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A previous paper (Mahler, M. 1978 J. Gen. Physiol. 71:559--580) describes the time-course of the suprabasal rate of oxygen consumption (delta QO2) in the sartorius muscle of R. pipiens after isometric tetani of 0.1--1.0 s at 20 degrees C. To test whether these were the responses to impulse changes in the rate of ATP hydrolysis, we compared the total suprabasal oxygen consumption during recovery (delta[O2]) with the amount of ATP hydrolyzed during a contraction, measured indirectly as the decrease in creatine phosphate (delta[CP]O). If suprabasal ATP hydrolysis during recovery is negligible in comparison with that during contraction, delta[CP]0/delta[O2] should approximate the P:O2 ratio for oxidative metabolism, which has an expected value of 6.1--6.5. We found: formula; see text. We conclude that in this muscle at 20 degrees C: (a) after a tetanus of 0.2--1.0 s, delta QO2(t) can be considered the response to an impulse increase in the rate of ATP hydrolysis; (b) the reversal during recovery of unidentified exothermic reactions occurring during the contraction (Woledge, R. C. 1971. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 22:39--74) can be coupled to an ATP hydrolysis that is at most a small fraction of delta[CP]0; (c) the pooled mean for delta[CP]0/delta[O2], 6.58 +/- 0.55, sets an experimental lower bound for the P:O2 ratio in vivo.  相似文献   

Adaptations of the method of Takahashi et al. (1966. J. Gen. Physiol. 50:317-333) were used to test the validity of the one-dimensional diffusion equation for O2 in the resting excised frog sartorius muscle. This equation is: (formula: see text) where x is the distance perpendicular to the muscle surface. t is time, P(x, t) is the partial pressure of O2,D and alpha are the diffusion coefficient and solubility for O2 in the tissue, and Q is the rate of O2 consumption. P(O, t), the time-course of PO2 at one muscle surface, was measured by a micro-oxygen electrode. Transients in the PO2 profile of the muscle were induced by two methods: (a) after an equilibration period, one surface was sealed off by a disc in which the O2 electrode was embedded; (b) when PO2 at this surface reached a steady state, a step change was made in the PO2 at the other surface. With either method, the agreement between the measured P(O, t) and that predicted by the diffusion equation was excellent, making possible the calculation of D and Q. These two methods yielded statistically indistinguishable results, with the following pooled means (+/- SEM): (formula: see text) At each temperature, D was independent of muscle thickness (range, 0.67-1.34 mm). The activation energy (EA) for diffusion of oxygen in muscle was -3.85 kcal/mol, which closely matches the corresponding value in water. Together with absolute values of D in water taken from the literature, the present data imply that (Dmuscle/DH2O) is in the range 0.59-0.69. This value, and that of EA, are in agreement with the theory of Wang (1954, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 76:4755-4763), suggesting that with respects to the diffusion of O2, to a useful approximation, frog skeletal muscle may be considered simply as a homogeneous protein solution.  相似文献   

In an isometric tetanus of frog sartorius muscle the total relaxation time increased linearly with change in length from 0.7 to 1.4 times rest length. Maximal rate of relaxation, measured from the time derivative (dp/dt) of tension decay, decreased with both decrease and increase from rest length in correlation with the generated tetanus tension. Stretching the muscle did not significantly affect the times to maximal rate, positive and negative inflexion points but greatly increased the time to total relaxation from the negative inflexion point. Caffeine at 2 mM, acting on muscles at rest length, also slowed the relaxation and decreased the maximal rate of tension decay. However, caffeine increased the times to maximal rate, positive and negative inflexion points without significantly affecting time to total relaxation from the negative inflexion point. These results suggest that caffeine slows an earlier step in relaxation, while stretch slows a later step. It is proposed that muscle relaxation is a two step process: an initial step that is regulated by the rate of Ca2+ uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum, and a later step that is mostly controlled by the speed of dissociation of remaining cross-bridges.  相似文献   

