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In this paper we develop pseudo-likelihood methods for the estimation of parameters in a model that is specified in terms of both selection modelling and pattern-mixture modelling quantities. Two cases are considered: (1) the model is specified directly from a joint model for the measurement and dropout processes; (2) conditional models for the measurement process given dropout and vice versa are specified directly. In the latter case, compatibility constraints to ensure the existence of a joint density are derived. The method is applied to data from a psychiatric study, where a bivariate therapeutic outcome is supplemented with covariate information.  相似文献   

Roy J 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):829-836
In longitudinal studies with dropout, pattern-mixture models form an attractive modeling framework to account for nonignorable missing data. However, pattern-mixture models assume that the components of the mixture distribution are entirely determined by the dropout times. That is, two subjects with the same dropout time have the same distribution for their response with probability one. As that is unlikely to be the case, this assumption made lead to classification error. In addition, if there are certain dropout patterns with very few subjects, which often occurs when the number of observation times is relatively large, pattern-specific parameters may be weakly identified or require identifying restrictions. We propose an alternative approach, which is a latent-class model. The dropout time is assumed to be related to the unobserved (latent) class membership, where the number of classes is less than the number of observed patterns; a regression model for the response is specified conditional on the latent variable. This is a type of shared-parameter model, where the shared "parameter" is discrete. Parameter estimates are obtained using the method of maximum likelihood. Averaging the estimates of the conditional parameters over the distribution of the latent variable yields estimates of the marginal regression parameters. The methodology is illustrated using longitudinal data on depression from a study of HIV in women.  相似文献   

Within the pattern-mixture modeling framework for informative dropout, conditional linear models (CLMs) are a useful approach to deal with dropout that can occur at any point in continuous time (not just at observation times). However, in contrast with selection models, inferences about marginal covariate effects in CLMs are not readily available if nonidentity links are used in the mean structures. In this article, we propose a CLM for long series of longitudinal binary data with marginal covariate effects directly specified. The association between the binary responses and the dropout time is taken into account by modeling the conditional mean of the binary response as well as the dependence between the binary responses given the dropout time. Specifically, parameters in both the conditional mean and dependence models are assumed to be linear or quadratic functions of the dropout time; and the continuous dropout time distribution is left completely unspecified. Inference is fully Bayesian. We illustrate the proposed model using data from a longitudinal study of depression in HIV-infected women, where the strategy of sensitivity analysis based on the extrapolation method is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Dropouts are common in longitudinal study. If the dropout probability depends on the missing observations at or after dropout, this type of dropout is called informative (or nonignorable) dropout (ID). Failure to accommodate such dropout mechanism into the model will bias the parameter estimates. We propose a conditional autoregressive model for longitudinal binary data with an ID model such that the probabilities of positive outcomes as well as the drop‐out indicator in each occasion are logit linear in some covariates and outcomes. This model adopting a marginal model for outcomes and a conditional model for dropouts is called a selection model. To allow for the heterogeneity and clustering effects, the outcome model is extended to incorporate mixture and random effects. Lastly, the model is further extended to a novel model that models the outcome and dropout jointly such that their dependency is formulated through an odds ratio function. Parameters are estimated by a Bayesian approach implemented using the user‐friendly Bayesian software WinBUGS. A methadone clinic dataset is analyzed to illustrate the proposed models. Result shows that the treatment time effect is still significant but weaker after allowing for an ID process in the data. Finally the effect of drop‐out on parameter estimates is evaluated through simulation studies.  相似文献   

For observational longitudinal studies of geriatric populations, outcomes such as disability or cognitive functioning are often censored by death. Statistical analysis of such data may explicitly condition on either vital status or survival time when summarizing the longitudinal response. For example a pattern-mixture model characterizes the mean response at time t conditional on death at time S = s (for s > t), and thus uses future status as a predictor for the time t response. As an alternative, we define regression conditioning on being alive as a regression model that conditions on survival status, rather than a specific survival time. Such models may be referred to as partly conditional since the mean at time t is specified conditional on being alive (S > t), rather than using finer stratification (S = s for s > t). We show that naive use of standard likelihood-based longitudinal methods and generalized estimating equations with non-independence weights may lead to biased estimation of the partly conditional mean model. We develop a taxonomy for accommodation of both dropout and death, and describe estimation for binary longitudinal data that applies selection weights to estimating equations with independence working correlation. Simulation studies and an analysis of monthly disability status illustrate potential bias in regression methods that do not explicitly condition on survival.  相似文献   

