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The transient attachment of cells to components of the extracellular matrix is an important step in the complex molecular mechanisms involved in amoeboid cell locomotion. We have analyzed the attachment of nematocytes from the freshwater cnidarian Hydra to fibronectin which is a constituent of the mesoglea, the extracellular matrix, of the polyps. The percentage of attaching cells increased gradually in a concentration-dependent manner and reached a plateau value at a fibronectin concentration of 50 micrograms/ml. Attachment was inhibited by exposure of the fibronectin-coated surfaces to antibodies against the cell binding domain of fibronectin or by incubating the cells with peptides containing the recognition sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) known from vertebrate cells. This, together with data obtained by affinity chromatography, indicates that RGD-dependent binding to fibronectin, mediated by a receptor which possibly belongs to the integrin family, already occurs in Hydra, a member of an evolutionary low invertebrate phylum.  相似文献   

The transient attachment of cells to components of the extracellular matrix is an important step in the complex molecular mechanisms involved in amoeboid cell locomotion. We have analyzed the attachment of nematocytes from the freshwater cnidarian Hydra to flbronectin which is a constituent of the mesoglea, the extracellular matrix, of the polyps. The percentage of attaching cells increased gradually in a concentration-dependent manner and reached a plateau value at a fibronectin concentration of 50 μg/ml. Attachment was inhibited by exposure of the fibronectin-coated surfaces to antibodies against the cell binding domain of fibronectin or by incubating the cells with peptides containing the recognition sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) known from vertebrate cells. This, together with data obtained by affinity chromatography, indicates that RGD-dependent binding to fibronectin, mediated by a receptor which possibly belongs to the integrin family, already occurs in Hydra, a member of an evolutionary low invertebrate phylum.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are highly conserved approximately 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins that participate in both exocytic and endocytic vesicular transport pathways via mechanisms that are only partially understood. Although several ARF-like proteins (ARLs) are known, their biological functions remain unclear. To characterize its molecular properties, we cloned mouse and human ARL4 (mARL4 and hARL4) cDNA. The appearance of mouse ARL4 mRNA during embryonic development coincided temporally with the sequential formation of somites and the establishment of brain compartmentation. Using ARL4-specific antibody for immunofluorescence microscopy, we observed that endogenous mARL4 in cultured Sertoli and neuroblastoma cells was mainly concentrated in nuclei. When expressed in COS7 cells, ARL4-T34N mutant, predicted to exist with GDP bound, was concentrated in nucleoli. Yeast two-hybrid screening and in vitro protein-interaction assays showed that hARL4 interacted with importin-alpha through its C-terminal NLS region and that the interaction was not nucleotide-dependent. Like ARL2 and -3, recombinant hARL4 did not enhance cholera toxin-catalyzed auto-ADP-ribosylation. Its binding of guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) was modified by phospholipid and detergent, and the N terminus of hARL4, like that of ARF, was myristoylated. Our findings suggest that ARL4, with its distinctive nuclear/nucleolar localization and pattern of developmental expression, may play a unique role(s) in neurogenesis and somitogenesis during embryonic development and in the early stages of spermatogenesis in adults.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that when utrophin is highly expressed in mice which lack dystrophin, the muscle pathology is prevented. Immunohistochemical evidence strongly suggests that utrophin in these transgenic mice occupies the position normally filled by dystrophin, although it is not possible to establish this firmly at the level of the light microscope. Using the higher resolution provided by the electron microscope, we demonstrate here by immunogold labelling with both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that utrophin, in both its truncated and full-length forms, is indeed specifically located in the subcellular position usually occupied by dystrophin in normal muscle. Moreover, when double-labelling of utrophin and beta-dystroglycan was carried out, colocalisation of the two labels was often seen, indicating an association of the two proteins. Furthermore, when both utrophin and dystrophin were labelled in a transgenic line in which both were simultaneously expressed, the sites of both proteins were in the same zone in relation to the plasma membrane. When both proteins were present, the density of labelling of each was reduced compared with when they are expressed individually, suggesting that there is a finite number of binding sites. These results constitute further support for the view that utrophin might be therapeutically substituted for dystrophin in dystrophic muscle.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase (ACA) in Dictyostelium requires CRAC protein. Upon translocation to the membrane, this pleckstrin homology (PH) domain protein stimulates ACA and thereby mediates developmental aggregation. CRAC may also have roles later in development since CRAC-null cells can respond to chemotactic signals and participate in developmental aggregation when admixed with wild-type cells, but they do not complete development within such chimeras. To test whether the role of CRAC in postaggregative development is related to the activation of ACA, chemotactic aggregation was bypassed in CRAC-null cells by activating the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). While such strains formed mounds, they did not complete fruiting body morphogenesis or form spores. Expression of CRAC in the prespore cells of these strains rescued sporulation and fruiting body formation. This later function of CRAC does not appear to require its PH domain since the C-terminal portion of the protein (CRAC-DeltaPH) can substitute for full-length CRAC in promoting spore cell formation and morphogenesis. No detectable ACA activation was observed in any of the CRAC-null strains rescued by PKA activation and expression of CRAC-DeltaPH. Finally, we found that the development of CRAC-null ACA-null double mutants could be rescued by the activation of PKA together with the expression of CRAC-DeltaPH. Thus, there appears to be a required function for CRAC in postaggregative development that is independent of its previously described function in the ACA activation pathway.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of the Ca(2+)-release channel/ryanodine receptor in adult rat papillary myofibers has been determined by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopical studies using affinity purified antibodies against the ryanodine receptor. The receptor is confined to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) where it is localized to interior and peripheral junctional SR and the corbular SR, but it is absent from the network SR where the SR-Ca(2+)-ATPase and phospholamban are densely distributed. Immunofluorescence labeling of sheep Purkinje fibers show that the ryanodine receptor is confined to discrete foci while the SR-Ca(2+)-ATPase is distributed in a continuous network-like structure present at the periphery as well as throughout interior regions of these myofibers. Because Purkinje fibers lack T- tubules, these results indicate that the ryanodine receptor is localized not only to the peripheral junctional SR but also to corbular SR densely distributed in interfibrillar spaces of the I-band regions. We have previously identified both corbular SR and junctional SR in cardiac muscle as potential Ca(2+)-storage/Ca(2+)-release sites by demonstrating that the Ca2+ binding protein calsequestrin and calcium are very densely distributed in these two specialized domains of cardiac SR in situ. The results presented here provide strong evidence in support of the hypothesis that corbular SR is indeed a site of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release via the ryanodine receptor during excitation contraction coupling in cardiac muscle. Furthermore, these results indicate that the function of the cardiac Ca(2+)-release channel/ryanodine receptor is not confined to junctional complexes between SR and the sarcolemma.  相似文献   

