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Proteins can adjust their structure and function in response to shifting environments. Functional diversity is created not only by the sequence but by changes in tertiary structure. Here we present evidence that lipid cofactors may enable otherwise unstable protein folding variants to maintain their conformation and to form novel, biologically active complexes. We have identified unsaturated C18 fatty acids in the cis conformation as the cofactors that bind apo alpha-lactalbumin and form HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells). The complexes were formed on an ion exchange column, were stable in a molten globule-like conformation, and had attained the novel biological activity. The protein-fatty acid interaction was specific, as saturated C18 fatty acids, or unsaturated C18:1trans conformers were unable to form complexes with apo alpha-lactalbumin, as were fatty acids with shorter or longer carbon chains. Unsaturated cis fatty acids other than C18:1:9cis were able to form stable complexes, but these were not active in the apoptosis assay. The results demonstrate that stereo-specific lipid-protein interactions can stabilize partially unfolded conformations and form molecular complexes with novel biological activity. The results offer a new mechanism for the functional diversity of proteins, by exploiting lipids as essential, tissue-specific cofactors in this process.  相似文献   

About 30% of proteins require cofactors for their proper folding. The effects of cofactors on the folding reaction have been investigated with alpha-lactalbumin as a model protein and metal ions as cofactors. Metal ions accelerate the refolding of alpha-lactalbumin by lessening the energy barrier between the molten globule state and the transition state, mainly by decreasing the difference of entropy between the two states. These effects are linked to metal ion binding to the protein in the native state. Hence, relationships between the metal affinities for the intermediate states and those for the native state are observed. Some residual specificity for the calcium ion is still observed in the molten globule state, this specificity getting closer in the transition state to that of the native state. The comparison between kinetic and steady-state data in association with the Phi value method indicates the binding of the metal ions on the unfolded state of alpha-lactalbumin. Altogether, these results provide insight into cofactor effects on protein folding. They also suggest new possibilities to investigate the presence of residual native structures in the unfolded state of protein and the effects of such structures on the protein folding reaction and on protein stability.  相似文献   

HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a complex of human alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid (C18:1:9 cis) that kills tumor cells by an apoptosis-like mechanism. Previous studies have shown that a conformational change is required to form HAMLET from alpha-lactalbumin, and that a partially unfolded conformation is maintained in the HAMLET complex. This study examined if unfolding of alpha-lactalbumin is sufficient to induce cell death. We used the bovine alpha-lactalbumin Ca(2+) site mutant D87A, which is unable to bind Ca(2+), and thus remains partially unfolded regardless of solvent conditions. The D87A mutant protein was found to be inactive in the apoptosis assay, but could readily be converted to a HAMLET-like complex in the presence of oleic acid. BAMLET (bovine alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) and D87A-BAMLET complexes were both able to kill tumor cells. This activity was independent of the Ca(2+)site, as HAMLET maintained a high affinity for Ca(2+) but D87A-BAMLET was active with no Ca(2+) bound. We conclude that partial unfolding of alpha-lactalbumin is necessary but not sufficient to trigger cell death, and that the activity of HAMLET is defined both by the protein and the lipid cofactor. Furthermore, a functional Ca(2+)-binding site is not required for conversion of alpha-lactalbumin to the active complex or to cause cell death. This suggests that the lipid cofactor stabilizes the altered fold without interfering with the Ca(2+)site.  相似文献   

