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Clonal plants grow in diameter rather than height, and therefore competition among genets is likely to be symmetric and to result in smaller variation in size of genets than in non-clonal plants. Moreover, clonal plants can reproduce both sexually and vegetatively. We studied the effects of density on the size of rosettes and of clones, variation in the size of rosettes and of clones, and allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction in the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans . We grew plants from an artificial population of R. reptans in 32 trays at two densities. After four months, differences in density were still apparent, although clones in the low-density treatment had on average 155% more rosettes and 227% more rooted rosettes than clones in the high-density treatment. The coefficient of variation of these measures of clone size was 15% and 83% higher, respectively, in the low-density treatment. This indicates that intraspecific competition among clones of R. reptans is symmetric and increases the effective population size. Rooted rosettes were larger and varied more in size in the low-density treatment. The relative allocation of the populations to sexual and to vegetative reproduction was 19% and 13% higher, respectively, in the high-density treatment. Moreover, seeds produced in the high-density treatment had a 24% higher mass and a 7% higher germination percentage. This suggests that with increasing density, allocation to sexual reproduction increases more than allocation to vegetative reproduction in R. reptans , which corresponds to the response of some other species with a spreading growth form but not of species with a compact growth form. We conclude that intraspecific competition is an important factor in the life-history evolution of R. reptans because intraspecific competition affects its clonal life-history traits and may affect evolutionary processes such as genetic drift and selection through its effect on the effective population size.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding birds have been used frequently to study sex allocation because the adaptive value of the sexes partly depends upon the costs and benefits for parents of receiving help. I examined patterns of directional sex allocation in relation to maternal condition (Trivers-Willard hypothesis), territory quality (helper competition hypothesis), and the number of available helpers (helper repayment hypothesis) in the superb starling, Lamprotornis superbus, a plural cooperative breeder with helpers of both sexes. Superb starlings biased their offspring sex ratio in relation to prebreeding rainfall, which was correlated with maternal condition. Mothers produced relatively more female offspring in wetter years, when they were in better condition, and more male offspring in drier years, when they were in poorer condition. There was no relationship between offspring sex ratio and territory quality or the number of available helpers. Although helping was male biased, females had a greater variance in reproductive success than males. These results are consistent with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis and suggest that although females in most cooperatively breeding species make sex allocation decisions to increase their future direct reproductive success, female superb starlings appear to base this decision on their current body condition to increase their own inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

  • Senescence is a puzzling phenomenon. Few convincing studies of senescence in perennial herbaceous plants exist. While ramets are known to senesce, whether senescence of bunchgrasses actually occurs is not clear.
  • In this study, we grew a set of plants of Elymus excelsus, a bunchgrass, to examine plant size, sexual reproduction and bud formation in individual plants in relation to their gradual ageing, in order to determine whether E. excelsus experiences senescence. We collected data in two consecutive years (2009 and 2010) from field samples of plants from 1 to 5 years old. Using regression models, we performed age‐related analyses of growth and reproduction parameters.
  • Our results showed that individual plant size (diameter, individual biomass), total biomass of ramets, number and biomass of reproductive ramets, percentage of ramets that were reproductive, reproductive allocation, over‐wintering buds and juvenile ramets all declined with age. However, vegetative growth (number and biomass of vegetative ramets) did not decrease with age.
  • Those plants that survived, dwindled in size as they aged. However, no plants shifted their resource allocation between growth and reproduction as they aged, so the shift in allocation did not account for the fall in size.

In ectotherms, environmental temperature is the most prominent abiotic factor that modulates life-history traits. We explored the influence of environmental temperature on reproduction in the Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta) by measuring reproductive traits of females at constant temperatures (24, 27, 30 °C). Females of this species lay clutches of one or two eggs within short intervals. For each female, we measured egg mass for the first five clutches. For one clutch, we also measured the energetic content of eggs via bomb calorimetry. Temperature positively influenced the rate of egg production, but females at 30 °C laid smaller eggs than did females at either 24 or 27 °C. Dry mass of eggs scaled allometrically with wet mass, but this relationship was similar among thermal treatments. Females at all temperatures produced eggs with similar energy densities. Females at 24 °C allocated less energy per time unit (≈8 mW) to reproduction than did females from higher temperatures (≈12 mW). However, females at either 24 or 27 °C allocated significantly more energy per egg than did females at 30 °C. Our results demonstrate that a complex thermal sensitivity of reproductive rate can emerge from distinct thermal sensitivities of egg size, egg composition and clutch frequency.  相似文献   