Antimicrosomal antibodies are present in the sera of most patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, and Graves' disease. It has, in general, been difficult to separate antimicrosomal activity from that directed against the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor in Graves' IgG preparations. The "microsomal" antigen has been localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and microfollicular aspect of thyrocytes; its structure is however unknown. In an attempt to identify the thyroid microsomal antigen, we studied the interaction of Hashimoto's IgG with high microsomal antibody titre and negative for thyroglobulin with purified thyroid plasma and light microsomal membranes. We allowed Hashimoto's, Graves', and control IgGs to bind to protein blots of thyroid plasma membranes resolved on SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions. All seven Hashimoto's IgG at a concentration of 2 mg/ml interacted with an M approximately 197,000 polypeptide corresponding to the TSH holoreceptor. By contrast to Graves' IgG (which were positive at 1 mg/ml), however, this binding was not blocked by pretreatment of the protein blots with TSH. Normal IgGs showed no binding at concentrations of up to 2 mg/ml. Both Hashimoto's and Graves' IgG interacted with TSH-affinity column-purified receptor preparations. Two of the Hashimoto's IgGs induced adenylate cyclase activation in thyroid plasma membranes, three inhibited TSH-stimulated enzyme activation, and two were without effect. Two classes of autoantibodies, other than TSH receptor directed, were encountered; one class raised to antigens common to all seven patients and another class unique to individual patients, eg, Mr 210,000 and Mr 20,000 polypeptides. We propose that the TSH receptor has multiple epitopes (functional domains), and the one to which antimicrosomal antibody bind is likely to be spatially separated from that with which Graves' IgG and TSH interact. Differences in affinity or number of sites allows for the demonstration of Graves' IgG against a background of antimicrosomal antibody.  相似文献   

