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Three major ion transport systems, the nitrendipine-sensitive Ca2+ channels, the tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channel and the ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, have been studied in skeletal muscle from rat and chick after chronic denervation. It is shown that the situation found for the Ca2+ channel differs dramatically from that found for the Na+ channel and the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and that regulation of the nitrendipine-sensitive Ca2+ channel in denervated muscle also differs widely from that of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channel and the ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase which show a quite similar evolution.  相似文献   

Effect of extracellular Ca2+ on the morphogenesis of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum was examined on agar plate. The concentration of Ca2+ in agar plate was controlled by keeping the concentration of a chelating reagent EGTA constant and varying the concentration of total calcium. From experiments in which EGTA concentration was kept at 2.0 × 10?3 M, it was found that by decreasing Ca2+ concentration the morphogenesis was modified so that development of the aggregating amebae into fruiting bodies was accelerated and the period of migrating slugs was shortened. Below 1.0 × 10?3 M of Ca2+ concentration, the total number of aggregates initially increased with decreasing Ca2+ concentration, reached a maximum at about 3.0 × 10?7 M of Ca2+ concentration and hereafter decreased with decreasing Ca2+ concentration. The number of mature fruiting bodies obtained at 36 h period after starvation depends on Ca2+ concentration and the total number of aggregates. The cell aggregation initiated at the same time period after starvation even at an extreme case of 1.0 × 10?8 M of Ca2+ concentration as under enough Ca2+ supply, while the formation of mature fruiting body was seriously inhibited. These observation suggested that the cAMP-mediated cell aggregation in D. discoideum is a Ca2+-independent phenomena, although extracellular Ca2+ is necessary for the normal development of the aggregated amebae.  相似文献   

The activity of phosphodiesterase (“Ca2+ plus Mg2+-dependent” phosphodiesterase) of a preparation from brain was found to depend on the presence of both Ca2+ and a protein factor called modulator. It was shown by gel filtration that the active enzyme-modulator complex (MW, about 200,000) was formed from the modulator (MW, 28,000) and an inactive enzyme (MW, about 150,000) in the presence of Ca2+. When EGTA was added, this active enzyme-modulator complex dissociated into inactive enzyme and modulator. These results, together with the finding of Teo and Wang that Ca2+ binds to the modulator, could explain the stimulatory effect of Ca2+ on this enzyme as follows: The “Ca2+ plus Mg2+-dependent” phosphodiesterase may exist as the inactive free form in equilibrium with the active enzymemodulator (Ca2+) complex, and Ca2+, through binding to the modulator, may shift the equilibrium towards formation of the active enzyme-modulator (Ca2+) complex, thereby increasing the activity of the mixture. On decreasing the concentration of Ca2+, the process is reversible.  相似文献   

The sarcolemmal membrane obtained from rat heart by hypotonic shock-LiBr treatment method was found to incorporate 32P from [γ-32P] ATP in the absence and presence of cyclic AMP and protein kinase. The phosphorylated membrane showed an increase in Ca2+ ATPase and Mg2+ ATPase activities without any changes in Na+K+ ATPase activity. The observed increase in Ca2+Mg2+ ATPase activity was found to be associated with an increase in Vmax value of the reaction whereas Ka value for Ca2+Mg2+ was not altered. These results provide information concerning biochemical mechanism for increased calcium entry due to hormones which are known to elevate cyclic AMP levels in myocardium and produce a positive inotropic effect.  相似文献   

Direct evidence is presented that uterus 17β-estradiol receptor is phosphorylated in, vitro by an endogenous kinase. Nuclear phosphatase, cytosol Ca2+-stimulated kinase (the former inactivating and the latter reactivating the hormone binding of the 17β-estradiol receptor) and receptor were purified from calf uterus. 17β-estradiol binding was inactivated by phosphatase, then reactivated by kinase in the presence of [γ-32P] ATP, Ca2+ and calmodulin, and the receptor was examined by various methods. The results of gel electrophoresis in non denaturating and denaturating conditions, and of centrifugation through sucrose gradients of receptor preincubated with monoclonal antibodies showed that the receptor is phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Agents such as N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7), and its derivatives, chlorpromazine and amitriptyline that interact with calcium-regulated modulator protein were found to inhibit not only Ca2+ dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase but also Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase of human erythrocyte ghosts. I50 values of modulator interacting agents for testis modulator-activated, brain modulator-activated and erythrocyte modulator-activated-ATPase are indistinguishable. However, I50 of W-7 for troponin C-activated-ATPase is lower than that for modulator-activated ATPase. The specificity of these agents toward modulator-related enzyme reaction is also shown by the negative effect on modulator-unrelated enzyme system such as erythrocyte ghost protein kinase and Mg2+-ATPase. These agents provide a useful tool for elucidating the physiological role of modulator.  相似文献   

