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Polymorphism of immunodominant CD8(+) T cell epitopes can facilitate escape from immune recognition of pathogens, leading to strain-specific immunity. In this study, we examined the TCR β-chain (TRB) diversity of the CD8(+) T cell responses of cattle against two immunodominant epitopes from Theileria parva (Tp1(214-224) and Tp2(49-59)) and investigated the role of TCR recognition and MHC binding in determining differential recognition of a series of natural variants of the highly polymorphic Tp2(49-59) epitope by CD8(+) T cell clones of defined TRB genotype. Our results show that both Tp1(214-224) and Tp2(49-59) elicited CD8(+) T cell responses using diverse TRB repertoires that showed a high level of stability following repeated pathogenic challenge over a 3-y period. Analysis of single-alanine substituted versions of the Tp2(49-59) peptide demonstrated that Tp2(49-59)-specific clonotypes had a broad range of fine specificities for the epitope. Despite this diversity, all natural variants exhibited partial or total escape from immune recognition, which was predominantly due to abrogation of TCR recognition, with mutation resulting in loss of the lysine residue at P8, playing a particularly dominant role in escape. The levels of heterozygosity in individual Tp2(49-59) residues correlated closely with loss of immune recognition, suggesting that immune selection has contributed to epitope polymorphism.  相似文献   

We have examined the process of Theileria parva sporozoite entry into susceptible bovine lymphocytes and have begun to identify one of the possible molecular interactions involved in the process. The entry process involves a defined series of events and we have used a number of experimental procedures in combination with a method of quantitation to examine various aspects of this process. T. parva sporozoites are nonmotile organisms and the initial sporozoite-lymphocyte interaction is a chance event which can occur at 0-2 degrees C. All subsequent stages in the process are temperature dependent, require the participation of live intact sporozoites and host cells, and involve some cytochalasin-inhibitable rearrangement of the host cell surface membrane or cytoskeleton. Sporozoite entry can be inhibited by antibodies (mAbs) reactive with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules (IL-A 19, IL-A 88) and with beta 2 microglobulin (B1G6), whereas mAbs reactive with MHC class II molecules (IL-A 21, J 11), and a common panleucocyte surface antigen, (IL-A 87; a bovine equivalent of CD 11a) have no effect. These results indicate that MHC class I molecules play a role in the process of T. parva sporozoite entry into bovine lymphocytes although as yet the precise role has not been determined. Once internalized within the lymphocyte, a process that takes less than 3 min at 37 degrees C, the sporozoite rapidly escapes from the encapsulating host cell membrane; a process which occurs concurrently with the discharge of the contents of the sporozoite rhoptries and microspheres. The intracytoplasmic parasite is covered by a layer of sporozoite-derived fuzzy material to which host cell microtubules rapidly become associated.  相似文献   

CTL recognize peptides that derive from viral protein Ags by proteolytic processing and are presented by MHC class I molecules. In this study we tested whether coexpression of viral Ags in the same cell leads to competition between them. To this end, two L(d)-restricted epitopes derived from HIV-1 envelope gp160 (ENV) and from CMV pp89 phosphoprotein were coexpressed. HIV ENV strain IIIB, but not MN variant, impaired recognition by specific CTL of CMV pp89 epitope 9pp89. Susceptibility to inhibition after ENV coexpression was inversely related to the amount of antigenic 9pp89 peptide processed from different antigenic constructs. In line with it, competition decreased the yield of naturally processed antigenic 9pp89 peptide bound to MHC class I molecules in coinfected cells. Also, point mutants of the presenting MHC class I molecule differed in their competition pattern. Collectively, the data imply that competition operates at the step of MHC-peptide complex assembly or stabilization. We conclude that, although not the rule, in certain combinations there is interference between different Ags expressed in the same cell and presented by the same MHC class I allele. These studies have implications for vaccine development and for understanding immunodominance.  相似文献   

