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Synopsis Baikal sculpin-oilfishes (Comephorus baicalensis and C. dybowskii) were captured from Lake Baikal by mid-water trawl. External morphology was assessed using camera lucida drawings of whole heads. Retinal morphology was examined in material prepared for light and electron microscopy. A single rod-like photoreceptor is present in the retina, and this is at low density compared with marine species of similar depth distribution. C. baicalensis displays tubular eyes, with a dorsally displaced spherical lens and pupil, creating a dorsally directed visual axis. This corresponds to an area with a high density of photoreceptors in the ventral retina. Retinal structure is very similar in C. dybowskii with the exception that regional variation of cell densities within the retina is less marked than in C. baicalensis. In contrast to C. baicalensis, C. dybowskii has a caudal aphakic space and highest photoreceptor density in the rostral retina. Both species display changes in body attitude in association with diurnal vertical migration. We suggest that this may facilitate inspection of the water column from which predator strikes are most likely to occur. Comephorus in general display less specialization for vision in low light than marine counterparts with similar depth distributions.  相似文献   

The optical properties of the crystalline lenses were studied in a variety of large predatory teleosts (bony fishes) that forage in the open ocean, some of them at considerable depths. We found the first fish lenses that are free of measurable longitudinal spherical aberration, i.e., are perfectly monofocal, in contrast to the multifocal lenses that are typical for smaller fishes living close to the surface. In fact, none of the lenses investigated in this study were clearly multifocal. Most, but not all, of the lenses had long normalized focal lengths (focal length/lens radius) of up to 3.3 lens radii. A monofocal lens of long focal length, combined with spectrally suitably placed cone pigments, may be the optimal solution for vision of high spatial and spectral resolutions in a habitat where the available spectrum of light is limited.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal rods, cones and epithelial pigment of most lower vertebrates display rhythmic photomechanical (retinomotor) migrations in response to changes in ambient lighting conditions. This study examines the extent of these migrations in the absence of the daily changes in illumination (constant darkness and constant light) in three species of teleosts. Salmo trutta, a crepuscularly active fish, showed two peaks of light adaptation occurring around dawn and dusk when kept in constant darkness. Tinca tinca, a nocturnal species, also showed an endogenous rhythm during extended periods of darkness, but, unlike Salmo trutta, it was light-adapted throughout what would normally have been day. At the maximal extent of migration under conditions of continual darkness, the pigment migrated 59% as much as it did during a normal light/dark cycle. Nannacara anomala, a tropical diurnally active species, showed a similar but more pronounced rhythm than Tinea tinea for all 3 days of experimental darkness, behaving essentially identically to fish exposed to a light/dark cycle. Nannacara anomala also displayed a weak rhythm when kept in constant light.It is concluded from these and previous results that the pattern of endogenous photomechanical movement depends both on the activity pattern of a species and on the constancy of the lighting conditions to which it has been exposed during its lifetime.  相似文献   

Synopsis Retinae from mesopelagic teleosts with adult ranges in the shallow, mid and deep mesopelagic zones, respectively, were examined by light microscopy. Retinal characteristics were described, and photoreceptor densities, outer segment dimensions, and convergence ratios measured from transverse sections. Juveniles of all species had lower photoreceptor densities, outer segment lengths and convergence ratios than adults. In species with multiple banks of photoreceptors, additional banks were added as the retina increased in size. A positive correlation was found between the degree of retinal specialisation for vision in dim light, and the depth of occurrence. The retina of each specimen was given a rank based on log unit changes in photoreceptor density and convergence ratio, the length of photoreceptor outer segments and the presence or absence of multiple banks of photoreceptors. Higher ranks (indicating greater retinal specialisation) were found among species occurring at greater depths. Among species showing a change in depth preference with growth, there was a corresponding increase in retinal rank. It is suggested that the proposed system of ranks has application in predicting the depth of occurrence of a species with a given pattern of retinal morphology.  相似文献   

Synopsis Eel samples from Lake Ellesmere, a brackish water lake in the South Island, New Zealand, were taken at approximately monthly intervals from January 1974 to April 1976. Nets were set for 24 h and emptied every three hours. Total lengths and stomach fullness values of 498 eels were recorded. Analysis using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test showed that eels ⩽40 cm and 40.1–50 cm in length increased in fullness through the night with greatest fullness values at 0300 and 0600 h. Seasonal analyses revealed greatest eel activity in spring, summer and autumn. There was little eel activity in winter.  相似文献   

