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D. Jaume 《Hydrobiologia》2008,595(1):219-224
Spelaeogriphaceans and thermosbaenaceans are two orders of eyeless, unpigmented peracarid crustaceans represented by very few species from subterranean waters. Spelaeogriphaceans occur only in continental waters, either running or still, in limestone or sandstone caves, or in calcrete aquifers. The four species known are limnic except one occurring in slightly brackish water loosely associated with an endorheic basin. The Thermosbaenacea are primarily marine, with only 18 species recorded in limnic conditions or in brackish inland waters whose salinity does not derive from dilution of seawater. They occur in limestone caves, the interstitial medium associated to alluvial deposits, or in thermo-mineral springs. Spelaeogriphaceans are found on the southern continents, in ancient cratons not affected by sea transgressions at least since the Early Cretaceous, when Gondwana started to break-up. The former integration of these terranes into Gondwana suggests that the penetration of spelaeogriphaceans in continental waters took place previous to the fragmentation of this super continent (starting ca. 140 Ma), and that their current distribution pattern was driven by continental drift. The distribution of the Thermosbaenacea matches precisely the area covered by the ancient Tethys Sea or its coastlines. They are most probably relicts of a once widespread shallow-water marine Tethyan fauna stranded in interstitial or crevicular groundwater during marine regressions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Cumacea and Tanaidacea are marginal groups in continental waters. Although many euryhaline species from both groups are found in estuaries and coastal lagoons, most occur only temporarily in non-marine habitats, appearing unable to form stable populations there. A total of 21 genuinely non-marine cumaceans are known, mostly concentrated in the Ponto-Caspian region, and only four tanaids have been reported from non-marine environments. Most non-marine cumaceans (19 species) belong in the Pseudocumatidae and appear restricted to the Caspian Sea (with salinity up to 13‰) and its peripheral fluvial basins, including the northern, lower salinity zones of the Black Sea (Sea of Azov). There are nine Ponto-Caspian genera, all endemic to the region. Only two other taxa (in the family Nannastacidae) occur in areas free of any marine–water influence, in river basins in North and South America. Both seem able to survive in waters of raised salinity of the lower reaches of these fluvial systems; but neither has been recorded in full salinity marine environments. The only non-marine tanaidacean thus far known lives in a slightly brackish inland spring in Northern Australia. The genus includes a second species, from a brackish-water lake at the Bismarck Archipelago, tentatively included here as non-marine also. Two additional species of tanaidaceans have been reported from non-marine habitats but both also occur in the sea. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The benthic fauna off the Victoria-Land-Coast, Ross Sea (Antarctica) was investigated during the 19th Italica expedition in February 2004. Samples were taken along a latitudinal transect from Cape Adare down to Terra Nova Bay at water depths ranging from 84 to 515 m. A Rauschert dredge was used at 18 stations to collect epi- and infaunal macrobenthos. 9,494 specimens of Isopoda were collected, representing 19 families. Desmosomatidae were the most abundant family (35,297 ind/1,000 m2), followed by Paramunnidae (23,973 ind/1,000 m2). Paramunnidae was the most frequent taxon and was collected at all stations, in contrast to the Desmosomatidae, which did not occur at any station off Cape Adare.  相似文献   

River levels in Central Amazonia fluctuate up to 14 m annually, with the flooding period ranging from 50 to 270 days between the rising and falling phases. Vast areas of forest along the rivers contain plant species that are well adapted to annual flooding. We studied the effect of flooding level on tree species richness, diversity, density, and composition in lake, river, and stream habitats in Jaú National Park, Brazil. 3051 trees >10 cm diameter (at 1.3 m diameter at breast height, dbh) were measured and identified in 25 10 m × 40 m randomly selected plots in each habitat. Ordination methods and analysis of variance results showed that forested areas near lakes had significantly lower species richness of trees than riverine and streamside habitats. Plot species richness and diversity were strongly negatively correlated with the water level and duration of flooding. The drier (stream) habitat had more total species (54 species of trees) and more unique species of trees (6 tree species) than the riverine (52 tree species; 3 unique species) and lake (33 tree species; 3 unique species) habitats. Species composition overlap among habitats was surprisingly high (42.6–60.6% overlap), almost one-third of the species were found in all three habitat types, and few species were unique to each habitat. We conclude that: (1) duration of flooding has a strong impact on species richness, diversity and plant distribution patterns; (2) most species are adapted to a wide range of habitats and flood durations; and (3) while flood duration may decrease local diversity, it also creates and maintains high landscape-scale diversity by increasing landscape heterogeneity. Received: 20 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 January 1999  相似文献   

