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Abstract— Lipids and certain lysosomal enzymes were measured in the cerebral gray and white matter and in the liver of unaffected controls and six patients with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS). Three of the patients had MPS Type I (Hurler), one Type II (Hunter), one Type IIIA (Sanfilippo A) and one Type V (Scheie). The glycosaminoglycans (GAG) of those tissues have been fully characterized previously (C onstantopoulos et al. , 1976).
Results of the present study: the normally minor brain monosialogangliosides GM2 and GM3 were markedly increased in the gray and to a lesser extent in the white matter of all the patients, except the patient with MPS Type V. On an average GM2 comprised 8.2 and 6.3, and GM3 11.8 and 6.0% of the total ganglioside neuraminic acid of the gray and white matter respectively in all patients with MPS I, II, and IIIA (normal subjects had less than 1).
Ceramide dihexoside was also increased in the gray matter of the patients with MPS I, MPS II and MPS IIIA.
The sphingolipid abnormalities were found only in tissues containing excessive amounts of partially degraded dermatan and heparan sulfates or heparan sulfate alone.
Of the six acid hydrolases assayed, the activity of /f-glucosaminidase was increased in both brain and liver, while that of α-galactosidase and β-galactosidase was diminished, particularly in the liver.
These results suggest that the partially degraded heparan sulfate (and perhaps the dermatan sulfate) which accumulate in the tissues of the patients with MPS may inhibit catabolic enzymes of various sphingolipids. In turn, accumulation of sphingolipids could be responsible at least for some of the brain damage and the mental retardation in MPS I, II and IIIA.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans, lipids and lysosomal enzymes were measured in brain, liver and spleen of a patient with mucopolysaccharidosis Type III B (α-N-Acetylglucosaminidase deficiency). The glycosaminoglycan content of the brain gray and white matter, leptomeninges, spleen and liver of the patient was 4, 3, 10, and 100 times greater than that of the respective tissues of normal controls. Partially degraded heparan sulfate, the concentration of which increased 17 times in the brain, accounted for the increased glycosaminoglycan content of all tissues. The concentration of the gangliosides GM2, GM3 and GD3 was markedly increased in the gray matter, and to a smaller degree in the white matter. Ceramide dihexoside was also increased in the gray matter of the patient with MPS III B. The activity of α-N-Acetylglucosaminidase was absent from the brain and the liver and greatly diminished in the spleen. β-Glucuronidase. β-glucosaminidase and α-l -iduronidase were more active than normally and the activity of α-galactosidase and β-galactosidase was markedly reduced.  相似文献   

采用免疫组织化学SABC法,研究白介素-1α、干扰素-γ、神经生长因子-β和肿瘤坏死因子-α在成体中华蟾蜍脑中的表达和分布特点。结果发现,白介素-1α阳性细胞数量很多,分布于脑的各个区域。白介素-1α多在细胞的胞体中,而原始海马锥体细胞,中脑的背前侧被盖核和腹后侧被盖核中的细胞可见阳性的突起。干扰素-γ阳性细胞数量较多,分布在端脑的原始海马和隔区,丘脑腹外侧核,下丘脑的视前区、视交叉上核和腹侧漏斗核,中脑被盖的背前侧被盖核、腹前侧被盖核、背后侧被盖核和腹后侧被盖核中,小脑的Purkinje细胞层和延髓的网状核,其中原始海马,背前侧被盖核和背后侧被盖核,视交叉上核,Purkinje细胞层和网状核中的细胞中可见阳性突起。神经生长因子-β阳性细胞数量较少,主要存在于下丘脑的视前区和视交叉上核,中脑被盖的腹前侧被盖核,小脑的Purkinje细胞层和延髓的网状核中,其中视前区、Purkinje细胞层和网状核中细胞可见阳性突起。肿瘤坏死因子-α阳性细胞数量最少,分布范围仅限于中脑被盖背前侧区和延髓的网状核及中缝核,但细胞具有阳性突起。因此,白介素-1α和干扰素-γ在成体动物脑中分布较为广泛,可能是神经细胞生命活动所必需的;而神经生长因子-β和肿瘤坏死因子-α在成体动物脑中分布范围狭窄,其作用可能仅限于脑中的某些特殊区域。  相似文献   

Abstract— The uronic acid-containing glycosaminoglycans present in the brains of rat, monkey, chicken, sheep and rabbit were isolated into various fractions by combining the cetyl pyridinium procedure and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The analyses of the fractions show that hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate, heparan sulphate and a testicular hyaluronidase-resistant galactosamine-containing GAG are present in the brain of all the species studied. Hyaluronic acid is the major GAG (33–41 per cent). Chondroitin-4-sulphate (19–35 per cent), and heparan sulphate (11–19 per cent), are the next prominent GAGs, in all the species except chicken. The results indicate the similarity in the pattern of GAGs in the brain of all the species.  相似文献   

