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Streptococcus pneumoniae carries a single Ser/Thr protein kinase gene stkP in its genome. Biochemical studies performed with recombinant StkP have revealed that this protein is a functional membrane-linked eukaryotic-type Ser/Thr protein kinase. Here, we demonstrate that the deletion of its extracellular domain negatively affects the stability of a core kinase domain. In contrast, the membrane anchored kinase domain and the full-length form of StkP were stable and capable of autophosphorylation. Furthermore, evidence is presented that StkP forms dimers through its transmembrane and extracellular domains.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 3,378-bp DNA fragment of Streptococcus pneumoniae that included the structural gene for penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 1a (ponA), which encodes 719 amino acids, was determined. Homologous DNA fragments from an S. oralis strain were amplified with ponA-specific oligonucleotides. The 2,524-bp S. oralis sequence contained the coding region for the first 636 amino acids of a PBP. The coding sequence differed by 437 nucleotides (27%) and one additional triplet, resulting in 87 amino acid substitutions (14%), from S. pneumoniae PBP 1a. Both PBPs are highly homologous to bifunctional high-M(r) Escherichia coli PBPs 1a and 1b.  相似文献   

The surface-associated subtilisin-like serine protease PrtA was identified by screening a genomic expression library from Streptococcus pneumoniae using a convalescent-phase serum. In Western blot analysis two forms of PrtA were detected in whole cell lysate and a truncated form only in culture supernatant suggesting that PrtA is produced as a precursor protein, translocated to the cell surface, truncated, and released into the surroundings. A 5' fragment of the gene was found highly conserved among 78 pneumococcal isolates of clinical relevance. Immunogenicity of PrtA, limited genetic variation, and the involvement in pneumococcal virulence demonstrated in in vivo experiments might identify PrtA as a promising candidate for a protein based vaccine.  相似文献   

Development of penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae is due to successive mutations in penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) which reduce their affinity for beta-lactam antibiotics. PBP2x is one of the high-Mr PBPs which appears to be altered both in resistant clinical isolates, and in cefotaxime-resistant laboratory mutants. In this study, we have sequenced a 2564 base-pair chromosomal fragment from the penicillin-sensitive S. pneumoniae strain R6, which contains the PBP2x gene. Within this fragment, a 2250 base-pair open reading frame was found which coded for a protein having an Mr of 82.35kD, a value which is in good agreement with the Mr of 80-85 kD measured by SDS-gel electrophoresis of the PBP2x protein itself. The N-terminal region resembled an unprocessed signal peptide and was followed by a hydrophobic sequence that may be responsible for membrane attachment of PBP2x. The corresponding nucleotide sequence of the PBP2x gene from C504, a cefotaxime-resistant laboratory mutant obtained after five selection steps, contained three nucleotide substitutions, causing three amino acid alterations within the beta-lactam binding domain of the PBP2x protein. Alterations affecting similar regions of Escherichia coli PBP3 and Neisseria gonorrhoeae PBP2 from beta-lactam-resistant strains are known. The penicillin-binding domain of PBP2x shows highest homology with these two PBPs and S. pneumoniae PBP2b. In contrast, the N-terminal extension of PBP2x has the highest homology with E. coli PBP2 and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus PBP2'. No significant homology was detected with PBP1a or PBP1b of Escherichia coli, or with the low-Mr PBPs.  相似文献   

The occurrence of highly variable penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) in penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae suggested that transfer of homologous genes from related species may be involved in resistance development. Antiserum and monoclonal antibodies raised against PBPs 1a and 2b from the susceptible S. pneumoniae R6 strain were used to identify related PBPs in 41 S. mitis, S. sanguis I and S. sanguis II strains mostly isolated in South Africa with MIC values ranging from less than 0.15 to 16 mg/ml. Furthermore, the possibility of genetic exchange was examined with 30 penicillin-resistant strains of this collection (MIC greater than 0.06 mg/ml) as donors using S. pneumoniae R6 as recipient in transformation experiments. The majority of S. mitis and S. sanguis II strains but none of the S. sanguis I strains could transform penicillin resistance genes into S. pneumoniae R6. All positive donor strains and all susceptible isolates of S. mitis and S. sanguis II strains contained PBPs which cross-reacted with the anti-PBP 1a and/or anti-PBP 2b antibodies. On the other hand, only five of the 14 S. sanguis I strains contained a PBP that reacted with one of the antibodies. This strongly suggested the presence of genes homologous to the pneumococcal PBP 1a and 2b genes in viridans streptococci, and documents that penicillin resistance determinants can be transformed from viridans streptococci into the pneumococcus.  相似文献   