Arctic plant communities are altered by climate changes. The magnitude of these alterations depends on whether species distributions are determined by macroclimatic conditions, by factors related to local topography, or by biotic interactions. Our current understanding of the relative importance of these conditions is limited due to the scarcity of studies, especially in the High Arctic. We investigated variations in vascular plant community composition and species richness based on 288 plots distributed on three sites along a coast‐inland gradient in Northeast Greenland using a stratified random design. We used an information theoretic approach to determine whether variations in species richness were best explained by macroclimate, by factors related to local topography (including soil water) or by plant‐plant interactions. Latent variable models were used to explain patterns in plant community composition. Species richness was mainly determined by variations in soil water content, which explained 35% of the variation, and to a minor degree by other variables related to topography. Species richness was not directly related to macroclimate. Latent variable models showed that 23.0% of the variation in community composition was explained by variables related to topography, while distance to the inland ice explained an additional 6.4 %. This indicates that some species are associated with environmental conditions found in only some parts of the coast–inland gradient. Inclusion of macroclimatic variation increased the model's explanatory power by 4.2%. Our results suggest that the main impact of climate changes in the High Arctic will be mediated by their influence on local soil water conditions. Increasing temperatures are likely to cause higher evaporation rates and alter the distribution of late‐melting snow patches. This will have little impact on landscape‐scale diversity if plants are able to redistribute locally to remain in areas with sufficient soil water.  相似文献   

An assessment of the global freshwater crab diversity is presented. A total of 1,476 species in 14 families are currently known from all zoogeographical regions (except Antarctica), including 1,306 species in eight exclusively freshwater families (Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae, Potamonautidae, Deckeniidae, Platythelphusidae, Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae and Parathelphusidae). Estimates of true freshwater crab diversity including likely numbers of undescribed taxa suggest that the field remains largely in a “discovery” phase. Main ideas on the origins, diversification, and phylogeny of true freshwater crabs are briefly discussed. The economic importance of freshwater crabs is also highlighted. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

In this study isopod species of the Ross Sea were investigated. Literature until May 2008 was checked to provide an overview of all known and described species in the Ross Sea. This species checklist was then enlarged through material of the 19th Italica expedition in 2004. During this expedition for the first time a small mesh net (500 μm) was used. Nine thousand four hundred and eighty one isopod specimens were collected during this expedition. Through this material the number of isopod species in the Ross Sea increased from 42 to 117 species, which belong to 20 families and 49 genera. Fifty-six percentage of the isopods species collected during the Italica expedition are new to science. The zoogeography of the 117 species was investigated. A non-transformed binary presence-absence data matrix was constructed using the Bray–Curtis coefficient. The results were displayed in a cluster analysis and by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS). This paper gives a first insight into the occurrence and distribution of the isopod species of the Ross Sea.  相似文献   

Shoot biomass, species richness and selected environmental factors were studied at Meijendel, a coastal dune area in The Netherlands. The relationship between species richness and shoot biomass of the stand could be best described by a unimodal curve, with the peak at 300 g m–2. Measures of species richness were positively correlated with soil water, nitrogen and phosphorus.Shoot biomass showed a positive correlation with soil water, nitrogen and humus at low levels of shoot biomass.Nomenclature of phanerogams and plant community types follows Heukels & van Ooststroom (1973), and Westhoff & den Held (1969) respectively.Publication of the Meijendel comité new series: 76.  相似文献   