Structural prediction of peptides bound to MHC class I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ab initio structure prediction approach adapted to the peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I system is presented. Based on structure comparisons of a large set of peptide-MHC class I complexes, a molecular dynamics protocol is proposed using simulated annealing (SA) cycles to sample the conformational space of the peptide in its fixed MHC environment. A set of 14 peptide-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) A0201 and 27 peptide-non-HLA A0201 complexes for which X-ray structures are available is used to test the accuracy of the prediction method. For each complex, 1000 peptide conformers are obtained from the SA sampling. A graph theory clustering algorithm based on heavy atom root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) values is applied to the sampled conformers. The clusters are ranked using cluster size, mean effective or conformational free energies, with solvation free energies computed using Generalized Born MV 2 (GB-MV2) and Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) continuum models. The final conformation is chosen as the center of the best-ranked cluster. With conformational free energies, the overall prediction success is 83% using a 1.00 Angstroms crystal RMSD criterion for main-chain atoms, and 76% using a 1.50 Angstroms RMSD criterion for heavy atoms. The prediction success is even higher for the set of 14 peptide-HLA A0201 complexes: 100% of the peptides have main-chain RMSD values < or =1.00 Angstroms and 93% of the peptides have heavy atom RMSD values < or =1.50 Angstroms. This structure prediction method can be applied to complexes of natural or modified antigenic peptides in their MHC environment with the aim to perform rational structure-based optimizations of tumor vaccines.  相似文献   

The presentation of peptides by class I histocompatibility molecules plays a central role in the cellular immune response to virally infected or transformed cells. The main steps in this process include the degradation of both self and 'foreign' proteins to short peptides in the cytosol, translocation of peptides into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, binding of a subset of peptides to assembling class I molecules and expression of class-I-peptide complexes at the cell surface for examination by cytotoxic T cells. A molecular understanding of most of these steps is emerging, revealing a remarkable coordination between the processes of peptide translocation, delivery and binding to class I molecules.  相似文献   

Pathways for loading exogenous protein-derived peptides on MHC class I are thought to be present mainly in monocyte-lineage cells and to involve phagocytosis- or macropinocytosis-mediated antigenic leakage into either cytosol or extracellular milieu to give peptide access to MHC class I. We show that maleylation of OVA enhanced its presentation to an OVA-specific MHC class I-restricted T cell line by both macrophages and B cells. This enhanced presentation involved uptake through receptors of scavenger receptor (SR)-like ligand specificity, was TAP-1-independent, and was inhibited by low levels (2 mM) of ammonium chloride. No peptide loading of bystander APCs by maleylated (maleyl) OVA-pulsed macrophages was detected. Demaleylated maleyl-OVA showed enhanced MHC class I-restricted presentation through receptor-mediated uptake and remained highly sensitive to 2 mM ammonium chloride. However, if receptor binding of maleyl-OVA was inhibited by maleylated BSA, the residual presentation was relatively resistant to 2 mM ammonium chloride. Maleyl-OVA directly introduced into the cytosol via osmotic lysis of pinosomes was poorly presented, confirming that receptor-mediated presentation of exogenous maleyl-OVA was unlikely to involve a cytosolic pathway. Demaleylated maleyl-OVA was well presented as a cytosolic Ag, consistent with the dependence of cytosolic processing on protein ubiquitination. Thus, receptor-specific delivery of exogenous protein Ags to APCs can result in enhanced MHC class I-restricted presentation, suggesting that the exogenous pathway of peptide loading for MHC class I may be a constitutive property dependent mainly on the quantity of Ag taken up by APCs.  相似文献   

Peptides that are presented by class I MHC (MHC-I) molecules derive from cytosolic Ags processed via the conventional MHC-I pathway or exogenous Ags processed via alternate MHC-I processing mechanisms. Alternate MHC-I processing by macrophages and dendritic cells allows presentation of peptides from particulate Ags, including bacteria. Despite the established phagocytic activity of neutrophils, MHC-I processing and presentation of phagocytosed Ags by neutrophils has not been investigated. Murine neutrophils from peritoneal exudates were shown to express MHC-I molecules and tested for the ability to process HB101.Crl-OVA, Escherichia coli transfected to express a fusion protein containing the 257-264 epitope of OVA. Neutrophils were found to process HB101.Crl-OVA and present OVA(257-264)-K(b) complexes to CD8OVA T hybridoma cells via a pathway that was resistant to brefeldin A, an inhibitor of anterograde endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi transport, and lactacystin, a proteasome inhibitor. These results suggest that neutrophils process phagocytosed bacteria via a vacuolar alternate MHC-I pathway that does not involve cytosolic processing. In addition, neutrophils were found to secrete or "regurgitate" processed peptide that was subsequently presented by neighboring prefixed macrophages or dendritic cells. Thus, neutrophils may influence T cell responses to bacteria, either by directly presenting peptide-MHC-I complexes or by delivering peptides to other APCs for presentation. Hypothetically, neutrophils may directly present peptide to effector T cells in vivo at sites of inflammation, inducing cytokine production, whereas dendritic cells in receipt of neutrophil-derived antigenic peptides may migrate to lymphoid organs to initiate T cell responses.  相似文献   

