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On SDS-PAGE, solubilized and proteinase K treated preparations of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain BS4 (agar) showed differences in silver stained lipopolysaccharide (LPS) patterns, before and after induction to resistance to serum killing by incubation for 3 h at 37 degrees C with low Mr fractions from lysates of guinea pig red blood cells. Preparations from the original serum susceptible gonococci and LPS purified from such bacteria showed two components, but the preparations from the serum resistant gonococci were deficient in the higher Mr component. Furthermore, on immunoblotting with fresh human serum (FHS), the two LPS components of the susceptible gonococci reacted strongly with IgM. With preparations from the serum resistant gonococci there was no reaction in the area corresponding to the higher Mr component and a weaker reaction with the component of low Mr. Purified LPS from the susceptible gonococci neutralized the bactericidal activity of FHS against N. gonorrhoeae strain BS4 (agar) probably by reacting with the relevant antibody, since heated FHS was no longer bactericidal when mixed with a source of complement (human placental serum) after prior reaction with the LPS. These neutralization tests coupled with the results of immunoblotting strongly suggest that increased serum resistance is due to the lack of the high Mr LPS moiety.  相似文献   

Serum-susceptible (SS) Neisseria gonorrhoeae were induced to resistance (SR) to complement-mediated killing by fresh human serum (FHS) by a small-Mr factor(s) from guinea-pig blood in 3 h at 37 degrees C, but not in the presence of bacteriostatic concentrations of chloramphenicol or neomycin, indicating that proteins mediated the acquisition of resistance. SDS-PAGE protein profiles of lysates of equal numbers of gonococci showed only two qualitative differences between SR and SS organisms, both in minor components (a protein A of about 205 kDa in the former and not the latter and vice versa for a protein B of about 16 kDa). Many proteins, however, including the three principal outer-membrane proteins, were present in larger amounts in SR gonococci. The lack of major changes in proteins when resistance is acquired was confirmed by immunoblotting the two protein profiles with the IgG of hyper-immune rabbit anti-SR and anti-SS sera, of rabbit anti-SR serum after absorption by SS organisms and of FHS used alone and after absorption with SS organisms. The IgM of FHS, which is responsible for most of the bactericidal activity, showed only faint reactions with a few proteins common to both SS and SR gonococci and no reactions when the FHS was absorbed with SS gonococci. This is in contrast to the strong and different reactions given with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) components of SS and SR organisms, which, prepared from the former organisms, neutralize the bactericidal activity of FHS. Hence, the relatively small protein changes accompanying induction are less likely to be directly responsible for serum resistance than the more profound LPS changes.  相似文献   

Gonococci adapted to growth in chambers implanted subcutaneously into guinea pigs are resistant to killing by human serum. This resistance is lost after a few generations in vitro both in culture medium and in fluid taken from guinea-pig chambers. The rate of loss is too rapid to occur by mutation and selection. Furthermore, the resistance is regained after a few generations when bacteria from the first in vitro culture are inoculated back into guinea-pig chambers in vivo. Hence the loss of serum resistance in vitro and the gain in vivo are probably due to phenotypically controlled events. Such events could be important in the pathogenicity of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   

Lysates of guinea pig or human red blood cells (RBC) contain far more of the factors that induce resistance in gonococci to complement-mediated killing by fresh human serum that do plasma or serum. As was previously found with serum, most of the resistance-inducing activity of guinea pig RBC lysates was found in ultrafiltrates with molecular weights of less than 5000. In contrast, and as with human serum, most of the resistance-inducing activity of human RBC lysates did not pass ultrafilters which removed molecules of less than 5000 daltons, although some active material of low molecular weight was present.  相似文献   