Hogan JW  Lin X  Herman B 《Biometrics》2004,60(4):854-864
The analysis of longitudinal repeated measures data is frequently complicated by missing data due to informative dropout. We describe a mixture model for joint distribution for longitudinal repeated measures, where the dropout distribution may be continuous and the dependence between response and dropout is semiparametric. Specifically, we assume that responses follow a varying coefficient random effects model conditional on dropout time, where the regression coefficients depend on dropout time through unspecified nonparametric functions that are estimated using step functions when dropout time is discrete (e.g., for panel data) and using smoothing splines when dropout time is continuous. Inference under the proposed semiparametric model is hence more robust than the parametric conditional linear model. The unconditional distribution of the repeated measures is a mixture over the dropout distribution. We show that estimation in the semiparametric varying coefficient mixture model can proceed by fitting a parametric mixed effects model and can be carried out on standard software platforms such as SAS. The model is used to analyze data from a recent AIDS clinical trial and its performance is evaluated using simulations.  相似文献   

Two-part regression models are frequently used to analyze longitudinal count data with excess zeros, where the same set of subjects is repeatedly observed over time. In this context, several sources of heterogeneity may arise at individual level that affect the observed process. Further, longitudinal studies often suffer from missing values: individuals dropout of the study before its completion, and thus present incomplete data records. In this paper, we propose a finite mixture of hurdle models to face the heterogeneity problem, which is handled by introducing random effects with a discrete distribution; a pattern-mixture approach is specified to deal with non-ignorable missing values. This approach helps us to consider overdispersed counts, while allowing for association between the two parts of the model, and for non-ignorable dropouts. The effectiveness of the proposal is tested through a simulation study. Finally, an application to real data on skin cancer is provided.  相似文献   

Dobson A  Henderson R 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):741-751
We present a variety of informal graphical procedures for diagnostic assessment of joint models for longitudinal and dropout time data. A random effects approach for Gaussian responses and proportional hazards dropout time is assumed. We consider preliminary assessment of dropout classification categories based on residuals following a standard longitudinal data analysis with no allowance for informative dropout. Residual properties conditional upon dropout information are discussed and case influence is considered. The proposed methods do not require computationally intensive methods over and above those used to fit the proposed model. A longitudinal trial into the treatment of schizophrenia is used to illustrate the suggestions.  相似文献   

Most models for incomplete data are formulated within the selection model framework. This paper studies similarities and differences of modeling incomplete data within both selection and pattern-mixture settings. The focus is on missing at random mechanisms and on categorical data. Point and interval estimation is discussed. A comparison of both approaches is done on side effects in a psychiatric study.  相似文献   

Summary .  Latent class models have been recently developed for the joint analysis of a longitudinal quantitative outcome and a time to event. These models assume that the population is divided in  G  latent classes characterized by different risk functions for the event, and different profiles of evolution for the markers that are described by a mixed model for each class. However, the key assumption of conditional independence between the marker and the event given the latent classes is difficult to evaluate because the latent classes are not observed. Using a joint model with latent classes and shared random effects, we propose a score test for the null hypothesis of independence between the marker and the outcome given the latent classes versus the alternative hypothesis that the risk of event depends on one or several random effects from the mixed model in addition to the latent classes. A simulation study was performed to compare the behavior of the score test to other previously proposed tests, including situations where the alternative hypothesis or the baseline risk function are misspecified. In all the investigated situations, the score test was the most powerful. The methodology was applied to develop a prognostic model for recurrence of prostate cancer given the evolution of prostate-specific antigen in a cohort of patients treated by radiation therapy.  相似文献   

In a linear mixed effects model, it is common practice to assume that the random effects follow a parametric distribution such as a normal distribution with mean zero. However, in the case of variable selection, substantial violation of the normality assumption can potentially impact the subset selection and result in poor interpretation and even incorrect results. In nonparametric random effects models, the random effects generally have a nonzero mean, which causes an identifiability problem for the fixed effects that are paired with the random effects. In this article, we focus on a Bayesian method for variable selection. We characterize the subject‐specific random effects nonparametrically with a Dirichlet process and resolve the bias simultaneously. In particular, we propose flexible modeling of the conditional distribution of the random effects with changes across the predictor space. The approach is implemented using a stochastic search Gibbs sampler to identify subsets of fixed effects and random effects to be included in the model. Simulations are provided to evaluate and compare the performance of our approach to the existing ones. We then apply the new approach to a real data example, cross‐country and interlaboratory rodent uterotrophic bioassay.  相似文献   