A rapid purification procedure has been developed for the isolation of caldesmon from hog stomach smooth muscle utilizing a KI extract of washed myofibrils as source material. On SDS-PAGE this mammalian caldesmon showed a closely-spaced doublet around 155 kd. By low-angle rotary shadowing caldesmon was shown to be an elongated, highly flexible molecule which tends to form end-to-end dimers that are structurally very similar to filamin. When added to F-actin solutions caldesmon increased the high-shear viscosity considerably, but by an extent that depended on sample preparation. The effect was shown to be due to caldesmon and not to a trace contaminant by its full reversibility after addition of a monospecific caldesmon antibody. Recent investigations have shown that in smooth muscle two structurally distinct domains can be distinguished: an actomyosin domain and an actin-intermediate filament domain. Immunocytochemistry of ultrathin sections of smooth muscle at the light and electron microscope level revealed that caldesmon is present in the actomyosin domain. Caldesmon is thus a potential regulator of the actomyosin system in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Pf12 in Plasmodium falciparum has been characterized as a merozoite surface protein and the Pf12 gene is actively transcribed during schizont stage. An orthologous gene, Pv12, has been identified in genome of P. vivax, but the protein product has not been characterized. The Pv12 is a 362 amino acid long polypeptide encoded by a single exon gene PVX_113775, for which orthologous genes have been identified in other Plasmodium species by bioinformatic approaches. Pv12 contains two predicted six-cysteine (6-Cys) domains, which may be constrained by predicted disulfide bonds, and a transmembrane domain and a predicted GPI anchor attachment site in C-terminal region. The recombinant Pv12 protein is recognized by serum antibodies of patients naturally exposed to P. vivax and the native Pv12 protein from parasite extract is also recognized by immune mouse serum. The Pv12 is localized in rhoptry; an apical organelle of the merozoite, and the localization pattern of Pv12 is distinct from that of Pf12 in P. falciparum. The present study suggests that Pv12 is immunogenic in humans during parasite infection and it could play an important role in erythrocyte invasion.  相似文献   

Although the process of conidial germination in filamentous fungi has been extensively studied, many aspects remain to be elucidated since the asexual spore or conidium is vital in their life cycle. Breakage and reformation of cell wall polymer bonds along with the maintenance of cell wall plasticity during conidia germination depend upon a range of hydrolytic enzymes whose activity is analogous to that of expansins, a highly conserved group of plant cell wall proteins with characteristic wall loosening activity. In the current study, we identified and characterized the eglD gene in Aspergillus nidulans, an expansin-like gene the product of which shows strong similarities with bacterial and fungal endo-beta1,4-glucanases. However, we failed to show such activity in vitro. The eglD gene is constitutively expressed in all developmental stages and compartments of A. nidulans asexual life cycle. However, the EglD protein is exclusively present in conidial cell walls. The role of the EglD protein in morphogenesis, growth and germination rate of conidia was investigated. Our results show that EglD is a conidial cell wall localized expansin-like protein, which could be involved in cell wall remodeling during germination.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the expression of Small Synaptic Bouton (SSB), an antigen that is selectively expressed in a specific subset of neuromuscular junction terminals in the body wall of Drosophila larva. The expression of SSB was studied with a polyclonal antibody raised against the cAMP phosphodiesterase of the Drosophila learning mutant dunce (Nighorn et al., 1991, Neuron 6:455-467); however, immunoreactivity was not abolished by the dunce (dnc) alleles dncM14 and dncM11 or deficiencies of the dnc gene, indicating that the antigen labelled could not be the dnc gene product, but another antigen that we termed SSB. Immunoreactivity was localized in the body wall muscles to a specific subset of neuromuscular junction terminals that have been implicated in activity-dependent plasticity. This demonstrates that these morphologically distinct terminals can be immunocytochemically distinguished and that they probably represent innervation by a distinct neuronal population. Confocal and electron microscopic examination demonstrated that staining was restricted to the synaptic boutons themselves, not to neurites or motor axons. Ultrastructural analysis showed label close to synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic terminal and in the surrounding subsynaptic reticulum. Central nervous system (CNS) staining was restricted to a segmentally repeated pattern of cell bodies in the ventral ganglion and to a few small groups of cells in the brain lobes.  相似文献   