Searching the genome sequence of Streptococcus pneumoniae revealed the presence of a single Ser/Thr protein kinase gene stkP linked to protein phosphatase phpP. Biochemical studies performed with recombinant StkP suggest that this protein is a functional eukaryotic-type Ser/Thr protein kinase. In vitro kinase assays and Western blots of S. pneumoniae subcellular fractions revealed that StkP is a membrane protein. PhpP is a soluble protein with manganese-dependent phosphatase activity in vitro against a synthetic substrate RRA(pT)VA. Mutations in the invariant aspartate residues implicated in the metal binding completely abolished PhpP activity. Autophosphorylated form of StkP was shown to be a substrate for PhpP. These results suggest that StkP and PhpP could operate as a functional pair in vivo. Analysis of phosphoproteome maps of both wild-type and stkP null mutant strains labeled in vivo and subsequent phosphoprotein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting revealed two possible substrates for StkP. The evidence is presented that StkP can phosphorylate in vitro phosphoglucosamine mutase GlmM which catalyzes the first step in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, an essential common precursor to cell envelope components.  相似文献   

The proteolytic activity of pneumococcal culture supernatants was investigated. Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and diisopropylfluorophosphate inhibited the proteolytic activity by 94% indicating that the enzymes are serine proteases. Zymogram analysis with inhibitors utilizing a non-denaturing gelatin substrate gel revealed two classes of serine proteases; one sensitive to calcium chelators and one resistant. Enzymes from the culture supernatant cleaved fibronectin, fibrinogen, elastin, and laminin; whereas bovine albumin, and the human immunoglobulins, IgG, IgM, and IgA, were not cleaved. These results indicate that pneumococci produce previously unrecognized serine proteases that degrade several tissue and blood proteins.  相似文献   

Beta‐lactam resistant clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae contain altered penicillin‐binding protein (PBP) genes and occasionally an altered murM, presumably products of interspecies gene transfer. MurM and MurN are responsible for the synthesis of branched lipid II, substrate for the PBP catalyzed transpeptidation reaction. Here we used the high‐level beta‐lactam resistant S. oralis Uo5 as donor in transformation experiments with the sensitive laboratory strain S. pneumoniae R6 as recipient. Surprisingly, piperacillin‐resistant transformants contained no alterations in PBP genes but carried murEUo5 encoding the UDP‐N‐acetylmuramyl tripeptide synthetase. Codons 83–183 of murEUo5 were sufficient to confer the resistance phenotype. Moreover, the promoter of murEUo5, which drives a twofold higher expression compared to that of S. pneumoniae R6, could also confer increased resistance. Multiple independent transformations produced S. pneumoniae R6 derivatives containing murEUo5, pbp2xUo5, pbp1aUo5 and pbp2bUo5, but not murMUo5 sequences; however, the resistance level of the donor strain could not be reached. S. oralis Uo5 harbors an unusual murM, and murN is absent. Accordingly, the peptidoglycan of S. oralis Uo5 contained interpeptide bridges with one L‐Ala residue only. The data suggest that resistance in S. oralis Uo5 is based on a complex interplay of distinct PBPs and other enzymes involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) resistance gene Rpg1 encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase with two tandem kinase domains. The Rpg1 gene family was identified from the cv. Morex and consists of five additional members with divergent homology to Rpg1. All family members encode serine/threonine kinase-like proteins with at least one predicted catalytically active kinase domain. The five family members were sequenced from cDNA and genomic DNA and genetically mapped. The family member most closely related to Rpg1, ABC1037, is located on chromosome 1(7H) bin 01, very near (∼50 kb) but not co-segregating with Rpg1. Two others, ABC1036 and ABC1040, are closely related to each other and tightly linked on chromosome 7(5H) bin 07. ABC1041 mapped to chromosome 7(5H) bin 13, tightly linked to the rust resistance genes rpg4 and Rpg5 providing resistance to barley stem rust pathotype QCC and rye stem rust pathotype 92-MN-90, respectively, but segregated away in a high-resolution population. ABC1063 was localized to chromosome 4(4H) bin 6. An interesting Rpg1 allele that appears to be the result of unequal recombination between Rpg1 and ABC1037 was characterized. No known resistance loci cosegregated with any family members, however characterization of the Rpg1 family has provided insight into the evolution of this novel gene family and may present tools for understanding the functional domains of Rpg1. The genetic mapping, gene structures, and analysis of amino-acid sequences of the Rpg1 gene family members are presented.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