Pressure-induced unfolding of a molten globule (MG) was studied in a residue-specific manner with (1)H-(15)N two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy using a variant of human alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA), in which all eight cysteines had been replaced with alanines (all-Ala alpha-LA). The NMR spectrum underwent a series of changes from 30 to 2000 bar at 20 degrees C and from -18 degrees C to 36 degrees C at 2000 bar, showing a highly heterogeneous unfolding pattern according to the secondary structural elements of the native structure. Unfolding began in the loop part of the beta-domain, and then extended to the remainder of the beta-domain, after which the alpha-domain began to unfold. Within the alpha-domain, the pressure stability decreased in the order: D-helix approximately 3(10)-helix > C-helix approximately B-helix > A-helix. The D-helix, C-terminal 3(10)-helix and a large part of B- and C-helices did not unfold at 2000 bar, even at 36 degrees C or at -18 degrees C. The results verify that the MG state consists of a mixture of variously unfolded conformers from the mostly folded to the nearly totally unfolded that differ in stability and partial molar volume. Not only heat but also cold denaturation was observed, supporting the view that the MG state is stabilized by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The stability toward thermal and urea denaturation was measured for HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) and alpha-lactalbumin, using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as differential scanning calorimetry. Under all conditions examined, HAMLET appears to have the same or lower stability than alpha-lactalbumin. The largest difference is seen for thermal denaturation of the calcium free (apo) forms, where the temperature at the transition midpoint is 15 degrees C lower for apo HAMLET than for apo alpha-lactalbumin. The difference becomes progressively smaller as the calcium concentration increases. Denaturation of HAMLET was found to be irreversible. Samples of HAMLET that have been renatured after denaturation have lost the specific biological activity toward tumor cells. Three lines of evidence indicate that HAMLET is a kinetic trap: (1) It has lower stability than alpha-lactalbumin, although it is a complex of alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid; (2) its denaturation is irreversible and HAMLET is lost after denaturation; (3) formation of HAMLET requires a specific conversion protocol.  相似文献   

The unfolded states of three homologous proteins with a very similar fold have been investigated by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Secondary structure propensities as derived from interpretation of chemical shifts and motional restrictions as evidenced by heteronuclear (15)N relaxation rates have been analyzed in the reduced unfolded states of hen lysozyme and the calcium-binding proteins bovine alpha-lactalbumin and human alpha-lactalbumin. For all three proteins, significant deviations from random-coil predictions can be identified; in addition, the unfolded states also differ from each other, despite the fact that they possess very similar structures in their native states. Deviations from random-coil motional properties are observed in the alpha- and the beta-domain in bovine alpha-lactalbumin and lysozyme, while only regions within the alpha-domain deviate in human alpha-lactalbumin. The motional restrictions and residual secondary structure are determined both by the amino acid sequence of the protein and by residual long-range interactions. Even a conservative single point mutation from I to L in a highly conserved region between the two alpha-lactalbumins results in considerable differences in the motional properties. Given the differences in oxidative folding between hen lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin, the results obtained on the unfolded states suggest that residual long-range interactions, i.e., those between the alpha- and the beta-domain of lysozyme, may act as nucleation sites for protein folding, while this property of residual structure is replaced by the calcium-binding site between the domains in alpha-lactalbumin.  相似文献   

The alpha-lactalbumins form stable molten globule states under a range of conditions, with the low pH form being the best characterized. The stability of the molten globule varies among different members of this family, but the origin of the stability difference is not clear. We compare the folding and stability of alpha-subdomain constructs of human and bovine alpha-lactalbumin. Previous studies have demonstrated that the isolated alpha-subdomain of human alpha-lactalbumin folds and forms a molten globule state. The minimum core construct has been defined to include the A, B, and D alpha-helices and the C-terminal 3(10) helix. A construct corresponding to the same region of bovine alpha-lactalbumin is much less structured and less stable than the human alpha-lactalbumin construct. Addition of the C-helix to generate a 75-residue bovine construct does not lead to a significant increase in structure or stability. This construct (AB-CD/3(10)) contains the entire alpha-subdomain of bovine alpha-lactalbumin. Thus molten globule formation in the human protein, but not in the bovine protein, can be rationalized on the basis of a stable alpha-subdomain. Interactions involving more of the protein chain are required to generate a well structured molten globule in the bovine protein. Comparison of AB-CD/3(10) to the molten globule formed by the intact protein and to the protein with the 6-120 disulfide reduced indicates that both the beta-subdomain and the 6-120 disulfide play a role in stabilizing the bovine alpha-lactalbumin molten globule.  相似文献   

