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MOTIVATION: Subcellular localization is a key functional characteristic of proteins. A fully automatic and reliable prediction system for protein subcellular localization is needed, especially for the analysis of large-scale genome sequences. RESULTS: In this paper, Support Vector Machine has been introduced to predict the subcellular localization of proteins from their amino acid compositions. The total prediction accuracies reach 91.4% for three subcellular locations in prokaryotic organisms and 79.4% for four locations in eukaryotic organisms. Predictions by our approach are robust to errors in the protein N-terminal sequences. This new approach provides superior prediction performance compared with existing algorithms based on amino acid composition and can be a complementary method to other existing methods based on sorting signals. AVAILABILITY: A web server implementing the prediction method is available at http://www.bioinfo.tsinghua.edu.cn/SubLoc/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary material is available at http://www.bioinfo.tsinghua.edu.cn/SubLoc/.  相似文献   

Automated prediction of bacterial protein subcellular localization is an important tool for genome annotation and drug discovery. PSORT has been one of the most widely used computational methods for such bacterial protein analysis; however, it has not been updated since it was introduced in 1991. In addition, neither PSORT nor any of the other computational methods available make predictions for all five of the localization sites characteristic of Gram-negative bacteria. Here we present PSORT-B, an updated version of PSORT for Gram-negative bacteria, which is available as a web-based application at http://www.psort.org. PSORT-B examines a given protein sequence for amino acid composition, similarity to proteins of known localization, presence of a signal peptide, transmembrane alpha-helices and motifs corresponding to specific localizations. A probabilistic method integrates these analyses, returning a list of five possible localization sites with associated probability scores. PSORT-B, designed to favor high precision (specificity) over high recall (sensitivity), attained an overall precision of 97% and recall of 75% in 5-fold cross-validation tests, using a dataset we developed of 1443 proteins of experimentally known localization. This dataset, the largest of its kind, is freely available, along with the PSORT-B source code (under GNU General Public License).  相似文献   

Subcellular location is an important functional annotation of proteins. An automatic, reliable and efficient prediction system for protein subcellular localization is necessary for large-scale genome analysis. This paper describes a protein subcellular localization method which extracts features from protein profiles rather than from amino acid sequences. The protein profile represents a protein family, discards part of the sequence information that is not conserved throughout the family and therefore is more sensitive than the amino acid sequence. The amino acid compositions of whole profile and the N-terminus of the profile are extracted, respectively, to train and test the probabilistic neural network classifiers. On two benchmark datasets, the overall accuracies of the proposed method reach 89.1% and 68.9%, respectively. The prediction results show that the proposed method perform better than those methods based on amino acid sequences. The prediction results of the proposed method are also compared with Subloc on two redundance-reduced datasets.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of a protein can provide important information about its function within the cell. As eukaryotic cells and particularly mammalian cells are characterized by a high degree of compartmentalization, most protein activities can be assigned to particular cellular compartments. The categorization of proteins by their subcellular localization is therefore one of the essential goals of the functional annotation of the human genome. We previously performed a subcellular localization screen of 52 proteins encoded on human chromosome 21. In the current study, we compared the experimental localization data to the in silico results generated by nine leading software packages with different prediction resolutions. The comparison revealed striking differences between the programs in the accuracy of their subcellular protein localization predictions. Our results strongly suggest that the recently developed predictors utilizing multiple prediction methods tend to provide significantly better performance over purely sequence-based or homology-based predictions.  相似文献   

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays an important role in development of an organism. Obtaining information on subcellular location of apoptosis proteins is very helpful to understand the apoptosis mechanism. In this paper, based on the concept that the position distribution information of amino acids is closely related with the structure and function of proteins, we introduce the concept of distance frequency [Matsuda, S., Vert, J.P., Ueda, N., Toh, H., Akutsu, T., 2005. A novel representation of protein sequences for prediction of subcellular location using support vector machines. Protein Sci. 14, 2804-2813] and propose a novel way to calculate distance frequencies. In order to calculate the local features, each protein sequence is separated into p parts with the same length in our paper. Then we use the novel representation of protein sequences and adopt support vector machine to predict subcellular location. The overall prediction accuracy is significantly improved by jackknife test.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed to identify whether a query protein is singleplex or multiplex for improving the quality of protein subcellular localization prediction. Based on the transductive learning technique, this approach utilizes the information from the both query proteins and known proteins to estimate the subcellular location number of every query protein so that the singleplex and multiplex proteins can be recognized and distinguished. Each query protein is then dealt with by a targeted single-label or multi-label predictor to achieve a high-accuracy prediction result. We assess the performance of the proposed approach by applying it to three groups of protein sequences datasets. Simulation experiments show that the proposed approach can effectively identify the singleplex and multiplex proteins. Through a comparison, the reliably of this method for enhancing the power of predicting protein subcellular localization can also be verified.  相似文献   