Symptomatic infection by Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gc) produces a potent inflammatory response, resulting in a neutrophil‐rich exudate. A population of Gc can survive the killing activities of neutrophils for reasons not completely understood. Unlike other Gram‐negative bacteria, Gc releases monomeric peptidoglycan (PG) extracellularly, dependent on two nonessential, nonredundant lytic transglycosylases (LTs), LtgA and LtgD. PG released by LtgA and LtgD can stimulate host immune responses. We report that ΔltgAΔltgD Gc were decreased in survival in the presence of primary human neutrophils but otherwise grew equally to wild‐type Gc. Adding PG monomer failed to alter ΔltgAΔltgD Gc survival. Thus, LTs protect Gc from neutrophils independently of monomer release. We found two reasons to explain decreased survival of the double LT mutant. First, ΔltgAΔltgD Gc was more sensitive to the neutrophil antimicrobial proteins lysozyme and neutrophil elastase, but not others. Sensitivity to lysozyme correlated with decreased Gc envelope integrity. Second, exposure of neutrophils to ΔltgAΔltgD Gc increased the release of neutrophil granule contents extracellularly and into Gc phagosomes. We conclude that LtgA and LtgD protect Gc from neutrophils by contributing to envelope integrity and limiting bacterial exposure to select granule‐localized antimicrobial proteins. These observations are the first to link bacterial degradation by lysozyme to increased neutrophil activation.  相似文献   

The determinant(s) of gonococcal resistance to killing by human phagocytes has been extracted from outer membrane vesicles (OMV) of a phagocyte-resistant strain, BS4 (agar), with sodium cholate (1%, w/v). The extracts, like the OMV, nullified the effect of antiserum raised against whole BS4 (agar) to promote intracellular killing of the latter by human peripheral blood phagocytes. Fractionation of the extract on Sephadex G75 produced an active fraction with much less protein and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) than in the original extract. Furthermore, crude LPS prepared from the resistant gonococci was inactive. These results imply that the factor(s) promoting intracellular resistance is a protein. SDS-PAGE of the active fraction suggested that the factor was not a principal outer membrane protein nor one of three proteins previously thought to be associated with resistance. In contrast to a similar preparation from a phagocyte-susceptible strain, BSSH, the active fraction from BS4 (agar) showed faintly staining proteins in the regions of 20 and 60 kDal. When eluted from the gels, the former but not the latter neutralized the above effect of antisera, thus associating the 20 kDal protein(s) with resistance to intracellular killing.  相似文献   

Symptomatic infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gc) is characterized by abundant neutrophil (PMN, polymorphonuclear leucocyte) influx, but PMNs cannot clear initial infection, indicating that Gc possess defences against PMN challenge. In this study, survival of liquid-grown Gc was monitored after synchronous infection of adherent, interleukin 8-treated human PMNs. 40–70% of FA1090 Gc survived 1 h of PMN exposure, after which bacterial numbers increased. Assays with bacterial viability dyes along with soybean lectin to detect extracellular Gc revealed that a subset of both intracellular and extracellular PMN-associated Gc were viable. Gc survival was unaffected in PMNs chemically or genetically deficient for producing reactive oxygen species (ROS). This result held true even for OpaB+ Gc, which stimulate neutrophil ROS production. Catalase- and RecA-deficient Gc, which are more sensitive to ROS in vitro , had no PMN survival defect. recN and ngo1686 mutant Gc also exhibit increased sensitivity to ROS and PMNs, but survival of these mutants was not rescued in ROS-deficient cells. The ngo1686 mutant showed increased sensitivity to extracellular but not intracellular PMN killing. We conclude that Gc are remarkably resistant to PMN killing, killing occurs independently of neutrophil ROS production and Ngo1686 and RecN defend Gc from non-oxidative PMN antimicrobial factors.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae that resist complement-dependent killing by normal human serum (NHS) are sometimes killed by immune convalescent sera from patients recovering from disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI). In these studies, killing by immune serum was prevented or blocked by immunoglobulin G (IgG) or F(ab)2 isolated from NHS. Purified human IgG antibodies directed against gonococcal protein III, contained most of the blocking activity in IgG. In addition, immune convalescent DGI serum, which did not exhibit bactericidal activity, was restored to killing by selective immunodepletion of protein III antibodies. Blocking IgG or F(ab)2 prepared from IgG, partially inhibited binding of bactericidal antibody to N. gonorrhoeae. Also, binding of a monoclonal antibody recognizing N. gonorrhoeae outer membrane protein PIII was almost completely inhibited by blocking F(ab)2.Presensitization of N. gonorrhoeae with increasing concentrations of blocking IgG or F(ab)2 before incubation with bactericidal antibody and an antibody free source of complement, increased consumption and deposition of the third component of human complement (C3) and the ninth component of complement (C9) but inhibited killing in dose-related fashion.  相似文献   