J V Price  R J Clifford  T Schüpbach 《Cell》1989,56(6):1085-1092
The torpedo gene of Drosophila melanogaster is involved in the establishment of the dorsoventral pattern of eggshell and embryo. We have isolated new alleles of torpedo and have found that torpedo is allelic to the zygotic embryonic lethal faint little ball. We have shown that torpedo resides in subdivision 57F on the second chromosome--at the same location as the Drosophila homolog of the EGF receptor (DER). Using a cosmid that contains most of the DER coding region as a hybridization probe, we have shown that a cytologically small deficiency that eliminates torpedo activity also removes the DER gene, and that an inversion that was isolated as a strong torpedo allele breaks the coding region of the DER gene. We conclude that torpedo is the DER gene.  相似文献   

The role of ftsK in the growth of Escherichia coli was examined by turning off its expression. This resulted in smooth filaments without constrictions, indicating that FtsK was required at an early step in septation. Consistent with this, FtsK was found to localize to the septum in 70% of the cells, indicating that it was recruited relatively early in this process. FtsK localization required the function of FtsZ and FtsA but not FtsI and FtsQ. Consistent with this, Z rings were present in FtsK-depleted filaments. Subcellular localization of FtsK confirmed that it was a membrane protein. Only the first 202 amino acids of FtsK were essential for its role in membrane localization, cell division and viability. The expression of ftsK increased as part of the SOS response, and increased expression of ftsK conferred increased resistance to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B x antigen up-regulates the liver expression of URG7 that contributes to sustain chronic virus infection and to increase the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma by its anti-apoptotic activity. We have investigated the subcellular localization of URG7 expressed in HepG2 cells and determined its membrane topology by glycosylation mapping in vitro. The results demonstrate that URG7 is N-glycosylated and located to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane with an Nlumen–Ccytosol orientation. The results imply that the anti-apoptotic effect of URG7 could arise from the C-terminal cytosolic tail binding a pro-apoptotic signaling factor and retaining it to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Recruitment of the U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA is an essential step in spliceosome assembly. Although the protein components of the U2 snRNP have been identified, their individual contributions to function are poorly defined. In vitro studies with the Drosophila and human proteins suggest that two of the U2 snRNP-specific proteins, U2A′ and U2B″, function exclusively as a dimer. In Drosophila the presence of the U2B″ counterpart, Sans-Fille (SNF), in the U2 snRNP is dispensable for viability, suggesting that SNF is not necessary for U2 snRNP function in vivo. With the identification of a single U2A′-like protein in the Drosophila genome, we can now investigate the relationship between SNF and its putative binding partner in vivo. Here we show that Drosophila U2A′ protein interacts with SNF in vivo and, like its human counterpart, is U2 snRNP specific. Unexpectedly, however, we find that loss of function causes lethality, suggesting that U2A′, but not SNF, is critical for U2 snRNP function. Moreover, although we demonstrate that several domains in the SNF protein are important for the interaction with the Drosophila U2A′ protein, including a redundant domain at the normally dispensable C-terminus, we find that U2A′ does not require heterodimer formation for either its vital function or U2 snRNP assembly. Thus together these data demonstrate that in Drosophila U2A′ has an essential function that is unrelated to its role as the partner protein of SNF/U2B″.  相似文献   

Liver development is based on reciprocal interactions between ventral foregut endoderm and adjacent mesenchymal tissues. Targeted disruption of the LIM-homeobox gene Lhx2 has revealed that it is important for the expansion of the liver during embryonic development, whereas it appears not to be involved in the induction of hepatic fate. It is not known whether Lhx2 is expressed in the endodermal or mesenchymal portion of the liver, or if the cells normally expressing Lhx2 are absent or present in the liver of Lhx2(-/-) embryos. To address this we have analyzed gene expression from the Lhx2 locus during hepatic development in wild type and Lhx2(-/-) mice. Lhx2 is expressed in cells of the septum transversum mesenchyme adjacent to the liver bud from embryonic day 9. The hepatic cords subsequently migrate into and intermingle with the Lhx2+ cells of the septum transversum mesenchyme. Lhx2 expression is thereafter maintained in a subpopulation of mesenchymal cells in the liver until adult life. In adult liver the Lhx2+ mesenchymal cells co-express desmin, a marker associated with stellate cells. At embryonic day 10.5, cells expressing the mutant Lhx2 allel are present in Lhx2(-/-) livers, and expression of Hlx, hepatocyte growth factor, Hex and Prox1, genes known to be important in liver development, is independent of functional Lhx2 expression. Thus, Lhx2 is specifically expressed in the liver-associated septum transversum mesenchyme that subsequently becomes an integral part of the liver and the formation of these mesenchymal cells does not require functional Lhx2.  相似文献   

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