We measured the egg size of six geographic populations of the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, from Florida (30 degrees N) to Ontario (49 degrees N). Populations from northern latitudes produced larger eggs than populations from southern latitudes. Egg size increased with increasing latitude more rapidly when larvae were reared under low rather than high density. One southern (30 degrees N) and one northern (49 degrees N) population of W. smithii that persisted through 10 generations of selection for increased persistence under conditions of chronic thermal- and nutrient-limiting stress (conditions similar to southern rather than northern habitats) produced smaller eggs more rapidly than unselected control lines. However, there were no differences in lifetime fecundity or fertility between control and selected lines. Thus, laboratory evolution in an environment representative of extreme southern latitudes caused evolutionary changes consistent with geographic patterns of egg size. These results implicate temperature as a selective factor influencing the geographic variation of egg size in W. smithii, and demonstrate a novel trade-off in reproductive allocation between egg size and egg maturation time.  相似文献   

It is now clear in many species that male and female genital evolution has been shaped by sexual selection. However, it has historically been difficult to confirm correlations between morphology and fitness, as genital traits are complex and manipulation tends to impair function significantly. In this study, we investigate the functional morphology of the elongate male intromittent organ (or processus) of the seed bug Lygaeus simulans, in two ways. We first use micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and flash-freezing to reconstruct in high resolution the interaction between the male intromittent organ and the female internal reproductive anatomy during mating. We successfully trace the path of the male processus inside the female reproductive tract. We then confirm that male processus length influences sperm transfer by experimental ablation and show that males with shortened processi have significantly reduced post-copulatory reproductive success. Importantly, male insemination function is not affected by this manipulation per se. We thus present rare, direct experimental evidence that an internal genital trait functions to increase reproductive success and show that, with appropriate staining, micro-CT is an excellent tool for investigating the functional morphology of insect genitalia during copulation.  相似文献   

D. Goulson 《Oikos》2000,91(3):485-492
We examined the reproductive success of the perennial herb Lobularia maritima during its extended flowering and fruiting season. The within- and between-year variability of the female components of reproductive success (from flower, fruit and seed production to seed survival, seed germination and seedling establishment) were analysed during four flowering seasons. All the components of reproductive success studied showed a significant within- and between-year variation. September was the period of the year with the maximum values of flower and fruit production, and the highest germination and establishment rates. Nevertheless, seed losses due to both predispersal and postdispersal seed predation during this period were also the highest, seriously reducing seed output in this period. On the other hand, in those periods in which seed production was low, i.e. January and May, the percentage of seeds lost to seed predators was the lowest. Reproductive success in each period of the flowering season was estimated using a simple demographic model, in which the information concerning all the components already calculated was integrated. The two variables used to estimate reproductive success in each period, i.e. the number of new individuals produced per plant and the probability of a seed becoming an adult plant, showed relatively small differences over the year. These results suggest a counter-balance of the different components of reproductive success in this species, with favourable and unfavourable periods for the different components being compensated during its extended flowering season.  相似文献   

Parents should bias sex allocation toward offspring of the sex most likely to provide higher fitness returns. Trivers and Willard proposed that for polygynous mammals, females should adjust sex‐ratio at conception or bias allocation of resources toward the most profitable sex, according to their own body condition. However, the possibility that mammalian fathers may influence sex allocation has seldom been considered. Here, we show that the probability of having a son increased from 0.31 to 0.60 with sire reproductive success in wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Furthermore, our results suggest that females fertilized by relatively unsuccessful sires allocated more energy during lactation to daughters than to sons, while the opposite occurred for females fertilized by successful sires. The pattern of sex‐biased offspring production appears adaptive because paternal reproductive success reduced the fitness of daughters and increased the average annual weaning success of sons, independently of maternal allocation to the offspring. Our results illustrate that sex allocation can be driven by paternal phenotype, with profound influences on the strength of sexual selection and on conflicts of interest between parents.  相似文献   

Organisms should adopt a risk-sensitive reproductive allocation when summer reproductive allocation competes with survival in the coming winter. This trade off is shown through autumn female body mass, which acts as an insurance against unpredictable winter environmental conditions. We tested this hypothesis on female reindeer in a population that has experienced a time period of dramatic increase in abundance. Environmental conditions during winter were fairly stable (with the exception of 1 year). We conclude that increased population abundance (perhaps in interaction with winter environmental conditions) could have represented a worsening of winter environmental conditions as both autumn offspring and spring female body mass decreased during the course of the study. Moreover, we found that the cost of reproduction was related to environmental conditions as: (1) autumn body mass was larger for barren than for lactating females, and this difference was temporally highly variable; (2) lactating females produced smaller offspring than barren ones in the following year; and (3) reproductive output (offspring size) decreased over time. We also found evidence of quality effects as lactating females had a higher reproductive success in the following year. In sum, a worsening of winter conditions lead to: (1) decreased reproductive output; (2) lowered autumn body mass for lactating females; and (3) increased body mass for barren females. Since females reduce their reproductive allocation as winter conditions becomes more severe, we conclude that reindeer have adopted a risk-sensitive reproductive allocation.  相似文献   