1. Most animals are active by day or by night, but not both; juvenile salmonids are unusual in that they switch from being predominantly diurnal for most of the year to being nocturnal in winter. They are visual foragers, and adaptations for high visual acuity at daytime light intensities are generally incompatible with sensitive night vision. Here we test whether juvenile Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar are able to maintain their efficiency of prey capture when switching between diurnal and nocturnal foraging.
2. By testing the ability of the fish to acquire drifting food items under a range of manipulated light intensities, we show that the foraging efficiency of juvenile salmon is high at light intensities down to those equivalent to dawn or dusk, but drops markedly at lower levels of illumination: even under the best night condition (full moon and clear sky), the feeding efficiency is only 35% of their diurnal efficiency, and fish will usually be feeding at less than 10% (whenever the moon is not full, skies are overcast or when in the shade of bankside trees). Fish were unable to feed on drifting prey when in complete darkness.
3. The ability of juvenile salmon to detect prey under different light intensities is similar to that of other planktivorous or drift-feeding species of fish; they thus appear to have no special adaptations for nocturnal foraging.
4. While winter drift abundance is slightly higher by night than by day, the difference is not enough to compensate for the loss in foraging efficiency. We suggest that juvenile salmon can nonetheless switch to nocturnal foraging in winter because their food requirements are low, many individuals adopting a strategy in which intake is suppressed to the minimum that ensures survival.  相似文献   

Summary Neurotensin- and somatostatin-like immunoreactivities were localized by pre-embedding techniques in retinal whole-mounts and radial sections of a monochromatic glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), a dichromatic cichlid species (Aequidens pulcher), and the tetrachromatic roach (Rutilus rutilus). Both neuropeptides were observed in perikarya and processes of amacrine cells. For a precise identification of cell types, tangential and radial views were correlated with Golgiimpregnated material.The dendritic pattern defining the morphological subtype of amacrine cells was determined by the given neuropeptide or by the species-specific degree of complexity of retinal structure and function. Neurotensin-like immunoreactivity was localized in amacrine cells of intermediate size, radial symmetry and dendrites with numerous varicosities; they were monostratified in sublayer 3 of the inner plexiform layer. This cell type was common to all three species. In the mono and dichromatic retinas, a single type of amacrine cell with somatostatinlike immunoreactivity was found with radially oriented, varicose dendrites in sublayer 5. In the tetrachromatic roach retina, two somatostatin-positive amacrine cell types were found with very different patterns of ramification; furthermore, both of these types occurred in more than one sublayer.Possible functional implications for color vision of neuropeptide-specific amacrine cells with uniform morphology in all three species and those with a more varied morphology in the tetrachromatic roach are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. A. Oksche on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Feeding larvae of marine invertebrates fuel development from both endogenous egg energy and exogenous energy obtained from the planktonic environment. Although both sources of energy likely influence certain larval stages, only the effects of exogenous food have been well studied. Despite the lack of research on the effects of egg size on larval stages, investigators have hypothesized that egg size influences the duration of the facultative feeding stage—the stage in which larvae can feed but do not have to because development is still being fueled by egg energy. To test this hypothesis, we investigated six species of sand dollars with different sized eggs and quantified the duration of the larval facultative feeding period of each species by comparing when fed and starved larvae diverged in size. Regardless of whether phylogeny was taken into account, the duration of the facultative feeding period was positively correlated with egg size. We further determined that our conclusions were not sensitive to either our estimation of the duration of the facultative feeding period, or the branch lengths of the phylogeny we used. This relationship is likely a result of larger eggs being provisioned with more energy, and may affect how well larvae can cope with natural variability in food concentrations. Furthermore, our results support an assumption of a theoretical model developed to understand the evolution of different life-history strategies in marine invertebrate larvae, which suggests that this relationship has important evolutionary consequences.  相似文献   

When incorporated into artificial diets, the milled foliages of many New Zealand conifers are toxic to larvae of housefly (Musca domestica), codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella) and light-brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana). The most toxic foliages are those of Podocarpus nivalis which contains diterpene lactones, and Dacrydium laxifolium, which has a high concentration (1%) of phytoecdysones. The insecticidal activities of the plants are discussed in relation to their insect associations, chemistry and taxonomy.  相似文献   