—Five distinct glycosaminoglycan fractions have been isolated from human brain of various age groups, by employing an improved fractionation procedure. Analysis of these fractions showed that human brain contains hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate, dermatan sulphate, heparan sulphate and two unidentified low sulphated fractions. The pattern of variation of these compounds with age, indicates that they may be playing an important role in the process of myelination and brain maturation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uronic acid containing glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated from the brains of 1-year-old and 4-year-old kwashiorkor children and characterised by constituent analyses. A marked reduction is the total GAG concentration of brain was noticed in both cases of kwashiorkor. In the 1-year-old kwashiorkor brain, hyaluronic acid is the most predominant GAG (73.5 per cent) whereas heparan sulphate, chondroitin sulphates and low sulphated chondroitin sulphate constituted less than 10 per cent. In the 4-year-old kwashiorkor brain, the proportion of hyaluronic acid was 27.5 per cent, low sulphated chondroitin sulphate 31.2 per cent, chondroitin sulphates 28.3 per cent and heparan sulphate 10 per cent. This marked reduction in the concentration as well as qualitative changes in GAG in protein-calorie malnutrition as compared to the normal is discussed in relation to brain function.  相似文献   

—A sulphotransferase system of rat brain catalyses the transfer of sulphate from 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulphate to the low-sulphated glycosaminoglycans isolated from normal adult human brain. These were shown to be precursors of higher-sulphated glycosaminoglycans by DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography and paper electrophoresis. Nitrous acid degradation and mild acid hydrolysis of enzymically-sulphated fractions further confirmed the presence of heparan sulphate in human brain. A partially purified sulphotransferase preparation was obtained from neonatal human brain using chondroitin-4-sulphate as sulphate acceptor. This sulphotransferase catalyses the transfer of sulphate to the various uronic acid containing glycosaminoglycans. Heparan sulphate was the best sulphate acceptor followed by dermatan sulphate, N-desulphoheparin, chondroitin-4-sulphate and chondroitin-6-sulphate in decreasing order. Sulphotransferase obtained from 1-day-old rat, rabbit and guinea pig brain also had the same pattern of specificity towards various sulphate acceptors. This sulphotransferase catalyses both N-sulphation and O-sulphation. Studies on the sulphotransferase obtained from both rat and human brain of various age groups indicate that the ratio of N-sulphation: O-sulphation decreases as the brain matures.  相似文献   

  • 1 Triglyceride has been isolated from brain by thin-layer chromatography and determined by absorption of the carbonyl group at 1740 cm?1. The means of yields from whole mouse brain, whole rat brain, rat brain grey matter, rat brain stem, and incubated slices of rat brain cortex were 0.15–0.17 μmole/g tissue.
  • 2 The distribution of fatty esters varied from preparation to preparation. Palmitate, stearate and oleate usually occurred in greatest amounts. Hydrolysis of a preparation of triglyceride from whole rat brain with pancreatic lipase indicated that palmitate was equally distributed between the α and β esters.
  • 3 [1-14C]Acetate was rapidly incorporated into triglyceride of slices of incubated rat brain cortex. When the resulting triglyceride was hydrolysed with pancreatic lipase the distribution of radioactivity amongst the hydrolysis products was consistent with both the α and β esters of the triglyceride having been radioactively labelled.

Abstract— An assay system for the measurement of triphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase in homogenates of rat brain is described. With triphosphoinositide (TPI) as substrate, and in the presence of 0·1 m -KCI and saturating amounts of diethyl ether, the activity of phosphodiesterase in myelinated brain was 400–500 μmoles of TPI hydrolysed per g wet wt. per hr. One quarter of the adult level of the enzyme was present in rat brain one day after birth, with the remainder being added prior to and during the early stages of myelination. On subfractionation of brain homogenates, substantial activity of the enzyme was located in the soluble portion and in the paniculate fractions enriched in myelin and synaptosomes. The enzyme associated with the particulate fractions could not be detached from the membranes by any of several methods employed. There was a rough correlation between distribution of phosphodiesterase and that of 5'-nucleotidase, an enzyme associated with plasma membrane in a number of tissues. Some implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of two bacterial pyrogens (gonococcus vaccine and E. coli lipopolysaccharide) on brain and CSF concentrations of the biogenic amines and their major metabolites were compared in rabbits. Both pyrogens induced a similar fever, but only the lipopolysaccharide elicited marked biochemical alterations. The main changes observed were: a decrease in the concentrations of acid metabolites of dopamine during the upward course of the first peak of fever; a decrease in the hypothalamic concentrations of noradrenaline at the second peak of fever; a general increase in the metabolites of biogenic amines around the second peak and during the fall of fever. The results led to the conclusion that no significant correlation exists between body temperature and brain amine levels in rabbits. The alterations observed could be a consequence of the fever itself when considered in terms of trauma to the organism.  相似文献   

