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Lymphocytic 5'-ectonucleotidase (NT) activity previously has been shown to be reduced in patients with a high pro-oxidant state. This study shows that NT activity is decreased in vitro by exposure to superoxide anions and that ascorbate protects against this effect. Also, a putative high pro-oxidant state in vivo, as indicated by low tissue ascorbate levels, resulted in a significant decrease in NT which an antioxidant intake normalized. These results taken together suggest that NT is sensitive to superoxide anion and that it may be a good marker of a pro-oxidant state in humans.  相似文献   

Biophysical Reviews - Redox/cysteine modification of proteins that regulate calcium cycling can affect contraction in striated muscles. Understanding the nature of these modifications would present...  相似文献   

The oxidative stress theory of aging predicts that manipulations that alter oxidative stress/damage will alter aging. The gold standard for determining whether aging is altered is life span, i.e., does altering oxidative stress/damage change life span? Mice with genetic manipulations in their antioxidant defense system designed to directly address this prediction have, with few exceptions, shown no change in life span. However, when these transgenic/knockout mice are tested using models that develop various types of age-related pathology, they show alterations in progression and/or severity of pathology as predicted by the oxidative stress theory: increased oxidative stress accelerates pathology and reduced oxidative stress retards pathology. These contradictory observations might mean that (a) oxidative stress plays a very limited, if any, role in aging but a major role in health span and/or (b) the role that oxidative stress plays in aging depends on environment. In environments with minimal stress, as expected under optimal husbandry, oxidative damage plays little role in aging. However, under chronic stress, including pathological phenotypes that diminish optimal health, oxidative stress/damage plays a major role in aging. Under these conditions, enhanced antioxidant defenses exert an “antiaging” action, leading to changes in life span, age-related pathology, and physiological function as predicted by the oxidative stress theory of aging.  相似文献   

<正>Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose due to either insulin resistance or insulin deficiency[1].A direct correlation between D-glucose and diabetic complications has long been established,and is the focus of most research in this field.In contrast,D-Ribose has been overlooked so far as a potential risk player in the development of diabetes.  相似文献   

The common forms of abnormal glucose regulation including type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance with pathological implications on vascular biology have a complex aetiology involving multiple cross-talks between genetic influences and important environmental modifying factors. Due to complexity of the genetics and the clinical heterogeneity of these disorders it has proven difficult to apply the same methodological approaches that have recently given insights into the molecular genetics of several single-gene disorders of glucose metabolism. This review gives some reflections on the challenges posed by the current hypotheses about the genetics of the widespread forms of abnormal glucose regulation as well as on the strengths and limitations of the methodological approaches applied to unravel the genetic components of common disorders. Also, we review recent progress in relation to a model for the pathogenesis of the various stages of abnormal glucose regulation based on the concepts of thrifty genes of metabolism and pro-inflammation and genes responsible for the appearance of impaired pancreatic beta-cell function and insulin signalling under the pressure of a westernized environment.  相似文献   

The current wisdom indicates that insulin's positive effects, normoglycemia, vasodilation, and anti-inflammation, are mediated by the canonical phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway whereas the negative effects are mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. Much of the intracellular oxidant stress is mediated by the MAPK/ERK pathway which is a downstream signal also for other proatherogenic hormones such as angiotensin II. However, recent evidence links MAPK activation to antioxidant activity and vascular protection. We argue against a dichotomization of insulin signaling also in light of the concept that ERK-MAPK represents a critical node in the intracellular insulin network responsible for several positive effects related not only to vascular function but also to life span.  相似文献   

Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a skin condition associated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance and has been shown to be a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. The influence of genetic factors on AN and the basis of its association with type 2 diabetes and its risk factors are unknown. Using data from 397 participants from two Mexican American family studies, we investigated the heritability of AN and its genetic correlation with other diabetes risk factors. AN was examined as both a continuous trait and a dichotomous trait by means of a previously described validated scale. The results indicated that the heritability (h2) for AN, when examined as a continuous trait, was high (0.58+/-0.10) and statistically significant (P<0.001). The h2 for AN as a dichotomous trait was estimated to be moderate (0.23+/-0.05) and was also significant (P=0.018). The additive genetic correlations between AN (either as a continuous trait or a dichotomous trait) and type 2 diabetes and its risk factors, including body mass index and fasting insulin, were high or moderately high and statistically significant. The random environmental correlations, by contrast, were low and statistically insignificant. These data suggest that genes that influence AN have pleiotropic effects on diabetes and its risk factors.  相似文献   

