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The thiol-disulfide redox metabolism in platyhelminth parasites depends entirely on a single selenocysteine (Sec) containing flavoenzyme, thioredoxin glutathione reductase (TGR) that links the classical thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione (GSH) systems. In the present study, we investigated the catalytic and structural properties of different variants of Fasciola gigantica TGR to understand the role of Sec. The recombinant full-length Sec containing TGR (FgTGRsec), TGR without Sec (FgTGR) and TGRsec without the N-terminal glutaredoxin (Grx) domain (?NTD-FgTGRsec) were purified to homogeneity. Biochemical studies revealed that Sec597 is responsible for higher thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and glutathione reductase (GR) activity of FgTGRsec. The N-terminal Grx domain was found to positively regulate the DTNB-based TrxR activity of FgTGRsec. The FgTGRsec was highly sensitive to inhibition by auranofin (AF). The structure of FgTGR was modeled, and the inhibitor AF was docked, and binding sites were identified. Unfolding studies suggest that all three proteins are highly cooperative molecules since during GdnHCl-induced denaturation, a monophasic unfolding of the proteins without stabilization of any intermediate is observed. The Cm for GdnHCl induced unfolding of FgTGR was higher than FgTGRsec and ?NTD-FgTGRsec suggesting that FgTGR without Sec was more stable in solution than the other protein variants. The free energy of stabilization for the proteins was also determined. To our knowledge, this is also the first report on unfolding and stability analysis of any TGR.  相似文献   

