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We have previously reported that a receptor-type adenylyl cyclase (CyaA) of Myxococcus xanthus undergoes an osmosensor mainly during spore germination (Y. Kimura et al., J. Bacteriol. 184:3578-3585, 2002). In the present study, we cloned another receptor-type adenylyl cyclase gene (cyaB) and characterized the function of the cyaB-encoded protein. Disruption of cyaB generates a mutant that showed growth retardation at high ionic (NaCl) or high nonionic (sucrose) osmolarity. When vegetative cells were stimulated with 0.15 M NaCl, the increases in intracellular cyclic AMP levels of cyaB mutant cells were lower than those of wild-type cells. Under nonionic osmostress, the cyaB mutant exhibited reduced spore germination; however, the germination rate of the cyaB mutant was significantly higher than that of the cyaA mutant.  相似文献   

Lipid chemotaxis and signal transduction in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the first chemoattractant to be described for a surface-motile bacterium. In Myxococcus xanthus, the specific activity of PE is determined by its fatty acid components. Two active species have been identified: dilauroyl PE and dioleoyl PE. Excitation to dilauroyl PE requires fibril appendages and the presence of two cytoplasmic chemotaxis systems, of which one (Dif) appears to mediate excitation and the other (Frz) appears to mediate adaptation. A possible mechanism for fibril-mediated signal transduction is discussed, along with the potential roles for PE chemotaxis in the context of the M. xanthus life cycle.  相似文献   

A variety of extracellular signals lead to the accumulation of cAMP which can act as a second message within cells by activating protein kinase A (PKA). Expression of many of the essential developmental genes in Dictyostelium discoideum are known to depend on PKA activity. Cells in which the receptor-coupled adenylyl cyclase gene, acaA, is genetically inactivated grow well but are unable to develop. Surprisingly, acaA(-) mutant cells can be rescued by developing them in mixtures with wild-type cells, suggesting that another adenylyl cyclase is present in developing cells that can provide the internal cAMP necessary to activate PKA. However, the only other known adenylyl cyclase gene in Dictyostelium, acgA, is only expressed during germination of spores and plays no role in the formation of fruiting bodies. By screening morphological mutants generated by Restriction Enzyme Mediated Integration (REMI) we discovered a novel adenylyl cyclase gene, acrA, that is expressed at low levels in growing cells and at more than 25-fold higher levels during development. Growth and development up to the slug stage are unaffected in acrA(-) mutant strains but the cells make almost no viable spores and produce unnaturally long stalks. Adenylyl cyclase activity increases during aggregation, plateaus during the slug stage and then increases considerably during terminal differentiation. The increase in activity following aggregation fails to occur in acrA(-) cells. As long as ACA is fully active, ACR is not required until culmination but then plays a critical role in sporulation and construction of the stalk.  相似文献   

Sensory transduction in the gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Sensory transduction in the gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus is mediated by the frz genes. These genes are homologous to the chemotaxis genes of enteric bacteria and control the rate of cell reversal during gliding. Sensory transduction is hypothesized to involve the recognition of substances present in the medium at the cell surface and the subsequent stimulation of a cytoplasmic methyl-accepting protein, FrzCD. Phosphorylation of FrzE is also involved in the sensory transduction pathway. Despite the similarities between the chemotaxis proteins of enteric bacteria and M. xanthus Frz proteins, fundamental differences exist between these different bacteria in terms of the ability of cells to recognize and respond to substances in their environment. The mechanism of directional switching and the nature of the gliding motor remain obscure. It is hoped that the study of the interaction of the Frz proteins will allow greater understanding of these problems.  相似文献   

We identified a cluster of four two-component signal transduction genes that are necessary for proper progression of Myxococcus xanthus through development. redC to redF mutants developed and sporulated early, resulting in small, numerous, and disorganized fruiting bodies. Yeast two-hybrid analyses suggest that RedCDEF act in a single signaling pathway. The previously identified espA gene displays a phenotype similar to that of redCDEF. However, combined mutants defective in espA redCDEF exhibited a striking additive developmental phenotype, suggesting that EspA and RedC to RedF play independent roles in controlling developmental progression.  相似文献   

Iodination of Myxococcus xanthus during development   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Intact cells of Myxococcus xanthus were iodinated with [125I]lactoperoxidase to permit examination of the surface components accessible to labeling during cell development. Vegetative cells, starved on a defined solid medium, aggregated, formed fruiting bodies, and produced myxospores. Cells collected at different stages were iodinated, and their proteins were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis and autoradiography. One-dimensional electrophoresis revealed six iodinated bands in vegetative cell extracts. During development, 10 radioactive bands were detected, 4 of which migrated to the same positions as those of vegetative cells. Only six bands were detected in purified, labeled myxospores. Of these, one band possessed mobility similar to that of labeled vegetative cell proteins, whereas the other bands possessed mobility similar to that detected in developing cells. Analysis of two-dimensional gels indicated that at least 14 proteins were iodinated in vegetative cells, one of which was intensely labeled (protein b). Another of the proteins (protein a) was labeled throughout development. During development, about 30 proteins were iodinated and the prominently labeled ones were designated c, d, e, f, and g. The latter two (proteins f and g) were not detected in purified, iodinated myxospores. The data indicated a pronounced change in surface structure during development; some of the change may be involved in cellular interaction during aggregation.  相似文献   