脑的大小与动物在生态系统中所承受的生存压力相关,如在陆地生态系统中猎物和捕食者的脑重均随着进化过程不断增加,但每一次突变时,捕食者的脑指数总是比猎物的高[1].  相似文献   

Abstract— Changes in memory, electrocorticograms (ECoG), protein, DNA, RNA, neurotransmitters, enzyme activity and neuronal ultrastructure were examined after deuteron irradiationof the brain in C57B1/10 mice. Twenty animals served as sha m -irradiated controls, while three irradiated groups received a dose of either 500, 5000 or 10,000 rads covering an area of 9 × 5 m m over the dorsal surface of the brain and extending to a depth of 2 m m from the skull. The 10,000 rad group differed significantly in retention of spontaneous locomotor performance and dark maze exploration during a 16-month post-irradiation period. Desynchronization with an overall amplitude reduction of both spontaneous and light evoked ECoG was observed in the 10,000 rad group. There was a dose-dependent decrease in protein, DNA and RNA content but not in their concentrations. Brain irradiation resulted in a significant change in content as well as concentration of 5-HT and in acetylcholinesterase activity both per brain and per gram fresh weight. Morphologically, there was a significant reduction in brain and pituitary weight. Histochemical observations indicated a uniform and dose-dependent reduction in vascular alkaline phosphatase activity and a selective decrease in staining for cellular DNA and RNA in different regions of the irradiated tissue of the brain. Electron microscopic comparisons of nuclear and cytoplasmic changes indicated serration of some nuclear membranes in the 10,000 rad group, accumulation of glycogen, numerous phagocytes and formation of multi-lamellar intraneuronal membranes. Prominent synaptic changes were not observed in the remaining neurons within the irradiated tissue of the brain. From the multidisciplinary comparisons it was concluded that deuteron irradiation of the CNS can be used as another approach for relating changes in such unique functions as learning and memory to subcellular and cellular changes in specific regions of the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution and properties of a nonspecific N -methyltransferase in the rat brain are described. The enzyme N -methylates tryptamine and N -methyltryptamine as well as β-phenylethylamine, phenylethanolamine, tyramine and octopamine. The enzyme exhibits a pH optimum of 7·9 with phosphate buffer and has a Km for tryptamine of 28 μM. There are potent inhibitors to the enzyme that can be removed by dialysis. Enzymatic activity is present in the brains of a number of species including man, rat, mouse, guinea-pig and frog. Its activity is unevenly distributed in the brain with the highest activity in the cerebral cortex and striaturn of the rat and in the subcortical white matter in man. Studies of its subcellular distribution indicate that most of the N -methylation activity is released into the soluble fraction. Enzymatic activity is also present in a number of peripheral tissues of the rat.  相似文献   

—The concentrations of taurine in brain and liver from human fetuses (2nd trimester) and adults and from Rhesus monkeys from mid-gestation, through birth and neonatal life to maturity have been measured. The concentration of taurine in human and monkey fetal brain was 4-5-fold higher than that in adult monkey brain. In human fetal brain the concentration of taurine decreased linearly with increasing crown-rump length (r=−0·75; P < 0·001). In fetal monkey brain, no correlation with gestational age was found. After birth, the concentration of taurine in monkey brain decreased linearly with increasing age (r=−0·96; P < 0·001) until values comparable to those found in the adult were reached 8-9 months after birth, approximately the end of weaning. The concentration of taurine in liver both from fetal humans and from fetal monkeys was approximately twice that in mature liver. Concentrations of taurine similar to those found in adult liver were reached within a few days of birth, compared to several months for brain. These results suggest that taurine may be associated with brain development in addition to any functional role it may play in the mature brain.  相似文献   

—The exchange of phospholipids between liposomes and brain mitochondria has been studied in the presence of pH 5·1 supernatant fluids derived from rat, guinea pig, sheep and ox brains. The exchange phenomenon was similar to that observed in liver and heart, but phosphatidylinositol and not phosphatidylcholine was the most rapidly exchanging phospholipid. The phosphatidylcholine exchange activity was purified 186-fold from sheep brain and the protein fraction contained two major and several minor protein species. The phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol exchange activities have been shown to have very similar molecular weights and isoelectric points. However, their behaviour in response to changes in liposomal surface charge suggested that separate proteins might be involved in stimulating the exchange of the two phospholipid classes.  相似文献   

植物群落波动的类型与机理(综述)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
群落波动是植物群落动态的一个重要内容,群落的波动研究对人们认识森林和草地景观动态及其开发有重要的作用。概述了群落波动的定义、原因、特性、类型和测量方法,及与群落演替的差异等,以期为群落波动的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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