The diterpenoid, adenanthin, represses tumor growth and prolongs survival in mouse promyelocytic leukemia models (Liu et al., Nat. Chem. Biol. 8, 486, 2012). It was proposed that this was done by inactivating peroxiredoxins (Prxs) 1 and 2 through the formation of an adduct specifically on the resolving Cys residue. We confirmed that adenanthin underwent Michael addition to isolated Prx2, thereby inhibiting oxidation to a disulfide-linked dimer. However, contrary to the original report, both the peroxidatic and the resolving Cys residues could be derivatized. Glutathione also formed an adenanthin adduct, reacting with a second-order rate constant of 25±5 M–1 s–1. With 50 µM adenanthin, the peroxidatic and resolving Cys of Prx2 reacted with half-times of 7 and 40 min, respectively, compared with 10 min for GSH. When erythrocytes or Jurkat T cells were treated with adenanthin, we saw no evidence for a reaction with Prxs 1 or 2. Instead, adenanthin caused time- and concentration-dependent loss of GSH followed by dimerization of the Prxs. Prxs undergo continuous oxidation in cells and are normally recycled by thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin. Our results indicate that Prx reduction was inhibited. We observed rapid inhibition of purified thioredoxin reductase (half-time 5 min with 2 µM adenanthin) and in cells, thioredoxin reductase was much more sensitive than GSH and loss of both preceded accumulation of oxidized Prxs. Thus, adenanthin is not a specific Prx inhibitor, and its reported antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects are more likely to involve more general inhibition of thioredoxin and/or glutathione redox pathways.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of ifosfamide (IFO) on renal thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) activity. In mice treated with IFO for 6 h, TrxR activity significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Subsequently, acute renal failure (ARF) occurred dose-dependently. Like IFO, the well-established TrxR-specific inhibitor auranofin suppresfssed renal TrxR activity and generated ARF too. TrxR was inactivated by IFO preferentially over other antioxidant parameters at 6 h; however, it recovered nearly to normal levels within 12 h. When auranofin was administered at 6 h after IFO treatment, the recovery at 12 h was sharply attenuated. Consequently, ARF was pronouncedly exacerbated. IFO within its maximum tolerated dose did not considerably deplete renal glutathione. However, escalating IFO dose strikingly attacked both the thioredoxin and the glutathione systems, resulting in lethality, which implies that glutathione depletion sensitizes IFO-induced nephrotoxicity and cosuppression of both systems causes more severe toxicological consequences than suppressing the thioredoxin system alone. Indeed, combining IFO with buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis, induced much more severe ARF than IFO alone did. Taken together, inhibition of renal TrxR activity can be considered as a pivotal mechanism of IFO-induced ARF, and individuals with lower levels of renal glutathione are at high risk of incurring ARF after IFO treatment.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin systems, composed of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), thioredoxin (Trx) and NADPH, play important roles in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis and redox signaling. Recently the cytosolic Trx1 system has been shown to be a cellular target of arsenic containing compounds. To elucidate the relationship of the structure of arsenic compounds with their ability of inhibiting TrxR1 and Trx1, and cytotoxicity, we have investigated the reaction of Trx1 system with seven arsenic trithiolates: As(Cys)3, As(GS)3, As(Penicillamine)3, As(Mercaptoethanesulfonate)3, As(Mercaptopurine)3, As(2-mercaptopyridine)3 and As(2-mercaptopyridine N-oxide)3. The cytotoxicity of these arsenicals was consistent with their ability to inhibit TrxR1 in vitro and in cells. Unlike other arsenicals, As(Mercaptopurine)3 which did not show inhibitory effects on TrxR1 had very weak cytotoxicity, indicating that TrxR1 is a reliable drug target for arsenicals. Moreover, the two aromatic compounds As(2-mercaptopyridine)3 and As(2-mercaptopyridine N-oxide)3 showed stronger cytotoxicity than the others. As(2-mercaptopyridine)3 which selectively oxidized two structural cysteines (Cys62 and Cys69) in Trx1 showed mild improvement in cytotoxicity. As(2-mercaptopyridine N-oxide)3 oxidized all the Cys residues in Trx1, exhibiting the strongest cytotoxicity. Oxidation of Trx1 by As(2-mercaptopyridine)3 and As(2-mercaptopyridine N-oxide)3 affected electron transfer from NADPH and TrxR1 to peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1), which could result in the reactive oxygen species elevation and trigger cell death process. These results suggest that oxidation of structural cysteine residues in Trx1 by aromatic group in TrxR1-targeting drugs may sensitize tumor cells to cell death, providing a novel approach to regulate cellular redox signaling and also a basis for rational design of new anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is necessary for production of the precursor deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis. Class Ia RNR functions via a stable free radical in one of the two components protein R2. The enzyme mechanism involves long range (proton coupled) electron transfer between protein R1 and the tyrosyl radical in protein R2. Earlier experimental studies showed that p-alkoxyphenols inhibit RNR. Here, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations involving protein R2 suggest an inhibition mechanism for p-alkoxyphenols . A low energy binding pocket is identified in protein R2. The preferred configuration provides a structural basis explaining their specific binding to the Escherichia coli and mouse R2 proteins. Trp48 (E. coli numbering), on the electron transfer pathway, is involved in the interactions with the inhibitors. The relative order of the binding energies calculated for the phenol derivatives to protein R2 is correlated with earlier experimental data on inhibition efficiency, in turn related to increasing size of the hydrophobic alkyl substituents. Using the configuration identified by molecular docking as a starting point for molecular dynamics simulations, we find that the p-allyloxyphenol interrupts the catalytic electron transfer pathway of the R2 protein by forming hydrogen bonds with Trp48 and Asp237, thus explaining the inhibitory activity of p-alkoxyphenols.  相似文献   

Mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), a ubiquitous selenocysteine containing oxidoreductase, catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of oxidized thioredoxin (Trx). TrxR has been suggested as a potential target for anticancer drugs development for its overexpression in human tumors and its diverse functions in intracellular redox control, cell growth and apoptosis. Mansonone F (MF) compounds have been shown to exhibit antiproliferative effects, but their complex mechanisms are unknown. In the present study, we have investigated the effects of some synthesized MF analogues on TrxR and HeLa cells. The studies of the mode of inhibition and the interactions of IG3, one of the most potent MF analogues, with TrxR showed MF compounds could be partly reduced by the C-terminal selenolthiol active site, and possibly by the N-terminal dithiol motif and/or FAD domain of TrxR simultaneously, accompanied by redox cycling with the generation of superoxide anion radicals. In addition, MF analogues exhibited the potential to inhibit the growth of HeLa cells and reduce TrxR activity in cell lysates. The cell cycle was arrested in G2/M phase and apoptosis was induced in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, our results showed that IG3-treated HeLa cells induced the change of intracellular ROS. Taken together, the reported results here suggest that inhibition of TrxR by MF analogues provides a possible complex mechanism for explaining the anticancer activity of MF compounds.  相似文献   

Aldose reductase is an important enzyme in the polyol pathway, where glucose is converted to fructose, and sorbitol is released. Aldose reductase activity increases in diabetes as the glucose levels increase, resulting in increased sorbitol production. Sorbitol, being less cell permeable tends to accumulate in tissues such as eye lenses, peripheral nerves and glomerulus that are not insulin sensitive. This excessive build-up of sorbitol is responsible for diabetes associated complications such as retinopathy and neuropathy. In continuation of our interest to design and discover potent inhibitors of aldo-keto reductases (AKRs; aldehyde reductase ALR1 or AKR1A, and aldose reductase ALR2 or AKR1B), herein we designed and investigated a series of new benzoxazinone-thiosemicarbazones (3a-r) as ALR2 and ALR1 inhibitors. Most compounds exhibited excellent inhibitory activities with IC50 values in lower micro-molar range. Compounds 3b and 3l were found to be most active ALR2 inhibitors with IC50 values of 0.52 ± 0.04 and 0.19 ± 0.03 μM, respectively, both compounds were more effective inhibitors as compared to the standard ALR2 inhibitor (sorbinil, with IC50 value of 3.14 ± 0.02 μM).  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase (TR) is an oxidoreductase responsible for maintaining thioredoxin in the reduced state, thereby contributing to proper cellular redox homeostasis. The C-terminal active site of mammalian TR contains the rare amino acid selenocysteine, which is essential to its activity. Alterations in TR activity due to changes in cellular redox homeostasis are found in clinical conditions such as cancer, viral infection, and various inflammatory processes; therefore, quantification of thioredoxin activity can be a valuable indicator of clinical conditions. Here we describe a new direct assay, termed the SC–TR assay, to determine the activity of TR based on the reduction of selenocystine, a diselenide-bridged amino acid. Rather than being an end-point assay as in older methods, the SC–TR assay directly monitors the continuous consumption of NADPH at 340 nm by TR as it reduces selenocystine. The SC–TR assay can be used in a cuvette using traditional spectrophotometry or as a 96-well plate-based format using a plate reader. In addition, the SC–TR assay is compatible with the use of nonionic detergents, making it more versatile than other methods using cell lysates.  相似文献   