The calpain-10 gene (CAPN10) on chromosome 2q37.3 was the first candidate gene for type 2 diabetes (T2D) identified through a genomewide screen and positional cloning. One polymorphism (UCSNP-43: G-->A) and a specific haplotype combination defined by three polymorphisms (UCSNP-43, -19, and -63) were linked to an increased risk of T2D in several populations. To quantitatively assess the collective evidence for the effects of CAPN10 on risk of T2D, we conducted a meta-analysis of both population-based and family-based association studies. We retrieved data from the MEDLINE, PubMed, and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man databases, as well as from other relevant reports and abstracts published up to July 2003. From a total of 26 studies with primary data (21 population-based studies: 5,013 cases and 5,876 controls; 5 family-based studies: 487 parent-offspring trios), we developed a summary database that contains variables of study design, study population/ethnicity, specific polymorphisms and haplotype combinations in CAPN10, and diabetes-related metabolic phenotypes. For population-based studies, we used both fixed-effects and random-effects models to calculate the pooled odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for the associations of CAPN10 genotypes with the risk of T2D. We also calculated weighted mean differences for the associations between CAPN10 and diabetes-related quantitative traits. Under either an additive or a dominant effect model, we found no statistically significant relation between CAPN10 genotypes in the UCSNP-43 locus and T2D risk. However, under a recessive model, individuals homozygous for the common G allele had a statistically significant 19% higher risk of T2D than carriers of the A allele (OR 1.19; 95% CI 1.07-1.33). The association between the 112/121 haplotype combination and T2D risk appeared to be overestimated by several initial small studies with positive findings (OR 1.38; 95% CI 1.04-1.84). After we removed these initial studies, this association became nonsignificant (OR 1.11; 95% CI 0.91-1.35). Moreover, we found no evidence for the associations between the UCSNP-43 G/G genotype and the 112/121 haplotype combination and metabolic phenotypes. Our meta-analysis of family-based studies showed only an overtransmission of the rare allele C in UCSNP-44 from heterozygous parents to their affected offspring with T2D. Our analysis indicates that inadequate statistical power, racial/ethnic differences in frequencies of alleles, haplotypes and haplotype combinations, potential gene-gene or gene-environment interactions, publication bias, and multiple hypothesis testing may contribute to the significant heterogeneity in previous studies of CAPN10 and T2D. Our findings also suggest that both large-scale, well-designed association studies and functional studies are warranted to either reliably confirm or conclusively refute the initial hypothesis regarding the role of CAPN10 in T2D risk.  相似文献   

Uric acid seems to be causally involved in a variety of medical disorders involving oxidative stress. Although alcohol abuse and obesity are known to increase serum uric acid, the interactions between moderate drinking, adiposity, and uric acid metabolism have remained poorly understood. We examined serum uric acid concentrations from 2062 apparently healthy volunteers (970 men, 1092 women) reporting either no alcohol (abstainers) or < 40 g of ethanol consumption per day (moderate drinkers). The study population was further classified according to BMI as follows: < 19 (underweight), 19–25 (normal weight), 25–30 (overweight), and > 30 (obese). Serum uric acid concentrations in male moderate drinkers were significantly higher, and in females they were lower, than in the corresponding groups of abstainers. In the BMI-based subgroups, the highest concentrations were found in those who were overweight or obese. Significant two-factor interactions occurred between gender and drinking status (p < 0.001) and between gender and BMI (p < 0.02). Serum uric acid also correlated with indices of hepatocellular health (GGT, ALT, AST). The data indicate distinct gender-dependent impacts of alcohol consumption and BMI on serum uric acid. These findings should be applicable to the assessment of oxidative stress status and associated morbidity in alcohol consumers and individuals with excess body weight.  相似文献   