The partly folded states of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) exposed to acid solution at pH 2.0 (A-state) or at neutral pH upon EDTA-mediated removal of the single protein-bound calcium ion (apo form) have been probed by limited proteolysis experiments. These states are nowadays commonly considered to be molten globules and thus protein-folding intermediates. Pepsin was used for proteolysis at acid pH, while proteinase K and chymotrypsin at neutral pH. The expectations were that these proteolytic probes would detect sites and/or chain regions in the partly folded states of alpha-LA sufficiently dynamic, or even unfolded, capable of binding and adaptation to the specific stereochemistry of the protease's active site. A time-course analysis of the proteolytic events revealed that the fast, initial proteolytic cuts of the 123-residue chain of alpha-LA in its A-state or apo form by the three proteases occur at the same chain region 39-54, the actual site(s) of cleavage depending upon the protease employed. This region in native alpha-LA encompasses the beta-sheets of the protein. Subsequent cleavages occur mostly at chain regions 31-35 and 95-105. Four fragment species of alpha-LA have been isolated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and their conformational properties examined by circular dichroism and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. The single chain fragment 53-103, containing all the binding sites for calcium in native alpha-LA and cross-linked by two disulfide bridges, maintains in aqueous buffer and in the presence of calcium ions a folded structure characterized by the same content of alpha-helix of the corresponding chain segment in native alpha-LA. Evidence for some structure was also obtained for the two-chain species 1-40 and 104-123, as well as 1-31 and 105-123, both systems being covalently linked by two disulfide bonds. In contrast, the protein species given by fragment 1-34 connected to fragment 54-123 or 57-123 via four disulfide bridges adopts in solution a folded structure with the helical content expected for a native-like conformation. Of interest, the proteolytic fragment species herewith isolated correspond to the structural domains and subdomains of alpha-LA that can be identified by computational analysis of the three-dimensional structure of native alpha-LA (Siddiqui AS, Barton GI, 1995, Protein Sci 4:872-884). The fast, initial cleavages at the level of the beta-sheet region of native alpha-LA indicate that this region is highly mobile or even unfolded in the alpha-LA molten globule(s), while the rest of the protein chain maintains sufficient structure and rigidity to prevent extensive proteolysis. The subsequent cleavages at chain segment 95-105 indicate that also this region is somewhat mobile in the A-state or apo form of the protein. It is concluded that the overall domain topology of native alpha-LA is maintained in acid or at neutral pH upon calcium depletion. Moreover, the molecular properties of the partly folded states of alpha-LA deduced here from proteolysis experiments do correlate with those derived from previous NMR and other physicochemical measurements.  相似文献   

The calcium-depleted form of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) at neutral pH can be induced to adopt a partly folded state or molten globule upon moderate heating, by dissolving the protein in aqueous TFE or by adding oleic acid. This last folding variant of the protein, named HAMLET, can induce apoptosis in tumor cells. The aim of the present work was to unravel from circular dichroism (CD) measurements and proteolysis experiments structural features of the molten globule of apo-alpha-LA at neutral pH. CD spectra revealed that the molten globule of apo-alpha-LA can be obtained upon mild heating at 45 degrees C, as well as at room temperature in the presence of 15% TFE or by adding to the protein solution 7.5 equivalents of oleic acid. Under these various conditions the far- and near-UV CD spectra of apo-alpha-LA are essentially identical to those of the most studied molten globule of alpha-LA at pH 2.0 (A-state). Proteolysis of the 123-residue chain of apo-alpha-LA by proteinase K at 4 degrees C occurs slowly as an all-or-none process leading to small peptides only. At 37 degrees C, proteinase K preferentially cleaves apo-alpha-LA at peptide bonds Ser34-Gly35, Gln39-Ala40, Gln43-Asn44, Phe53-Gln54, and Asn56-Asn57. All these peptide bonds are located at level of the beta-subdomain of the protein (chain region 34-57). Similar sites of preferential cleavage have been observed with the TFE- and oleic acid-induced molten globule of apo-alpha-LA. A protein species given by the N-terminal fragment 1-34 linked via the four disulfide bridges to the C-terminal fragment 54-123 or 57-123 can be isolated from the proteolytic mixture. The results of this study indicate that the same molten globule state of apo-alpha-LA can be obtained at neutral pH under mildly denaturing conditions, as indicated by using a classical spectroscopic technique such as CD and a simple biochemical approach as limited proteolysis. We conclude that the molten globule of alpha-LA maintains a native-like tertiary fold characterized by a rather well-structured alpha-domain and a disordered chain region encompassing the beta-subdomain 34-57 of the protein.  相似文献   

