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Field trials to examine the effect of pea bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi) (Psp) on the yield of combining peas were carried out at five sites (HRI Wellesbourne, ADAS Rosemaund, ADAS Terrington, PGRO, SASA East Craigs) in the UK in 1990, 1991 and 1992. Healthy seed, cv. Solara, and seed naturally infected with Psp Race 2 was sown in large plots (c. 200 m2) in the open or under nets to prevent bird damage by pigeons. Despite relatively low disease severity levels (< 15% leaf area) and separation by at least 12 m of cv. Consort (resistant to Race 2) between plots there was considerable spread of disease into plots sown with healthy seed. Regression analysis demonstrated a significant relationship between yield and disease. Of the disease measurements examined, disease severity on the leaves (stipules) at growth stage 208 was found to be the best predictor of yield. A model containing environmental and bird damage terms, in addition to disease, suggested that a yield loss of 0.98 t/ha would be expected for a disease severity score of 1, equivalent to 5% leaf area affected, at growth stage 208.  相似文献   

Pea bacterial blight occurred by natural infection in a field trial on peas in 1995. Disease development in the winter cultivars Rafale, Frilene and Froidure was compared with that in the spring cultivars Baccara, Conquest and Bohatyr, each sown on six dates in October, November, December, mid-March, late March and April. Disease incidence had reached 100% plants affected in all treatments by mid-July. Disease severity was greater in winter-sown (October, November or December) than in spring-sown peas of each cultivar at each assessment. Significant (P < 0.05) differences in disease severity occurred between cultivars in the winter-sown plots in May and June and the spring cultivars were affected more severely than the winter cultivars. Comparison of areas under the disease progress curves for both disease incidence and severity also showed that the winter-sown peas were more affected by disease than spring-sown peas and that spring cultivars were more severely affected than winter cultivars. Yield was strongly correlated with disease severity. A linear regression model suggested that, for peas sown in October, November or December, a yield loss of 0.5 tha-1 occurred for each 10% increase in canopy area affected by pea bacterial blight.  相似文献   

Two genotypes of tomato A 100 and Ontario 7710 which were inoculated separately with four strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato differed significantly in disease severity (susceptibility) to bacterial speck. At both concentrations of inoculum of each strain used (107 and 108 cfu/ml) A 100 appeared to be highly susceptible whereas Ontario 7710 showed very low or no susceptibility. The significant differences in virulence between strains and in response of tomato plants in three replicate experiments were found. Generally, concentration of inoculum 107 cfu/ml was too low to induce consistent level of disease severity. The obtained results indicate the importance of consistent and favorable conditions for disease development in screening of tomato resistance to bacterial speck.  相似文献   

The phenomena of induced resistance and induced susceptibility were investigated in the pea-Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi system, using two pea cultivgars, Early Onward and Hurst Green Shaft, and races 1 and 2 of the pathogen. Preliminary treatment with heat-killed bacteria induced resistance in peas to infection by P. s. pv. pisi; the resistance induced was dependent on the time interval between the preliminary and challenge inoculations. The mechanism of induced resistance appears to vary between the cultivars. Similarly, both races of the pathogen appear to have different resistance-inducing efficiencies. Resistance in cvs Early Onward and Hurst Green Shaft to the compatible bacterium could not be induced by preliminary inoculation with live cells of an incompatible race. Heat-killed cells of the races failed to induce the hypersensitive reaction in cultivars that normally show this response when challenged with live avirulent bacteria. Preliminary inoculation with live race 1 cells failed to induce susceptibility in cv. Early Onward to live race 2 cells, irrespective of the challenge inoculation interval. On cv. Hurst Green Shaft, however, preliminary inoculation with live race 2 cells induced limited susceptibility to live race 1 cells. Preliminary treatment with sterile distilled water followed by challenge of the same leaves 24 h later with a compatible race induced a moderate resistance response in both cultivars.  相似文献   