Reliable predictions of immunogenic peptides are essential in rational vaccine design and can minimize the experimental effort needed to identify epitopes. In this work, we describe a pan-specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I epitope predictor, NetCTLpan. The method integrates predictions of proteasomal cleavage, transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) transport efficiency, and MHC class I binding affinity into a MHC class I pathway likelihood score and is an improved and extended version of NetCTL. The NetCTLpan method performs predictions for all MHC class I molecules with known protein sequence and allows predictions for 8-, 9-, 10-, and 11-mer peptides. In order to meet the need for a low false positive rate, the method is optimized to achieve high specificity. The method was trained and validated on large datasets of experimentally identified MHC class I ligands and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. It has been reported that MHC molecules are differentially dependent on TAP transport and proteasomal cleavage. Here, we did not find any consistent signs of such MHC dependencies, and the NetCTLpan method is implemented with fixed weights for proteasomal cleavage and TAP transport for all MHC molecules. The predictive performance of the NetCTLpan method was shown to outperform other state-of-the-art CTL epitope prediction methods. Our results further confirm the importance of using full-type human leukocyte antigen restriction information when identifying MHC class I epitopes. Using the NetCTLpan method, the experimental effort to identify 90% of new epitopes can be reduced by 15% and 40%, respectively, when compared to the NetMHCpan and NetCTL methods. The method and benchmark datasets are available at .  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the LC3/Atg8 lipidation machinery of macroautophagy is involved in the internalization of MHC class I molecules. Decreased internalization in the absence of ATG5 or ATG7 leads to MHC class I surface stabilization on dendritic cells and macrophages, resulting in elevated CD8+ T cell responses during viral infections and improved immune control. Here, we discuss how the autophagic machinery supports MHC class II restricted antigen presentation, while compromising MHC class I presentation via internalization and degradation.  相似文献   

Allogeneic T cell activation triggering by MHC class I antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of MHC-encoded class I molecules in allogeneic activation and proliferation of human T lymphocytes was investigated. The study was performed by using primary mixed culture of lymphocytes from MHC recombinant siblings identical for MHC class II Ag (DR, DP, DQ) and displaying MHC class I disparity. The results indicate that such allogeneic combination is sufficient to trigger early activation steps within responder T cells without promoting a significant proliferation. After MHC class I allosensitization, a significant proportion of cells entered the cell cycle (G0----G1). The stimulatory potential of MHC class I Ag was further stressed by the specific induction on responder cells of IL-2R (22% T cell activation Ag positive). Under the same experimental conditions, transferrin receptor expression and IL-2 activity were not detectable. This is consistent with the low T cell proliferation. Exogenous rIL-1 did not improve IL-2 production and the subsequent T cell proliferation indicating that these two events were not associated with a defective accessory cell function involving IL-1 release. MHC class I disparity can also prime precursor CTL to differentiate into IL-2-dependent functional MHC restricted cytotoxic T cells. Conversely IFN-gamma had no effect. Addition to the culture of W6/32, a mAb specifically directed against a monomorphic determinant on human class I HLA-A, -B, and -C Ag was able to block all these activation events. These data clearly indicate a role of HLA class I Ag involvement in the early events triggering allogeneic T cell activation.  相似文献   

T cell recognition of peptide-MHC is highly specific and is sensitive to very low levels of agonist peptide; however, it is unclear how this effect is achieved or regulated. In this study we show that clustering class I MHC molecules on the cell surface of B lymphoblasts enhances their recognition by mouse and human T cells. We increased clustering of MHC I molecules by two methods, cholesterol depletion and direct cross-linking of a dimerizable MHC construct. Imaging showed that both treatments increased the size and intensity of MHC clusters on the cell surface. Enlarged clusters correlated with enhanced lysis and T cell effector function. Enhancements were peptide-specific and greatest at low concentrations of peptide. Clustering MHC class I enhanced recognition of both strong and weak agonists but not null peptide. Our results indicate that the lateral organization of MHC class I on the cell surface can modulate the sensitivity of T cell recognition of agonist peptide.  相似文献   

