expressing Arabidopsis plants displayed increased sensitivity to sodium and other ions. These ion sensitivities could be suppressed by addition of calcium to the media. VCX1-expressing plants demonstrated increased tonoplast-enriched Ca2+/H+ antiport activity as well as increased Ca2+ accumulation. These results suggest that VCX1 expression in Arabidopsis could be a valuable tool with which to experimentally dissect the role of Ca2+ transport around the plant vacuole.  相似文献   

Agroinfiltration and PVX agroinfection are two efficient transient expression assays for functional analysis of candidate genes in plants. The most commonly used agent for agroinfiltration is Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a pathogen of many dicot plant species. This implies that agroinfiltration can be applied to many plant species. Here, we present our protocols and expected results when applying these methods to the potato (Solanum tuberosum), its related wild tuber-bearing Solanum species (Solanum section Petota) and the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. In addition to functional analysis of single genes, such as resistance (R) or avirulence (Avr) genes, the agroinfiltration assay is very suitable for recapitulating the R-AVR interactions associated with specific host pathogen interactions by simply delivering R and Avr transgenes into the same cell. However, some plant genotypes can raise nonspecific defense responses to Agrobacterium, as we observed for example for several potato genotypes. Compared to agroinfiltration, detection of AVR activity with PVX agroinfection is more sensitive, more high-throughput in functional screens and less sensitive to nonspecific defense responses to Agrobacterium. However, nonspecific defense to PVX can occur and there is a risk to miss responses due to virus-induced extreme resistance. Despite such limitations, in our experience, agroinfiltration and PVX agroinfection are both suitable and complementary assays that can be used simultaneously to confirm each other''s results.  相似文献   

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