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The DNA polymerase α-primase complex forms an essential part of the eukaryotic replisome. The catalytic subunits of primase and pol α synthesize composite RNA-DNA primers that initiate the leading and lagging DNA strands at replication forks. The physical basis and physiological significance of tethering primase to the eukaryotic replisome via pol α remain poorly characterized. We have identified a short conserved motif at the extreme C terminus of pol α that is critical for interaction of the yeast ortholog pol1 with primase. We show that truncation of the C-terminal residues 1452-1468 of Pol1 abrogates the interaction with the primase, as does mutation to alanine of the invariant amino acid Phe(1463). Conversely, a pol1 peptide spanning the last 16 residues binds primase with high affinity, and the equivalent peptide from human Pol α binds primase in an analogous fashion. These in vitro data are mirrored by experiments in yeast cells, as primase does not interact in cell extracts with pol1 that either terminates at residue 1452 or has the F1463A mutation. The ability to disrupt the association between primase and pol α allowed us to assess the physiological significance of primase being tethered to the eukaryotic replisome in this way. We find that the F1463A mutation in Pol1 renders yeast cells dependent on the S phase checkpoint, whereas truncation of Pol1 at amino acid 1452 blocks yeast cell proliferation. These findings indicate that tethering of primase to the replisome by pol α is critical for the normal action of DNA replication forks in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases cannot synthesize DNA without a primer, and DNA primase is the only specialized enzyme capable of de novo synthesis of short RNA primers. In eukaryotes, primase functions within a heterotetrameric complex in concert with a tightly bound DNA polymerase α (Pol α). In humans, the Pol α part is comprised of a catalytic subunit (p180) and an accessory subunit B (p70), and the primase part consists of a small catalytic subunit (p49) and a large essential subunit (p58). The latter subunit participates in primer synthesis, counts the number of nucleotides in a primer, assists the release of the primer-template from primase and transfers it to the Pol α active site. Recently reported crystal structures of the C-terminal domains of the yeast and human enzymes'' large subunits provided critical information related to their structure, possible sites for binding of nucleotides and template DNA, as well as the overall organization of eukaryotic primases. However, the structures also revealed a difference in the folding of their proposed DNA-binding fragments, raising the possibility that yeast and human proteins are functionally different. Here we report new structure of the C-terminal domain of the human primase p58 subunit. This structure exhibits a fold similar to a fold reported for the yeast protein but different than a fold reported for the human protein. Based on a comparative analysis of all three C-terminal domain structures, we propose a mechanism of RNA primer length counting and dissociation of the primer-template from primase by a switch in conformation of the ssDNA-binding region of p58.Key words: DNA primase, prim1, prim2, replication, 4Fe-4S cluster, crystal structure, DNA polymerase α  相似文献   

Is the nuclear matrix the site of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four types of experiment were carried out to test the recently proposed model of matrix-bound replication in eukaryotic cells. In experiments with pulse-labelling we found preferential association of newly replicated DNA with the matrix only when the procedure for isolation includes first high-salt treatment of isolated nuclei and then digestion with nucleases, or when prior to digestion the nuclei have been stored for a prolonged time. In both cases, however, evidence was found that this preferential association is due to a secondary, artifactual binding of the newly replicated chromatin region to the matrix elements. Pulse-chase experiments and experiments with continuous labelling were carried out to answer the question whether during replication the DNA is reeled through the replication complexes, i.e., whether newly replicated DNA is temporarily or permanently associated with the matrix. The results showed that at that time the matrix DNA does not move from its site of attachment. Since, according to the model of matrix-bound replication, the forks are assumed to be firmly anchored to high-salt resistant proteinaceous matrix structures, the chromatin fragments isolated with endonuclease not recognizing newly replicated DNA and purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation should be free of replication intermediates. The electronmicroscopic analysis of such fragments revealed the existence of intact replication micro-bubbles. Moreover, the fragments with replication configurations appeared as smooth chromatin fibres not attached to elements characteristic for the matrix. All these experiments suggest that the nuclear skeleton is not a native site of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Replicative DNA polymerases are frequently stalled by DNA lesions. The resulting replication blockage is released by homologous recombination (HR) and translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). TLS employs specialized TLS polymerases to bypass DNA lesions. We provide striking in vivo evidence of the cooperation between DNA polymerase η, which is mutated in the variant form of the cancer predisposition disorder xeroderma pigmentosum (XP-V), and DNA polymerase ζ by generating POLη−/−/POLζ−/− cells from the chicken DT40 cell line. POLζ−/− cells are hypersensitive to a very wide range of DNA damaging agents, whereas XP-V cells exhibit moderate sensitivity to ultraviolet light (UV) only in the presence of caffeine treatment and exhibit no significant sensitivity to any other damaging agents. It is therefore widely believed that Polη plays a very specific role in cellular tolerance to UV-induced DNA damage. The evidence we present challenges this assumption. The phenotypic analysis of POLη−/−/POLζ−/− cells shows that, unexpectedly, the loss of Polη significantly rescued all mutant phenotypes of POLζ−/− cells and results in the restoration of the DNA damage tolerance by a backup pathway including HR. Taken together, Polη contributes to a much wide range of TLS events than had been predicted by the phenotype of XP-V cells.  相似文献   