We present data on the haemolymph vascular system (HVS) in four representatives of the major amphipod lineages Gammaridea, Hyperiidea and Caprellidea based on corrosion casting and three‐dimensional reconstructions of histological semi‐thin sections. In all these species the HVS comprises a dorsal pulsatile heart, which is continued in the body axis by the anterior and posterior aortae. The heart is equipped with three pairs of incurrent ostia. The number of cardiac arteries that lead off the heart varies among species: in the studied Gammaridea four pairs occur, in Hyperia galba only the three posterior pairs of cardiac arteries occur, while in Caprella mutica cardiac arteries are absent. In all the studied species the posterior aorta leads as a simple tube into the pleon attached to the dorsal diaphragm. The anterior aorta runs from its origin in the anterior part of the second thoracic segment into the cephalothorax. Both pairs of antennae have an arterial supply off the anterior aorta. An overview of previously studied species including our present findings shows the amphipod HVS to be relatively uniform and the gammarid form is discussed as being closest to the ground pattern of Amphipoda.  相似文献   

The morphology of the circulatory organs in Mysida and Lophogastrida (traditionally combined as Mysidacea) is revisited investigating species so far unstudied. In addition to classical morphological methods, a newly developed combination of corrosion casting with micro computer tomography (MicroCT) and computer aided 3D reconstructions is used. Lophogastrida and Mysida show a highly developed arterial system. The tubular heart extends through the greater part of the thorax and is connected with the ventral vessel via an unpaired descending artery. It is suggested that a distinct ostia pattern supports the monophyly of Mysidacea. The cardiac artery system is more complex in Lophogastrida than in Mysida, consisting of up to 10 pairs of arteries that supply the viscera. In both taxa, an anterior and posterior aorta leads off the heart. In the anterior part of the cephalothorax the anterior aorta forms dilations into which muscles are internalized; these structures are called myoarterial formations. One of these myoarterial formations can also be found in all the other peracarid taxa but not in other Malacostraca.  相似文献   

Habitat degradation through agricultural land use is the major factor threatening lotic ecosystems. Although black flies are major components of these ecosystems, the impact of agricultural land use on species diversity and species assemblages has been largely ignored in tropical streams of the Oriental region. The objectives of this study are to examine patterns of species distribution and species richness and to compare black fly species richness and species assemblages in forest and agricultural streams in Thailand. A total of 143 collections were made from 70 stream sites between June 2007 and May 2008. Whereas 19 black fly species found in these collections were all found in forest sites, only 13 species were found in agricultural sites. High species richness was associated with larger, faster, and cooler streams with larger streambed particles and the presence of riparian trees. Logistic regression analyses revealed that stream size, velocity, and riparian vegetation are among the most important factors determining patterns of spatial distribution. The results are largely consistent with studies in other zoogeographic regions, suggesting the existence of general rules for black fly species distributions. Comparisons of the physicochemical conditions between forest and agricultural streams indicated that streams in agricultural areas are warmer, with higher conductivity and fewer riparian trees. Species richness was significantly higher in forest than in agricultural streams (t = 3.61, P < 0.001). Streams in forest areas were predominantly occupied by S. siamense (73%) but other species were also found at a relatively high frequency (>20%) of the sampling sites. In contrast, streams in agricultural areas were predominantly occupied by S. aureohirtum (>80%) among the sole black fly species at 27% of the sites. The results indicate that agricultural land use has a significantly detrimental impact on black fly diversity and species assemblages. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to investigate the patterns of vascular plant species richness,diversity,and distribution along an elevation gradient in the Abune Yosef mountain range,Ethiopia.Preferential systematic sampling was employed to collect vegetation and environmental data along the elevation gradient.We found that plant species richness declines monotonically from low to high elevations.Specifically,vascular plant species richness and diversity were lower in the Afroalpine grassland(high elevation)than in the Dry evergreen Afromontane forest and Ericaceous forest(low elevations).In contrast,endemic vascular plant richness was significantly higher in the Afroalpine grassland than in the Dry evergreen Afromontane forest and Ericaceous forest.Elevation showed a significant impact on the richness,diversity,and endemism of vascular plants.According to Sorensen's coefficient,the similarity between Dry evergreen Afromontane forest and Ericaceous forest vegetation types is higher(32%)than the similarity between Ericaceous forest and Afroalpine grassland(18%).Only 5%similarity was recorded between the Dry evergreen Afromontane forest and Afroalpine grassland.Growth forms showed different elevationai richness patterns.Trees and liana increased monotonically up to 3300 m.Shrub and herb richness patterns followed a hump-shaped and inverted hump-shaped pattern along the elevation gradient.The elevation patterns of vascular plant species richness,diversity,and growth form in the present study may be attributed to differences in management intensity,spatial heterogeneity,microclimatic variations,and anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