Adiponectin (ADP) is an adipocytokin with many antiatherogenic properties; its decreased level is associated with numerous atherogenic diseases and syndromes (e.g. diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and obesity). Decreased ADP values in blood may be an independent risk factor of atherosclerotic (ATS) complications. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1) Do persons with type 2 diabetes have lower ADP values than individuals without DM but with a high risk of ATS complications? 2) Do ADP values differ between persons with well controlled and persons with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes? We examined 109 patients of the Metabolic Center of Hospital Sternberk. Out of them, 58 had type 2 diabetes, others were individuals with variously expressed risk factors of early atherosclerosis (obesity, hypertension, age, family history, smoking, dyslipidemia, etc.). In all persons under this study the following parameters were determined in peripheral venous blood: adiponectin, resistin, leptin, ObRe, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerols, glucose, HbA1c, creatinine, urea, ALT, AST, CRP, homocysteine, thrombocyte aggregation after CPG induction. The whole group was divided according to the presence of type 2DM into two subgroups; persons with diabetes were divided into the well controlled and uncontrolled subgroups. All data obtained were processed statistically using the software SPSS for Windows and Medcalc. The adiponectin/BMI index correlated negatively with HbA1c value (correlation coefficient -0.37, p = 0.00053), triacylglycerols (-0.4, p = 0.000001), P-glucose (-0.3, p = 0.0017), uricemia (-0.35, p = 0.0007) and positively with HDL-cholesterol value (0.6, p=0.00001). Women had higher adiponectin values than men. Persons with hypertension and with diabetes mellitus, individuals with atherogenic lipotype or persons with inflammation signs had lower values than individuals without these diseases and syndromes. Persons with wellcontrolled diabetes mellitus had higher values than persons with uncontrolled diabetes (medians of the adiponectin/BMI index 9.7 vs. 6.7, p < 0.01). Persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus have lower ADP values than persons with a high ATS risk without diabetes mellitus. Persons with wellcontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) and with satisfactory compensation have significantly higher ADP levels (independently of other metabolic parameters of DM control). ADP may be a new marker of metabolic control in persons with a high risk of atherosclerotic complications.  相似文献   

We previously investigated the estrogen receptor α gene (ESR1) as a positional candidate for type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and found evidence for association between the intron 1-intron 2 region of this gene and T2DM and/or nephropathy in an African American (AA) population. Our objective was to comprehensively evaluate variants across the entire ESR1 gene for association in AA with T2DM and end stage renal disease (T2DM–ESRD). One hundred fifty SNPs in ESR1, spanning 476 kb, were genotyped in 577 AA individuals with T2DM–ESRD and 596 AA controls. Genotypic association tests for dominant, additive, and recessive models, and haplotypic association, were calculated using a χ2 statistic and corresponding P value. Thirty-one SNPs showed nominal evidence for association (P < 0.05) with T2DM–ESRD in one or more genotypic model. After correcting for multiple tests, promoter SNP rs11964281 (nominal P = 0.000291, adjusted P = 0.0289), and intron 4 SNPs rs1569788 (nominal P = 0.000754, adjusted P = 0.0278) and rs9340969 (nominal P = 0.00109, adjusted P = 0.0467) remained significant at experimentwise error rate (EER) P ≤ 0.05 for the dominant class of tests. Twenty-three of the thirty-one associated SNPs cluster within the intron 4–intron 6 regions. Gender stratification revealed nominal evidence for association with 35 SNPs in females (352 cases; 306 controls) and seven SNPs in males (225 cases; 290 controls). We have identified a novel region of the ESR1 gene that may contain important functional polymorphisms in relation to susceptibility to T2DM and/or diabetic nephropathy. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking predisposes to the development of multiple diseases involving oxidative damage. We measured a range of oxidative damage biomarkers to understand which differ between smokers and nonsmokers and if the levels of these biomarkers change further during the act of smoking itself. Despite overnight abstinence from smoking, smokers had higher levels of plasma total and esterified F(2)-isoprostanes, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid products (HETEs), F(4)-neuroprostanes, 7-ketocholesterol, and 24- and 27-hydroxycholesterol. Levels of urinary F(2)-isoprostanes, HETEs, and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine were also increased compared with age-matched nonsmokers. Several biomarkers (plasma free F(2)-isoprostanes, allantoin, and 7β-hydroxycholesterol and urinary F(2)-isoprostane metabolites) were not elevated. The smokers were then asked to smoke a cigarette; this acute smoking elevated plasma and urinary F(2)-isoprostanes, plasma allantoin, and certain cholesterol oxidation products compared to presmoking levels, but not plasma HETEs or urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine. Smokers showed differences in plasma fatty acid composition. Our findings confirm that certain oxidative damage biomarkers are elevated in smokers even after a period of abstinence from smoking, whereas these plus some others are elevated after acute smoking. Thus, different biomarkers do not measure identical aspects of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress results from incongruity between the generation of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the availability of their scavengers—antioxidants. Although the short-term effects of this phenomenon are attracting much scientific attention, oxidative stress may influence an organism’s metabolism over the long (evolutionary) time scale as well. To disentangle the impact of strong light intensity from co-occurring abiotic stresses in creating adaptive responses in antioxidants and heat shock proteins (Hsps), an environment manipulation experiment was performed using a xerophyte clonal monocot, Iris pumila, native to semi-arid grasslands at the Deliblato Sands. This species is very tolerant to the combined effect of extreme abiotic stressors such as high light intensity, elevated soil surface temperatures, and scarcity of water, which commonly takes place in its natural habitats during the summer. By shading half of each selected clone, leaving the other half sun-exposed, we contrasted short-term effects of reduced daylight intensity with long-term effects of photo-oxidative stress. In both light treatments, the enzymatic activities of SOD and APX antioxidants were similar in magnitude, whereas those of CAT and POD significantly decreased in exposed compared to shaded leaves. Moreover, exposed leaves expressed a unique CAT isoform that differed biochemically from two CAT isoforms observed in shaded leaves. The content of non-enzymatic antioxidants, carotenoids (Car), remained constant with the reduction of light intensity, but their ratio to total chlorophylls (Chl) significantly decreased compared to that expressed in full sunlight. The abundance of Hsps was considerably greater in exposed than in shaded leaves, especially regarding the inducible isoforms, Hsp70 and Hsp90a, as were their proportions in relation to the constitutively expressed Hsp90b isoform. The presented results, thus, indicate that adaptive metabolic responses of I. pumila leaves to photo-oxidative stress entailed the high activity of two key enzymatic antioxidants, SOD and APX and the expression of a light-resistant CAT—to counteract the stress-mediated ROS accumulation, the increased Car to Chl ratio—to adjust the photosynthetic apparatus to the high light conditions, as well as the accelerated biosynthesis of heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90—to preserve the cellular proteostasis.  相似文献   

