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The hemea content of cytochrome oxidase-containing fractions of varying purity obtained from bovine heart submitochondrial particles with deoxycholate was correlated with the intensity of protein bands obtained on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the preparations dissolved in phenol: acetic acid: water. It is concluded that cytochrome oxidase contains two noncovalently associated proteins. Neither of these proteins is electrophoretically identifiable with the noncatalytic protein of Greenet al. [12].Supported by a grant (AM-09762) from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles from bovine heart mitochondria showed low-level chemiluminescence when supplemented with organic hydroperoxides. Chemiluminescence seems to measure integratively radical reactions involved in lipid peroxidation and related processes. Maximal light-emission was about 1500 counts/s and was reached 2-10min after addition of hydroperoxides. Ethyl hydroperoxide, cumene hydroperoxide and t-butyl hydroperoxide were effective in that order. Antimycin and rotenone increased chemiluminescence by 50-60%; addition of substrates, NADH and succinate did not produce marked changes in the observed chemiluminescence. Cyanide inhibited chemiluminescence; half-maximal inhibitory effect was obtained with 0.03mm-cyanide and the inhibition was competitive with respect to t-butyl hydroperoxide. Externally added cytochrome c (10-20mum) had a marked stimulatory effect on chemiluminescence, namely a 12-fold increase in light-emission of antimycin-inhibited submitochondrial particles. Stimulation of hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescence of submitochondrial particles by cytochrome c was matched by a burst of O(2) consumption. O(2) is believed to participate in the chain radical reactions that lead to lipid peroxidation. Superoxide anion seems to be involved in the chemiluminescence reactions as long as light-emission was 50-60% inhibitible by superoxide dismutase. Singlet-oxygen quenchers, e.g. beta-carotene and 1,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2]-octane, affected light-emission. beta-Carotene was effective either when incorporated into the membranes or added to the cuvette. The present paper suggests that singlet molecular oxygen is mainly responsible for the light-emission in the hydroperoxide-supplemented submitochondrial particles.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is a terminal quinol oxidase in Escherichia coli. Mitochondrial respiration is inhibited at cytochrome bc1 (complex III) by myxothiazol. Mixing purified cytochrome bd oxidase with myxothiazol-inhibited bovine heart submitochondrial particles (SMP) restores up to 50% of the original rotenone-sensitive NADH oxidase and succinate oxidase activities in the absence of exogenous ubiquinone analogs. Complex III bypassed respiration and is saturated at amounts of added cytochrome bd similar to that of other natural respiratory components in SMP. The cytochrome bd tightly binds to the mitochondrial membrane and operates as an intrinsic component of the chimeric respiratory chain.  相似文献   

The rates of both forward and reverse electron transfer in phosphorylating submitochondrial particles from bovine heart can be controlled by the thermodynamic phosphorylation potential (deltaGp) of the adenine nucleotide system. deltaGp is the Gibbs free energy of ATP synthesis and is defined by the relationship deltaGp = -deltaG'o + RTln([ATP]/[ADP][Pi]) where deltaG'o is the standard free energy of ATP hydrolysis. Studies of the effects of deltaGp on NADH respiration and the reduction of NAD+ by succinate show that increasing values of deltaGp cause an inhibition of forward electron transfer and a stimulation of reverse electron transfer. Between deltaGp values of 7.6 and 13.0 kcal/mol the rate of NADH respiration decreased 3-fold and the rate of NAD+ reduction by succinate increased 3-fold. Indirect phosphorylation potential titration experiments as well as direct chemical measurements indicate that steady state levels of ATP, ADP, and Pi are established during NADH respiration which correspond to a deltaGp equal to 10.7 to 11.4 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetics of ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase was investigated in submitochondrial particles using ubiquinol-1 as electron donor in media of increasing viscosities obtained by water-polyethylene glycol mixtures. The minimum association rate constant, kmin = kcat/km, for cytochrome c was strongly viscosity dependent, whereas kmin for ubiquinol-1 was only weakly affected by viscosity. It is concluded that the interaction of cytochrome c with the membranous reductase is largely under diffusion control, whereas the oxidation of ubiquinol by the enzyme is not significantly controlled by diffusion in either the aqueous medium or the membrane. The results are compatible with the presence of a diffusion limited step in cytochrome c but not in ubiquinone in mitochondrial electron transfer.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles of bovine heart were hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2 and the products were analyzed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. We found a fatty acid with a molecular mass of 268 Da and a retention time longer than that of linoleic acid. Next, we synthesized organically cis-9,10-methylenehexadecanoic acid, which has a molecular mass similar to that of the extracted fatty acid, and characterized its high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry profiles. Using these data we were able to identify endogenous cis-9,10-methylenehexadecanoic acid in rat and human heart and liver tissues that had been hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2. This fatty acid was not detected in tissue extracts that had not been hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2. Similar amounts of cis-9, 10-methylenehexadecanoic acid were measured in tissue extracts after total hydrolysis. These results suggest that cis-9, 10-methylenehexadecanoic acid is a fatty acid component, in the sn-2 position, of phospholipids in some mammalian tissue.  相似文献   

