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A comparative study of the fermentation of a range of carbohydrate substrates, at various temperatures, was carried out using a commercial Lactobacillus casei strain in a free cell form and immobilised on gluten pellets. This strain required yeast extract, l-cysteine HCl and Mn2+ at 5, 0.5 and 0.1 g l–1, respectively, for maximum growth and lactic acid production. Sugar fermentation using free cells showed preference in the order glucose, sucrose, fructose while lactose was poorly utilised. Optimum temperature for growth and lactic acid production over (18–30 h) was 43 °C. L. casei was successfully immobilised on gluten pellets and fermented glucose and sucrose in a shorter time (18 h) with increased lactic acid production (42 and 41 g l–1 on glucose and sucrose, respectively).  相似文献   

Enrichment of medium with yeast extract and tryptone increased growth and lactic acid production in batch cultures of Lactobacillus casei ssp. rhamnosus. A reliable kinetic model that explicitly expresses the strong relationship between microbial growth, lactic acid production and medium enrichment is provided and validated using experimental data obtained with six different medium compositions. Revisions requested 2 February 2005 and 26 July 2005; Revisions received 25 July 2005 and 9 September 2005  相似文献   

Ram horns are a waste material from the meat industry. The use of ram horn peptone (RHP) as a supplement for lactic acid production was investigated using Lactobacillus casei. For this purpose, first, RHP was produced. Ram horns were hydrolysed by treating with acids (3 M H2SO4 and 6 M HCl) and neutralizing the solutions to yield ram horn hydrolysate (RHH). The RHH was evaporated to yield RHP. The amounts of protein, nitrogen, ash, some minerals, total sugars, total lipids and amino acids of the RHP were determined and compared with a bacto-tryptone from casein. When the concentrations (1–6% w/v) of the RHP were used in bacterial growth medium as a supplement, 2% RHP (ram horn peptone medium) had a maximum influence on the production of lactic acid by L. casei. The content of lactic acid in the culture broth containing 2% RHP (43 g l–1) grown for 24 h was 30% higher than that of the control culture broth (33 g l–1) and 10% higher than that of 2% bacto-tryptone (39 g l–1). RHP was demonstrated to be a suitable supplement for production of lactic acid. This RHP may prove to be a valuable supplement in fermentation technology.  相似文献   

Summary In recent years, public concern about indoor mould growth has increased dramatically in the United States. In this study, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are known to produce antimicrobial compounds important in the biopreservation of food, were evaluated to determine if the same antimicrobial properties can be used to inhibit mould fungi that typically colonize wood. Based on biomass measurement, cell-free supernatants from Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus grown in deMan Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) broth inhibited 95–100% growth of three mould fungi and one stain fungus associated with wood-based building materials. Lactic acid and four unknown compounds ⩽ kDa molecular weight were fractionated from the culture supernatant by thin layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Antifungal activity, which was attributed to one or more unknown metabolites, was retained during heating and neutralization. A 1:2 dilution of L. casei supernatant inhibited 100% growth of all test fungi.  相似文献   

乳酸菌用于苹果酒酿造中 ,可以触发苹果酸 乳酸发酵 ,通过分解苹果酸 ,产生乳酸 ,并引起其他有机酸的变化而使苹果酒的口感质量得以改善。供试的 3个乳酸菌种中 ,L3由于具有较高的苹果酸分解速率 ,发酵的苹果酒感官质量优良而成为苹果酒苹果酸 乳酸发酵的优良菌种。pH、温度、二氧化硫、酒度通过影响乳酸菌的活动而对苹果酸 乳酸发酵产生一定的影响  相似文献   

Mixed-species biofilm was remarkably formed in a static co-culture of Lactobacillus plantarum ML11-11 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y11-43 isolated from brewing samples of Fukuyama pot vinegar. Mixed-species biofilm is probably formed by direct cell-cell contact between ML11-11 and S. cerevisiae including Y11-43 and laboratory yeast strains. Scanning electron microscopic observation suggested that the mixed-species biofilm had a thick, bi-layer structure.  相似文献   