To test for the presence of polarizing mesoderm in an amphibian, Xenopus laevis hindlimb bud tips were rotated 180° on the proximodistal axis and returned to the stump. Supernumerary outgrowths were induced in the preaxial stump and preaxial tip tissues, and the most postaxial digit always formed next to the grafted postaxial tissue. The occurrence of polarized supernumerary outgrowths indicated that the posterior limb border contained a polarizing zone. When the limb tip was cut at varying known lengths from the body wall, rotated, and grafted to the limb stump, the incidence of twinning along the proximodistal axis permitted insight into the distribution of the polarizing zone along the posterior border. The location of polarizing tissues was found to be similar to that in the chick wing bud at comparable stages. To confirm the posterior border stump influence on the rotated preaxial limb tip tissues, 180° tip rotations were made at the proximodistal level with the highest incidence of twinning. In these cases, the adjacent stump posterior border tissues (polarizing zone) were removed, leaving a substantial amount of the deeper postaxial stump tissue, however. The frequency of twinning from tip tissues was greatly reduced in these larvae compared to those with rotated limb tips on intact stumps. Cytological examination of supernumerary outgrowths resulting from grafts of two-nucleolate tips onto one-nucleolate stumps confirmed the preaxial source of the supernumerary outgrowths.  相似文献   

The cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of Superoxide dismutase have been purified to homogeneity from an inbred line of maize. The cytosolic isozymes SOD-2 and SOD-4 are dimers with a molecular weight of 31,000–33,000, composed of apparently equal subunits, and are remarkably similar with respect to their ultraviolet absorption spectra, antigenic specificity, and sensitivity to cyanide, azide, hydrogen peroxide, and diethyldithiocarbamate. These and other data suggest that both isozymes belong to the family of copper and zinc-containing Superoxide dismutases. The mitochondrial isozyme, SOD-3, is unlike the cytosolic isozymes in every parameter studied and appears to be similar to the mitochondrial manganese-containing Superoxide dismutases purified from other eukaryotic organisms. It is a tetramer with a molecular weight of approximately 90,000, composed of apparently equal subunits, and is insensitive to both 1 mm cyanide and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

A previous study of energy-independent in vitro Ca2+ uptake by rat intestinal epithelial membrane vesicles demonstrated that uptake by Golgi membrane vesicles was greater than that by microvillus or lateral-basal membrane vesicles, was markedly decreased in vitamin D-deficient rats, and responded specifically to 1,25-(OH)2D3 repletion (R. A. Freedman, M. M. Weiser, and K. J. Isselbacher, 1977, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA74, 3612–3616; J. A. MacLaughlin, M. M. Weiser, and R. A. Freedman, 1980, Gastroenterology78, 325–332). In the present study, properties of Ca2+ uptake and release by intestinal Golgi membrane vesicles have been investigated. The initial rate of uptake was found to be saturable, suggesting carrier-mediated uptake. Uptake was markedly inhibited by Mg2+ and Sr2+, but not by Na+ or K+. Lowering the external [H+] or raising the internal [H+] resulted in enhancement of the initial rate of uptake; the intial rate was found to correlate with the internal-to-external [H+] gradient. The initial rate of uptake could be enhanced by preloading the vesicles with MgCl2 or SrCl2 but not CaCl2, NaCl, or KCl. Vesicles preloaded with K2SO4 failed to show enhanced uptake in the presence of valinomycin, suggesting that enhancement in uptake by vesicles preloaded with MgCl2 was not due to transmembrane potentials. The internal volume of the Golgi membrane vesicles was determined and found to be 9 μl/mg protein; this volume could accomodate less than 1% of the Ca2+ uptake maintained at equilibrium. Therefore, the remainder of the Ca2+ taken up was presumably bound to the Golgi membranes. A dissociation constant of 3.8 × 10?6m was found for this binding. The bound Ca2+ could be rapidly released by external Mg2+ or Sr2+, but not Ca2+, Na+, or K+. Release of bound Ca2+ could also be induced by raising the [H+] of the external medium. Failure of external Ca2+ to release bound Ca2+ suggested that the release induced by external Mg2+, Sr2+, or H+ was not due to competitive displacement of Ca2+ from its binding sites. These results indicated that Ca2+ uptake by intestinal Golgi membrane vesicles consists of carrier-mediated transport followed by binding of Ca2+ to the vesicle. The effects of H+, Mg2+, and Sr2+ on Ca2+ uptake and release suggest the existence of cation countertransport in the Golgi membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Calmodulin purified from bovine brain markedly stimulated cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase from pig lung in the presence of cyclic GMP. This stimulation by calmodulin did not require Ca2+ and was dose-dependent up to optimal amounts, but the extent of stimulation decreased at concentrations over the optimal condition. The concentrations of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP producing half-maximal stimulation were 4.5 × 10?8 M and 5.0 × 10?6 M respectively, under optimal conditions. Calmodulin increased maximum velocity without altering the Km for ATP. These effects of calmodulin on cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase were similar to those of the stimulatory modulator described by Kuo and Kuo (J. Biol. Chem. 251, 4283–4286, 1976). Ouf findings indicate that calmodulin regulates enzyme activity both Ca2+-dependently and independently.  相似文献   