The phenomena of induced resistance and induced susceptibility were investigated in the pea-Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi system, using two pea cultivars, Early Onward and Hurst Green Shaft, and races 1 and 2 of the pathogen. Preliminary treatment with heat-killed bacteria induced resistance in peas to infection by P. s. pv. pisi; the resistance induced was dependent on the time interval between the preliminary and challenge inoculations. The mechanism of induced resistance appears to vary between the cultivars. Similarly, both races of the pathogen appear to have different resistance-inducing efficiencies. Resistance in cvs Early Onward and Hurst Green Shaft to the compatible bacterium could not be induced by preliminary inoculation with live cells of an incompatible race. Heat-killed cells of the races failed to induce the hypersensitive reaction in cultivars that normally show this response when challenged with live avirulent bacteria. Preliminary inoculation with live race 1 cells failed to induce susceptibility in cv. Early Onward to live race 2 cells, irrespective of the challenge inoculation interval. On cv. Hurst Green Shaft, however, preliminary inoculation with live race 2 cells induced limited susceptibility to live race 1 cells. Preliminary treatment with sterile distilled water followed by challenge of the same leaves 24 h later with a compatible race induced a moderate resistance response in both cultivars.  相似文献   

Intercellular fluids obtained by an in vacuo infiltration technique from compatible race-cultivar interactions of five races of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi and pea induced extensive light brown necrotic (hypersensitive type of) lesions in resistant but not susceptible cultivars. In susceptible cultivars the intercellular fluids induced extetensive water soaking symptoms. The intercellular fluids elicited intermediate reactions in pea cultivars of moderate resistance. The intensity of the light brown necrotic reactions in pea appears to be positively correlated with the degree of resistance.  相似文献   

Intercontinental spread of emerging plant diseases is one of the most serious threats to world agriculture. One emerging disease is bacterial canker of kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa and A. chinensis) caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (PSA). The disease first occurred in China and Japan in the 1980s and in Korea and Italy in the 1990s. A more severe form of the disease broke out in Italy in 2008 and in additional countries in 2010 and 2011 threatening the viability of the global kiwi fruit industry. To start investigating the source and routes of international transmission of PSA, genomes of strains from China (the country of origin of the genus Actinidia), Japan, Korea, Italy and Portugal have been sequenced. Strains from China, Italy, and Portugal have been found to belong to the same clonal lineage with only 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 3,453,192 bp and one genomic island distinguishing the Chinese strains from the European strains. Not more than two SNPs distinguish each of the Italian and Portuguese strains from each other. The Japanese and Korean strains belong to a separate genetic lineage as previously reported. Analysis of additional European isolates and of New Zealand isolates exploiting genome-derived markers showed that these strains belong to the same lineage as the Italian and Chinese strains. Interestingly, the analyzed New Zealand strains are identical to European strains at the tested SNP loci but test positive for the genomic island present in the sequenced Chinese strains and negative for the genomic island present in the European strains. Results are interpreted in regard to the possible direction of movement of the pathogen between countries and suggest a possible Chinese origin of the European and New Zealand outbreaks.  相似文献   

Two tomato cultivars, Ontario 7710 and Rehovot 13, and their F1, F2, F3 and backcross progenies were screened for resistance to bacterial speck (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato) of tomato. The results support the hypothesis that the resistance factors contained in the two parents are non-allelic and controlled by two different genes.  相似文献   

Anomeric methyl 3-O-(D-mannopyranosyl- and L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-talopyranosides were synthesised by the stereoselective 1,2-cis- and 1,2-trans manno- and rhamnosylation of methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-beta-D-talopyranoside, which has been prepared from methyl beta-D-galactopyranoside by a synthetic scheme including conversion of the C2 configuration. From 13C-NMR spectra of the disaccharides obtained the spectral alpha- and beta-effects of O3-glycosylation of talopyranose were determined.  相似文献   

Morphological characters, isoenzymes and recombinant inbred lines were employed to assign four loci for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv pisi to genetic linkage groups in Pisum sativum. A total of five morphological markers and 11 isoenzyme loci were screened in two independent F2 P. sativum populations: Vinco × Hurst’s Greenshaft (V×HGS) and Partridge × Early Onward (P×EO). Mapping was also carried out in two recombinant inbred populations, unrelated to the F2 populations. Previously reported linkage between resistance genes Ppi3 and Ppi4 was confirmed. Linkage was also detected between resistance gene Ppi2 and the isoenzyme locus Aldo (linkage group VII). The linked loci Ppi3 and Ppi4 were associated with a (linkage group II). A further resistance gene Ppi1 was associated with linkage group VI close to the hilum colour gene P1. RAPD markers tested in the cross P×EO were not well targeted; however, one marker, OPA-200.71, showed linkage to Ppi3. Received: 3 July 2000 / Accepted: 27 October 2000  相似文献   