Behavioral development of three species of marine sciaenid fish larvae was examined and related to their sensory morphology and habitat. Anti-predator behavior of the larvae was examined under different experimental conditions to isolate the roles of vision and mechanoreception. Spotted seatrout larvae maintained high levels of responsiveness even without visual cues but performed very poorly without mechanoreception. Loss of visual cues had no impact on the distance at which seatrout responded to the stimulus. Atlantic croaker generally performed best when vision was available. This species had low responsiveness without visual stimuli, and had smaller reactive distances when unable to use vision. Red drum were the most flexible in their use of sensory systems. For almost the entire larva period, responsiveness of red drum was equally high regardless of which sensory system was not available. In addition, reactive distances were unaffected when either visual or mechanoreceptive stimuli were eliminated. Thus, seatrout and croaker are sensory specialists, and red drum are sensory generalists. This is corroborated by previous studies on the sensory morphology of these species which showed that seatrout had more mechanosensory specialization, croaker had more visual specialization, and red drum were intermediate, with some enhancement of both systems. Behavioral data are interpreted in terms of habitat usage of the three species. Seatrout have the most restricted distribution over seagrass beds, croaker have a somewhat more flexible distribution, encompassing more open water habitats, and red drum have the most flexible range of habitats, using both vegetated and unvegetated portions of the estuary. These results indicate that even closely related species can exhibit different behaviors in order to better exploit the habitats in which they occur.  相似文献   

Dark levels of 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) of mouse retinas incubated in Earle's medium were elevated by 3-isobutyl-methylxanthine (IBMX) and/or Co2+ or Mn2+, but not by Cd2+, methylverapamil, or excess Mg2+ of Ca2+. Light reduced elevated dark levels of cyclic AMP in the presence of agents known to block the light modulation of post-receptoral neurons (aspartate, Co2+, high Mg2+), a finding consistent with a cyclic AMP metabolism in photoreceptors. Co2+-elevated cyclic AMP levels were not less light-sensitive than cyclic GMP levels. Ouabain substantially increased IBMX-elevated cyclic AMP with a persistent light response, but reduced the dark action of Co2+. IBMX, but not Co2+, also increased cyclic AMP in receptorless (rd/rd) retinas; haloperidol partly reduced this IBMX effect. In normal retinas in Co2+ medium, progressively replacing Na+ by K+ (but not choline+) from 1--50 mM caused a progressive fall in dark, light-sensitive cyclic AMP levels, but from 50 to 100 mM-K+ there appeared haloperidol-preventable increases in both the dark- and light-insensitive levels of cyclic AMP. In IBMX-aspartate medium a haloperidol-preventable, light-insensitive increase in cyclic AMP appeared from 20 mM-K+ upwards. Haloperidol-preventable increases in cyclic AMP as induced by high K+ required Co2+ in normal retinas, but not in receptorless retinas, and 5 nM-Co2+ greatly increased the response to dopamine in receptorless retinas. The post-dopaminergic neurons, which are 4th-order neurons, may have become hypersensitive to dopamine in receptorless retinas consequent to the absent signal from the 1st-order photoreceptors, or directly, as an effect of the same gene underlying the dystrophy.  相似文献   

The relationship between jaw and skull morphology and feeding type (grazer, mixed feeder, browser, frugivorous, omnivorous) was analysed in 94 species of extant ungulates. A total of 21 morphological traits of the jaw and skull (17 and 4, respectively) were analysed using analysis of covariance, with body mass as covariate. To take into account the phylogenetic effect, simulations were generated under the Brownian motion model of character evolution. Analysis of covariance was applied to these simulations and the simulated F-ratios were used to assess the signification of the F-ratios for the real values of the traits. The feeding types had a weak effect on ungulate cranial and jaw morphology in comparison with the phylogenetic effect, since, before phylogeny correction, the analysis of covariance showed statistically significant differences associated with feeding type in 15 out of the 21 traits analysed. After controlling for phylogeny, only 2 significant traits remained, the length of the coronoid process and the occipital height. Omnivorous species had shorter coronoid processes than grazers or mixed feeders, and the occipital height was greater in the omnivorous species than in the grazers, mixed feeders or browsers. The coronoid process is involved in the generation of bite force, being the effective moment arm of the temporalis muscle, and occipital height is positively related to the force exerted by the temporalis muscle. This result matches the hypothesis that species with a toughness diet should show higher bite force (“toughness” describes the resistance of a material to being mechanically broken down). When the omnivorous species were excluded from the analysis, no differences in jaw and skull morphology were detected between the rest of the feeding types. Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

