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The selection of distinct movements involved in various body postures and locomotion is often dependent on higher-order descending neurons. To study how such cells select different actions, we used a nearly-intact leech preparation (Hirudo sp.) in which cephalic projection interneurons were recorded and stimulated while the leech generated overt behaviors. Two long-distance projecting neurons were identified in the sub-packet of the third neuromere (R3b) of the subesophageal ganglion. These interneurons, named R3b2 and R3b3, produced changes in whole-body posture, crawling and swimming. Cell R3b2 reliably caused the body to become turgid, to hyper-elongate, and to thrash cyclically. Such robust activity resembled struggling behavior exhibited by intact leeches when grasped. The neighboring cell R3b3 elicited body elongation accompanied by a static whole-body bend to the left or right. R3b3 activity was context-dependent, oscillated in phase with crawling, reset the crawl rhythm, and terminated swimming. Both neuronal types responded to multi-modal sensory stimulation delivered to various rostral and caudal regions of the body. Our study illustrates the need to study behavioral selection with a neuroethological approach, and provides a cellular substrate for the motor action-selection cluster proposed for the vertebrate brainstem.  相似文献   

The assumption that working on board ship is more strenuous than comparable work ashore was investigated in this study. Various physiological parameters (O2, CO2, E and HR) have been measured to determine the energy expenditure of subjects walking slowly on a moving platform (ship motion simulator). Twelve subjects (eight men and four women) walked either freely on the floor or on a treadmill at a speed of 1 m · s−1. Platform motion was either in a heave, pitch or roll mode. These three conditions were compared with a control condition in which the platform remained stationary. The results showed that during pitch and roll movements of the platform, the energy expenditure for the same walking task was about 30% higher than under the stationary control condition (3.6 J · kg−1 · m−1 vs 2.5 J · kg−1 · m−1, P < 0.05) for both walking on a treadmill and free walking. The heart rate data supported the higher energy expenditure results with an elevation of the heart rate (112 beats · min−1 vs 103 beats · min−1, P < 0.05). The heave condition did not differ significantly from the stationary control condition. Pitch and roll were not significantly different from each other. During all experimental conditions free walking resulted in a higher energy cost of walking than treadmill walking (3.5 J · kg−1 · m−1 vs 2.7 J · kg−1 · m−1, P < 0.05) at the same average speed. The results of this experiment were interpreted as indicating that the muscular effort, needed for maintaining balance when walking on a pitching or rolling platform, resulted in a significantly higher work load than similar walking on a stable or a heaving floor, independent of the mode of walking. These results explain in part the increased fatigue observed when a task is performed on a moving platform. Accepted: 3 October 1997  相似文献   

Inspired from template models explaining biological locomotory systems and Raibert׳s pioneering legged robots, locomotion can be realized by basic sub-functions: elastic axial leg function, leg swinging and balancing. Combinations of these three can generate different gaits with diverse properties. In this paper we investigate how locomotion sub-functions contribute to stabilize walking at different speeds. Based on this trilogy, we introduce a conceptual model to quantify human locomotion sub-functions in walking. This model can produce stable walking and also predict human locomotion sub-function control during swing phase of walking. Analyzing experimental data based on this modeling shows different control strategies which are employed to increase speed from slow to moderate and moderate to fast gaits.  相似文献   

Even though specific adjustments of the multi-joint control of posture have been observed when posture is challenged, multi-joint coordination on a seesaw device has never been accurately assessed. The current study was conducted in order to investigate the multi-joint coordination when subjects were standing on either a seesaw device or on a stable surface, with the eyes open or closed. Eighteen healthy active subjects were recruited. A principal component analysis and a Self-Organizing Maps analysis were performed on the joint angles in order to detect and characterize dominant coordination patterns. Intermuscular EMG coherence was analysed in order to assess the neurophysiological mechanisms associated with these coordination patterns. The results illustrated a multi-joint organization of posture on both stable ground and on the seesaw, with a higher variability among the individual postural responses observed when standing on the seesaw. These findings challenge the classical assumption of ankle mechanisms as dominating control on seesaw devices and confirm that inter-joint coordination in postural control is strongly modulated by stance conditions. When standing on the seesaw without vision, a decrease in intermuscular coherence was observed without any impact on the joint coordination patterns, likely due to an increase dependence on proprioceptive information.  相似文献   

