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We present a survey for non-coding RNAs and other structured RNA motifs in the genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae using the RNAz program. This approach explicitly evaluates comparative sequence information to detect stabilizing selection acting on RNA secondary structure. We detect 3,672 structured RNA motifs, of which only 678 are known non-translated RNAs (ncRNAs) or clear homologs of known C. elegans ncRNAs. Most of these signals are located in introns or at a distance from known protein-coding genes. With an estimated false positive rate of about 50% and a sensitivity on the order of 50%, we estimate that the nematode genomes contain between 3,000 and 4,000 RNAs with evolutionary conserved secondary structures. Only a small fraction of these belongs to the known RNA classes, including tRNAs, snoRNAs, snRNAs, or microRNAs. A relatively small class of ncRNA candidates is associated with previously observed RNA-specific upstream elements.  相似文献   

Although non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes do not encode proteins, they play vital roles in cells by producing functionally important RNAs. In this paper, we present a novel method for predicting ncRNA genes based on compositional features extracted directly from gene sequences. Our method consists of two Support Vector Machine (SVM) models--Codon model which uses codon usage features derived from ncRNA genes and protein-coding genes and Kmer model which utilizes features of nucleotide and dinucleotide frequency extracted respectively from ncRNA genes and randomly chosen genome sequences. The 10-fold cross-validation accuracy for the two models is found to be 92% and 91%, respectively. Thus, we could make an automatic prediction of ncRNA genes in one genome without manual filtration of protein-coding genes. After applying our method in Sulfolobus solfataricus genome, 25 prediction results have been generated according to 25 cut-off pairs. We have also applied the approach in E. coli and found our results comparable to those of previous studies. In general, our method enables automatic identification of ncRNA genes in newly sequenced prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are two major classes of small non-coding RNAs with important roles in the regulation of gene expression, such as mRNA degradation and translational repression, heterochromatin formation, genome defense against transposons and viruses in eukaryotes. MiRNA- and siRNA-directed processes have emerged as a regulatory mechanism for growth and development in both animals and plants. To identify small RNAs that might be involved in vernalization, a process accelerating flowering brought on by a long period of cold, we generated a library of small RNAs from Arabidopsis that had been subject to vernalization. From the analysis of the library, 277 small RNAs were identified. They were distributed throughout all the five chromosomes. While the vast majority of small RNA genes locate on intergenic regions, others locate on repeat-rich regions, centromeric regions, transposon-related genes, and protein-coding genes. Five of them were mapped to convergent overlapping gene pairs. Two-hundred and forty of them were novel endogenous small RNAs that have not been cloned yet from plants grown under normal conditions and other environmental stresses. Seven putative miRNAs were up- or down-regulated by vernalization. In conclusion, many small RNAs were identified from vernalized Arabidopsis and some of these identified small RNAs may play roles in plant responses to vernalization.  相似文献   

Several independent lines of evidence suggest that the modern genetic system was preceded by the 'RNA world' in which RNA genes encoded RNA catalysts. Current gaps in our conceptual framework of early genetic systems make it difficult to imagine how a stable RNA genome may have functioned and how the transition to a DNA genome could have taken place. Here we use the single-celled ciliate, Oxytricha, as an analog to some of the genetic and genomic traits that may have been present in organisms before and during the establishment of a DNA genome. Oxytricha and its close relatives have a unique genome architecture involving two differentiated nuclei, one of which encodes the genome on small, linear nanochromosomes. While its unique genomic characteristics are relatively modern, some physiological processes related to the genomes and nuclei of Oxytricha may exemplify primitive states of the developing genetic system.  相似文献   