苯乳酸(PLA)作为一种新型的广谱抑菌物质,在食品行业具有巨大的发展潜力,作为乳酸菌的天然代谢产物之一,对其代谢机理的研究具有非常重要的意义。通过CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统对一株干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)1.8727的芳香族氨基转移酶基因arat进行敲除,得到一株arat缺失菌株(L. casei)1.8727Δarat。通过HPLC方法分析其代谢产物,发现发酵72 h时,PLA产量比出发菌株提高约66.7%,而苯丙氨酸(Phe)比出发菌株提高约57.8%。首次在L. casei 1.8727中成功应用基因编辑手段敲除了arat基因,研究表明该菌株具有自身合成代谢Phe的能力,arat作为PLA代谢途径的关键酶基因,其缺失并未使PLA产量下调,而是促进了PLA与Phe的合成代谢,证明干酪乳杆菌中可能存在其他的代偿途径,arat基因缺失所造成的代谢流的改变最终造成PLA与Phe产量的提高,同时PLA的合成代谢可能涉及多个基因的参与,是一个复杂的代谢网络。研究结果对于深入研究PLA的合成代谢机制具有重要意义,为后续PLA合成代谢途径提供了新的思路及方法。  相似文献   

【目的】研究断奶前给仔猪饲喂植物乳杆菌和干酪乳杆菌对断奶前、后肠道菌群组成、数量和短链脂肪酸(SCFA)浓度的影响,分析仔猪生长性能与肠道形态、微生物菌群及SCFAs的相关性,探讨测试菌株缓解仔猪断奶应激的可能机制。【方法】选取15窝7 d龄杜长大仔猪,随机分为3组,分别灌喂2 mL去离子水(对照组)、0.5×10~9 CFU/mL植物乳杆菌(LP组)或干酪乳杆菌(LC组)的菌液,每组以窝为单位5个重复,于21 d(断奶)、24 d和35 d屠宰,采集回肠和结肠食糜,分析菌群组成和数量的变化,测定SCFAs浓度。【结果】测试菌株均能显著提高断奶2周后回肠、结肠菌群多样性(P0.05),促进乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌增殖;显著促进断奶前回肠和结肠中乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和总SCFA生成,促进断奶后乙酸和总SCFA产生;相关分析显示,测试菌株组仔猪腹泻率下降与SCFAs浓度上升、回肠绒毛高度增加和总菌数量上升显著相关,日增重提高与结肠乙酸和TSCFA浓度增加显著相关。【结论】测试菌株促进乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌等有益菌增殖,增加肠道菌群多样性,促进肠道SCFAs生成。  相似文献   

干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)刺激小鼠肠道后,利用高通量测序技术对干酪乳杆菌饲喂组和空白组小鼠的肠道组织进行分析,以期查询和验证干酪乳杆菌对肠道免疫的影响。转录组数据的生物信息学分析发现差异表达基因共751个,通过GO富集分析发现有14个基因与细胞免疫相关,聚焦在T细胞激活、细胞分化、免疫调节负调控等功能上。KEGG通路富集显示聚集在PPAR信号通路、B细胞受体信号通路和趋化因子信号通路。对基因的基本特性分析结果显示,14个基因分别定位在10条染色体上,蛋白的分子量介于11.37~83.45 kDa之间,等电点pI 4.42~11.36,均为不稳定脂溶性蛋白,并具有相关功能结构域。通过保守基序与结构分析发现Motif分布具有保守性,大部分基因含有2个内含子。qRT-PCR验证结果表明,14个基因中有6个基因(Ces1d、Lzts1、Paqr7、Aloxe3、Zbtb16、OX40)在不同时间的处理下整体表达水平较高。验证结果与转录组测序结果一致,且这些基因功能与细胞免疫相关,该结果为研究干酪乳杆菌对机体的免疫作用效果提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary The process of lactic acid fermentation of lactose to lactic acid by Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469 has been studied. The following processes have been explored: growth kinetics, as well as lactose utilization, production of lactic acid and further degradation of lactic acid. The immobilization experiments were conducted with microbial cells entrapped in polyacrylamide gels. Gels with different ratios of the monomer (acrylamide) and the cross-linking agent (N,N′-methylene-bis-acrylamide) have been tested. These were used in a repeat-batch process. The current processes inside and outside the gel particles were subjects of examination. The evolution of the activity of immobilized cells with repeated use showed that the particles served mainly as a donor of cells for the free culture. In all experiments a very high degree of conversion, 85–90% was observed. After several runs however, the particles were exhausted for microbial cells. A kinetic model of the process of lactic acid production was developed. This model allowed the evaluation of the effect of microbial growth and diffusion limitations inside the gel particles on the process rate and the separate contribution of the free and immobilized cells to the overall fermentation process upon multiple use.  相似文献   