We previously determined the solution structures of the first 156 residues of human erythroid alpha-spectrin (SpalphaI-1-156, or simply Spalpha). Spalpha consists of the tetramerization site of alpha-spectrin and associates with a model beta-spectrin protein (Spbeta) with an affinity similar to that of native alpha- and beta-spectrin. Upon alphabeta-complex formation, our previous results indicate that there is an increase in helicity in the complex, suggesting conformational change in either Spalpha or Spbeta or in both. We have now used isothermal titration calorimetry, circular dichroism, static and dynamic light scattering, and solution NMR methods to investigate properties of the complex as well as the conformation of Spalpha in the complex. The results reveal a highly asymmetric complex, with a Perrin shape parameter of 1.23, which could correspond to a prolate ellipsoid with a major axis of about five and a minor axis of about one. We identified 12 residues, five prior to and seven following the partial domain helix in Spalpha that moved freely relative to the structural domain in the absence of Spbeta but when in the complex moved with a mobility similar to that of the structural domain. Thus, it appears that the association with Spbeta induced an unstructured-to-helical conformational transition in these residues to produce a rigid and asymmetric complex. Our findings may provide insight toward understanding different association affinities of alphabeta-spectrin at the tetramerization site for erythroid and non-erythroid spectrin and a possible mechanism to understand some of the clinical mutations, such as L49F of alpha-spectrin, which occur outside the functional partial domain region.  相似文献   

alpha(1)-Antitrypsin is the most abundant protease inhibitor in plasma and is the archetype of the serine protease inhibitor superfamily. Genetic variants of human alpha(1)-antitrypsin are associated with early-onset emphysema and liver cirrhosis. However, the detailed molecular mechanism for the pathogenicity of most variant alpha(1)-antitrypsin molecules is not known. Here we examined the structural basis of a dozen deficient alpha(1)-antitrypsin variants. Unlike most alpha(1)-antitrypsin variants, which were unstable, D256V and L41P variants exhibited extremely retarded protein folding as compared with the wild-type molecule. Once folded, however, the stability and inhibitory activity of these variant proteins were comparable to those of the wild-type molecule. Retarded protein folding may promote protein aggregation by allowing the accumulation of aggregation-prone folding intermediates. Repeated observations of retarded protein folding indicate that it is an important mechanism causing alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency by variant molecules, which have to fold into the metastable native form to be functional.  相似文献   

Proteins in the molten globule state contain high levels of secondary structure, as well as a rudimentary, nativelike tertiary topology. Thus, the structural similarity between the molten globule and native proteins may have a significant bearing in understanding the protein-folding problem. To explore the nature of side-chain--side-chain interactions in the alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) molten globule, we determined the effective concentration for formation of the 28--111 disulfide bond in 14 double-mutant proteins, each containing two hydrophobic core residues replaced by alanine. We compared our results with those of single-alanine substitutions using the framework of double-mutant cycle analysis and found that, in the majority of cases, the effects of two alanine substitutions are additive. Based on these results, we propose a model of side-chain-side-chain interactions in the alpha-LA molten globule, which takes into consideration the dynamic nature of this partially folded species.  相似文献   

Human gammaD crystallin (HgammaD-Crys) is a two domain, beta-sheet eye lens protein that must remain soluble throughout life for lens transparency. Single amino acid substitutions of HgammaD-Crys are associated with juvenile-onset cataracts. Features of the interface between the two domains conserved among gamma-crystallins are a central six-residue hydrophobic cluster, and two pairs of interacting residues flanking the cluster. In HgammaD-Crys these pairs are Gln54/Gln143 and Arg79/Met147. We previously reported contributions of the hydrophobic cluster residues to protein stability. In this study alanine substitutions of the flanking residue pairs were constructed and analyzed. Equilibrium unfolding/refolding experiments at 37 degrees C revealed a plateau in the unfolding/refolding transitions, suggesting population of a partially folded intermediate with a folded C-terminal domain (C-td) and unfolded N-terminal domain (N-td). The N-td was destabilized by substituting residues from both domains. In contrast, the C-td was not significantly affected by substitutions of either domain. Refolding rates of the N-td were significantly decreased for mutants of either domain. In contrast, refolding rates of the C-td were similar to wild type for mutants of either domain. Therefore, domain interface residues of the folded C-td probably nucleate refolding of the N-td. We suggest that these residues stabilize the native state by shielding the central hydrophobic cluster from solvent. Glutamine and methionine side chains are among the residues covalently damaged in aged and cataractous lenses. Such damage may generate partially unfolded, aggregation- prone conformations of HgammaD-Crys that could be significant in cataract.  相似文献   