An investigation of the biochemical, nutritional and pathogenic reactions of strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. japonica and Ps. syringae pv. syringae showed them to be indistinguishable. Pseudomonas syringae pv. japonica is a junior synonym of Ps. syringae pv. syringae.  相似文献   

Net electrolyte efflux from suspension-cultured tobacco cells undergoing the hypersensitive reaction to Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi resulted from a specific efflux of K+ which was accompanied by an equimolar net influx of H+. These fluxes began 60 to 90 minutes after inoculation of tobacco cells with bacteria, reached maximum rates of 6 to 9 micromoles per gram fresh weight tobacco cells per hour within 2.5 to 3 hours, and dropped below 4 micromoles per gram per hour within 5 hours. Tobacco cells lost approximately 35% of total K+ during this period, and average cellular pH declined by approximately 0.75 pH unit. These events were accompanied by a 30% decrease in cellular ATP. K+ and H+ fluxes were inhibited by the protonophore (p-trifluoromethoxy)carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and by increasing the K+ concentration of the external solution. Tobacco leaf discs inoculated with the bacterium also exhibited a specific net K+ efflux and H+ influx. These results suggest that induction of the hypersensitive reaction in tobacco proceeds through the activation of a passive plasmalemma K+/H+ exchange mechanism. It is hypothesized that activation of this exchange is a major contributing factor in hypersensitive plant cell death.  相似文献   

The phaseolotoxin-resistant ornithine carbamoyltransferase (ROCT) and phaseolotoxin are produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola at 18 degrees C but not at 28 degrees C. At 28 degrees C, the pathogen produces a protein(s) that binds (in vitro) to a 485-bp fragment (thermoregulatory region, TRR) from a heterologous clone from the pathogen genomic library, which in multiple copies overrides thermoregulation of phaseolotoxin production in wild-type cells (K. B. Rowley, D. E. Clements, M. Mandel, T. Humphreys, and S. S. Patil, Mol. Microbiol. 8:625-635, 1993). We report here that DNase I protection analysis of the 485-bp fragment shows that a single site is protected from cleavage by the protein in the 28 degrees C extract and that this site contains two repeats of a core motif G/C AAAG separated by a 5-bp spacer. Partially purified binding protein forms specific complexes with a synthetic oligonucleotide containing four tandem repeats of this motif. A 492-bp upstream fragment from argK encoding ROCT also forms specific complexes with the protein in the 28 degrees C crude extract, and a 260-bp subfragment from the TRR containing the binding site cross competes with the argk fragment, indicating that the same protein binds to nucleotides in both fragments. DNase I protection analysis of the fragment from argK revealed four separate protected sequence elements, with element III containing half of the core motif sequence (CTTTG), and the other elements containing similar sequences. Gel shift assays were done with DNA fragments from which one or all of the sites were removed as competitor DNAs against the argK probe. The results of these experiments confirmed that the binding sites (in argK) are necessary for the protein to bind to the argK fragment in a specific manner. Taken together, the results of studies presented here suggest that in cells of P. syringae pv. phaseolicola grown at high temperature argK may be negatively regulated by the protein produced at this temperature.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to bacterial speck of tomato was determined by analysing F1 F2 and backcross progenies of crosses involving a susceptible (VF-198) and a resistant cultivar (Rehovot-13). The results fit the hypothesis that resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene in interaction with minor genes. Cultivar susceptibility to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato was tested under greenhouse conditions under high inoculum pressure using infested tomato seeds together with infested soils and spray-inoculated wounded plants. Of 21 species, cultivars and lines, Rehovot-13, Ontario 7710 and Lycopersiconpimpinellifolium P.I. 126927 were found to be resistant to the pathogen. VF-198 and Tropic-VF were the most susceptible. Extra Marmande, Saladette, Acc.339944–3 and the wild type Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme were moderately resistant.  相似文献   