HAMP domains, ~55 amino acid motifs first identified in histidine kinases, adenylyl cyclases, methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, and phosphatases, operate as signal mediators in two-component signal transduction proteins. A bioinformatics study identified a coevolving signal-accepting network of 10 amino acids in membrane-delimited HAMP proteins. To probe the functionality of this network we used a HAMP containing mycobacterial adenylyl cyclase, Rv3645, as a reporter enzyme in which the membrane anchor was substituted by the Escherichia coli chemotaxis receptor for serine (Tsr receptor) and the HAMP domain alternately with that from the protein Af1503 of the archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus or the Tsr receptor. In a construct with the Tsr-HAMP, cyclase activity was inhibited by serine, whereas in a construct with the HAMP domain from A. fulgidus, enzyme activity was not responsive to serine. Amino acids of the signal-accepting network were mutually swapped between both HAMP domains, and serine signaling was examined. The data biochemically tentatively established the functionality of the signal-accepting network. Based on a two-state gearbox model of rotation in HAMP domain-mediated signal propagation, we characterized the interaction between permanent and transient core residues in a coiled coil HAMP structure. The data are compatible with HAMP rotation in signal propagation but do not exclude alternative models for HAMP signaling. Finally, we present data indicating that the connector, which links the α-helices of HAMP domains, plays an important structural role in HAMP function.  相似文献   

L Plamann  Y Li  B Cantwell    J Mayor 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(8):2014-2020
The Myxococcus xanthus asgA gene is one of three known genes necessary for the production of extracellular A-signal, a cell density signal required early in fruiting body development. We determined the DNA sequence of asgA. The deduced 385-amino-acid sequence of AsgA was found to contain two domains: one homologous to the receiver domain of response regulators and the other homologous to the transmitter domain of histidine protein kinases. A kanamycin resistance (Kmr) gene was inserted at various positions within or near the asgA gene to determine the null phenotype. Those strains with the Kmr gene inserted upstream or downstream of asgA are able to form fruiting bodies, while strains containing the Kmr gene inserted within asgA fail to develop. The nature and location of the asgA476 mutation were determined. This mutation causes a leucine-to-proline substitution within a conserved stretch of hydrophobic residues in the N-terminal receiver domain. Cells containing the insertion within asgA and cells containing the asgA476 substitution have similar phenotypes with respect to development, colony color, and expression of an asg-dependent gene. An analysis of expression of a translational asgA-lacZ fusion confirms that asgA is expressed during growth and early development. Finally, we propose that AsgA functions within a signal transduction pathway that is required to sense starvation and to respond with the production of extracellular A-signal.  相似文献   

Activation of proteinkinase C with diacylglycerol or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate in the rat muscle membrane or Anodonta cygnea mollusc blocks the insulin stimulating signal to adenylyl cyclase via tyrosinekinase type receptor. The same occurs with stimulating effect of biogenic amines to adenylyl cyclase via serpentine type receptor. Transduction of the inhibitory signal induced with isoproterenol to adenylyl cyclase remained unchanged in case of the proteinkinase C activation. The findings suggest that phorbol-sensitive proteinkinase C realizes a negative regulation of insulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase signalling system. This negative regulation might prove a universal mechanism of the adenylyl cyclase system desensitisation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of (42)K uptake by Myxococcus xanthus during vegetative growth and microcyst formation were determined. In the medium studied, growing cells concentrated potassium about 100-fold, yielding an intracellular concentration of 147 mm. The influx of K(+) in growing cells was 17 +/- 3 pmoles of K(+)/cm(2) min. About 5 hr after induction of vegetative cells to microcysts, the K(+) influx decreased and the intracellular concentration fell. By 18 hr after induction, there was no measurable influx of K(+), and the intracellular concentration of potassium was less than 29 mm. There was, however, considerable binding of K(+) to the "surface" of microcysts. It is postulated that the greatly reduced intracellular concentration of potassium helps to maintain the microcyst in its dormant state and protects it against enzymatic break-down.  相似文献   

Covalent modification of macromolecules can serve to alter their biological activities and is therefore frequently involved in regulation. I examined methylation of proteins and carbohydrates during development and vegetative growth in the procaryote Myxococcus xanthus. Striking differences in the patterns of protein methylation occurred when cell development was induced by nutrient deprivation on solid media and when cells were starved in liquid. In addition, a methylated, protease-resistant macromolecule which contained carbohydrate and which may have been an unusual type of lipopolysaccharide was observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. A comparison of methylation patterns in various media and an analysis of the time course of methylation indicated that changes in methylation were part of the developmental pathway which includes aggregation. Induction of development in liquid by glycerol produced no changes in methylation.  相似文献   