Black tea is recently reported to have anti-carcinogenic effects through pro-oxidant property, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Mammalian cytosolic thioredoxin reductase (TrxR1) is well -known for its anti-oxidation activity. In this study, we found that black tea extract (BTE) and theaflavins (TFs), the major black tea polyphenols, inhibited the purified TrxR1 with IC50 44 μg/ml and 21 ± 1 μg/ml, respectively. Kinetics of TFs exhibited a mixed type of competitive and non-competitive inhibition, with Kis 4 ± 1 μg/ml and Kii 26 ± 5 μg/ml against coenzyme NADPH, and with Kis 12 ± 3 μg/ml and Kii 27 ± 5 μg/ml against substrate DTNB. In addition, TFs inhibited TrxR1 in a time-dependent manner. In an equilibrium step, a reversible TrxR1-TFs complex (E * I) forms, which is followed by a slow irreversible first-order inactivation step. Rate constant of the inactivation was 0.7 min−1, and dissociation constant of E * I was 51.9 μg/ml. Treatment of NADPH-reduced TrxR1 with TFs decreased 5-(Iodoacetamido) fluorescein incorporation, a fluorescent thiol-reactive reagent, suggesting that Sec/Cys residue(s) in the active site may be involved in the binding of TFs. The inhibitory capacity of TFs depends on their structure. Among the TFs tested, gallated forms had strong inhibitory effects. The interactions between TFs and TrxR1 were investigated by molecular docking, which revealed important features of the binding mechanism of theaflavins. An inhibitory effect of BTE on viability of HeLa cells was observed with IC50 29 μg/ml. At 33 μg/ml of BTE, TrxR1 activity in HeLa cells was decreased by 73% at 22 h after BTE treatment. TFs inhibited cell viability with IC50 10 ± 4 μg/ml for HeLa cells and with IC50 20 ± 5 μg/ml for EAhy926 cells. The cell susceptibility to TFs was inversely correlated to cellular levels of TrxR1. The inhibitory actions of TFs on TrxR1 may be an important mechanism of their anti-cancer properties.  相似文献   

Complexes [Au(H2Ac4DH)Cl]?MeOH (1) [Au(H22Ac4Me)Cl]Cl (2) [Au(H22Ac4Ph)Cl]Cl?2H2O (3) and [Au(H22Bz4Ph)Cl]Cl (4) were obtained with 2-acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazone (H2Ac4DH), its N(4)-methyl (H2Ac4Me) and N(4)-phenyl (H2Ac4Ph) derivatives, as well as with N(4)-phenyl 2-benzoylpyridine thiosemicarbazone (H2Bz4Ph). The compounds were cytotoxic to Jurkat (immortalized line of T lymphocyte), HL-60 (acute myeloid leukemia), MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinoma) and HCT-116 (colorectal carcinoma) tumor cell lines. Jurkat and HL-60 cells were more sensitive than MCF-7 and HCT-116 cells. Upon coordinating to the gold(I) metal centers in complexes (2) and (4), the cytotoxic activity of the H2Ac4Me and H2Bz4Ph ligands increased against the HL-60 and Jurkat tumor cell lines. 2 was more active than auranofin against both leukemia cells. Most of the studied compounds were less toxic than auranofin to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). All compounds induced DNA fragmentation in HL-60 and Jurkat cells indicating their pro-apoptotic potential. Complex (2) strongly inhibited the activity of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), which suggests inhibition of TrxR to be part of its mechanism of action.  相似文献   

B-Raf mutation was identified as a key target in cancer treatment. Based on structural features of dabrafenib (potent FDA approved B-Raf inhibitor), the design of new NH2-based imidazothiazole derivatives was carried out affording new highly potent derivatives of imidazothiazole-based scaffold with amino substitution on the terminal phenyl ring as well as side chain with sulfonamide group and terminal substituted phenyl ring. In vitro enzyme assay was investigated against V600E B-Raf kinase. Compounds 10l, 10n and 10o showed higher inhibitory activities (IC50 = 1.20, 4.31 and 6.21 nM, respectively). In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation was assessed against NCI-60 cell lines. Most of tested derivatives showed cytotoxic activities against melanoma cell line. Compound 10k exhibited most potent activity (IC50 = 2.68 µM). Molecular docking study revealed that the new designed derivatives preserved the same binding mode of dabrafenib with V600E B-Raf active site. It was investigated that the new modification in the synthesized derivatives (substituted with NH2) had a significant inhibitory activity towards V600E B-Raf. This core scaffold is considered a key compound for further structural and molecular optimization.  相似文献   