Ying Yuan  Guosheng Yin 《Biometrics》2010,66(1):105-114
Summary .  We study quantile regression (QR) for longitudinal measurements with nonignorable intermittent missing data and dropout. Compared to conventional mean regression, quantile regression can characterize the entire conditional distribution of the outcome variable, and is more robust to outliers and misspecification of the error distribution. We account for the within-subject correlation by introducing a   ℓ2   penalty in the usual QR check function to shrink the subject-specific intercepts and slopes toward the common population values. The informative missing data are assumed to be related to the longitudinal outcome process through the shared latent random effects. We assess the performance of the proposed method using simulation studies, and illustrate it with data from a pediatric AIDS clinical trial.  相似文献   

The site-frequency spectrum, representing the distribution of allele frequencies at a set of polymorphic sites, is a commonly used summary statistic in population genetics. Explicit forms of the spectrum are known for both models with and without selection if independence among sites is assumed. The availability of these explicit forms has allowed for maximum likelihood estimation of selection, developed first in the Poisson random field model of Sawyer and Hartl, which is now the primary method for estimating selection directly from DNA sequence data. The independence assumption, which amounts to assume free recombination between sites, is, however, a limiting case for many population genetics models. Here, we extend the site-frequency spectrum theory to consider the case where the sites are completely linked. We use diffusion approximation to calculate the joint distribution of the allele frequencies of linked sites for models without selection and for models with equal coefficient selection. The joint distribution is derived by first constructing Green’s functions corresponding to multiallele diffusion equations. We show that the site-frequency spectrum is highly correlated between frequencies that are complementary (i.e., sum to 1), and the correlation is significantly elevated by positive selection. The results presented here can be used to extend the Poisson random field to allow for estimating selection for correlated sites. More generally, the Green’s function construction should be able to aid in studying the genetic drift of multiple alleles in other cases.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation (MI) is increasingly popular for handling multivariate missing data. Two general approaches are available in standard computer packages: MI based on the posterior distribution of incomplete variables under a multivariate (joint) model, and fully conditional specification (FCS), which imputes missing values using univariate conditional distributions for each incomplete variable given all the others, cycling iteratively through the univariate imputation models. In the context of longitudinal or clustered data, it is not clear whether these approaches result in consistent estimates of regression coefficient and variance component parameters when the analysis model of interest is a linear mixed effects model (LMM) that includes both random intercepts and slopes with either covariates or both covariates and outcome contain missing information. In the current paper, we compared the performance of seven different MI methods for handling missing values in longitudinal and clustered data in the context of fitting LMMs with both random intercepts and slopes. We study the theoretical compatibility between specific imputation models fitted under each of these approaches and the LMM, and also conduct simulation studies in both the longitudinal and clustered data settings. Simulations were motivated by analyses of the association between body mass index (BMI) and quality of life (QoL) in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). Our findings showed that the relative performance of MI methods vary according to whether the incomplete covariate has fixed or random effects and whether there is missingnesss in the outcome variable. We showed that compatible imputation and analysis models resulted in consistent estimation of both regression parameters and variance components via simulation. We illustrate our findings with the analysis of LSAC data.  相似文献   

This article presents a likelihood-based method for handling nonignorable dropout in longitudinal studies with binary responses. The methodology developed is appropriate when the target of inference is the marginal distribution of the response at each occasion and its dependence on covariates. A "hybrid" model is formulated, which is designed to retain advantageous features of the selection and pattern-mixture model approaches. This formulation accommodates a variety of assumed forms of nonignorable dropout, while maintaining transparency of the constraints required for identifying the overall model. Once appropriate identifying constraints have been imposed, likelihood-based estimation is conducted via the EM algorithm. The article concludes by applying the approach to data from a randomized clinical trial comparing two doses of a contraceptive.  相似文献   