Distribution, population structure and reproduction are described for the southern lantern shark Etmopterus granulosus at the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Depth of capture for E. granulosus ranged from 744 to 1420 m, with highest catch rates between 800–1200 m. More than twice as many females as males were captured, and the majority of sharks caught were mature, indicating that there may be segregation according to sex and size class. Only 10 of 492 female sharks captured contained ova in uteri, and none contained embryos. The absence of pregnant females suggests that they move to another area or depth prior to pupping. Size of sharks captured ranged from 20·0 to 78·8 cm total length. Females began to mature at 62 cm total length, and males at 52 cm. There was no evidence of a seasonal reproductive cycle. Ovulation appeared to occur when ova reached a diameter of 40–45 mm. The average number of ova in mature females was 12·7. This information is crucial for assessing the impact of fisheries on E. granulosus populations.  相似文献   


Five-minute stationary counts of birds at Kowhai Bush over 17 months suggest that the scores for grey warblers and chaffinches may reflect vocal conspicuousness, rather than abundance, and that the scores for shining cuckoos, goldfinches, and redpolls may reflect vocal and visual conspicuousness in combination. Counts in three types of kanuka forest show that cuckoos, robins, and bellbirds favoured the more dense and diverse suocessional stages; that riflemen, brown creepers, fantails, chaffinches, goldfinches, and redpolls were most abundant in less mature habitats; and that warblers and silvereyes were almost uniformly common. Cuckoos and robins overlapped the most in use of habitat, robins and redpolls the least. For both warblers and robins, indices of abundance varied between two of the habitats in proportion to the densities of resident adults, permitting calibration of the indices. Excepting creepers and robins, native species were apparently less abundant at Kowhai Bush than in climax forest near Reefton. At Kowhai Bush in winter, creepers, warblers, and silvereyes (three of the four small native gleaners of foliage) collected prey almost entirely from kanuka, the dominant tree. Warblers foraged on 80% of occasions from living foliage, whereas creepers fed almost equally from trunks, branches, twigs, and leaves, and silvereyes concentrated on leaves and trunks. Creepers and silvereyes overlapped the most in use of feeding stations. Also, they were exclusively gleaners, whereas warblers caught prey on 40% of occasions by hovering. Warblers gleaned only in the upright position, but creepers and silvereyes often gleaned from vertical surfaces or by hanging upside down. The greatest overlap in feeding behaviour was between creepers and silvereyes. Data for four of the five small native insectivores show that warblers were half as heavy as creepers and silvereyes, and lighter on average than fantails. The tail was longer than the wing in fantails, shorter than the wing in silvereyes, and equal to the wing in warblers and creepers. The ratio of wing length to tarsometatarsus length was greatest for fantails (3.4), as befits an aerial feeder. Warblers, silvereyes, and fantails had bills that were wider than deep; the creeper’s was slightly deeper than wide. Silvereyes had the longest bill, and creepers the longest tarsometatarsus. Indices of morphological difference show that silvereyes and creepers differed least.  相似文献   

The activity of myofibrillar ATPase declined with length in the five species examined ( Merlanogrummus aeglefinis L., Merrluccius merluccius L., Physis blennoides Brunnich, Pleuronectes platessa L. and Merlangius merlangus L.). This decline was related to a decrease in the in vitro muscle contraction rate and appeared to be a scale rather than an age effect. Actomyosin was extracted from Merlangius merlangus L. to investigate the length related changes in the myofibrillar protein.  相似文献   

Summary The ependyma lining the lateral recess of the third ventricle of the teleost inferior lobe has been studied by light and electron microscopy, including Golgi impregnation methods. As many as five different cell types appear to line the ventricle, but some of these may be similar cells in different stages of activity. One cell type contains small dense-cored vesicles and appears to have processes extending into deeper portions of the lobe. Golgi preparations reveal subependymal cells with apical processes extending to the ventricle and basal extensions which may reach the pial surface. The present observations are discussed in relation to similar studies in other fishes, amphibians and mammals. Possible functions for the various cells observed are suggested.  相似文献   