Studies with the homodimeric recombinant human macrophage colony-stimulating factor beta (rhM-CSFbeta), show for the first time that a large number (9) of disulfide linkages can be reduced after amide hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange, and the protein digested and analyzed successfully for the isotopic composition by electrospray mass spectrometry. Analysis of amide H/D after exchange-in shows that in solution the conserved four-helix bundle of (rhM-CSFbeta) has fast and moderately fast exchangeable sections of amide hydrogens in the alphaA helix, and mostly slow exchanging sections of amide hydrogens in the alphaB, alphaC, and alphaD helices. Most of the amide hydrogens in the loop between the beta1 and beta4 sheets exhibited fast or moderately fast exchange, whereas in the amino acid 63-67 loop, located at the interface of the two subunits, the exchange was slow. Solvent accessibility as measured by H/D exchange showed a better correlation with the average depth of amide residues calculated from reported X-ray crystallographic data for rhM-CSFalpha than with the average B-factor. The rates of H/D exchange in rhM-CSFbeta appear to correlate well with the exposed surface calculated for each amino acid residue in the crystal structure except for the alphaD helix. Fast hydrogen isotope exchange throughout the segment amino acids 150-221 present in rhM-CSFbeta, but not rhM-CSFalpha, provides evidence that the carboxy-terminal region is unstructured. It is, therefore, proposed that the anomalous behavior of the alphaD helix is due to interaction of the carboxy-terminal tail with this helical segment.  相似文献   

The processive beta-strands and turns of a polypeptide parallel beta-helix represent one of the topologically simplest beta-sheet folds. The three subunits of the tailspike adhesin of phage P22 each contain 13 rungs of a parallel beta-helix followed by an interdigitated section of triple-stranded beta-helix. Long stacks of hydrophobic residues dominate the elongated buried core of these two beta-helix domains and extend into the core of the contiguous triple beta-prism domain. To test whether these side-chain stacks represent essential residues for driving the chain into the correct fold, each of three stacked phenylalanine residues within the buried core were substituted with less bulky amino acids. The mutant chains with alanine in place of phenylalanine were defective in intracellular folding. The chains accumulated exclusively in the aggregated inclusion body state regardless of temperature of folding. These severe folding defects indicate that the stacked phenylalanine residues are essential for correct parallel beta-helix folding. Replacement of the same phenylalanine residues with valine or leucine also impaired folding in vivo, but with less severity. Mutants were also constructed in a second buried stack that extends into the intertwined triple-stranded beta-helix and contiguous beta-prism regions of the protein. These mutants exhibited severe defects in later stages of chain folding or assembly, accumulating as misfolded but soluble multimeric species. The results indicate that the formation of the buried hydrophobic stacks is critical for the correct folding of the parallel beta-helix, triple-stranded beta-helix, and beta-prism domains in the tailspike protein.  相似文献   

Subsequent to wounding, keratinocytes must quickly restore barrier function. In vitro wound models have served to elucidate mechanisms of epithelial closure and key roles for integrins alpha6beta4 and alpha3beta1. To extrapolate in vitro data to in vivo human tissues, we used ultrathin cryomicrotomy to simultaneously observe tissue ultrastructure and immunogold localization in unwounded skin and acute human cutaneous wounds. Localization of the beta4 integrin subunit in unwounded skin shows dominant hemidesmosomal association and minor basal keratinocyte lateral filopodic cell-cell expression. After wounding, beta4 dominantly localized to cytokeratin-rich regions (trailing edge hemidesmosomes) and minor association with lamellipodia (leading edge). beta4 colocalizes with alpha3 within filopodia juxtaposed to wound matrix, and increased concentrations of beta4 were found in cytoplasmic vesicles within basal keratinocytes of the migrating tongue. alpha3 integrin subunit dominantly localized to filopodia within basal keratinocyte lateral cell-cell interfaces in unwounded skin and both cell-cell and cell-matrix filopodic interactions in wounded skin. This study indicates that beta4 interacts with the extracellular environment through both stable and transient interactions and may be managed through a different endosomal trafficking pathway than alpha3. alpha3 integrin, despite its ability to respond to alternate ligands after wounding, does so through a single structure, the filopodia.  相似文献   