DNA Polymerase-α from embryonic chicken brain was resolved on DEAE-cellulose into 3 comPonent activities that remained distinct uPon rechromatograPhy. Product formation by each activity required exogenously added temPlate-Primer DNA, all 4 deoxynucleoside triPhosPhates, and a divalent metal cation. Each form incorPorated [3H]-dTTP or [3H]-dCTP into a high molecular weight Product that was identified as DNA by its chromatograPhic behavior and its sensitivity to DNase. High ionic strength, N-ethylmaleimide, and the Polymerase-α-sPecific inhibitor aPhidicolin inhibited each activity; the aPParentK i value of aPhidicolin was 3.0 μM in each case. Based on these results, the 3 activities were identified as multiPle forms of DNA Polymerase-α . ExPeriments using embryonic chicken brains of various ages indicated that Polymerase-α1, and Polymerase-α3 reached maximal activity in 9-day-old embryos, while Polymerase-α2 activity was elevated at a slightly later develoPmental stage. Using Poly (dC) as temPlate, high Primase activity was detected in Polymerase-α1, fractions.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic DNA replication, short RNA-DNA hybrid primers synthesized by primase-DNA polymerase α (Prim-Pol α) are needed to start DNA replication by the replicative DNA polymerases, Pol δ and Pol ϵ. The C terminus of the Pol α catalytic subunit (p180C) in complex with the B subunit (p70) regulates the RNA priming and DNA polymerizing activities of Prim-Pol α. It tethers Pol α and primase, facilitating RNA primer handover from primase to Pol α. To understand these regulatory mechanisms and to reveal the details of human Pol α organization, we determined the crystal structure of p70 in complex with p180C. The structured portion of p70 includes a phosphodiesterase (PDE) domain and an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB) domain. The N-terminal domain and the linker connecting it to the PDE domain are disordered in the reported crystal structure. The p180C adopts an elongated asymmetric saddle shape, with a three-helix bundle in the middle and zinc-binding modules (Zn1 and Zn2) on each side. The extensive p180C-p70 interactions involve 20 hydrogen bonds and a number of hydrophobic interactions resulting in an extended buried surface of 4080 Å2. Importantly, in the structure of the p180C-p70 complex with full-length p70, the residues from the N-terminal to the OB domain contribute to interactions with p180C. The comparative structural analysis revealed both the conserved features and the differences between the human and yeast Pol α complexes.  相似文献   



Evolution of DNA polymerases, the key enzymes of DNA replication and repair, is central to any reconstruction of the history of cellular life. However, the details of the evolutionary relationships between DNA polymerases of archaea and eukaryotes remain unresolved.  相似文献   

The amount of DNA synthesis in vitro with the ultraviolet-irradiated poly-(dT) · oligo(rA) template initiators catalysed by DNA polymerase α (Masaki, S. and Yoshida, S., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 521, 74–88) decreased with the dose of ultraviolet-irradiation. The ultraviolet irradiation to the template, however, did not affect the rate of incorporation of incorrect deoxynycleotides into the newly synthesized poly(dA). The addition of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to this system enhanced the DNA synthesis to a level which is comparable to that of the control and it concomitantly increased the incorporation of the mismatched deoxynucleotide into the newly synthesized poly(dA) strands. On the other hand, with an unirradiated template initiator, the misincorporation was only slightly enhanced by the addition of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. The sizes of newly synthesized DNA measured by the sedimentation velocities were found to be smaller with the ultraviolet-irradiated templates but they increased to the control level with the addition of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to the systems. These results suggest that terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase can help DNA polymerase α to ‘bypass’ thymine dimers in vitro by the formation of mismatched regions at the positions opposite to pyrimidine dimers on the template.  相似文献   