Histone Deacetylases are considered promising targets for cancer epigenetic therapy, and small molecules able to modulate their biological function have recently gained an increasing interest as potential anticancer agents. In spite of their potential application in cancer therapy, most HDAC inhibitors unselectively bind the several HDAC isoforms, giving rise to different side-effects. In this context, we have traced out the structural elements responsible of selective binding for the therapeutically relevant different HDAC isoforms. The structural analysis has been carried out by molecular modeling, docking in the binding pockets of HDAC1–4 and HDAC6–8, 36 inhibitors presenting a well defined selectivity for the different isoforms. As quick proof of evidence, we have designed, synthesized and experimentally tested three selective ligands. The experimental data suggest that the obtained structural guidelines can be useful tools for the rational design of new potent inhibitors against selected HDAC isoforms.  相似文献   

The Thioredoxin (Trx)/Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR)-system has emerged as a crucial component of many cellular functions particularly antioxidant defence. We investigated the effect of the selective TrxR inhibitor 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) on survival and redox status in neuronal cell lines. CDNB was found to cause apoptosis without depletion of glutathione or loss of mitochondrial complex I-activity. Cells treated with CDNB displayed an early increase of reactive oxygen species and rapid activation of stress inducible protein kinases c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4). Thus TrxR inhibition by CDNB results in generation of reactive oxygen species and subsequent activation of stress-inducible kinases without impairment of the cellular antioxidant status or mitochondrial function. Inhibition of the specific kinases involved in cell death triggered by Trx/TrxR dysfunction could represent a novel and selective therapeutic approach in neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

In continuation of our previous efforts directed towards the development of potent and selective inhibitors of aldose reductase (ALR2), and to control the diabetes mellitus (DM), a chronic metabolic disease, we synthesized novel coumarin-thiazole 6(a–o) and coumarin-oxadiazole 11(a–h) hybrids and screened for their inhibitory activity against aldose reductase (ALR2), for the selectivity against aldehyde reductase (ALR1). Compounds were also screened against ALR1. Among the newly designed compounds, 6c, 11d, and 11g were selective inhibitors of ALR2. Whereas, (E)-3-(2-(2-(2-bromobenzylidene)hydrazinyl)thiazol-4-yl)-2H-chromen-2-one 6c yielded the lowest IC50 value of 0.16 ± 0.06 μM for ALR2. Moreover, compounds (E)-3-(2-(2-benzylidenehydrazinyl)thiazol-4-yl)-2H-chromen-2-one (6a; IC50 = 2.94 ± 1.23 μM for ARL1 and 0.12 ± 0.05 μM for ARL2) and (E)-3-(2-(2-(1-(4-bromophenyl)ethylidene)hydrazinyl)thiazol-4-yl)-2H-chromen-2-one (6e; IC50 = 1.71 ± 0.01 μM for ARL1 and 0.11 ± 0.001 μM for ARL2) were confirmed as dual inhibitors. Furthermore, compounds 6i, 6k, 6m, and 11b were found to be selective inhibitors for ALR1, among which (E)-3-(2-(2-((2-amino-4-chlorophenyl)(phenyl)methylene)hydrazinyl)thiazol-4-yl)-2H-chromen-2-one (6m) was most potent (IC50 = 0.459 ± 0.001 μM). Docking studies performed using X-ray structures of ALR1 and ALR2 with the given synthesized inhibitors showed that coumarinyl thiazole series lacks the carboxylate function that could interact with the anionic binding site being a common ALR1/ALR2 inhibitors trait. Molecular docking study with dual inhibitor 6e also suggested plausible binding modes for the ALR1 and ALR2 enzymes. Hence, the results of this study revealed that coumarinyl thiazole and oxadiazole derivatives could act as potential ALR1/ALR2 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Automated structural analysis of Sporobolomyces salmonicolor carbonyl reductase (SSCR) indicates that the two largest potential receptor sites are in the vicinity of the nicotinamide reductant. The largest receptor site is a scalene triangle with sides of approximately 8 A by 9 A by 13 A, which is narrow in width; one corner is surrounded by hydrophilic residues that can favorably bond with the ketone oxygen. Docking aryl alkyl ketones shows a distinct preference for binding to the largest receptor site, and for conformations that place the carbonyl oxygen of the substrate in the hydrophilic corner of the largest receptor site. Favorable docking conformations for aryl alkyl ketones fall into two low-energy ensembles. These conformational ensembles are distinguished by the positions of the substituents, presenting either the Si- or Re-face of the ketone to the nicotinamide reductant. For the ketones investigated here, there is a correspondence between the major enantiomer of the alcohol obtained from the reduction of the ketone and the conformer found to have the most stable interaction energy with the receptor site in all cases. The receptor site modeling, docking simulations, molecular dynamics, and enzyme-substrate geometry optimizations lead to a model for understanding the enantioselectivity of this NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase.  相似文献   