Recently, a lot of concern has been raised about assumptions needed in order to fit statistical models to incomplete multivariate and longitudinal data. In response, research efforts are being devoted to the development of tools that assess the sensitivity of such models to often strong but always, at least in part, unverifiable assumptions. Many efforts have been devoted to longitudinal data, primarily in the selection model context, although some researchers have expressed interest in the pattern-mixture setting as well. A promising tool, proposed by Verbeke et al. (2001, Biometrics 57, 43-50), is based on local influence (Cook, 1986, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 48, 133-169). These authors considered the Diggle and Kenward (1994, Applied Statistics 43, 49-93) model, which is based on a selection model, integrating a linear mixed model for continuous outcomes with logistic regression for dropout. In this article, we show that a similar idea can be developed for multivariate and longitudinal binary data, subject to nonmonotone missingness. We focus on the model proposed by Baker, Rosenberger, and DerSimonian (1992, Statistics in Medicine 11, 643-657). The original model is first extended to allow for (possibly continuous) covariates, whereafter a local influence strategy is developed to support the model-building process. The model is able to deal with nonmonotone missingness but has some limitations as well, stemming from the conditional nature of the model parameters. Some analytical insight is provided into the behavior of the local influence graphs.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for modeling longitudinal binary data when nonresponse depends on unobserved responses. The proposed method presumes that the target of inference is the marginal distribution of the response at each occasion and its dependence on covariates, and can accommodate both monotone and non-monotone missingness. The approach involves a marginally specified pattern-mixture model that directly parameterizes both the marginal means at each occasion and the dependence of each response on indicators of nonresponse pattern. This formulation readily incorporates a variety of nonresponse processes assumed within a sensitivity analysis. Once identifying restrictions have been made, estimation of model parameters proceeds via solution to a set of modified generalized estimating equations. The proposed method provides an alternative to standard selection and pattern-mixture modeling frameworks, while featuring certain advantages of each. The paper concludes with application of the method to data from a contraceptive clinical trial with substantial dropout.  相似文献   

Roy J  Daniels MJ 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):538-545
Summary .   In this article we consider the problem of fitting pattern mixture models to longitudinal data when there are many unique dropout times. We propose a marginally specified latent class pattern mixture model. The marginal mean is assumed to follow a generalized linear model, whereas the mean conditional on the latent class and random effects is specified separately. Because the dimension of the parameter vector of interest (the marginal regression coefficients) does not depend on the assumed number of latent classes, we propose to treat the number of latent classes as a random variable. We specify a prior distribution for the number of classes, and calculate (approximate) posterior model probabilities. In order to avoid the complications with implementing a fully Bayesian model, we propose a simple approximation to these posterior probabilities. The ideas are illustrated using data from a longitudinal study of depression in HIV-infected women.  相似文献   

Aims Recent mechanistic explanations for community assembly focus on the debates surrounding niche-based deterministic and dispersal-based stochastic models. This body of work has emphasized the importance of both habitat filtering and dispersal limitation, and many of these works have utilized the assumption of species spatial independence to simplify the complexity of the spatial modeling in natural communities when given dispersal limitation and/or habitat filtering. One potential drawback of this simplification is that it does not consider species interactions and how they may influence the spatial distribution of species, phylogenetic and functional diversity. Here, we assess the validity of the assumption of species spatial independence using data from a subtropical forest plot in southeastern China.Methods We use the four most commonly employed spatial statistical models—the homogeneous Poisson process representing pure random effect, the heterogeneous Poisson process for the effect of habitat heterogeneity, the homogenous Thomas process for sole dispersal limitation and the heterogeneous Thomas process for joint effect of habitat heterogeneity and dispersal limitation—to investigate the contribution of different mechanisms in shaping the species, phylogenetic and functional structures of communities.Important findings Our evidence from species, phylogenetic and functional diversity demonstrates that the habitat filtering and/or dispersal-based models perform well and the assumption of species spatial independence is relatively valid at larger scales (50×50 m). Conversely, at local scales (10×10 and 20×20 m), the models often fail to predict the species, phylogenetic and functional diversity, suggesting that the assumption of species spatial independence is invalid and that biotic interactions are increasingly important at these spatial scales.  相似文献   

Roy J  Lin X 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):837-846
We consider estimation in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) for longitudinal data with informative dropouts. At the time a unit drops out, time-varying covariates are often unobserved in addition to the missing outcome. However, existing informative dropout models typically require covariates to be completely observed. This assumption is not realistic in the presence of time-varying covariates. In this article, we first study the asymptotic bias that would result from applying existing methods, where missing time-varying covariates are handled using naive approaches, which include: (1) using only baseline values; (2) carrying forward the last observation; and (3) assuming the missing data are ignorable. Our asymptotic bias analysis shows that these naive approaches yield inconsistent estimators of model parameters. We next propose a selection/transition model that allows covariates to be missing in addition to the outcome variable at the time of dropout. The EM algorithm is used for inference in the proposed model. Data from a longitudinal study of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected women are used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

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