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Genetic analysis was performed to finely map and assess the mode of inheritance of two unlinked nuclear genes Scs1 and Scs2 involved in incompatibility of the nuclear genome of the cultivated pea Pisum sativum subsp. sativum with the cytoplasm of the wild pea of the subspecies P. sativum subsp. elatius, accession VIR320. Based on the segregation of genotypes in the progeny of the test-crosses, we concluded that if the cytoplasm was inherited from the wild pea VIR320, the Scs1 allele from the cultivated pea was gametophyte lethal and sporophyte recessive lethal. The Scs2 allele from the cultivated pea reduced male gametophyte viability. In homozygote, Scs2 from cultivated parent brought about nuclear–cytoplasmic conflict manifested as chlorophyll deficiency, reduction of blade organs, and low pollen fertility of about 20%. In heterozygote, Scs1 and Scs2 genes reduced pollen fertility by ca 50 and 30%, respectively. The Scs1 and Scs2 genes involved in nuclear–cytoplasmic incompatibility were genetically mapped. The distance between the markers bordering Scs1 comprised about 2.5 cM on linkage group III. The map distance between the bordering markers in the neighborhood of Scs2 varied substantially from cross to cross in the range of 2.0–15.1 cM on linkage group V.  相似文献   

重庆地区豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)种质资源收集与多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动"重庆项目组于2015—2017年历时3年,从重庆19个区县收集豌豆地方种质资源56份。豌豆种质资源在重庆地区分布呈现出范围广、海拔跨度大的特点。本研究对上述豌豆资源的14个性状进行了遗传多样性分析,结果表明该批资源多样性丰富,其中多样性指数最高的质量性状和数量性状分别是荚型和百粒重;变异系数最大的是分枝数。聚类分析将该批豌豆资源划分为5大类群,第Ⅰ类群为大籽粒和食荚型材料;第Ⅱ类群为高产、中粒型材料;第Ⅲ类群为直立型、早熟型材料;第Ⅳ类群为叶用型兼食荚型材料;第Ⅴ类群为籽粒食用型材料。这些豌豆资源经重庆不同地区和民族农民长年选择后,在抗逆性、食荚性、食叶性、籽粒特性等方面发展出了独特性状,利用好这些资源将为今后的豌豆产业发展注入新的多样性。  相似文献   

Alison M. Smith 《Planta》1990,182(4):599-604
The aim of this work was to identify the starch-granule-bound starch synthase of developing pea embryos. When starch-granule-bound proteins were solubilised by digestion of granules with α-amylase and fractionated on a Mono Q anion-exchange column, activity of starch synthase eluted as three peaks. The distribution of activity in fractions from the column coincided with that of a 77-kDa protein. An antibody to this protein inhibited starch-synthase activity both in solubilised, starch-granule-bound protein and on intact starch granules. Recoveries of activity through extraction, solubilisation and chromatography indicate that this protein is the major, if not the only, form of starch synthase on the starch granule. The major, 59-kDa protein of the pea starch granule is antigenically related to the product of thewaxy locus of potato, which has previously been identified as the starch-granule-bound starch synthase of the tuber. However, the distribution of the 59-kDa protein did not coincide with that of starch-synthase activity in fractions from the Mono Q column. An antibody to the 59-kDa protein did not inhibit starch-synthase activity. The results raise questions about the relationship between “waxy” proteins and starch-granule-bound starch synthases generally. I am grateful to my colleagues Kay Denyer, Ian Dry (CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia), Rob Ireland (Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Canada), Cathie Martin and Steve Rawsthorne for useful discussions during the course of this work, Cliff Hedley for the gift of pea seeds, and Ian Bedford for preparing pea starch and gels of starch-granule-bound proteins. This work was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Council via a grant-in-aid to the John Innes Institute.  相似文献   


Key message

Divergent wild and endemic peas differ in hybrid sterility in reciprocal crosses with cultivated pea depending on alleles of a nuclear ‘speciation gene’ involved in nuclear–cytoplasmic compatibility.