Advancements in high‐resolution HPLC and mass spectrometry have reinvigorated the application of this technology to identify peptides eluted from immunopurified MHC class I molecules. Three melanoma cell lines were assessed using w6/32 isolation, peptide elution and HPLC purification; peptides were identified by mass spectrometry. A total of 13 829 peptides were identified; 83–87% of these were 8–11 mers. Only approximately 15% have been described before. Subcellular locations of the source proteins showed even sampling; mRNA expression and total protein length were predictive of the number of peptides detected from a single protein. HLA‐type binding prediction for 10 078 9/10 mer peptides assigned 88–95% to a patient‐specific HLA subtype, revealing a disparity in strength of predicted binding. HLA‐B*27‐specific isolation successfully identified some peptides not found using w6/32. Sixty peptides were selected for immune screening, based on source protein and predicted HLA binding; no new peptides recognized by antimelanoma T cells were discovered. Additionally, mass spectrometry was unable to identify several epitopes targeted ex vivo by one patient's T cells.  相似文献   

The molecular details of antigen processing and presentation by MHC class I and class II molecules have been studied extensively for almost three decades. Although the basic principles of these processes were laid out approximately 10 years ago, the recent years have revealed many details and provided new insights into their control and specificity. MHC molecules use various biochemical reactions to achieve successful presentation of antigenic fragments to the immune system. Here we present a timely evaluation of the biology of antigen presentation and a survey of issues that are considered unresolved. The continuing flow of new details into our understanding of the biology of MHC class I and class II antigen presentation builds a system involving several cell biological processes, which is discussed in this Review.  相似文献   

Previously, we described H-2K(bW9) (K(bW9)), an engineered variant of the murine MHC class I molecule H-2K(b) (K(b)), devoid of the central anchor ("C") pocket owing to a point mutation on the floor of the peptide binding site; this substitution drastically altered selection of bound peptides, such that the peptide repertoires of K(b) and K(bW9) are largely nonoverlapping in vivo. On the basis of these observations, we used K(bW9) and K(b) to revisit the role of peptides in alloreactive T cell recognition. We first compared Ab and TCR recognition of K(bW9) and K(b). Six of six K(b)-specific mAbs, directed against different parts of the molecule, recognized K(bW9) well, albeit at different levels than K(b). Furthermore, K(bW9) readily served as a restriction element for a peptide-specific syngeneic CTL response. Therefore, K(bW9) mutation did not result in gross distortions of the TCR-interacting surface of class I, which was comparable between K(b) and K(bW9). Interestingly, when K(bW9) was used to stimulate allogeneic T cells, it induced an infrequent CTL population that cross-reacted against K(b) and was specific for peptide-independent MHC epitopes. By contrast, K(b)-induced alloreactive CTLs recognized K(b) in a peptide-specific manner, did not cross-react on K(bW9), and were present at much higher frequencies than those induced by K(bW9). Thus, induction of rare peptide-independent CTLs depended on unique structural features of K(bW9), likely due to the elevated floor of the peptide-binding groove and the consequent protruding position of the peptide. These results shed new light on the relationship between TCR and peptide-MHC complex in peptide-independent allorecognition.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Fab of an Ab PC283 complexed with its corresponding peptide Ag, PS1 (HQLDPAFGANSTNPD), derived from the hepatitis B virus surface Ag was determined. The PS1 stretch Gln2P to Phe7P is present in the Ag binding site of the Ab, while the next three residues of the peptide are raised above the binding groove. The residues Ser11P, Thr12P, and Asn13P then loop back onto the Ag-binding site of the Ab. The last two residues, Pro14P and Asp15P, extend outside the binding site without forming any contacts with the Ab. The PC283-PS1 complex is among the few examples where the light chain complementarity-determining regions show more interactions than the heavy chain complementarity-determining regions, and a distal framework residue is involved in Ag binding. As seen from the crystal structure, most of the contacts between peptide and Ab are through the five residues, Leu3-Asp4-Pro5-Ala6-Phe7, of PS1. The paratope is predominantly hydrophobic with aromatic residues lining the binding pocket, although a salt bridge also contributes to stabilizing the Ag-Ab interaction. The molecular surface area buried upon PS1 binding is 756 A(2) for the peptide and 625 A(2) for the Fab, which is higher than what has been seen to date for Ab-peptide complexes. A comparison between PC283 structure and a homology model of its germline ancestor suggests that paratope optimization for PS1 occurs by improving both charge and shape complementarity.  相似文献   