Adult butterflies are known to visit a wide variety of food substrates, but, with the exception of flower visitation, little is known about what substances are being sought or what determines substrate choice. This is especially true for the Riodinidae, a large family [c. 1300 spp.) of almost exclusively Neotropical butterflies. We present adult male feeding records for 124 species in 41 genera of Riodinidae (out of a total of 441 species in 85 genera collected in the study), based on ten months sampling in Ecuador. Records of food substrates visited in this study include flowers, damp sand or mud (‘puddling’) and rotting carrion. Rotting carrion placed in traps was the most frequently recorded food source in terms of numbers of individuals and taxa, attracting 89 species from 32 genera. A correlation is found between food substrate choice and morphology, specifically wing area to thoracic volume ratio (WA: TV ratio). Our data suggest the possible existence of two adaptive syndromes whose species have significantly different mean WA:TV ratios and differing suites of accompanying ecological traits, with lower ratios being significantiy correlated with species that were recorded feeding. Among species recorded feeding, carrion feeders and puddlers have significantly lower mean WA:TV ratios than flower nectarers, and carrion feeders have a lower mean WA:TV ratio than species not recorded on this food source, a correlation that is significant across all tribes and within some tribes (Riodinini and Saratoni). We reanalyse previously published data on flight and morphology for species in other butterfly and moth families and show mat the ratio of wing area to thoracic mass is significantly negatively correlated with flight speed and oxygen consumption (a direct indicator of metabolic rate). We suggest that adult male riodinids may puddle and feed at rotting carrion to supplement nutrient stores from larval feeding, not only to increase reproductive success, but also to provide the necessary nutrients to maintain high metabolic rates during rapid flight.  相似文献   

Recent molecular and morphological surveys suggest that mangabeys do not represent a monophyletic group. Specifically, Cercocebus is the sister taxon of Mandrillus, whereas Lophocebus forms an unresolved trichotomy with Papio and Theropithecus. The Cercocebus-Mandrillus clade is characterized by skeletal and dental adaptations related to acquisition and processing of hard-object foods that resist decomposition for months on the forest floor. Although species of both mangabey genera can be described as frugivorous seed predators with a strong reliance on hard-object foods, a growing body of evidence indicates that Cercocebus (terrestrial) and Lophocebus (arboreal) mangabeys differ in the hardness of the seeds they consume and the manner in which seeds are processed. The taxa are also distinguished on the basis of dental morphology. Given the purported differences in feeding behaviors of the two mangabey genera, we consider whether there are predictable biomechanical consequences of these behaviors that are reflected in mandibular corpus dimensions. In addition, we present metric data summarizing functional aspects of mangabey mandibular corpus morphology. Mangabey genera are generally not distinguished by differences in relative corpus size, either in postcanine or symphyseal regions. Distinct symphyseal scaling patterns characterize the Papio-Lophocebus clade and the Mandrillus-Cercocebus clade, while the postcanine corpus scales similarly between them. The hypothesis that preferential use of the incisors vs. premolars to initially process these foods results in distinct stress environments is weakly supported, given circumstantial evidence that the relative importance of bending vs. torsion may differ between Cercocebus and Lophocebus.  相似文献   

The morphology of the feeding apparatus and sensory systems of flatfish species Rhombosolea plebeia (Richardson, 1843), Rhombosolea leporina Günther, 1862, Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae Günther, 1862, Pelotretis flavilatus Waite, 1911 (f. Pleuronectidae) and Arnoglossus scapha (Forster, in Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (f. Bothidae) are described. The four pleuronectid species have asymmetric jaws and non-toothed gill rakers typical of benthic-feeding flatfish, while the bothid has symmetric jaws and toothed gill rakers typical of midwater-feeding flatfish. R. plebeia, R. leporina and P. novaezeelandiae have extensive external taste bud systems which facilitate non-visual prey location. External tastebuds are lacking in P. flavilatus and A. scapha ; however, these two species have relatively large, prominent eyes which facilitate visual prey location. The lateral line is well-developed in all five species, but R. plebeia, R. leporina and particularly P. novaezeelandiae have additional free neuromasts on their blind sides, which probably assist in prey location.
The feeding habits of these flatfish species closely reflect their morphological and sensory specializations. A detailed feeding study in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand showed that R. plebeia, R. leporina and P. novaezeelandiae have closely overlapping diets consisting of largely sedentary or inactive invertebrates living in the bottom sediments. In contrast, P. flavilatus and A. scapha have specialized diets of one or two species only. While the latter two species differ in that P. flavilatus is a benthic feeder and A. scapha is pelagic feeder, both are visual feeders and therefore more specialist than the other three species.  相似文献   

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