Several important fitness components in herbaceous perennial plants are commonly related to plant size: flowering probability, reproductive allocation and fecundity. However, evidence for such size-dependence of fitness components is mostly anecdotal and unconnected to other life history traits. Here we report size-dependence for flowering probability and reproductive allocation in 11 populations of Pinguicula vulgaris and relate it to environmental factors. Flowering probability was size-dependent in all populations of P. vulgaris , and indicated the existence of a threshold size for reproduction. Populations at low altitudes and in wet soils showed a significantly higher threshold size for reproduction. Reproductive mass was also size-dependent in all populations. We found considerable between-population differences in the slope and the intercept of the regression between plant size and reproductive mass. This variation was weakly related to the environmental factors measured. In general, relationships between different size-dependent fitness components were low. Instead of showing a covariation of traits, in line with interpretations in terms of life history "tactics", P. vulgaris seemed to independently vary each size-dependent fitness component in each locality. In particular, no significant relationship was found between threshold size for reproduction and the slope of size-dependent reproductive allocation, as predicted by previous authors. Neither we found a significant influence of somatic cost of reproduction on size-dependent fitness components.  相似文献   

Cheplick  G. P. 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(2):103-115
Plant Ecology - Investment of limited resources into reproduction is a common feature of plants; coadapted life-history traits function as adaptations that have evolved to maximize fitness. There...  相似文献   

Aims Adaptive plasticity of biomass allocation to different environmental stressors enables plants to maintain functional relationships among reproductive structures. In freshwater systems, water depth and nutrient content of sediments can have a major effect on biomass allocation in aquatic macrophytes. However, the relative importance of these two stressors is unknown as it is the temporal variation of biomass allocation to the stressors during the growing period. This information may be critical for understanding the tolerance of a plant to environmental conditions.Methods Here, we used four levels of environmental stressors generated by deep and shallow water and high or low sediment nutrient content in a factorial experiment to investigate the biomass allocation responses of a floating macrophyte, Trapella sinensis, during the growing period.Important findings The results showed that the lower sediment nutrient content inhibited biomass increase, whereas the lower water depth increased the sexual reproduction of the plants. The lower sediment content also led to a delay in flowering and compensated trade-offs among sexual reproduction and elongation and clonal reproduction during the growing period. These results indicated that water depth affected the ratio of biomass allocation, whereas the sediment nutrient content affected biomass accumulation when the plants faced these two environmental factors simultaneously. The temporal changes in allocation under lower sediment nutrient content underscored the importance of collecting data at different stages of growth when trying to interpret resource allocation, especially in resource-limited environments.  相似文献   

Density-dependent variation in reproductive success in a terrestrial orchid   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Within population variation in plant density can affect reproductive success and breeding systems. We examined such effects in Listera cordata R. Br., a north temperate terrestrial orchid, in a subalpine population in Colorado, USA. Hand pollinations showed that L. cordata was self-compatible as all pollinations produced fruits. Cross-pollinations differed significantly from self-pollinations, and had a higher number of seeds per capsule and higher % of fertilized ovules. Together they could compensate for the transmission advantage of self-pollinations. Average number of flowers per inflorescence was 4.2–4.4 and average fruit set was 20.7–23.7%. By establishing 36 plots with varying plant densities (1, 4, 8 and 16) and emasculating all flowers in target plants of a set of 20 plots, we estimated density effects on fruit and seed production. Plant density had no effect on the amount of reproduction except in reduced seed production of highly dispersed plants. Our results suggest that inbreeding depression may be an important selective factor in L. cordata. Further studies are needed to define its role in the evolution of mating systems in this species. Received February 21, 2000 Accepted December 26, 2000  相似文献   