The physiology of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus casei, extensively used in the dairy industry, was studied in order to evaluate key parameters in the synthesis of exopolysaccharides and to improve their production through novel fermentation processes. Selected strains were studied in shake flasks and in fermentor experiments using glucose and lactose as main carbon sources and bacto casitone as the only complex component, in a temperature range between 35 and 42°C. The production of exopolysaccharides was monitored and correlated to the growth conditions using both a colorimetric assay and chromatographic methods. Fermentor experiments in batch mode yielded 100 mg l−1 of EPS from L. bulgaricus and 350 mg l−1 from L. casei. Moreover, the use of a microfiltration (MF) bioreactor resulted in exopolysaccharides (EPS) concentrations threefold and sixfold those of batch experiments, respectively. The monosaccharidic composition of the two analyzed polymers differed from those previously reported. The optimization of the production of EPSs using the MF fermentation strategy could permit the use of these molecules produced by generally recognised as safe (GRAS) microorganisms in the place of other polysaccharides in the food industry.  相似文献   

A water-soluble polysaccharide-peptidoglycan complex (PSPG) was prepared from heat-killedLactobacillus casei by digesting the bacteria with N-acetylmuramidase. The molecular weight of PSPG was over 30,000, and the polysaccharide portion of PSPG, its main component was composed of rhamnose, glucose, galactose, glucosamine and galactosamine. Mice pretreated intraperitoneally with PSPG survived after a lethal infection withListeria monocytogenes orPseudomonas aeruginosa. The growth of infecting bacteria (L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli) in both the peritoneal cavity and the liver was inhibited markedly in the mice that had been treated with PSPG. It was suggested that macrophages may be the main effector for the anti-infectious effect of PSPG since treatment of mice with carrageenan, a selective macrophage blocker, markedly reduced the anti-infectious effect of PSPG.  相似文献   

Adhesion to intestinal epithelium is an outcome property for the selection of probiotic lactic acid bacteria strains. We have analyzed the adhesion properties of a collection of Lactobacillus casei strains from different origins, ranging from cheese isolates to commercial probiotics. Analysis of the surface characteristics of the strains by measuring adhesion to solvents (MATS test) showed that most of the strains have a basic and hydrophobic surface. The strains were able to bind ex vivo to human colon fragments at different levels and, in most cases, this adhesion correlated with the ability to in vitro binding of mucin. Attachment to this later substrate was not enhanced by growing the cells in the presence of mucin and was independent of proteinaceous factors. On the contrary, adhesion to other extracellular matrix components, such as collagen, fibronectin, or fibrinogen was partially or totally dependent on the presence of surface proteins. These results show that most of L. casei strains have in their surfaces factors that promote binding to intestinal epithelium, however, no clear correlation appears to exist between the origin of the strains and their adhesion capacities.  相似文献   