Infection of macaque monkeys with the simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (SIVmac) results in disease similar to human AIDS. Therefore, the macaque monkey is proving to be an important model for testing the effectiveness of various AIDS vaccine approaches. A detailed analysis of the cellular immune responses is necessary for the evaluation of candidate vaccines. However, this has not been possible in macaques, due, in part, to the unknown nature of the MHC molecules that restrict their T lymphocytes. In our report we demonstrate that a particular MHC class I molecule involved in the rhesus monkey's effector T lymphocyte response to SIVmac is expressed at a high frequency in a colony of rhesus monkeys. SIVmac-infected monkeys that express this MHC class I molecule all develop CTL that are restricted by that molecule and recognize an identical nine amino acid epitope of the SIVmac gag protein. This MHC class I molecule has been defined as an HLA-A homolog by cDNA cloning and sequencing. It has also been expressed in an MHC class I-deficient cell line to demonstrate directly the cloned molecule's capacity to bind and present peptide Ag to CTL. These studies illustrate that AIDS virus-specific CTL can be characterized in detail in the rhesus monkey and lay the foundation for exploring novel approaches to AIDS virus vaccination in this species.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that specific Ag presentation is prevented by the inhibition of protein synthesis but nonspecific presentation is not. In the present paper, Ag presentation by Ag-specific B cells was examined for sensitivity to brefeldin A (BFA), which blocks protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum. A20-HL B lymphoma expressing surface receptors specific for TNP was used as a B cell, and TNP-OVA was used as a specific Ag. The presence of BFA during pulsing of A20-HL cells with TNP-OVA inhibited the ability of the pulsed cells to stimulate 42-6A T cell clone, specific for OVA323-339 and Iad. The inhibition was not due to nonspecific toxicity of BFA, because the presence of BFA during pulsing of A20-HL cells with OVA323-339 did not affect their APC function. Ag binding to the receptor on A20-HL cells and internalization by the cells were observed in the presence of BFA. Thus, BFA might inhibit intracellular processing of specific Ag or intracellular complex formation of antigenic peptide from specific Ag with MHC class II molecules. Nonspecific Ag presentation by A20-HL cells, however, was resistant to BFA. A20-HL cells pulsed with OVA in the presence of BFA, even after fixation, could stimulate 42-6A cells to produce IL-2, although the IL-2 production was lower than that induced by A20-HL cells pulsed in the absence of BFA. These results suggest that the processing pathways for specific Ag and nonspecific Ag are different from each other, at least partly, in A20-HL cells.  相似文献   

The proteasome is primarily responsible for the generation of MHC class I-restricted CTL epitopes. However, some epitopes, such as NP(147-155) of the influenza nucleoprotein (NP), are presented efficiently in the presence of proteasome inhibitors. The pathways used to generate such apparently "proteasome-independent" epitopes remain poorly defined. We have examined the generation of NP(147-155) and a second proteasome-dependent NP epitope, NP(50-57), using cells adapted to growth in the presence of proteasome inhibitors and also through protease overexpression. We observed that: 1) Ag processing and presentation proceeds in proteasome-inhibitor adapted cells but may become more dependent, at least in part, on nonproteasomal protease(s), 2) tripeptidyl peptidase II does not substitute for the proteasome in the generation of NP(147-155), 3) overexpression of leucine aminopeptidase, thymet oligopeptidase, puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase, and bleomycin hydrolase, has little impact on the processing and presentation of NP(50-57) or NP(147-155), and 4) proteasome-inhibitor treatment altered the specificity of substrate cleavage by the proteasome using cell-free digests favoring NP(147-155) epitope preservation. Based on these results, we propose a central role for the proteasome in epitope generation even in the presence of proteasome inhibitors, although such inhibitors will likely alter cleavage patterns and may increase the dependence of the processing pathway on postproteasomal enzymes.  相似文献   

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