The macronuclear genome of the ciliate Oxytricha trifallax displays an extreme and unique eukaryotic genome architecture with extensive genomic variation. During sexual genome development, the expressed, somatic macronuclear genome is whittled down to the genic portion of a small fraction (∼5%) of its precursor “silent” germline micronuclear genome by a process of “unscrambling” and fragmentation. The tiny macronuclear “nanochromosomes” typically encode single, protein-coding genes (a small portion, 10%, encode 2–8 genes), have minimal noncoding regions, and are differentially amplified to an average of ∼2,000 copies. We report the high-quality genome assembly of ∼16,000 complete nanochromosomes (∼50 Mb haploid genome size) that vary from 469 bp to 66 kb long (mean ∼3.2 kb) and encode ∼18,500 genes. Alternative DNA fragmentation processes ∼10% of the nanochromosomes into multiple isoforms that usually encode complete genes. Nucleotide diversity in the macronucleus is very high (SNP heterozygosity is ∼4.0%), suggesting that Oxytricha trifallax may have one of the largest known effective population sizes of eukaryotes. Comparison to other ciliates with nonscrambled genomes and long macronuclear chromosomes (on the order of 100 kb) suggests several candidate proteins that could be involved in genome rearrangement, including domesticated MULE and IS1595-like DDE transposases. The assembly of the highly fragmented Oxytricha macronuclear genome is the first completed genome with such an unusual architecture. This genome sequence provides tantalizing glimpses into novel molecular biology and evolution. For example, Oxytricha maintains tens of millions of telomeres per cell and has also evolved an intriguing expansion of telomere end-binding proteins. In conjunction with the micronuclear genome in progress, the O. trifallax macronuclear genome will provide an invaluable resource for investigating programmed genome rearrangements, complementing studies of rearrangements arising during evolution and disease.  相似文献   

The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) is the only organisation authorised to assign standardised nomenclature to human genes. Of the 38,000 approved gene symbols in our database (http://www.genenames.org), the majority represent protein-coding (pc) genes; however, we also name pseudogenes, phenotypic loci, some genomic features, and to date have named more than 8,500 human non-protein coding RNA (ncRNA) genes and ncRNA pseudogenes. We have already established unique names for most of the small ncRNA genes by working with experts for each class. Small ncRNAs can be defined into their respective classes by their shared homology and common function. In contrast, long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes represent a disparate set of loci related only by their size, more than 200 bases in length, share no conserved sequence homology, and have variable functions. As with pc genes, wherever possible, lncRNAs are named based on the known function of their product; a short guide is presented herein to help authors when developing novel gene symbols for lncRNAs with characterised function. Researchers must contact the HGNC with their suggestions prior to publication, to check whether the proposed gene symbol can be approved. Although thousands of lncRNAs have been predicted in the human genome, for the vast majority their function remains unresolved. lncRNA genes with no known function are named based on their genomic context. Working with lncRNA researchers, the HGNC aims to provide unique and, wherever possible, meaningful gene symbols to all lncRNA genes.  相似文献   

Plant genomes have undergone multiple rounds of duplications that contributed massively to the growth of gene families. The structure of resulting families has been studied in depth for protein-coding genes. However, little is known about the impact of duplications on noncoding RNA (ncRNA) genes. Here we perform a systematic analysis of duplicated regions in the rice genome in search of such ncRNA repeats. We observe that, just like their protein counterparts, most ncRNA genes have undergone multiple duplications that left visible sequence conservation footprints. The extent of ncRNA gene duplication in plants is such that these sequence footprints can be exploited for the discovery of novel ncRNA gene families on a large scale. We developed an SVM model that is able to retrieve likely ncRNA candidates among the 100,000+ repeat families in the rice genome, with a reasonably low false-positive discovery rate. Among the nearly 4000 ncRNA families predicted by this means, only 90 correspond to putative snoRNA or miRNA families. About half of the remaining families are classified as structured RNAs. New candidate ncRNAs are particularly enriched in UTR and intronic regions. Interestingly, 89% of the putative ncRNA families do not produce a detectable signal when their sequences are compared to another grass genome such as maize. Our results show that a large fraction of rice ncRNA genes are present in multiple copies and are species-specific or of recent origin. Intragenome comparison is a unique and potent source for the computational annotation of this major class of ncRNA.  相似文献   

哺乳动物中,只有小部分基因转录成为编码蛋白质的RNA,大量的基因则转录为不能编码蛋白质的RNA,即ncRNA。长非 编码RNA(lncRNAs)是分子长度在200-100000 nt 之间的一类ncRNA。lncRNAs 的数量超过蛋白质编码基因的数量。目前,对长非 编码RNA(lncRNAs)的生物学特性,转录调控以及其在肿瘤发生发展中的作用机制的研究任然是RNA研究的热点。lncRNAs 通 过控制染色质重塑,转录调控和录转录后调控而在基因的转录调节中发挥了重要作用。lncRNAs 与多种肿瘤相关,并且在抑制因 素和促进因素中都具有重要的作用。众多文献报道的结果表明lncRNAs 参与调控基因表达,在正常细胞与肿瘤细胞的转换中起 到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

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