蛋白质序列的编码是亚细胞定位预测问题中的关键技术之一。该文较为详细地介绍了目前已有的蛋白质序列编码算法;并指出了序列编码中存在的一些问题及可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Each protein performs its functions within some specific locations in a cell. This subcellular location is important for understanding protein function and for facilitating its purification. There are now many computational techniques for predicting location based on sequence analysis and database information from homologs. A few recent techniques use text from biological abstracts: our goal is to improve the prediction accuracy of such text-based techniques. We identify three techniques for improving text-based prediction: a rule for ambiguous abstract removal, a mechanism for using synonyms from the Gene Ontology (GO) and a mechanism for using the GO hierarchy to generalize terms. We show that these three techniques can significantly improve the accuracy of protein subcellular location predictors that use text extracted from PubMed abstracts whose references are recorded in Swiss-Prot.  相似文献   

Lysosomal degradation of ganglioside GM2 by hexosaminidase A requires the presence of a small, non-enzymatic cofactor, the GM2-activator protein (GM2AP). Lack of functional protein leads to the AB variant of GM2-gangliosidosis, a fatal lysosomal storage disease. Although its possible mode of action and functional domains have been discussed frequently in the past, no structural information about GM2AP is available so far. Here, we determine the complete disulfide bond pattern of the protein. Two of the four disulfide bonds present in the protein were open to classical determination by enzymatic cleavage and mass spectrometry. The direct localization of the remaining two bonds was impeded by the close vicinity of cysteines 136 and 138. We determined the arrangement of these disulfide bonds by MALDI-PSD analysis of disulfide linked peptides and by partial reduction, cyanylation and fragmentation in basic solution, as described recently (Wu F, Watson JT, 1997, Protein Sci 6:391-398).  相似文献   



The eukaryotic cell has an intricate architecture with compartments and substructures dedicated to particular biological processes. Knowing the subcellular location of proteins not only indicates how bio-processes are organized in different cellular compartments, but also contributes to unravelling the function of individual proteins. Computational localization prediction is possible based on sequence information alone, and has been successfully applied to proteins from virtually all subcellular compartments and all domains of life. However, we realized that current prediction tools do not perform well on partial protein sequences such as those inferred from Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) data, limiting the exploitation of the large and taxonomically most comprehensive body of sequence information from eukaryotes.  相似文献   



Prediction of protein subcellular localization generally involves many complex factors, and using only one or two aspects of data information may not tell the true story. For this reason, some recent predictive models are deliberately designed to integrate multiple heterogeneous data sources for exploiting multi-aspect protein feature information. Gene ontology, hereinafter referred to as GO, uses a controlled vocabulary to depict biological molecules or gene products in terms of biological process, molecular function and cellular component. With the rapid expansion of annotated protein sequences, gene ontology has become a general protein feature that can be used to construct predictive models in computational biology. Existing models generally either concatenated the GO terms into a flat binary vector or applied majority-vote based ensemble learning for protein subcellular localization, both of which can not estimate the individual discriminative abilities of the three aspects of gene ontology.  相似文献   

Identifying the subcellular localization of proteins is particularly helpful in the functional annotation of gene products. In this study, we use Machine Learning and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques to examine and characterize amino acid sequences of human proteins localized in nine cellular compartments. A dataset of 3,749 protein sequences representing human proteins was extracted from the SWISS-PROT database. Feature vectors were created to capture specific amino acid sequence characteristics. Relative to a Support Vector Machine, a Multi-layer Perceptron, and a Naive Bayes classifier, the C4.5 Decision Tree algorithm was the most consistent performer across all nine compartments in reliably predicting the subcellular localization of proteins based on their amino acid sequences (average Precision=0.88; average Sensitivity=0.86). Furthermore, EDA graphics characterized essential features of proteins in each compartment. As examples, proteins localized to the plasma membrane had higher proportions of hydrophobic amino acids; cytoplasmic proteins had higher proportions of neutral amino acids; and mitochondrial proteins had higher proportions of neutral amino acids and lower proportions of polar amino acids. These data showed that the C4.5 classifier and EDA tools can be effective for characterizing and predicting the subcellular localization of human proteins based on their amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