To investigate the factor that determines incompatible interactions between Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci and non-host plants, an elicitor of hypersensitive reaction (HR) was partially purified from the supernatant of a nutrient-poor medium of bacterial culture by DEAE column chromatography. The major protein in the elicitor-active fractions was identified as a flagellin which is a component of flagellar filaments. The flagellins purified from Psyringae pv. tomato and glycinea, incompatible pathogens of tobacco plants, induced fragmentation of chromosomal DNA and oxidative burst accompanied by programmed cell death in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow (BY-2) cells, but the flagellin from pv. tabaci, a compatible pathogen, did not. However, the amino acid sequences of flagellins deduced from fliC genes showed a high homology among these Psyringae pathovars. In particular, the amino acid sequences of pv. tabaci and glycinea are completely identical. However, both recombinant flagellins produced in Escherichia coli possess HR-inducing activity in BY-2 cells. These results indicate that the post-translational modification of flagellins has an important role for HR-inducing ability in tobacco cells. Furthermore, we discuss the cause of a different elicitor activity among flagellins on tobacco cells and the role of flagellins in the determining specificity.  相似文献   

An extracellular toxin, tabtoxinine-beta-lactam (T beta L), is produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. "tabaci." This toxin irreversibly inhibits its target, glutamine synthetase; yet P. syringae pv. "tabaci" retains significant amounts of glutamine synthetase activity during toxin production in culture. As part of our investigation of the self-protection of P. syringae pv. "tabaci," we compared the effects of T beta L on Tox+ (T beta L-producing, insensitive to T beta L) and Tox- (T beta L nonproducing, sensitive to T beta L) strains. The extent of protection afforded to the Tox- strain when induced to adenylylate glutamine synthetase was tested. We concluded that an additional protection mechanism was required. A detoxification activity was found in the Tox+ strain which opens the beta-lactam ring of T beta L to produce the inactive, open-chain form, tabtoxinine. Whole cells of the Tox+ strain incubated for 24 h with [14C]T beta L (0.276 mumol/3 X 10(10) cells) contained [14C]tabtoxinine (0.056 mumol), and the medium contained T beta L (0.226 mumol). Extracts of spheroplasts of the Tox+ stain also converted T beta L to tabtoxinine, whereas extracts of the Tox- strain did not alter T beta L. The conversion was time dependent and stoichiometric and was destroyed by boiling for 30 min or by the addition of 5 mM EDTA. Penicillin, a possible substrate and competitive inhibitor of this lactamase activity, inhibited the conversion of T beta L to tabtoxinine. Periplasmic fluid did not catalyze the conversion of T beta L.  相似文献   

Plant-pathogenic bacteria produce various extracellular polysaccharides (EPSs) which may function as virulence factors in diseases caused by these bacteria. The EPS levan is synthesized by the extracellular enzyme levansucrase in Pseudomonas syringae, Erwinia amylovora, and other bacterial species. The lsc genes encoding levansucrase from P. syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 and P. syringae pv. phaseolicola NCPPB 1321 were cloned, and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Heterologous expression of the lsc gene in Escherichia coli was found in four and two genomic library clones of strains PG4180 and NCPPB 1321, respectively. A 3.0-kb PstI fragment common to all six clones conferred levan synthesis on E. coli when further subcloned. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a 1,248-bp open reading frame (ORF) derived from PG4180 and a 1,296-bp ORF derived from NCPPB 1321, which were both designated lsc. Both ORFs showed high homology to the E. amylovora and Zymomonas mobilis lsc genes at the nucleic acid and deduced amino acid sequence levels. Levansucrase was not secreted into the supernatant but was located in the periplasmic fraction of E. coli harboring the lsc gene. Expression of lsc was found to be dependent on the vector-based Plac promoter, indicating that the native promoter of lsc was not functional in E. coli. Insertion of an antibiotic resistance cassette in the lsc gene abolished levan synthesis in E. coli. A PCR screening with primers derived from lsc of P. syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 allowed the detection of this gene in a number of related bacteria.  相似文献   

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