As noted by previous researchers, the chimpanzee postcranial anatomy reflects a compromise between the competing demands of arboreal and terrestrial locomotion. In this study, we measured the distance climbed and walked per day in a population of wild chimpanzees and used published equations to calculate the relative daily energy costs. Results were used to test hypotheses regarding the arboreal-terrestrial tradeoff in chimpanzee anatomy, specifically whether arboreal adaptations serve to minimize daily locomotor energy costs by decreasing the energy spent climbing. Our results show that chimpanzees spend approximately ten-times more energy per day on terrestrial travel than on vertical climbing, a figure inconsistent with minimizing energy costs in our model. This suggests non-energetic factors, such as avoiding falls from the canopy, may be the primary forces maintaining energetically costly climbing adaptations. These analyses are relevant to anatomical comparisons with living and extinct hominoids.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent findings on how forces are detected by sense organs of insect legs and how this information is integrated in control of posture and walking. These experiments have focused upon campaniform sensilla, receptors that detect forces as strains in the exoskeleton, and include studies of sensory discharges in freely moving animals and intracellular characterization of connectivity of afferent inputs in the central nervous system. These findings provide insights into how campaniform sensilla can contribute to the adjustment of motor outputs to changes in load. In this review we discuss (1) anatomy of the receptors and their activities in freely moving insects, (2) mechanisms by which inputs are incorporated into motor outputs and (3) the integration of sensory signals of diverse modalities. The discharges of some groups of receptors can encode body load when standing. Responses are also correlated with muscle-generated forces during specific times in walking. These activities can enhance motor outputs through reflexes and can affect the timing of motoneuron firing through inputs to pattern generating interneurons. Flexibility in the system is also provided by interactions of afferent inputs at several levels. These mechanisms can contribute to the adaptability of insect locomotion to diverse terrains and environments.  相似文献   

Positional (postural and locomotor) patterns and substrates used by the seven adults of a free-ranging troop of red howling monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were identified and sampled during their feeding and resting. Traveling patterns and substrates were noted but not quantified. Arboreal locomotor behaviors were pronograde quadrupedalism, some leaping, bridging, lowering, and pull up. Sitting and reclining were the most frequent postures. Tail suspension and arboreal bipedal stance were used when feeding. Predominant locomotor behaviors were those in which limbs appeared to be compression stressed. There were no limb suspensions. The monkeys used the entire tree canopy, that of the low shrubs, and did a good deal of travel on the ground. The lack of forelimb suspension is attributed to the inability of these howlers to hang beneath supports and look forward at the same time; the impediment is created by the size of the vocal organs in the neck. The locomotion of these monkeys is offered to depict that of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship of biomechanical subtasks, and muscle synergies with various locomotion speeds. Ground reaction force (GRF) of eight healthy subjects is measured synchronously by force plates of treadmill at five different speeds ranging from 0.5 m/s to 1.5 m/s. Four basic biomechanical subtasks, body support, propulsion, swing, and heel strike preparation, are identified according to GRF. Meanwhile, electromyography (EMG) data, used to extract muscle synergies, are collected from lower limb muscles. EMG signals are segmented periodically based on GRF with the heel strike as the split points. Variability accounted for (VAF) is applied to determine the number of muscle synergies. We find that four muscle synergies can be extracted in all five situations by non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Furthermore, the four muscle synergies and biomechanical subtasks keep invariant as the walking speed changes.  相似文献   




基于智能可穿戴设备人体运动能耗检测仪对广州两所大学的青年女性(Y组,n=30)、中年女性(M组,n=30)进行48 h能耗监测,统计分析日常能耗的组间差异。采集调查对象清晨粪便进行16S rRNA基因测序,运用多元统计学分析中青年女性肠道菌群结构特征。将目、属水平的特征菌群与能耗指标进行相关性检验及回归分析。






The application of whole-body electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) in the area of fat reduction and body shaping has become more popular recently. Indeed, some studies prove positive outcomes concerning parameters related to body composition. However, there are conflicting data as to whether EMS relevantly impacts energy expenditure (EE) during or after application. Thus, the main purpose of the study was to determine the acute effect of WB-EMS on EE. Nineteen moderately trained men (26.4 ± 4.3 years) were randomly assigned to a typically used low-intensity resistance exercise protocol (16 minutes) with (85 Hz) and without WB-EMS. Using a crossover design, the same subjects performed both tests after completely recovering within 7 days. Energy expenditure as the primary endpoint of this study was determined by indirect calorimetry. The EE during low-intensity resistance exercise with adjuvant WB-EMS was significantly higher (p = 0.008) than that during the control condition (412 ± 60 vs. 352 ± 70 kcal; effect size; d = 0.92). This study clearly demonstrates the additive effect of WB-EMS on EE in moderately trained subjects during low-intensity resistance exercise training. Although this effect was statistically significant, the fast and significant reductions of body fat observed in recent studies suggest that the effect of WB-EMS on EE may still be underestimated by indirect calorimetry because of the inability of indirect calorimetry to accurately assess EE during "above-steady state conditions." Although from a statistically point of view WB-EMS clearly impacts EE, the relatively small effect did not suggest a broad application of this device in this area. However, taking other positive outcomes of this technology into account, WB-EMS may be a time-saving option at least for subjects unwilling or unable to exercise conventionally.  相似文献   

Optimal coordination and control of posture and locomotion.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a theoretical model of stability and coordination of posture and locomotion, together with algorithms for continuous-time quadratic optimization of motion control. Explicit solutions to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for optimal control of rigid-body motion are obtained by solving an algebraic matrix equation. The stability is investigated with Lyapunov function theory, and it is shown that global asymptotic stability holds. It is also shown how optimal control and adaptive control may act in concert in the case of unknown or uncertain system parameters. The solution describes motion strategies of minimum effort and variance. The proposed optimal control is formulated to be suitable as a posture and stance model for experimental validation and verification. The combination of adaptive and optimal control makes this algorithm a candidate for coordination and control of functional neuromuscular stimulation as well as of prostheses.  相似文献   