Frog sartorius muscle stimulated isometrically for 3 s every 256 s to attain a steady state in which initial heat (QI), recovery heat (QR), rate of O2 consumption (JO2), and isometric force (PO) generated are constant for each cycle. For a 3-s tetanus given every 256 s, JO2 was 0.106 mumol/(min . g blotted weight), approximately 71% of the maximum rate observed, whereas lactate production was negligible under these conditions. QI, QT(= QI + QR), and QT/QI were 88.2, 181.5, 2.06 mJ/g blotted weight, respectively. The high-energy phosphate breakdown (delta approximately P) breakdown during the first 3-s tetanus was not different from that during a contraction in the steady state and averaged 1.1 mumol/g blotted weight. Less than half of the initial heat could be accounted for in terms of the extent of the known chemical reactions occurring during contraction. From the stoichiometry of the theoretical biochemical pathways, the amount of ATP synthesized in the steady state exceeds delta approximately P during contraction by more than twofold, corresponding to an apparent ADP:O ratio of 1.5. If it is assumed that carbohydrate oxidation is the only net chemical reaction in the steady state, the total heat production can be explained on the basis of the measured JO2. Under this assumption, heat production during recovery was less than that expected on the basis of the oxygen consumption and delta approximately P during contraction. These observations support the hypothesis that the unexplained enthalpy production and low apparent ADP:O ratio are causally related, i.e., that the reaction(s) producing the unexplained heat during contraction is reversed during the recovery period.  相似文献   

Isometric force levels, ranging between 0 and 100% of maximal force P0 at 2 to 3 °C, were elicited in frog sartorius muscle by means of rapidly cooling a Ringer solution containing 1·25 to 2·0 mm-caffeine. Equatorial X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained in the resting state and during contraction. The ratio of the intensities I11I10 increased with force almost linearly, with a slight upward curvature. The individual intensities for the contracting state were normalized relative to both the intensity of the undiffracted beam and the intensity of each reflection in the resting state. These normalized intensities were found to vary in a reciprocal way: I10 decreased while I11 increased throughout the range of forces studied.The gradual change in I11I10 with force level indicates that this ratio is a sensitive measure of the number of cross-bridges in the isometric state. A two-state model in which myosin projections are either in a resting or attached state and in which force is proportional to the fraction of projections in the attached state was applied to the experimental data of the individual reflections. I10 deviates from this model in a way that suggests that formation of the first few cross-bridges may decrease the regularity of the remaining unattached myosin projections.  相似文献   

A weak base, morpholine, has been labelled with 3H and tested for its suitability as an indicator for intracellular pH, by distribution in the tissue water of frog sartorius muscle in the species Hyla litoria. Its pK'a at 20°C in a solution of the same of ionic strength as frog Ringer was found to be 8.45 ± 0.02, which is in the range of maximal sensitivity. Morpholine equilibrated with the tissue in 17 h; it was shown that it was not bound to intracellular constituents, that it was not metabolised nor toxic in the concentrations used; it was therefore judged suitable as a pH indicator. Intracellular pH was then measured by distribution of morpholine (6.985 ± 0.08), nicotine (6.915 ± 0.03) and the weak acid 5,5′-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (7.10 ± 0.05) and with pH-sensitive microelectrodes (5.9, the equilibrium value). It was shown that the four significantly different values could not be reconciled in terms of experimental error, heterogeneity of intracellular pH, liquid junction potential differences, or binding of indicator molecules inside the fibre. They could, however, be reconciled if the fibre water had different structure and solvent properties from the extracellular water and ions were distributed across the membrane as between two liquid phases containing different solvents. Then the H+ would be in equilibrium, as shown by the microelectrode measurement, but intracellular pH would be indeterminable and probably greater than 6.  相似文献   