Single skin fibroblast cultures were established from 29 females heterozygous at the X-linked G-6-PD locus for GdB and an electrophoretic variant, GdA or GdA?. The cultures were transferred serially until they displayed single-enzyme phenotypes (only type A or type B enzyme) or until growth ceased. Single-enzyme phenotypes were observed in 19 instances. This occurred as early as the 4th, and as late as the 38th transfer. Ten cultures evolved A phenotypes and 9 developed B phenotypes. Possible explanations for the development of single-enzyme phenotypes include random cell-sampling during sub-culturing, selection or both. Selection occurring at least in part on the basis of X-linked loci other than G-6-PD seems most likely for those cultures which evolved rapidly to single-enzyme phenotypes, but sampling or selection or both could have played important roles in those cultures which maintained double-enzyme phenotypes for several passages and then rapidly developed single-enzyme phenotypes. In any event, the results indicate that it should not be assumed in investigations using cultivated diploid fibroblasts that the latter are generally representative of the tissue-as-a-whole from which the cultures originate.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase vesicles have recently been shown to accumulate Ca2+ in an energy-dependent manner. Energization of these vesicles with internally trapped cytochrome c and externally added ascorbate and phenazine methylsulfate generated an internally positive membrane potential and prevented Ca2+ influx (R. N. Rosier and T. E. Gunter, 1980, FEBS Lett.109, 99–103). In contradistinction, when cytochrome oxidase vesicles were reconstituted with complex V, a mitochondrial protein fraction containing the uncoupler binding site (Y. Hatefi, D. L. Stiggall, Y. Galante and W. G. Hanstein, 1974, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.61, 313–321), both Ca2+ uptake and generation of an internally positive membrane potential were observed. The uptake was specifically dependent on energization of electron transport. Control experiments verified that the energization conditions used produced appropriately oriented membrane potentials. Other partially purified hydrophobic mitochondrial protein complexes were found to be less effective than complex V. The reconstituted system showed cation selectivity since Ca2+, Mn2+, and Rb+ were transported, while Na+ was not. Low levels of uncoupler, which did not affect oxidation rates, were found to partially inhibit Ca2+ uptake regardless of the membrane potential polarity. Uncoupling levels of uncoupler markedly inhibited Ca2+ uptake in internally negative cytochrome oxidase vesicles; however, inhibition in internally positive cytochrome oxidase vesicles was less relative to that at lower levels of uncoupler. The uncoupling combination of nigericin, valinomycin, and K+ was inhibitory to uptake regardless of membrane potential polarity. A reconstituted system of oxidative phosphorylation, which contains a hydrophobic protein fraction, energized with cytochrome oxidase similarly accumulated Ca2+ despite formation of an internally positive membrane potential. The results suggest that cytochrome oxidase, when coupled to appropriate hydrophobic mitochondrial proteins, can act as an electrogenic Ca2+ pump deriving its energy directly from electron transport.  相似文献   