The pneumococcus is an important Gram-positive pathogen, which shows increasing resistance to antibiotics, including β-lactams that target peptidoglycan assembly. Understanding cell-wall synthesis, at the molecular and cellular level, is essential for the prospect of combating drug resistance. As a first step towards reconstituting pneumococcal cell-wall assembly in vitro, we present the characterization of the glycosyltransferase activity of penicillin-binding protein (PBP)2a from Streptococcus pneumoniae. Recombinant full-length membrane-anchored PBP2a was purified by ion-exchange chromatography. The glycosyltransferase activity of this enzyme was found to differ from that of a truncated periplasmic form. The full-length protein with its cytoplasmic and transmembrane segment synthesizes longer glycan chains than the shorter form. The transpeptidase active site was functional, as shown by its reactivity towards bocillin and the catalysis of the hydrolysis of a thiol-ester substrate analogue. However, PBP2a did not cross-link the peptide stems of glycan chains in vitro. The absence of transpeptidase activity indicates that an essential component is missing from the in vitro system.  相似文献   

Penicillin-resistant strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae have been common in South Africa and Spain for several years. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis identified one clone of capsular type 6B which was prevalent in Spain and another clone of type 23F that was present in both countries. Genes for penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) in penicillin-resistant strains are often mosaics where parts of the pneumococcal genes are replaced by homologous genes from other species. We have compared the mosaic structures of the PBP 1a genes from the two clones as well as from genetically distinct South African isolates. Four classes of mosaic PBP 1a genes were found that contained blocks of sequences divergent by 6-22% from those of sensitive genes; two classes contained sequences coming from more than one external source. Data are presented showing that the PBP 1a genes from the 23F and the 6B clone are related, and that the two PBP 1a genes from the South African isolates are also related. We suggest that the type 23F clone originated in Spain prior to distribution into other continents.  相似文献   

The bacterial peptidoglycan consists of glycan chains of repeating beta-1,4-linked N-acetylglucosaminyl-N-acetylmuramyl units cross-linked through short peptide chains. The polymerization of the glycans, or glycosyltransfer (GT), and transpeptidation (TP) are catalyzed by bifunctional penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). The beta-lactam antibiotics inhibit the TP reaction, but their widespread use led to the development of drug resistance in pathogenic bacteria. In this context, the GT catalytic domain represents a potential target in the antibacterial fight. In this work, the in vitro polymerization of glycan chains by the extracellular region of recombinant Streptococcus pneumoniae PBP2a, namely, PBP2a* (the asterisk indicates the soluble form of the protein) is presented. Dansylated lipid II was used as the substrate, and the kinetic parameters K(m) and k(cat)/K(m) were measured at 40.6 micro M (+/- 15.5) and 1 x 10(-3) M(-1) s(-1), respectively. The GT reaction catalyzed by PBP2a* was inhibited by moenomycin and vancomycin. Furthermore, the sequence between Lys 78 and Ser 156 is required for enzymatic activity, whereas it is dispensable for lipid II binding. In addition, we confirmed that this region of the protein is also involved in membrane interaction, independently of the transmembrane anchor. The characterization of the catalytically active GT domain of S. pneumoniae PBP2a may contribute to the development of new inhibitors, which are urgently needed to renew the antibiotic arsenal.  相似文献   