Free radicals are implicated in many diseases including atherosclerosis, cancer and also in rheumatoid arthritis. Reaction of uric acid with free radicals, such as hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) results in allantoin production. In this study, we measured the serum allantoin levels, oxidation products of uric acid, as a marker of free radical generation in rheumatoid arthritis. Fasting blood samples were obtained from 21 rheumatoid patients and 15 healthy controls. In this study, the serum allantoin and uric acid levels were measured by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method and the ratios were calculated. The mean allantoin and uric acid levels and ratios in the patient group were 22.1±11.3, 280.5±65.0 and 8.0±3.7 μM, while in the control group they were 13.6±6.3, 278.3±53.6 and 4.9±2.1 μM, respectively. The effects of gender, age, menopausal status, duration of disease and medications on serum allantoin and uric acid levels of the patient and control groups were studied. Our results suggest that uric acid acts as a free radical scavenger and thus is converted to allantoin. Increased allantoin levels suggest the possible involvement of free radicals in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Using electron paramagnetic resonance, the dose-dependence effect of dopamine on methemoglobin formation in erythrocytes of patients with Parkinson’s disease under the activation of oxidative stress induced by acrolein and the possibilities for the correction of this pathological process using carnosine in vitro experiments have been examined. It was shown that incubation of erythrocytes with 1.5 mM dopamine did not change the methemoglobin content, while incubation with 15 mM dopamine caused a two fold increase in the methemoglobin content compared to its initial level; 10 μM acrolein increased methemoglobin formation threefold. Administration of 15 mM dopamine and, after 1 h, 10 μM acrolein to the incubation system increased methemoglobin formation tenfold compared to its initial level. Preincubation of erythrocytes with 5 mM carnosine followed by acrolein addition prevented the increase in the methemoglobin content, while carnosine had no effect on methemoglobin formation induced by dopamine.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(9):1064-1071

This study aimed to examine if exposure to ionizing radiation during clinical radiotherapy (RT) causes increased oxidative damage. Seven patients with nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) who underwent RT took part in this controlled-trial study. Blood and urine samples were obtained for F2-isoprostanes (F2-IsoPs) measurement. Urinary F2-IsoPs levels were elevated pre-treatment and remained high (but did not increase) during treatment, but decreased to the normal range after treatment. Plasma F2-IsoPs decreased significantly after the start of treatment before rising midway through treatment. Levels decreased significantly to below baseline following treatment. However, the patients were observed to have substantially lower levels of plasma esterified arachidonic acid (AA) residues than controls. The data shows that NPC is associated with elevated F2-isoprostanes in urine and in plasma after correction for decreased AA levels. RT did not increase these levels and, indeed, was associated with falls in F2-IsoPs. The validity and usefulness of correction of plasma F2-IsoPs for lowered AA levels is discussed.  相似文献   

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