In hybrids between cultivated and wild peas, nuclear–cytoplasmic conflict frequently occurs. One of the nuclear genes involved, Scs1, was earlier mapped on Linkage Group III.


In reciprocal crosses of seven divergent pea accessions with cultivated P. sativum, some alleles of Scs1 manifested incompatibility with an alien cytoplasm as a decrease in pollen fertility to about 50 % in the heterozygotes and lack of some genotypic classes among F2 segregants. Earlier, we defined monophyletic evolutionary lineages A, B, C and D of pea according to allelic state of three markers, from nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genomes. All tested representatives of wild peas from the lineages A and C exhibited incompatibility due to Scs1 deleterious effects in crosses with testerlines of P. sativum subsp. sativum (the common cultivated pea) at least in one direction. A wild pea from the lineage B and a cultivated pea from the lineage D were compatible with the testerline in both directions. The tested accession of cultivated P. abyssinicum (lineage A) was partially compatible in both directions. The Scs1 alleles of some pea accessions even originating from the same geographic area were remarkably different in their compatibility with cultivated Pisum sativum cytoplasm.


Variability of a gene involved in reproductive isolation is of important evolutionary role and nominate Scs1 as a speciation gene.  相似文献   

Summary A transformation system that allows regeneration of transgenic pea plants from calli selected for antibiotic resistance was developed. Explants from axenic shoot cultures and seedling epicotyls were cocultivated with nononcogenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains, and transformed callus could be selected on callus-inducing media containing either 15 mg/l hygromycin or 75 mg/l kanamycin. After several passages on regeneration medium, shoot organogenesis could be reproducibly induced on hygromycin-resistant calli, but not on the calli selected for kanamycin resistance. Regenerated shoots could subsequently be rooted and transferred into the greenhouse. In addition, the effects of different callus-inducing and growth media on organogenesis were investigated. The transformation of the calli and regenerated plants was confirmed by DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Microtubules are thought to be major determinants of plant morphogenesis, through effects on planes of cell division and on directions of differential cell expansion. In differentiation and redifferentiation processes, tubulin expression may prove a useful early indicator of cell activity. We examined the expression and localization of the pea -tubulin gene TubA1 in situ and in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa) to explore its use as a probe for plant development, and as a test case for correct developmental expression between two legume species commonly compared for studies of symbiosis with Rhizobium. The TubA1 mRNA was more abundant in root tips and immature leaves than in other tissues of pea. The promoter of TubA1 was fused to -glucuronidase (GUS) to analyze -tubulin expression in transgenic alfalfa. Transient assays indicated that the TubA1 gene is transcribed at moderate levels compared to the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. Histochemical staining for GUS activity confirmed a correlation between TubA1 expression and cell division in nodules, roots and leaves. TubA1 promoter activity was first detected in the inner cortex of the root between 18 h and 24 h after spot inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti. Expression of a c-myc epitope fused to the carboxy-terminus of TubA1 resulted in an incorporation into the microtubular cytoskeleton, demonstrating the effectiveness of at least one epitope tag in creating functional tubulin fusions.  相似文献   

The composition of the translocates reaching the seeds of pea plants having various nitrogen (N) nutrition regimes was investigated under field situations. Sucrose flow in the phloem sap increased with the node number, but was not significantly different between N nutrition levels. Because N deficiency reduced the number of flowering nodes and the number of seeds per pod, the sucrose flow bleeding from cut peduncles was divided by the number of seeds to give the amount of assimilates available per seed. The sucrose concentration in phloem sap supplied to seeds at the upper nodes was higher than that at the lower nodes. The flow of sucrose delivered to the seeds during the cell division period was correlated with seed growth potential. Seeds from the more N-stressed plants had both the highest seed growth rate and received a higher sucrose flux per seed during the cell division period. As seed growth rate is highly correlated with the number of cotyledonary cells produced during the cell division period, sucrose flow in phloem sap is proposed to be an important determinant of mitotic activity in seed embryos. The carbon (C)/N ratio of the flow of translocates towards seeds was higher under conditions of N-deficiency than with optimal N nutrition, indicating that N flux towards seeds, in itself, is not the main determinant of seed growth potential.  相似文献   