The reproductive allocation (allocation of net production to acorns) of a tall tree speciesQuercus serrata was estimated by a method combining branch diameter distribution and the sampling of acorns per branch. Acorn production per branch of 0.5-cm diameter significantly varied among individuals and years, but not significantly across tree size. Leaf production per branch of 0.5-cm diameter had little annual fluctuation, while that of acorns fluctuated about 6 times between the maximum and minimum. The reproductive allocation was regressed against vegetative allocation, following the general model of klinkhameret al. (1992); the reproduction had a beginning threshold and reproductive allocation increased drastically at relatively young stage after the tree began reproduction. With its small threshold production, coppicing traits and large maximum size,Q. serrata seemed adaptive to infrequent but large-scale disturbances like fires.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in patch time allocation in a parasitic wasp   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
1. The intra-patch experience acquired by foraging parasitoid females has often been considered to have a strong influence on their tendency to leave a patch, and thus on their total patch residence time. Most studies that have been performed on this subject suggest that the patch-leaving rules observed are adaptive because they enable the females to adjust their patch residence time to local environmental conditions.
2. Considering a behavioural rule as being adaptive supposes that it has been progressively settled by natural selection, and thus that there is, in the population, genetic variation on which the natural selection could act.
3. Therefore, this study aimed to discover whether there was indeed genetic variability in the patch-leaving decision rules in a population of the egg parasitoid species Telenomus busseolae , which attacks patches of its hosts, the eggs of Sesamia nonagrioides . Different wasp families were compared using the isofemale lines method, and the behavioural records were analysed by means of a modified version of the Cox's proportional hazards model proposed by Haccou et al . (1991 ) and Hemerik, Driessen & Haccou (1993 ).
4. The results obtained show that T. busseolae females increase their tendency to leave the patch after each successful oviposition. Each host rejection also led to an increase in the tendency to leave the patch, but this effect was smaller when host rejections were observed between two ovipositions occurring in rapid succession. Subsequent visits to the patch also increased the patch-leaving tendency.
5. Genetic variability was found in both the global patch-leaving tendency and in the effect that successful ovipositions and host rejections have on this tendency.
6. The adaptive and evolutionary consequences of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Terrestrial systems in Antarctica are characterized by substantial spatial and temporal variation. However, few studies have addressed the paucity of data on metabolic responses to the unpredictable Antarctic environment, particularly with regard to terrestrial biota. This study measured metabolic rate variation for individual springtails at a continental Antarctic site using a fiber-optic closed respirometry system incorporating a custom-made respiration chamber. Concurrent measures of (behavioural) activity were made via daily pitfall counts.Metabolic rate of Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni measured at constant temperature varied systematically with progression through the austral summer, and was greatest mid-season. This finding of clear intra-seasonal and temperature-independent variation in mass-specific metabolic rate in G. hodgsoni is one of very few such reports for a terrestrial invertebrate (and the only such study for Antarctica), and parallels physiological studies in the Antarctic marine environment linking metabolic rate elevation with biological function rather than temperature adaptation per se. However, response to temperature at relatively short time-scales is also likely to be an important part of the life history strategy of Antarctic terrestrial invertebrates such as G. hodgsoni, which appears capable of both physiologically and behaviourally ‘tuning’ in to short-term thermal variability to respond appropriately to the local unpredictable Antarctic habitat.  相似文献   

Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) reproduce by cyclical parthenogenesis in which the sex of offspring is environmentally determined. Although numerous studies have demonstrated that factors such as crowding and short-day photoperiod stimulate male production, there is limited information on variation in allocation to male and female offspring for any species of Daphnia . The present study assessed the presence or absence of male production in 96 isofemale lines (clones) from each of eight populations of Daphnia pulex . An average of 37% (range 18–51%) of clones failed to produce males under crowded conditions in the laboratory. A subset of 14 of these non-male-producing clones also failed to produce males under short-day photoperiod (8L:16D). Three male-producing clones were within-clone mated as well as crossed to three non-male-producing clones to study the inheritance of the failure to produce males. The average frequency of non-male-producing F 1 progeny was significantly higher (58%, N = 486) among the outcrossed progeny than the inbred progeny (5%, N = 86). In addition, when sixteen of the male-producing outcrossed progeny were within-clone mated, only 7% ( N = 106) of the resulting F 2 progeny failed to produce males. These results are consistent with a genetic basis for the absence of male production. Average survival of the progeny from the nine outcrossed matings was more than twice (67%) that of the inbred progeny from the three within-clone matings (30%), suggesting that within-clone mating would result in significant inbreeding depression. We present a model that suggests that even low levels of inbreeding could allow non-male-producing females to be maintained in a population. The co-occurrence of non-male-producing females and females that produce both males and females in Daphnia pulex bears a similarity to the gynodioecious breeding system found in some plant species.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a change in reproduction success with age as energy resources are limited and must be allocated effectively to maximize reproduction and survival. In this study, we use three reproductive performance measures, maternal expenditure, offspring weaning mass, and first-year survival, to investigate the role that maternal age plays in successful reproduction. Long-term uninterrupted life history data available for Marion Island’s southern elephant seals and mass change estimates from photogrammetry data allow for assessment of age-related reproduction performance and trade-offs. Known-aged adult females were photographed for photogrammetric mass estimation (n = 29) and their pups weighed at weaning during the 2009 breeding season. Maternal age and proportional mass loss positively influenced pup weaning mass. In turn, first-year pup return rates (as a proxy for survival) were assessed through the intensive mark–recapture program. Pup survival increased with female age and weaning mass. Pups of young females aged 3–6 years have a lower first-year survival probability compared with pups of older and larger females.  相似文献   

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