As a facultative aerobe with a high iron requirement and a highly active aerobic respiratory chain, Neisseria gonorrhoeae requires defence systems to respond to toxic oxygen species such as superoxide. It has been shown that supplementation of media with 100 microM Mn(II) considerably enhanced the resistance of this bacterium to oxidative killing by superoxide. This protection was not associated with the superoxide dismutase enzymes of N. gonorrhoeae. In contrast to previous studies, which suggested that some strains of N. gonorrhoeae might not contain a superoxide dismutase, we identified a sodB gene by genome analysis and confirmed its presence in all strains examined by Southern blotting, but found no evidence for sodA or sodC. A sodB mutant showed very similar susceptibility to superoxide killing to that of wild-type cells, indicating that the Fe-dependent SOD B did not have a major role in resistance to oxidative killing under the conditions tested. The absence of a sodA gene indicated that the Mn-dependent protection against oxidative killing was independent of Mn-dependent SOD A. As a sodB mutant also showed Mn-dependent resistance to oxidative killing, then it is concluded that this resistance is independent of superoxide dismutase enzymes. Resistance to oxidative killing was correlated with accumulation of Mn(II) by the bacterium. We hypothesize that this bacterium uses Mn(II) as a chemical quenching agent in a similar way to the already established process in Lactobacillus plantarum. A search for putative Mn(II) uptake systems identified an ABC cassette-type system (MntABC) with a periplasmic-binding protein (MntC). An mntC mutant was shown to have lowered accumulation of Mn(II) and was also highly susceptible to oxidative killing, even in the presence of added Mn(II). Taken together, these data show that N. gonorrhoeae possesses a Mn(II) uptake system that is critical for resistance to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The high natural resistance of gonococci showing a characteristic 'double highlight' (DH) colonial morphology (Penn, Veale & Smith, 1977b) to intracellular killing by human phagocytes was markedly reduced by addition of rabbit antiserum to the phagocytosis medium or by preincubation of organisms with antiserum. Antisera raised to three different DH gonococcal strains showed a complex pattern of specificity in phagocytosis tests with the homologous organisms and three other DH strains. The effect of antiserum could be neutralized by adsorption with intact organisms or with extracts, prepared ultrasonically, of the homologous strain. Antiserum also promoted the intracellular killing of a strain which had a 'single highlight' colonial morphology (Penn et al., 1977b) and a low natural resistance to phagocytic killing, but adsorption with this strain neutralized the antiserum less consistently than the DH strain. The neutralization of antiserum-mediated promotion of intracellular killing by extracts of organisms naturally resistant to such killing may provide an assay for the aggressins responsible for this resistance.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential element for nearly all organisms. In mammals, iron is transported to body tissues by the serum glycoprotein transferrin. Transferrin-iron is internalized by binding to specific receptors followed by endocytosis. In vitro , Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae can use iron from a variety of iron-containing compounds, including human transferrin. In vivo , transferrin is an important source of iron for N. gonorrhoeae : a mutant that is unable to bind and use transferrin-iron is unable to colonize the urethra of men or initiate disease at this site. As pathogenic Neisseria and its human host derive much of their iron from transferrin, we reasoned that a competition may exist between microbe and host epithelial cells for transferrin-iron at certain stages of infection. We therefore tested the hypothesis that N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae may actively interfere with host transferrin-iron metabolism. We report that Neisseria-infected human epithelial cells have reduced levels of transferrin receptor messenger RNA and cycling transferrin receptors. The ability of infected cells to internalize transferrin receptor is also reduced. Finally, the relative distribution of surface and cycling transferrin receptors is altered in an infected cell. We conclude that Neisseria infection alters epithelial cell transferrin-iron homeostasis at multiple levels.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to streptomycin resistance   总被引:80,自引:30,他引:50  
Sparling, Philip F. (Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Ga.). Genetic transformation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to streptomycin resistance. J. Bacteriol. 92:1364-1371. 1966.-Eight strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae were transformed to streptomycin resistance by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from a streptomycin-resistant strain of N. gonorrhoeae. In all strains, competence was greatest in the naturally occurring, virulent clonal types 1 and 2, which gave transformation frequencies up to 1%. Clonal types 3 and 4, which arise on laboratory transfer and are avirulent, gave maximal transformation frequencies of 0.00005%. Competence was maximal in lag and early log phases of growth, but was maintained throughout the growth cycle. A complex broth was required for the physiological expression of competence. The kinetics of DNA uptake, dose-response curve of DNA versus transformants, time required for phenotypic expression, and other features were similar to those in other bacterial transformation systems.  相似文献   