Levels of the glycoprotein hormone α subunit and alkaline phosphatase activity were increased in cultures of HeLa S3 cells exposed to aphidicolin (0.2–10 μg/ml) or phosphonoformic acid (0.1–3 mm), inhibitors of DNA polymerase α. Induction was dependent on both the concentration and duration of exposure to the inhibitors and was prevented by cycloheximide and actinomycin D. Limited characterization of the induced α subunit and alkaline phosphatase activity suggest that they are similar to the uninduced proteins expressed by this cell line. Induction of both proteins by aphidicolin and phosphonoformic acid was enhanced by the simultaneous addition of 3 mm sodium butyrate but was depressed by 1 mm hydroxy urea. In contrast, both butyrate and hydroxy urea cause induction of these proteins when added alone to HeLa cultures. It is unlikely that a direct relationship exists between protein induction and the inhibition of DNA synthesis produced by aphidicolin and phosphonoformic acid since the concentrations required to produce half-maximal induction are 5 to 10 times greater than those needed to inhibit replication by 50%.  相似文献   

Gilroy KL  Austin CA 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e14693


Type II DNA topoisomerases are essential, ubiquitous enzymes that act to relieve topological problems arising in DNA from normal cellular activity. Their mechanism of action involves the ATP-dependent transport of one DNA duplex through a transient break in a second DNA duplex; metal ions are essential for strand passage. Humans have two isoforms, topoisomerase IIα and topoisomerase IIβ, that have distinct roles in the cell. The C-terminal domain has been linked to isoform specific differences in activity and DNA interaction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have investigated the role of the C-terminal domain in the binding of human topoisomerase IIα and topoisomerase IIβ to DNA in fluorescence anisotropy assays using full length and C-terminally truncated enzymes. We find that the C-terminal domain of topoisomerase IIβ but not topoisomerase IIα affects the binding of the enzyme to the DNA. The presence of metal ions has no effect on DNA binding. Additionally, we have examined strand passage of the full length and truncated enzymes in the presence of a number of supporting metal ions and find that there is no difference in relative decatenation between isoforms. We find that calcium and manganese, in addition to magnesium, can support strand passage by the human topoisomerase II enzymes.


The C-terminal domain of topoisomerase IIβ, but not that of topoisomerase IIα, alters the enzyme''s KD for DNA binding. This is consistent with previous data and may be related to the differential modes of action of the two isoforms in vivo. We also show strand passage with different supporting metal ions for human topoisomerase IIα or topoisomerase IIβ, either full length or C-terminally truncated. They all show the same preferences, whereby Mg > Ca > Mn.  相似文献   

The CST (Cdc13/CTC1-STN1-TEN1) complex was proposed to have evolved kingdom specific roles in telomere capping and replication. To shed light on its evolutionary conserved function, we examined the effect of STN1 dysfunction on telomere structure in plants. STN1 inactivation in Arabidopsis leads to a progressive loss of telomeric DNA and the onset of telomeric defects depends on the initial telomere size. While EXO1 aggravates defects associated with STN1 dysfunction, it does not contribute to the formation of long G-overhangs. Instead, these G-overhangs arise, at least partially, from telomerase-mediated telomere extension indicating a deficiency in C-strand fill-in synthesis. Analysis of hypomorphic DNA polymerase α mutants revealed that the impaired function of a general replication factor mimics the telomeric defects associated with CST dysfunction. Furthermore, we show that STN1-deficiency hinders re-replication of heterochromatic regions to a similar extent as polymerase α mutations. This comparative analysis of stn1 and pol α mutants suggests that STN1 plays a genome-wide role in DNA replication and that chromosome-end deprotection in stn1 mutants may represent a manifestation of aberrant replication through telomeres.  相似文献   