Carolacton, a secondary metabolite isolated from the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum, disturbs Streptococcus mutans biofilm viability at nanomolar concentrations. Here we show that carolacton causes leakage of cytoplasmic content (DNA and proteins) in growing cells at low pH and provide quantitative data on the membrane damage. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the biofilm-specific activity of carolacton is due to the strong acidification occurring during biofilm growth. The chemical conversion of the ketocarbonic function of the molecule to a carolacton methylester did not impact its activity, indicating that carolacton is not functionally activated at low pH by a change of its net charge. A comparative time series microarray analysis identified the VicKRX and ComDE two-component signal transduction systems and genes involved in cell wall metabolism as playing essential roles in the response to carolacton treatment. A sensitivity testing of mutants with deletions of all 13 viable histidine kinases and the serine/threonine protein kinase PknB of S. mutans identified only the ΔpknB deletion mutant as being insensitive to carolacton treatment. A strong overlap between the regulon of PknB in S. mutans and the genes affected by carolacton treatment was found. The data suggest that carolacton acts by interfering with PknB-mediated signaling in growing cells. The resulting altered cell wall morphology causes membrane damage and cell death at low pH.  相似文献   

Serines 64 and 79 are homologous residues that are juxtaposed to the autoinhibitory pseudosubstrate site in cGMP-dependent protein kinase type Ialpha and type Ibeta (PKG-Ialpha and PKG-Ibeta), respectively. Autophosphorylation of this residue is associated with activation of type I PKGs. To determine the role of this conserved serine, point mutations have been made in PKG-Ialpha (S64A, S64T, S64D, and S64N) and PKG-Ibeta (S79A). In wild-type PKG-Ialpha, basal kinase activity ratio (-cGMP/+cGMP) is 0.11, autophosphorylation increases this ratio 3-fold, and the K(a) and K(D) values for cGMP are 127 and 36 nm, respectively. S64A PKG-Ialpha basal kinase activity ratio increases 2-fold, cGMP binding affinity increases approximately 10-fold in both K(a) and K(D), and activation by autophosphorylation is slight. S64D and S64N mutants are nearly constitutively active in the absence of cGMP, cGMP binding affinity in each increases 18-fold, and autophosphorylation does not affect the kinase activity of these mutants. Mutation of the homologous site in PKG-Ibeta (S79A) increases the basal kinase activity ratio 2-fold and cGMP binding affinity 5-fold over that of wild-type PKG-Ibeta. The combined results demonstrate that a conserved serine juxtaposed to the pseudosubstrate site in type I PKGs contributes importantly to enzyme function by increasing autoinhibition and decreasing cGMP binding affinity.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis serotype 2 (SS2) is a zoonotic agent that causes meningitis in humans and pigs. However, the mechanism whereby SS2 crosses the microvasculature endothelium of the brain is not understood. In this study, transposon (TnYLB‐1) mutagenesis was used to identify virulence factors potentially associated with invasive ability in pathogenic SS2. A poorly invasive mutant was identified and was found to contain a TnYLB‐1 insertion in the serine/threonine kinase (stk) gene. Transwell chambers containing hBMECs were used to model the blood–brain barrier (BBB). We observed that the SS2 wild‐type ZY05719 strain crossed the BBB model more readily than the mutant strain. Hence, we speculated that STK is associated with the ability of crossing blood–brain barrier in SS2. In vitro, compared with ZY05719, the ability of the stk‐deficient strain (Δstk) to adhere to and invade both hBMECs and bEnd.3 cells, as well as to cross the BBB, was significantly attenuated. Immunocytochemistry using antibodies against claudin‐5 in bEnd.3 cells showed that infection by ZY05719 disrupted BBB tight junction proteins to a greater extent than in infection by Δstk. The studies revealed that SS2 initially binds at or near intercellular junctions and crosses the BBB via paracellular traversal. Claudin‐5 mRNA levels were indistinguishable in ZY05719‐ and Δstk‐infected cells. This result indicated that the decrease of claudin‐5 was maybe induced by protein degradation. Cells infected by ZY05719 exhibited higher ubiquitination levels than cells infected by Δstk. This result indicated that ubiquitination was involved in the degradation of claudin‐5. Differential proteomic analysis showed that E3 ubiquitin protein ligase HECTD1 decreased by 1.5‐fold in Δstk‐infected bEnd.3 cells relative to ZY05719‐infected cells. Together, the results suggested that STK may affect the expression of E3 ubiquitin ligase HECTD1 and subsequently increase the degradation of claudin‐5, thus enabling SS2 to traverse the BBB.  相似文献   

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