Lactic dehydrogenase fromLactobacillus casei ATCC 7469 has been purified to homogeneity by a two-step affinity chromatography procedure which gave an yield of 35%. The enzyme specifically catalysed the conversion of pyruvate to lactate. The enzyme was maximally active at pH 4.6, which was shifted to 5.4 in the presence of fructose 1,6-biphosphate. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 70,800 with two identical subunits, unlike the lactic dehydrogenase from other sources. Histidine and primary amino groups appeared to be involved in catalysis.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus casei TISTR 1500 possesses cytoplasmic azoreductase, and converts methyl orange to N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine and 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid. In culture growth, the strain completely degraded methyl orange at 200 mg/l, even though the pH value was lower than 4. The decolorization was inhibited in the growing culture with 800 mg of the dye/l after incubation for 12 h. The percentage of decolorization and specific decolorization rate with 400 and 800 mg/l were 66 and 15%, and 14.2, and 8.7 mg/gCell/h, respectively. Additionally, a growing culture is more tolerant to a high initial dye concentration than when using washed cell suspensions supplied with only sucrose. Moreover, incubation of a low cell density in 600 μM of Na+ and 20 mM of sucrose increased the specific decolorization rate from 2.34 mg/gCell/h (without Na+) to 4.32 mg/gCell/h. However, Na+ had no effect on the enhancement of azoreductase activity in the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

Recombinant vector pJLECit (8,232 bp) was constructed using citrate permease gene contained in the 3,919-bp fragment of plasmid pCM1 (8,280 bp) isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis NIAI N-7, repA and ori from pLU1, and pMB1 ori and the erythromycin resistance gene from pJIR418. Lactobacillus casei L-49-4 (plasmid-free mutant of strain L-49) harboring the constructed pJLECit converted citrate into diacetyl/acetoin. Citrate uptake rate of resting cells was the highest at pH 5.5 and 10 mM citrate concentration. Diacetyl formation activity by the cell-free extracts of Lb. casei L-49-4 (pJLECit) grown in de Man–Rogosa–Sharpe (MRS) broth was higher than that of cells grown in MRS broth without citrate. On the other hand, diacetyl reductase activity of cells grown in MRS broth was lower than that of cells grown in MRS broth without citrate.  相似文献   

An important property of the bacterial surface is its conductivity. To obtain reliable conductivity values, it is essential to handle the cells as gently as possible during the measurement procedure. We have developed a method where a standard conductivity meter is used in combination with cross-flow filtration, thus avoiding repeated centrifugation and resuspension. With this method, the conductivity of Bacillus subtilis was determined to be 7000 μS/cm, which is a deviation from previously published data by almost an order of a magnitude.  相似文献   

Summary The batch fermentation of whey permeate to lactic acid was improved by supplementing the broth with enzyme-hydrolyzed whey protein. A mathematical model based on laboratory results predicts to a 99% confidence limit the kinetics of this fermentation. Cell growth, acid production and protein and sugar use rates are defined in quantifiable terms related to the state of cell metabolism. The model shows that the constants of the Leudeking-Piret model are not true constants, but must vary with the medium composition, and especially the peptide average molecular weight. The kinetic mechanism on which the model is based also is presented.Nomenclature K i lactic acid inhibition constant (g/l) - K pr protein saturation constant during cell growth (g/l) - K pr protein saturation constant during maintenance (g/l) - K s lactose saturation constant (g/l) - [LA] lactic acid concentration (g/l) - [PR] protein concentration (g/l) - [S] lactose concentration (g/l) - t time (h) - [X] cell mass concentration (g/l) - , fermentation constants of Leudeking and Piret - specific growth rate (l/h) - Y g, LA/S acid yield during cell growth (g acid/g sugar) - Y m, LA/S acid yield during maintenance (g acid/g sugar) - Y x/pr yield (g cells/g protein) - specific sugar use rate during cell growth (g sugar/h·g cell) - specific sugar use rate during maintenance (g sugar/h·cell)  相似文献   

Lactobacillus casei was grown at 37 °C on sugarcane bagasse (5 g) soaked with cassava starch hydrolysate (final moistening volume 34 ml) containing 3 g reducing sugar in a solid-state condition. The maximum yield of l-lactic acid after various process optimisations was 2.9 g/5 g initial substrate corresponding to 97% conversion of sugar to lactic acid with initial substrate moisture of 72%.  相似文献   

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