A series of quinazolinone-based rhodanine-3-acetic acids was synthesized and tested for in vitro aldose reductase inhibitory activity. All the target compounds displayed nanomolar activity against the target enzyme. Compounds 3a, 3b, and 3e exhibited almost 3-fold higher activity as compared to the only marketed reference drug epalrestat. Structure-activity relationship studies indicated that bulky substituents at the 3-phenyl ring of the quinazolinone moiety are generally not tolerated in the active site of the enzyme. Insertion of a methoxy group on the central benzylidene ring was found to have a variable effect on ALR-2 activity depending on the nature of peripheral quinazolinone ring substituents. Removal of the acetic acid moiety led to inactive or weakly active target compounds. Docking and molecular dynamic simulations of the most active rhodanine-3-acetic acid derivatives were also carried out, to provide the basis for further structure-guided design of novel inhibitors.  相似文献   

In order to produce potent new leads for anticancer drugs, a new series of quinazoline analogs was designed to resemble methotrexate (MTX, 1) structure features and fitted with functional groups believed to enhance inhibition of mammalian DHFR activity. Molecular modeling studies were used to assess the fit of these compounds within the active site of human DHFR. The synthesized compounds were evaluated for their ability to inhibit mammalian DHFR in vitro and for their antitumor activity in a standard in vitro tissue culture assay panel. Compounds 28, 30, and 31 were the most active DHFR inhibitors with IC50 values of 0.5, 0.4, and 0.4 μM, respectively. The most active antitumor agents in this study were compounds 19, 31, 41, and 47 with median growth inhibitory concentrations (GI50) of 20.1, 23.5, 26.7, and 9.1 μM, respectively. Of this series of compounds, only compound 31 combined antitumor potency with potent DHFR inhibition; the other active antitumor compounds (19, 41, and 47) all had DHFR IC50 values above 15 μM, suggesting that they might exert their antitumor potency through some other mode of action. Alternatively, the compounds could differ significantly in uptake or concentration within mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Sixteen 4-hydroxycoumarin derivatives were synthesized, characterized through EI-MS and 1H NMR and screened for urease inhibitory potential. Three compounds exhibited better urease inhibition than the standard inhibitor thiourea (IC50 = 21 ± 0.11 μM) while other four compounds exhibited good to moderate inhibition with IC50 values between 29.45 ± 1.1 μM and 69.53 ± 0.9 μM. Structure activity relationship was established on the basis of molecular docking studies, which helped to predict the binding interactions of the most active compounds.  相似文献   

Curcumin is a multi-functional pharmacologically safe natural agent with proven cytoprotective effects to healthy human cells. In this study, a new series of sulfonamides with curcumin scaffold were synthesized, characterized and investigated for their carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme I (human) and II (bovine) isoforms. The structures of newly synthesized compounds were described by IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectral data. Compound 14 showed the Ki value of 0.99 µM with highest inhibitory activity among all other synthesized compounds against hCA-I enzyme. Similarly enzyme kinetic studies of compound 14, 16 and 30 against bCAII enzyme showed Ki values of 0.71, 0.67 and 0.71 µM respectively. Our biological assays results showed that most of active compounds have similar inhibitory activities compared to standard acetazolamide drug. The molecular docking predicted binding modes showed that these compounds bind with hCA-1 enzyme in similar fashion.  相似文献   

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