The electrical and chemical components of the electrochemical proton gradient of submitochondrial particles can be monitored simultaneously by continuously recording optical signals from the probes oxonol-VI and 9-aminoacridine. Either respiration or ATP hydrolysis causes a red shift in the absorption spectrum of oxonol-VI indicative of a membrane potential and a decrease of the fluorescence of 9-aminoacridine indicative of a pH gradient. The magnitude of the membrane potential and pH gradient formed by respiring submitochondrial particles can be modulated by the thermodynamic phosphorylation potential (deltaGp) of the adenine nucleotide system. deltaGp is the Gibbs free energy of ATP synthesis and is defined by the relationship deltaGp = -deltaG'o + RTln([ATP]/[ADP][Pi] where deltaG'o is the standard free energy of ATP hydrolysis. Increasing values of deltaGp cause an increase in the steady state magnitudes of both the membrane potential and pH gradient. Thermodynamic phosphorylation potential titration experiments indicate that the electrochemical proton gradient normally maintained by respiring submitochondrial particles has an energy equivalent to 10.5 to 10.9 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

The effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS), produced by the mitochondrial respiratory chain, on the activity of cytochrome c oxidase and on the cardiolipin content in bovine heart submitochondrial particles (SMP) was studied. ROS were produced by treatment of succinate-respiring SMP with antimycin A. This treatment resulted in a large production of superoxide anion, measured by epinephrine method, which was blocked by superoxide dismutase (SOD). Exposure of SMP to mitochondrial mediated ROS generation, led to a marked loss of cytochrome c oxidase activity and to a parallel loss of cardiolipin content. Both these effects were completely abolished by SOD+catalase. Added cardiolipin was able to almost completely restore the ROS-induced loss of cytochrome c oxidase activity. No restoration was obtained with peroxidized cardiolipin. These results demonstrate that mitochondrial mediated ROS generation affects the activity of cytochrome c oxidase via peroxidation of cardiolipin which is needed for the optimal functioning of this enzyme complex. These results may prove useful in probing molecular mechanism of ROS-induced peroxidative damage to mitochondria which have been proposed to contribute to aging, ischemia/reperfusion and chronic degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The 1.9 A resolution X-ray structure of the O2 reduction site of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in the fully reduced state indicates trigonal planar coordination of CuB by three histidine residues. One of the three histidine residues has a covalent link to a tyrosine residue to ensure retention of the tyrosine at the O2 reduction site. These moieties facilitate a four electron reduction of O2, and prevent formation of active oxygen species. The combination of a redox-coupled conformational change of an aspartate residue (Asp51) located near the intermembrane surface of the enzyme molecule and the existence of a hydrogen bond network connecting Asp51 to the matrix surface suggest that the proton-pumping process is mediated at Asp51. Mutation analyses using a gene expression system of the Asp51-containing enzyme subunit yield results in support of the proposal that Asp51 plays a critical role in the proton pumping process.  相似文献   

The beef heart cytochrome oxidase (EC has been purified by hydrophobic chromatography. The enzyme has been resolved into 11 different polypeptides by SDS/urea gel-electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A phosphorylation potential deltaGp, where deltaGp = deltaGo' + RT2.303 log ([ATP]/([ADP][Pi])), of approx. 44.3 kJ.mol-1 (10.6 kcal.mol-1) was generated by submitochondrial particles that were oxidizing either NADH or succinate. Addition of adenylyl imidodiphosphate, which should suppress adenosine triphosphatase activity of any uncoupled particles, did not raise the phosphorylation potential. Raising the Pi concentration slightly increased the magnitude of the value for [ATP]/[ADP], but this did not fully compensate for the increased Pi concentration, so that the phosphorylation potential decreased slightly as the Pi concentration was raised. The phosphorylation potential developed by submitochondrial particles is lower than that generated by phosphorylating membrane vesicles from some bacteria, and is also less than that developed externally by mitochondria, but is strikingly close to the phosphorylation potential that is generated internally by mitochondria.  相似文献   