Abstract The phenotypic change of susceptible Neisseria gonorrhoeae to resistance to complement mediated killing by human serum, induced by a small M r factor in guinea pig serum has been shown to be a two-stage event. First, there appears to be adsorption of the inducing factor which per se does not confer resistance. This is then followed by a secondary, possibly metabolic, event prompted by the inducer that occurs in 3 h at 37°C.  相似文献   

A protein of about 20 kDa was extracted by sodium cholate (1%, w/v) from outer membranes of a strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, BS4 (agar), which is resistant to killing by human phagocytes. When the protein was purified by repeated fractionation on Sephadex G75, contamination with other outer-membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharide was negligible. The protein contained a full complement of amino acids, with high levels of glutamic acid. Carbohydrate, detected by the anthrone method and by sugar and hexosamine analysis, was present, but at very low levels. There was a significant content of fatty acids (about 5.7% of the protein), indicating a lipoprotein. The 20 kDa lipoprotein: (1) neutralized the ability of antiserum against whole organisms of BS4 (agar) to reduce the resistance of this strain to phagocyte killing; (2) evoked in mice an antiserum which reduced this resistance and immunoblotted only with 20 kDa lipoprotein in the cholate extract of outer membranes; and (3) promoted resistance to intracellular killing of an otherwise phagocyte susceptible gonococcal strain (BSSH). This is strong evidence that it is a determinant of gonococcal resistance to phagocyte killing.  相似文献   

Some gonococci obtained from human urethral exudate or from subcutaneously implanted chambers in guinea pigs show a resistance to killing by human serum which is lost on sub-culture in vitro after a few generations. The environmental factors which may influence the phenotypic expression of resistance to serum killing were investigated in guinea pig chambers and in chamber fluid in vitro. The redox potential in chambers before and after infection was lower than that of heart blood but conditions were not anaerobic; H2O2 increased the redox potential but did not decrease gonococcal serum resistance. The chambers were slightly alkaline before and after infection. When the concentration of glucose (depleted in infected chambers by the abundant polymorphonuclear cells) was restored to excess, the serum resistance of the gonococci was unaffected. Concentrations of free amino acids in chambers changed little during infection. Gonococci adapted to growth in chambers and subsequently rendered serum-sensitive by growing once on agar reverted to serum-resistance after 0.5 to 1 h incubation in chamber fluid in vitro at 37 degrees C but not at 25 degrees C or 4 degrees C. After 16 to 24 h growth at 37 degrees C, resistance was again lost. The reversion to serum resistance did not occur in a complex laboratory medium. Examination of the chamber fluid after growth of gonococci in vitro showed depletion of lactate, glutamine and proline.  相似文献   

淋病奈瑟球菌的耐药性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解淋病奈瑟球菌对临床常见药物的耐药性。方法采用琼脂稀释法测定13种抗菌药物对35株淋病奈瑟球菌的MICs;Nitrocefin(头孢硝噻酚)纸片检测β-内酰胺酶,并采用PCR测定其基因型。结果淋病奈瑟球菌对青霉素、四环素、环丙沙星与头孢呋辛的耐药率分别为65.7%、60.0%、88.6%与14.3%,对第3、4代头孢菌素、大观霉素非常敏感,耐药率均为0%;42.9%的菌株产生TEM型β-内酰胺酶。结论淋病奈瑟球菌对青霉素、四环素类和氟喹诺酮类的耐药性高,治疗宜选用第3、4代头孢菌素和大观霉素等,同时加强耐药性监测。  相似文献   

Two isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from two patients who did not respond to repeated treatment with penicillin were found to contain an active beta-lactamase. This enzyme has not been previously found in other gonococci isolated in the United States. Compared to other gonococci, these isolates had higher penicillin minimal inhibitory concentrations, and gave very small or no zones of inhibition in the disc agar diffusion test. The enzyme was demonstrated with three different rapid tests for beta-lactamase, by disc diffusion assay methods, and by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry determination of penicilloic acid--the enzymatic end product from penicillin.  相似文献   

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