The dnaE gene of Escherichia coli encodes the DNA polymerase (α subunit) of the main replicative enzyme, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. We have previously identified this gene as the site of a series of seven antimutator mutations that specifically decrease the level of DNA replication errors. Here we report the nucleotide sequence changes in each of the different antimutator dnaE alleles. For each a single, but different, amino acid substitution was found among the 1,160 amino acids of the protein. The observed substitutions are generally nonconservative. All affected residues are located in the central one-third of the protein. Some insight into the function of the regions of polymerase III containing the affected residues was obtained by amino acid alignment with other DNA polymerases. We followed the principles developed in 1990 by M. Delarue et al. who have identified in DNA polymerases from a large number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources three highly conserved sequence motifs, which are suggested to contain components of the polymerase active site. We succeeded in finding these three conserved motifs in polymerase III as well. However, none of the amino acid substitutions responsible for the antimutator phenotype occurred at these sites. This and other observations suggest that the effect of these mutations may be exerted indirectly through effects on polymerase conformation and/or DNA/polymerase interactions.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase is composed of multiple isoforms and the isoform distribution varies with the tissue and during development. The α1 isoform for example, is the major isoform in the kidney and many other tissues, while the α2 isoform is the predominate one in skeletal muscle. All three isoforms are found in the brain although in adult rodent brain, the α3 isoform is located essentially in neurons while the α2 isoform is found in astrocytes and some limited neuronal populations. Interestingly the α4 isoform is found exclusively in the mid region of the sperm tail. The distribution of the isoforms of the Na,K-ATPase has been extensively studied in many tissues and during development. The examples cited above provide some indication to the diversity of Na,K-ATPase isoform expression. In order to understand the significance of this distribution, we have developed animals which lack the α1, α2, and α3 isoforms. It is anticipated that these studies will provide insight into the role that these isoforms play in driving various biological processes in specific tissues. Here we describe some of our studies which deal with the behavioral aspects of the α1, α2, and α3 deficient mice, particularly those that are haploinsufficient in one isoform i.e. lacking one functional gene for the α1, α2, or α3 isoforms. Such studies are important as two human diseases are associated with deficiency in the α2 and α3 isoforms. These are Familial Hemiplegic Migraine type 2 and Rapid-Onset Dystonia Parkinsonism, these diseases result from α2 and α3 isoform haploinsufficiency, respectively. We find that the haploinsufficiency of both α2 and α3 isoforms result in behavioral defects.  相似文献   

Heme-regulated eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) kinase (HRI), functions in response to heme shortage in reticulocytes and aids in the maintenance of a heme:globin ratio of 1:1. Under normal conditions, heme binds to HRI and blocks its function. However, during heme shortage, heme dissociates from the protein and autophosphorylation subsequently occurs. Autophosphorylation comprises a preliminary critical step before the execution of the intrinsic function of HRI; specifically, phosphorylation of Ser-51 of eIF2α to inhibit translation of the globin protein. The present study indicates that dephosphorylated mouse HRI exhibits strong intramolecular interactions (between the N-terminal and C-terminal domains) compared to phosphorylated HRI. It is therefore suggested that autophosphorylation reduces the intramolecular interaction, which induces irreversible catalytic flow to the intrinsic eIF2α kinase activity after heme dissociates from the protein. With the aid of MS, we identified 33 phosphorylated sites in mouse HRI overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Phosphorylated sites at Ser, Thr and Tyr were predominantly localized within the kinase insertion region (16 sites) and kinase domain (12 sites), whereas the N-terminal domain contained five sites. We further generated 30 enzymes with mutations at the phosphorylated residues and examined their catalytic activities. The activities of Y193F, T485A and T490A mutants were significantly lower than that of wild-type protein, whereas the other mutant proteins displayed essentially similar activity. Accordingly, we suggest that Tyr193, Thr485 and Thr490 are essential residues in the catalysis.  相似文献   

 Polymerase chain reaction was used to isolate cDNA clones encoding putative T-cell receptor (TCR) α chains in an amphibian, the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). Five TCRα-V chain-encoding segments were identified, each belonging to a separate family. The best identity scores for these axolotl TCRα-V segments were all provided by sequences belonging to the human TCRα-V1 family and the mouse TCRα-V3 and TCRα-V8 families. A total of 14 different TCRA-J segments were identified from 44 TCRA-V/TCRA-J regions sequenced, suggesting that a large repertoire of TCRA-J segments is a characteristic of most vertebrates. The structure of the axolotl CDR3 α chain loop is in good agreement with that of mammals, including a majority of small hydrophobic residues at position 92 and of charged, hydrophilic, or polar residues at positions 93 and 94, which are highly variable and correspond to the TCRA-V/J junction. This suggests that some positions of the axolotl CDR3 α chain loop are positively selected during T-cell differentiation, particularly around residue 93 that could be selected for its ability to makes contacts with major histocompatibility complex-associated antigenic peptides, as in mammals. The axolotl Cα domain had the typical structure of mammalian and avian Cα domains, including the charged residues in the TM segment that are thought to interact with other proteins in the membrane, as well as most of the residues forming the conserved antigen receptor transmembrane motif. Received: 12 June 1996 / Revised: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

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