The interannual variability in peracarid (Crustacea: Malacostraca; Amphipoda, Isopoda, Cumacea, Tanaidacea) species composition and diversity on the South Greenland shelf was studied at four stations over a sampling period of 3 years (2001, 2002 and 2004), using a Rauschert sled at depths of about 160 m. The South Greenland peracarids were relatively stable over the 3 years with respect to evenness and diversity. Moderate changes in temperature and salinity had negligible effects on the species composition, while sediment structure was found to be the most important environmental variable shaping the peracarid fauna.  相似文献   

The species composition of peracarids (Crustacea: Malacostraca) of the Greenland shelf between 60°N and 65°N was investigated by means of 10 qualitative epibenthic samples in relation to environmental factors. In total, 59,234 specimens were collected belonging to 219 species. The relative abundance was much higher on the western shelf (total of 41,594 specimens) than on the eastern shelf (total of 17,640 specimens with same effort). Three species were new to science, while five records were new for the investigated area. The species composition was dominated by amphipods (58%), while the relative abundances of isopods (25%), cumaceans (11%) and tanaidaceans (6%) were much lower. Diversity and evenness were similar in the eastern and the western areas. Multivariate analyses of the species relative abundances divided the peracarids into a southeastern and southwestern Greenland fauna. Based on a correlation analysis between faunal data and five environmental variables, the separation between the two areas was mainly based on sediment type. Species contributing most to the separation between eastern and western fauna included the amphipods Hardametopa nasuta, Photis reinhardi and Phoxocephalus holboelli, the isopods Pleurogonium spinosissimum, Iolella laciniata and Nannoniscus oblongus and the cumaceans Leucon cf. nasicoides and Campylaspis horrida. Species distribution patterns are discussed in the light of habitat and feeding preferences.  相似文献   

Kelp beds support diverse and productive benthic coastal ecosystems and are often perceived as cold water analogs of tropical coral reefs, yet the levels of species richness in polar regions have remained largely unexplored. The present study aims to assess the magnitude of macrozoobenthic species richness associated with the macroalgae in an Arctic kelp forest. The study was conducted in Hornsund, a high latitude Arctic fjord off west Spitsbergen (76–77°N). A total of 403 samples (i.e., individual algae) were collected by scuba divers at three sites located along the fjord axis at varying depths (5–10 m). The most common invertebrate species and the sample species richness (mean 11.5 species per sample) were consistent among the most common algal species (Laminaria digitata, Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta, Desmarestia aculeta, Odonthalia dentata, Phycodrys rubens). Fauna associated with overstory kelps was concentrated on the holdfasts. A total of 208 species were identified; Bryozoa, Polychaeta and Hydrozoa yielded the highest numbers of species (70, 52 and 37, respectively). The non-parametric Chao2 estimator of true species richness gave an estimate of 259 species (with 95% confidence intervals from 234 to 308). Despite the high sampling effort, the total species richness was not captured. This may stem from the high level of rarity within the fauna associated with kelps; 38% of the species occurred only in one or two samples. The studied fauna was much less diverse than similar assemblages surveyed at lower latitudes. The high numbers of species and the common occurrence of colonial forms (Bryozoa, Hydrozoa) in the current study show that these taxa cannot be omitted in macrobenthic diversity surveys performed within kelp habitats.  相似文献   