The antineoplastic action of bleomycin is currently thought to arise from the degradation of cellular DNA by the iron-bleomycin complex. Bleomycin A2 has one iron binding site as revealed by the iron-titrations of bleomycin monitored optically. To probe the structure of the Fe2+-bleomycin complex, we studied the paramagnetic effects of its high spin ferrous iron on the nuclear relaxation rates (1T1) of the natural abundance carbon-13 atoms in the molecule. The presence of Fe2+ in bleomycin predominantly enhances the 1T1 of only four protonated carbon atoms in the molecule (C2, C3, C5, and C6). No other protonated carbon atoms are affected significantly. From the magnitudes of the paramagnetic effects of Fe2+ on the 13C relaxation rates, we obtain distances of 3.6, 4.1, 4.0, and 3.6 Å from the metal to the C2, C3, C5, and C6 carbon atoms, respectively. These results are consistent with the metal ion-chelation of the α-amino group of the terminal diaminopropionic acid residue and the pyrimidine ring but do not implicate any other parts of the bleomycin molecule in binding to iron.  相似文献   

These experiments were undertaken to identify the general nature of the mechanism that guides the migration of the Ambystoma pronephric duct along the ventral edge of the somite file from its anterior origin to the cloaca. Using scanning electron microscopy in conjunction with microsurgery, we have sought to distinguish among such possibilities as chemotaxis, contact guidance, and gradients of adhesiveness to the substratum. A pronephric duct primordium transplanted to the flank of a host ventral to the primary duct migrates dorsocaudally across the flank to fuse with the primary duct. Removal of potential sources of distant attraction does not alter this behavior, nor do migrating secondary ducts follow any visible structures. A variety of transplantation experiments reveal that the guidance information is not only oriented but also directionally polarized and travels caudad as a wave. These results militate against chemotaxis and contact guidance as guiding influences and indicate that the cells of the pronephric duct tip are directed in their migration by local information which passes caudad over the duct's mesodermal substratum as a wave in register with the advancing wave of somite segmentation. We propose that this duct-guiding information may be a traveling gradient of flank mesoderm cell adhesiveness.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase activity was determined in a 1000g particulate fraction derived from rabbit heart homogenates using Mg2+ or Mn2+ as sole cation in the presence and absence of Triton X-100. With Mg2+, very little guanylate cyclase activity could be detected in the original particulate fraction assayed with or without Triton, or in the particulate fraction treated with varying concentrations of Triton (detergent-treated mixture) prior to enzyme assay. However, the detergent-solubilized supernatants as well as the detergent-insoluble residues (pellets) derived from detergent-treated mixtures possessed appreciable Mg2+-supported enzyme activity. With Mn2+, significant enzyme activity was detectable in the original particulate fraction assayed without Triton. Much higher activity was seen in particulate fraction assayed with Triton and in detergent-treated mixtures; the supernatants but not the pellets derived from detergent-treated mixtures possessed even greater activity. The sum of enzyme activity in pellet and supernatant fractions greatly exceeded that of the mixture. When the pellets and supernatants derived from detergenttreated mixtures were recombined, measured enzyme activities were similar to those of the original mixture. With Mg2+ or Mn2+, the specific activity of guanylate cyclase in pellet and supernatant fractions varied considerably depending on the concentration of Triton used for treatment of the particulate fraction; treatment with low concentrations of Triton (0.2–0.7 μmol/mg protein) gave supernatants showing high activity whereas treatment with relatively greater concentrations of the detergent (>0.7 μmol/mg protein) gave pellets showing high activity. The relative distribution of guanylate cyclase in pellet and supernatant fractions expressed as a function of Triton concentration during treatment (of the particulate fraction) showed that 50 to 80% of the recovered enzyme activity remained in supernatants at low detergent concentrations whereas 50 to 80% of the recovered activity resided in the pellets at higher detergent concentrations. Inclusion of excess Triton in the enzyme assay medium did not alter the specific activity profiles and the relative distribution patterns of the cyclase in pellet versus supernatant fractions. The results demonstrate the inherent potential of cardiac particulate guanylate cyclase to utilize Mg2+ in catalyzing the synthesis of cyclic GMP. However, it appears that some factor(s) endogenous to the cardiac particulate fraction severely impairs the expression of Mg2+-dependent activity; Mn2+-dependent activity is also affected by such factor(s) but apparently less severely. Further, the results suggest that previously reported activities of cardiac particulate guanylate cyclase, despite being assayed with Mn2+ and in the presence of Triton X-100, represent underestimation of what otherwise appears to be a highly active enzyme system capable of utilizing physiologically relevant divalent cation such as Mg2+.  相似文献   

Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) in the intracellular concentration range causes rapid efflux of Ca2+ from rat heart mitochondria oxidizing pyruvate + malate in a low Na+ medium. Half-maximal rates of Ca2+ efflux were given by 20 microM PPi. During and after PPi-stimulated Ca2+ efflux the mitochondria retain their structural integrity and complete respiratory control. Carboxyatractyloside inhibits PPi-stimulated Ca2+ efflux, indicating PPi must enter the matrix in order to promote Ca2+ efflux. Heart mitochondria have a much higher affinity for PPi uptake and PPi-induced Ca2+ efflux than liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Chicken cardiac muscle myofibrils lack a visible M-line. Antibodies against chicken breast muscle M-protein, an M-line component with Mr = 165 000, were used to demonstrate the presence of a similar protein in chicken heart muscle. The immunoreplica technique showed the heart protein to have about the same molecular weight as the breast muscle M-protein on polyacrylamide slab gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Positive staining within the H-zone was observed when the indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to localize the M-protein in isolated heart myofibrils. This result was confirmed by electron microscopic investigations on longitudinal sections of antibody-incubated heart muscle fiber bundles showing the antibody against M-protein to be bound within a region corresponding to the M-line region of breast muscle myofibrils.  相似文献   

Human adherent peripheral blood leukocytes spontaneously elaborate both a thymocyte proliferative factor and a factor which augments the in vitro anti-sheep erythrocyte (SRC) plaque-forming cell (PFC) response of nu/nu mouse spleen cells. Nonadherent leukocytes do not spontaneously elaborate either factor. The adherent cell-derived factors appear to have an identical molecular weight (approximately 14,500 Daltons) as determined by Sephadex gel filtration. The data support the hypothesis that the molecule(s) mediating both enhancing activities is identical to the previously described adherent leukocyte product, LAF.  相似文献   

The interaction between calmodulin and the pure, solubilized Ca2+ ATPase from human erythrocyte membranes was examined by kinetic titration. The data indicated that the two proteins interacted in a molar ratio of 1:1 with a Kd of 4.2 nm. The dependence of enzyme activity on calmodulin concentration agreed quantitatively with that predicted by kinetic theory.  相似文献   

Functionally intact mitochondria, substantially free of contamination, were isolated from rabbit gastrocnemius muscle after protease digestion and their Ca2+-handling properties examined. When judged by their capacity to retain large Ca2+ loads and the magnitude of basal and Na+-stimulated Ca2+ effluxes, the most suitable isolation method was digestion of finely minced muscle in buffered isoosmotic KCl with low levels (0.4 mg/g) of trypsin or the bacterial protease nagarse, followed by differential centrifugation. Polytron disruption of skeletal muscle in both sucrose- and KCl-based media released mitochondria deficient in cytochrome c. Use of the divalent ion chelator EDTA rather than EGTA in the isolation medium sharply reduced Ca2+-dependent respiratory control and tolerance of the mitochondria to Ca2+ loads, probably by removing Mg2+ essential to membrane integrity. ADP-dependent respiratory control was not altered in mitochondria prepared in an EDTA-containing isolation medium. Purification of mitochondria on a Percoll density gradient did not improve their Ca2+-handling ability despite removal of minor contaminants. Mitochondria prepared by the protease method could accumulate micromole loads of Ca2+/mg while maintaining a low basal Ca2+ efflux. Addition of BSA to the assay medium slightly improved Ca2+ retention but was not essential either during isolation or assay. Ca2+-dependent state 3 respiration was maximal at pH 6.5-7.0 while respiratory control and Ca2+/O were optimal at pH 7.0-7.5. Neither Pi nor oxaloacetate induced Ca2+ release from loaded mitochondria when monitored for 30 min after ruthenium red addition. Na+-stimulated Ca2+ efflux had sigmoidal kinetics with a Hill coefficient of 3. Since skeletal muscle mitochondria can be isolated and assayed in simple media, functional deficiencies of mitochondria from diseased muscle are unlikely to be masked.  相似文献   

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