Radish seedlings (Raphanus sativus L. Saxa Treib) were grown in the dark with or without added kinetin (2 mg/l=9.29 M). Low-temperature (77°K) fluorescence emission and absorption spectra of etiolated cotyledons were registered at increasing seedling age before and immediately, 30 s and 30 min after one 1-ms flash. Kinetin was found to induce a higher accumulation of the phototransformable protochlorophyll(ide) P657–650 in the etiolated cotyledons, especially from day 6 to day 10 after germination. The amount of the P657–650 protochlorophyll(ide) resynthesized during a 30-min dark period after a 1-ms flash decreased with seedling age. It was smaller in cotyledons from kinetin-treated seedlings at day 6 after germination and at that age only. The ability to perform the Shibata shift decreased with increasing seedling age. In cotyledons from 10- and 13-day-old seedlings, the shift was accomplished to a greater extent when the plants were grown in the presence of kinetin.  相似文献   

About one third of all orchid species are deceptive, i.e., not providing any reward to their pollinator. Such species often have lower visitation rates compared to rewarding relatives. This could result in lower levels of geitonogamous selfing and thus would provide an advantage in term of progeny fitness through inbreeding avoidance. This hypothesis could be tested by comparing the level of inbreeding depression between deceptive and rewarding orchids. However, due to the difficulty to raise orchids from seeds, few studies of inbreeding depression are available, and most are focused on very early life stages, such as seed mass or embryo viability. Here, we present the results from an experimental investigation of inbreeding depression in the deceptive flower-colour dimorphic Dactylorhiza sambucina, from in vitro cultivation to greenhouse soil transplantation. We found strong inbreeding depression at all recorded stages (i.e., germination and survival), with estimates ranging from 0.47 to 0.75. Our study finally proposes a simple and suitable experimental protocol to raise orchids from seeds with high germination rates.  相似文献   