During glycerol-induced myxospore formation in Myxococcus xanthus, cellular neutral polysaccharide increases by approximately 200%, respiration decreases by 80%, and net phospholipid synthesis ceases.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a bacterium that moves by gliding motility and exhibits multicellular development (fruiting body formation). The frizzy (frz) mutants aggregate aberrantly and therefore fail to form fruiting bodies. Individual frz cells cannot control the frequency at which they reverse direction while gliding. Previously, FrzCD was shown to exhibit significant sequence similarity to the enteric methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. In this report, we show that FrzCD is modified by methylation and that frzF encodes the methyltransferase. We also identify a new gene, frzG, whose predicted product is homologous to that of the cheB (methylesterase) gene from Escherichia coli. Thus, although M. xanthus is unflagellated, it appears to have a sensory transduction system which is similar in many of its components to those found in flagellated bacteria.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus exhibits many tactic movements that require the frz signal transduction system, such as colony swarming and cellular aggregation during fruiting body formation. Previously we demonstrated that the Frz proteins control the chemotactic movements of M. xanthus (W. Shi, T. Köhler, and D. R. Zusman, Mol. Microbiol. 9:601-611, 1993). However it was unclear from that study how chemotaxis might be achieved at the cellular level. In this study, we showed that M. xanthus cells not only modulate the reversal frequency of cell movement in response to repellent stimuli but also exhibit sensory adaptation in response to the continuous presence of nonsaturating repellent stimuli. The sensory adaptation behavior requires FrzF (a putative methyltransferase) and is correlated with the methylation-demethylation of FrzCD, a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein. These results indicate that negative chemotaxis in M. xanthus is achieved by chemokinesis plus sensory adaptation in a manner analogous to that of the free-swimming enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Spatial organization of Myxococcus xanthus during fruiting body formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microcinematography was used to examine fruiting body development of Myxococcus xanthus. Wild-type cells progress through three distinct phases: a quiescent phase with some motility but little aggregation (0 to 8 h), a period of vigorous motility leading to raised fruiting bodies (8 to 16 h), and a period of maturation during which sporulation is initiated (16 to 48 h). Fruiting bodies are extended vertically in a series of tiers, each involving the addition of a cell monolayer on top of the uppermost layer. A pilA (MXAN_5783) mutant produced less extracellular matrix material and thus allowed closer examination of tiered aggregate formation. A csgA (MXAN_1294) mutant exhibited no quiescent phase, aberrant aggregation in phase 2, and disintegration of the fruiting bodies in the third phase.  相似文献   

After coliphage P1-mediated transfer of Tn5-containing plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli to Myxococcus xanthus, transductants were identified which contained plasmid sequences integrated at many sites on the bacterial chromosome. The unaltered plasmid DNA sequences in these transductants were apparently flanked by intact Tn5 or IS50 sequences. These results suggest that Tn5-mediated transposition has occurred and provide a method for integrating plasmid DNA into the M. xanthus chromosome without the requirement for homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Vanadium salts exhibit a wide variety of insulinomimetic effects. In the present studies, we have examined the modulation of G-protein levels and adenylyl cyclase activity in the liver of streptozotocin-induced chronic diabetic rats (STZD) by vanadyl sulfate treatment and compared it with that of insulin. The basal enzyme activity, as well as the stimulatory effects of guanine nucleotides, glucagon, N-Ethylcarboxamideadenosine (NECA), isoproterenol, forskolin and sodium fluoride (NaF) on adenylyl cyclase were significantly increased in STZ-D rat liver as compared to control. In addition, the levels of stimulatory (Gs) as well as inhibitory (Gi-2 and Gi-3) as determined by immunoblotting techniques were also significantly higher in the STZ-D rat liver, however, the inhibitory effects of oxotremorine and low concentration of GTPS on adenylyl cyclase were not different in the two groups. Vanadyl sulfate and insulin treatments restored the augmented basal enzyme activity, the stimulations exerted by stimulatory inputs on adenylyl cyclase and the G-protein levels to various degrees, however, vanadyl sulfate was more effective than insulin. In addition, unlike vanadyl sulfate, insulin was unable to improve the stimulation exerted by glucagon and isoproterenol on adenylyl cyclase activity in STZD rats. These results suggest that vanadyl sulfate mimics the effects of insulin to restore the defective levels of G-proteins and adenylyl cyclase activity. From these results it may be suggested that one of the mechanisms by which vanadyl sulfate improves the glucose homeostasis in STZ-D rats may be through its ability to modulate the levels of G-proteins and adenylyl cyclase signal transduction system.Abbreviations NECA N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine - Iso Isoproterenol - Glu Glucagon - FSK forskolin - GTPS guanosine 5-[-thio]triphosphate - Gs stimulatory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein - Gi inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein - STZ streptozotocin This work was supported by grants from Medical Research Council and Canadian Diabetes Association.  相似文献   

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