Mei S 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e37716
Recent years have witnessed much progress in computational modelling for protein subcellular localization. However, the existing sequence-based predictive models demonstrate moderate or unsatisfactory performance, and the gene ontology (GO) based models may take the risk of performance overestimation for novel proteins. Furthermore, many human proteins have multiple subcellular locations, which renders the computational modelling more complicated. Up to the present, there are far few researches specialized for predicting the subcellular localization of human proteins that may reside in multiple cellular compartments. In this paper, we propose a multi-label multi-kernel transfer learning model for human protein subcellular localization (MLMK-TLM). MLMK-TLM proposes a multi-label confusion matrix, formally formulates three multi-labelling performance measures and adapts one-against-all multi-class probabilistic outputs to multi-label learning scenario, based on which to further extends our published work GO-TLM (gene ontology based transfer learning model for protein subcellular localization) and MK-TLM (multi-kernel transfer learning based on Chou's PseAAC formulation for protein submitochondria localization) for multiplex human protein subcellular localization. With the advantages of proper homolog knowledge transfer, comprehensive survey of model performance for novel protein and multi-labelling capability, MLMK-TLM will gain more practical applicability. The experiments on human protein benchmark dataset show that MLMK-TLM significantly outperforms the baseline model and demonstrates good multi-labelling ability for novel human proteins. Some findings (predictions) are validated by the latest Swiss-Prot database. The software can be freely downloaded at http://soft.synu.edu.cn/upload/msy.rar.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Determining locations of protein expression is essential to understand protein function. Advances in green fluorescence protein (GFP) fusion proteins and automated fluorescence microscopy allow for rapid acquisition of large collections of protein localization images. Recognition of these cell images requires an automated image analysis system. Approaches taken by previous work concentrated on designing a set of optimal features and then applying standard machine-learning algorithms. In fact, trends of recent advances in machine learning and computer vision can be applied to improve the performance. One trend is the advances in multiclass learning with error-correcting output codes (ECOC). Another trend is the use of a large number of weak detectors with boosting for detecting objects in images of real-world scenes. RESULTS: We take advantage of these advances to propose a new learning algorithm, AdaBoost.ERC, coupled with weak and strong detectors, to improve the performance of automatic recognition of protein subcellular locations in cell images. We prepared two image data sets of CHO and Vero cells and downloaded a HeLa cell image data set in the public domain to evaluate our new method. We show that AdaBoost.ERC outperforms other AdaBoost extensions. We demonstrate the benefit of weak detectors by showing significant performance improvements over classifiers using only strong detectors. We also empirically test our method's capability of generalizing to heterogeneous image collections. Compared with previous work, our method performs reasonably well for the HeLa cell images. AVAILABILITY: CHO and Vero cell images, their corresponding feature sets (SSLF and WSLF), our new learning algorithm, AdaBoost.ERC, and Supplementary Material are available at http://aiia.iis.sinica.edu.tw/  相似文献   

Subcellular localization is an important protein property, which is related to function, interactions and other features. As experimental determination of the localization can be tedious, especially for large numbers of proteins, a number of prediction tools have been developed. We developed the PROlocalizer service that integrates 11 individual methods to predict altogether 12 localizations for animal proteins. The method allows the submission of a number of proteins and mutations and generates a detailed informative document of the prediction and obtained results. PROlocalizer is available at .  相似文献   



Determining the function of uncharacterized proteins is a major challenge in the post-genomic era due to the problem's complexity and scale. Identifying a protein's function contributes to an understanding of its role in the involved pathways, its suitability as a drug target, and its potential for protein modifications. Several graph-theoretic approaches predict unidentified functions of proteins by using the functional annotations of better-characterized proteins in protein-protein interaction networks. We systematically consider the use of literature co-occurrence data, introduce a new method for quantifying the reliability of co-occurrence and test how performance differs across species. We also quantify changes in performance as the prediction algorithms annotate with increased specificity.  相似文献   



The computational prediction of mycobacterial proteins' subcellular localization is of key importance for proteome annotation and for the identification of new drug targets and vaccine candidates. Several subcellular localization classifiers have been developed over the past few years, which have comprised both general localization and feature-based classifiers. Here, we have validated the ability of different bioinformatics approaches, through the use of SignalP 2.0, TatP 1.0, LipoP 1.0, Phobius, PA-SUB 2.5, PSORTb v.2.0.4 and Gpos-PLoc, to predict secreted bacterial proteins. These computational tools were compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity and Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC) using a set of mycobacterial proteins having less than 40% identity, none of which are included in the training data sets of the validated tools and whose subcellular localization have been experimentally confirmed. These proteins belong to the TBpred training data set, a computational tool specifically designed to predict mycobacterial proteins.  相似文献   

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