The distance flown in gliding is proportional to the starting height, not to the starting potential energy, and it is independent of the body mass. By analogy, in powered flight, the quantity of stored fuel can be converted into a virtual "fuel energy height", defined as the height to which the fuel energy could lift the bird against gravity, if it were converted into work. This is a logarithmic function of the fuel fraction, not of the absolute amount of fuel, or of the body mass. It takes account of the strength of gravity, and of the efficiency with which fuel energy is converted into work. The "performance number" is the gradient on which a migrating bird comes "down" from its initial fuel energy height. It is mechanical (not physiological) in character, and corresponds to the lift:drag ratio in a fixed-wing aircraft. The concept of range as an initial energy height multiplied by a performance number can also be applied to swimming and running animals. Performance number, and also the related variable "cost of transport", are both independent of gravity in flying and running, but not in swimming.Migration by thermal soaring is analogous to powered flight with stopovers, except that the bird replenishes its potential energy by climbing in thermals, rather than replenishing fuel energy during stopovers. Rates of climb in thermals are typically higher than fuel energy rates of climb, but the available height band is two orders of magnitude smaller, and the intervals at which energy replenishment is needed are correspondingly shorter. Albatrosses replenish their kinetic energy by exploiting discontinuities in the wind flow over waves, requiring replenishment at intervals of tens of seconds, a further two orders of magnitude shorter than in thermal soaring.Fat energy height can be used as a measure of "condition", which is independent of the size or type of the animal. The fat energy height at which a migrant must arrive on the breeding grounds, in order to breed successfully, reflects the ecological characteristics of the habitat, not the size or character of the bird. Energy height expresses what an animal or machine can do with its stored energy, not the amount of energy.  相似文献   

Objective: A low resting metabolic rate (RMR) is considered a risk factor for weight gain and obesity; however, due to the greater fat‐free mass (FFM) found in obesity, detecting an impairment in RMR is difficult. The purposes of this study were to determine the RMR in lean and obese women controlling for FFM and investigate activity energy expenditure (AEE) and daily activity patterns in the two groups. Methods and Procedures: Twenty healthy, non‐smoking, pre‐menopausal women (10 lean and 10 obese) participated in this 14‐day observational study on free‐living energy balance. RMR was measured by indirect calorimetry; AEE and total energy expenditure (TEE) were calculated using doubly labeled water (DLW), and activity patterns were investigated using monitors. Body composition including FFM and fat mass (FM) was measured by dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results: RMR was similar in the obese vs. lean women (1601 ± 109 vs. 1505 ± 109 kcal/day, respectively, P = 0.12, adjusting for FFM and FM). Obese women sat 2.5 h more each day (12.7 ± 3.2 h vs. 10.1 ± 2.0 h, P < 0.05), stood 2 h less (2.7 ± 1.0 h vs. 4.7 ± 2.2 h, P = 0.02) and spent half as much time in activity than lean women (2.6 ± 1.5 h vs. 5.4 ± 1.9 h, P = 0.002). Discussion: RMR was not lower in the obese women; however, they were more sedentary and expended less energy in activity than the lean women. If the obese women adopted the activity patterns of the lean women, including a modification of posture allocation, an additional 300 kcal could be expended every day.  相似文献   

Effect of sleep and circadian cycle on sleep period energy expenditure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Energy expenditure is lower during sleep than relaxed wakefulness. However, there is disagreement as to the particular metabolic changes that produce the difference. The present study assessed the contribution of sleep, circadian cycle, and the specific dynamic action effect of the evening meal to the sleep period fall in metabolic rate. Five subjects were tested for a total of nine nights under three conditions in a repeated-measures design. Subjects were confined to bed throughout their usual sleep period but were instructed to go to sleep 0, 3, or 6 h after their usual time for lights out. O2 consumption was measured in all conditions for the 0.5 h before and after each of the times for lights out and then throughout the sleep period after lights out. The results demonstrated that changes in energy expenditure during the sleep period are a function of both sleep and circadian cycle. In this study, the contribution of the two components was approximately equal. However, the effect of sleep was rapid asymptoting within 15 min of sleep onset, whereas that of circadian cycle was constant over the assessment period.  相似文献   

The energy cost of subsistence activities and the daily time and energy budgets of Tatuyo women were assessed as part of a village energy flow study. The Tatuyo are swidden horticulturalists relying on bitter manioc (Manihot esculenta) as a staple crop. Except for the actual felling of new gardens, women are responsible for most of the horticultural work and food preparation. Time budgets were assessed using 24-hour activity diaries. Rates of energy expenditure in typical activities were measured by indirect calorimetry using a Max-Planck respirometer. Daily energy expenditure was calculated using these rates in conjunction with the activity diaries. Rates of energy expenditure in standard activities were moderate and broadly comparable to published values for other populations living in tropical environments. The mean daily energy expenditure was 2,133 kcal (8.9 MJ). This value is similar to that reported for other subsistence horticulturalists and close to the FAO recommendation for energy intake for moderately active individuals.  相似文献   

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