A protocol has been worked out for separating all thirteen different polypeptides in the beef heart cytochrome c oxidase complex from a single aliquot of enzyme. This involves an initial separation of polypeptides by gel filtration on a Biogel P-60 column in SDS, a step which purifies subunits CIV and CVIII and gives mixtures of CV + CVI, ASA, AED and STA, as well as CVII, CIX and IHQ. These mixtures are then resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The separation procedures have been applied to fetal heart cytochrome c oxidase of gestation between 100 and 200 days. No differences were found in the N-terminal sequences of any of the cytoplasmically made subunits or in the entire sequence of CIX between late fetal and adult forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Among the X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), reported thus far, the highest resolution is 1.8?. CcO includes 13 different protein subunits, 7 species of phospholipids, 7 species of triglycerides, 4 redox-active metal sites (Cu(A), heme a (Fe(a)), Cu(B), heme a(3) (Fe(a3))) and 3 redox-inactive metal sites (Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Na(+)). The effects of various O(2) analogs on the X-ray structure suggest that O(2) molecules are transiently trapped at the Cu(B) site before binding to Fe(a3)(2+) to provide O(2)(-). This provides three possible electron transfer pathways from Cu(B), Fe(a3) and Tyr244 via a water molecule. These pathways facilitate non-sequential 3 electron reduction of the bound O(2)(-) to break the OO bond without releasing active oxygen species. Bovine heart CcO has a proton conducting pathway that includes a hydrogen-bond network and a water-channel which, in tandem, connect the positive side phase with the negative side phase. The hydrogen-bond network forms two additional hydrogen-bonds with the formyl and propionate groups of heme a. Thus, upon oxidation of heme a, the positive charge created on Fe(a) is readily delocalized to the heme peripheral groups to drive proton-transport through the hydrogen-bond network. A peptide bond in the hydrogen-bond network and a redox-coupled conformational change in the water channel are expected to effectively block reverse proton transfer through the H-pathway. These functions of the pathway have been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis of bovine CcO expressed in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Study on the effect of pentachlorophenol on the succinate oxidase activity of submitochondrial particles and on the reduction level of cytochromes b revealed that the Ki value for PCP is equal to 2-4 microM. The succinate-DCPIP-reductase activity is noncompetitively inhibited with PCP (by 75-85%) (Ki = 3.6 microM). In the case of the succinate-PMS-reductase activity PCP at micromolar concentrations decreases the value of V only by 40% (C50 = 2 microM) with a simultaneous increase of the Km value for PMS. The identity of Ki values for PCP under these conditions suggests that the effect of PCP is due to the inhibitor interaction with the same component of the succinate dehydrogenase complex. The type of action of PCP on the succinate-acceptor-reductase activities indicates that the inhibiting effect of PCP on succinate oxidations is similar to that exerted by traditional inhibitors of succinate dehydrogenase--tenoyltrifluoroacetone and carboxins. Since PCP inhibits succinate dehydrogenase at low concentrations, it seems likely that the biological (pesticidal) effect of PCP is provided for not only by its uncoupling action but also by the inhibition of succinate oxidation in the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Purified reticulocyte lipoxygenase oxygenates the polyunsaturated phospholipids of sonified submitochondrial particles from bovine heart as measured by a burst of oxygen uptake. Over the frequency range of 0.5 to 100 MHz, the complex impedance of the submitochondrial particles as a function of the frequency before and after lipoxygenase attack was measured. From these data, the membrane capacity, the conductivity of the membrane and the conductivity inside the particles were calculated. Lipoxygenase action causes a 4-fold increase in the membrane capacity and a 2-fold increase in the membrane conductivity. Using the method of deformation of electric pulses, kinetic measurements were performed. In parallel to the changes of the passive electric properties, a partial inhibition of NADH oxidase and succinate oxidase was caused by the lipoxygenase attack. Oxygen uptake, changes of the passive electric properties and the inhibition of respiratory enzymes were prevented by lipoxygenase inhibitors. Owing to the high oxygen consumption produced by the lipoxygenase reaction, anaerobiosis was reached within the first 30 s in the closed chamber. Therefore, it must be concluded that the changes in passive electric properties and the inhibition of the respiratory enzymes are due to secondary anaerobic processes such as the hydroperoxidase reaction catalyzed by the lipoxygenase or a slow redistribution of peroxidized membrane lipids. The results are discussed in relation to the breakdown of mitochondria during the maturation process of red cells.  相似文献   

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