Differences in the dynamics of ecological processes between Mediterranean and colder temperate aquatic systems could imply different patterns in faunal communities in terms of composition and biodiversity (i.e. species richness and rarity). In order to identify some of these patterns the crustacean and aquatic insect composition and biodiversity of four water body types, classified according to their salinity and water permanence, were compared. Moreover, the relationships between species richness and water, pond and landscape variables were analysed. A total number of 91 water bodies located throughout Catalunya (NE Iberian Peninsula) were sampled. Three species assemblages were observed: one for permanent freshwaters, another for temporary freshwaters, and a third one for saline waters (SW), since permanent and temporary saline water bodies had similar composition. Differences in salinity were associated with proportion of crustaceans versus insects and with singularity. Thus, saline ponds had a higher proportion of crustaceans, and lower values of singularity. Conductivity was significantly related to total (crustaceans plus insects) richness, and also related to insect richness. The main difference between the models obtained for crustacean species richness and insect species richness is the significance of landscape variables in the latter, and this fact could be related to the different dispersion types of these two faunal groups: active for insects versus passive for crustaceans. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study is to explore the interrelationships between island area, species number and habitat diversity in two archipelago areas. Location The study areas, Brunskär and Getskär, are located in an archipelago in south‐western Finland. Methods The study areas, 82 islands in Brunskär and 78 in Getskär, were classified into nine habitat types based on land cover. In the Brunskär area, the flora (351 species) was surveyed separately for each individual habitat on the islands. In the Getskär area, the flora (302 species) was surveyed on a whole‐island basis. We used standard techniques to analyse the species–area relationship on a whole‐island and a habitat level. We also tested our data for the small island effect (SIE) using breakpoint and path analysis models. Results Species richness was significantly associated with both island area and habitat diversity. Vegetated area in particular, defined as island area with the rock habitat subtracted, proved to be a strong predictor of species richness. Species number had a greater association with island area multiplied by the number of habitats than with island area or habitat number separately. The tests for a SIE in the species–area relationship showed the existence of a SIE in one of the island groups. No SIE could be detected for the species–vegetated area relationship in either of the island groups. The strength of the species–area relationship differed considerably between the habitats. Main conclusions The general principles of island biogeography apply well to the 160 islands in this study. Vascular plant diversity for small islands is strongly influenced by physiographic factors. For the small islands with thin and varying soil cover, vegetated area was the most powerful predictor of species richness. The species–area curves of various habitats showed large variations, suggesting that the measurement of habitat areas and establishment of habitat‐based species lists are needed to better understand species richness on islands. We found some evidence of a SIE, but it is debatable whether this is a ‘true’ SIE or a soil cover/habitat characteristics feature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tested four hypotheses relative to edge and shape effects on ant communities: (i) forest edges have lower species richness than the remnant core; (ii) species richness increases with distance from the edge; (iii) irregularly shaped remnants have lower species richness than more regular remnants; (iv) there is a higher similarity of species composition between edge and core in irregular than in regular remnants. We sampled litter ant communities on the edge and core of ten remnants, in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Species richness was larger at the forest core than at the edges, although did not increase with distance from the edge. Species richness did not vary with shape complexity. The similarity of species composition between edge and core showed a decreasing trend with remnant area, and did not vary with shape complexity. The observed differences of species richness between forest core and edge may be due to higher harshness of edges, caused by environmental changes. The absence of relationship between species richness and distance from the edge might indicate the range of edge effects, which would be smaller than the smallest distance of core sampled. Therefore, edges would affect litter-dwelling ant species richness in a distance smaller than 50 m. The observation of species composition allowed us to notice an effect of fragmentation that would not be noticed if we were considering only species richness. Edge may serve as step to generalist species, which may use it to colonise forest remnants. Furthermore, small remnants are more colonisation-prone by such species, and have a more homogeneous species composition than large remnants.  相似文献   

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