The lipoic acid bearing domain (hbLBD) of human mitochondrial branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKD) plays important role of substrate channeling in oxidative decarboxylation of the branched chain alpha-ketoacids. Recently hbLBD has been found to follow two-step folding mechanism without detectable presence of stable or kinetic intermediates. The present study describes the conformational stability underlying the folding of this small beta-barrel domain. Thermal denaturation in presence of urea and isothermal urea denaturation titrations are used to evaluate various thermodynamic parameters defining the equilibrium unfolding. The linear extrapolation model successfully describes the two-step; native state <-->denatured state unfolding transition of hbLBD. The average temperature of maximum stability of hbLBD is estimated as 295.6 +/- 0.9 K. Cold denaturation of hbLBD is also predicted and discussed.  相似文献   

Alpha-Lytic protease (alphaLP) is an extracellular bacterial pro-protease marked by extraordinary conformational rigidity and a highly cooperative barrier to unfolding. Although these properties successfully limit its proteolytic destruction, thereby extending the functional lifetime of the protease, they come at the expense of foldability (t(1/2) = 1800 yr) and thermodynamic stability (native alphaLP is less stable than the unfolded species). Efficient folding has required the coevolution of a large N-terminal pro region (Pro) that rapidly catalyzes alphaLP folding (t(1/2) = 23 sec) and shifts the thermodynamic equilibrium in favor of folded protease through tight native-state binding. Release of active alphaLP from this stabilizing, but strongly inhibitory, complex requires the proteolytic destruction of Pro. alphaLP is capable of initiating Pro degradation via cleavage of a flexible loop within the Pro C-terminal domain. This single cleavage event abolishes Pro catalysis while maintaining strong native-state binding. Thus, the loop acts as an Achilles' heel by which the Pro foldase machinery can be safely dismantled, preventing Pro-catalyzed unfolding, without compromising alphaLP native-state stability. Once the loop is cleaved, Pro is rapidly degraded, releasing active alphaLP.  相似文献   

The Neuropeptide Head Activator (HA), pGlu-Pro-Pro-Gly-Gly-Ser-Lys-Val-Ile-Leu-Phe (pGlu is pyroglutamic acid), is involved in head-specific growth and differentiation processes in the freshwater coelenterate Hydra attenuata. Peptides of identical sequence have also been isolated from higher-organism tissues such as human and bovine hypothalamus. Early studies by molecular sieve chromatography suggested that HA dimerizes with high affinity (K(d) approximately 1 nM). This dimerization was proposed to occur via antiparallel beta-sheet formation between the Lys(7)-Phe(11) segments in each HA molecule. We conducted biophysical studies on synthetic HA in order to gain insight into its structure and aggregation tendencies. We found by analytical ultracentrifugation that HA is monomeric at low millimolar concentrations. Studies by (1)H-NMR revealed that HA did not adopt any significant secondary structure in solution. We found no NOEs that would support the proposed dimer structure. We probed the propensity of the Lys(7)-Phe(11) fragment to form antiparallel beta-sheet by designing peptides in which two such fragments are joined by a two-residue linker. These peptides were intended to form stable beta-hairpin structures with cross-strand interactions that mimic those of the proposed HA dimer interface. We found that the HA-derived fragments may be induced to form intramolecular beta-sheet, albeit only weakly, when linked by the highly beta-hairpin-promoting D-Pro-Gly turn, but not when linked by the more flexible Gly-Gly unit. These findings suggest that the postulated mode of HA dimerization and the proposed propensity of the molecule to form discrete aggregates with high affinity are incorrect.  相似文献   

Based on previous studies of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and both acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), it has been suggested that the folding of beta-trefoil proteins is intrinsically slow and may occur via the formation of essential intermediates. Using optical and NMR-detected quenched-flow hydrogen/deuterium exchange methods, we have measured the folding kinetics of hisactophilin, another beta-trefoil protein that has < 10% sequence identity and unrelated function to IL-1beta and FGFs. We find that hisactophilin can fold rapidly and with apparently two-state kinetics, except under the most stabilizing conditions investigated where there is evidence for formation of a folding intermediate. The hisactophilin intermediate has significant structural similarities to the IL-1beta intermediate that has been observed experimentally and predicted theoretically using a simple, topology-based folding model; however, it appears to be different from the folding intermediate observed experimentally for acidic FGF. For hisactophilin and acidic FGF, intermediates are much less prominent during folding than for IL-1beta. Considering the structures of the different beta-trefoil proteins, it appears that differences in nonconserved loops and hydrophobic interactions may play an important role in differential stabilization of the intermediates for these proteins.  相似文献   

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