C3 and C4 plant carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are zinc-enzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of CO2. They are sub-divided in three classes: α, β and γ, being distributed between both photosynthetic subtypes. The C4 dicotyledon species Flaveria bidentis (L.) “Kuntze” contains a small gene family encoding three distinct β-CAs, named FbiCA1, FbiCA2 and FbiCA3. We have expressed and purified recombinant FbiCA1, which is localized in the chloroplast where it is thought to play a role in lipid biosynthesis and antioxidant activity, and biochemically characterized it by spectroscopic and inhibition experiments. FbiCA1 is a compact octameric protein that is moderately inhibited by carboxylate molecules. Surprisingly, pyruvate, but not lactate, did not inhibit FbiCA1 at concentrations up to 10?mM, suggesting that its capacity to tolerate high pyruvate concentration reflects the high concentration of pyruvate in the chloroplasts of bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells involved in C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of Fe and Cu status of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings on the regulation of the putative root plasma-membrane Fe(III)-chelate reductase that is involved in Fe(III)-chelate reduction and Fe2+ absorption in dicotyledons and nongraminaceous monocotyledons. Additionally, we investigated the ability of this reductase system to reduce Cu(II)-chelates as well as Fe(III)-chelates. Pea seedlings were grown in full nutrient solutions under control, -Fe, and -Cu conditions for up to 18 d. Iron(III) and Cu(II) reductase activity was visualized by placing roots in an agarose gel containing either Fe(III)-EDTA and the Fe(II) chelate, Na2bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BPDS), for Fe(III) reduction, or CuSO4, Na3citrate, and Na2-2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BCDS) for Cu(II) reduction. Rates of root Fe(III) and Cu(II) reduction were determined via spectrophotometric assay of the Fe(II)-BPDS or the Cu(I)-BCDS chromophore. Reductase activity was induced or stimulated by either Fe deficiency or Cu depletion of the seedlings. Roots from both Fe-deficient and Cu-depleted plants were able to reduce exogenous Cu(II)-chelate as well as Fe(III)-chelate. When this reductase was induced by Fe deficiency, the accumulation of a number of mineral cations (i.e., Cu, Mn, Fe, Mg, and K) in leaves of pea seedlings was significantly increased. We suggest that, in addition to playing a critical role in Fe absorption, this plasma-membrane reductase system also plays a more general role in the regulation of cation absorption by root cells, possibly via the reduction of critical sulfhydryl groups in transport proteins involved in divalent-cation transport (divalent-cation channels?) across the root-cell plasmalemma.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a reliable transformation system for garlic (Allium sativum L.) and its application in producing insect resistant GM garlic lines. The transformation system is based on Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a vector, using young callus derived from different callus sources: callus induced from both apical and non-apical root segments of in vitro plantlets, true garlic seeds and bulbils. Two different reporter genes were used in our garlic transformation experiments, namely the gusA gene coding for -glucuronidase and the gfp gene coding for green fluorescent protein. A total of seven independent transformed callus lines derived from different callus sources were obtained. The advantage of the system developed is the short time period needed for completion of the protocol (about 6 months) and the year-round availability of high quality callus from in vitro roots. The highest transformation frequency in a single experiment (1.47%), was obtained using garlic cv. 'Printanor'. Differences existed between cultivars in transformation frequency but were not significant. The same was found for the plasmids used in transforming garlic. Via PCR the presence of the gusA, hpt (hygromycin phosphotransferase) and gfp genes could be demonstrated in putative transformed in vitro plants. Southern hybridization showed that the reporter gene gusA and the selective gene hpt were stably integrated into the garlic genome. After transfer to the greenhouse of in vitro regenerants, transgenic garlic harbouring the gusA gene survived and grew well, whereas the gfp transgenic garlic gradually died under these conditions.Using this protocol transgenic garlic resistant to beet armyworm using the cry1Ca and H04 resistance genes from Bacillus thuringiensis were developed. Via Southern hybridization it was shown that the cry1Ca sequence was stably integrated into the garlic genome. After transfer of the transgenic in vitro garlic plants to the greenhouse, the cry1Ca plants developed normally and grew well to maturity with normal bulbs. However, all transgenic in vitro H04 garlic plants did not survive after transfer to the greenhouse. Transgenic cry1Ca garlic plants proved completely resistant to beet armyworm in a number of in vitro bio-assays. This finding will facilitate the development of new garlic cultivars resistant to beet armyworm.  相似文献   

Peter M. Chandler 《Planta》1988,175(1):115-120
The slender mutant of barley resembles a normal barley plant treated with high doses of gibberellic acid (GA3). Expression of GA3-regulated and abscisic acid (ABA)-regulated mRNAs was studied in the endosperm and roots of mutant and wild-type (WT) plants.Production of -amylase (EC by WT embryoless half-grains was dependent on the presence of GA3, and was prevented by ABA. In contrast, -amylase was produced by half-grains of the slender mutant in the absence of added GA3, although it was still reduced by ABA. The spectrum of -amylase mRNAs in slender embryoless half-grains incubated in the absence of added GA3 was the same as in WT endosperm half-grains incubated in the presence of GA3. These results indicate that the endosperm of the slender mutant exhibits similar properties to WT endosperm treated with GA3.In roots the expression of an ABA-inducible mRNA was similar in slender and WT seedlings either treated with exogenous ABA or exposed to dehydration. This result, and the effect of ABA on -amylase production by the endosperm, indicate that the slender plants retain sensitivity to ABA.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - AMV avian myeloblastosis virus - GA gibberellin - GA1 gibberellin A1 - GA3 gibberellic acid - WT wild-type  相似文献   

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