A weak base, morpholine, has been labelled with 3H and tested for its suitability as an indicator for intracellular pH, by distribution in the tissue water of frog sartorius muscle in the species Hyla litoria. Its pK'a at 20 degrees C in a solution of the same ionic strength as frog Ringer was found to be 8.45 +/- 0.02, which is in the range of maximal sensitivity. Morpholine equilibrated with the tissue in 17 h; it was shown that it was not bound to intracellular constituents, that it was not metabolised nor toxic in the concentrations used; it was therefore judged suitable as a pH indcator. Intracellular pH was then measured by distribution of morpholine (6.985 +/- 0.08), nicotine (6.915 +/- 0.03) and the weak acid 5,5'-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (7.10 +/- 0.05) and the pH-sensitive microelectrodes (5.9, the equilibrium value). It was shown that the four significantly different values could not be reconciled in terms of experimental error, heterogeneity of intracellular pH, liquid junction potential differences, or binding of indicator molecules inside the fibre. They could, however, be reconciled if the fibre water had different structure and solvent properties from the extracellular water and all ions were distributed across the membrane as between two liquid phases containing different solvents. Then the H+ would be in equilibrium, as shown by the microelectrode measurement, but intracellular pH would be indeterminable and probably greater than 6.  相似文献   

Frog sartorius muscles tetanized isometrically were released at a constant velocity from lengths lL to lS (delta l = lL -lS; Ls greater than lO). The tension PS redeveloped after the release was lower than the isometric tension PS at LS, and higher than the isometric tension PL at lL. The tension deficit D is defined as the difference PS-PS. The timing of the release during the tetanus did not influence D. D/PO was proportional to delta l/lO. The proportionality constant k was equal to 1.35 +/- 0.19 (n = 8) when the velocity of release was 2.5 mm/s. When the muscles were released the same delta l, D was found to be an exponential decreasing function of the velocity. The tension deficit was also found in experiments performed in the region lS less than lO. The proportionality constant k was smaller, but the influence of the velocity of the release on D was not modified. When the velocity of the release was changed during the release, D changed accordingly, showing that the effects of delta l and V are multiplicative. These facts suggest a working hypothesis based on the concept that the actin filaments which enter the overlap region during a release are strained by the tetanic stress and therefore unable to make normal cross-bridges.  相似文献   

High resolution scanning electron microscopy of frog sartorius muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field emission-type scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study the three-dimensional ultrastructure of frog sartorius muscles. Various preparative procedures were tested to seeks better specimen preparation for high resolution SEM observation. Procedures should be chosen depending on the information desired. The cell surface and intracellular organization of muscle fibers were best visualized when the tissues were fixed with tannic acid-OsO4 and torn after critical point drying. The basal lamina appeared as a continuous felt-like layer, onto which fine filamentous materials adhered. The true outer surface of the sarcolemma was not seen, whereas the true inner surface was occasionally exposed and exhibited numerous caveolae, membraneous fragments and fine filaments attached to its surface. In freeze-fractured and dried tissues, the cleaved sarcolemma showed numerous apertures of caveolae and T-system tubules. Inside the cell, the myofibrils showed a typical branding pattern of the sarcomere. Thick myofilaments were regularly beaded except for the pseudo-H-zone. Around the myofibrils the sarcoplasmic reticulum and T-system were also clearly observed. The results are discussed with special reference to the usefulness and limitation of the high resolution SEM in studying the ultrastructure of cells and tissues.  相似文献   

X-ray equatorial reflections from frog sartorius muscle were studied using a position sensitive detector. A weak reflection appeared between the 10 and 11 peaks which did not index on the hexagonal filament lattice. This reflection, first reported by Elliott et al. (1967), was further characterized. The spacing of the reflection varied in direct proportion to that of the 10 peaks for sarcomere lengths between 2·0 μm and 3·0 μm. Its intensity appeared relatively insensitive to length changes. Optical diffraction patterns from electron micrographs of oblique sections through muscle gave ratios for the spacings of the myosin filaments and the Z-disc lattice that correlated very closely with the X-ray results. It is suggested that the Z-disc structure is the major source of this nonindexible reflection.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and extracellular recordings were used for the investigation of structural and functional peculiarities of single frog sartorius muscle nerve terminal. It has been found that the diameter, length of the synaptic contact and quantity of synaptic vesicles decreased from proximal to distal parts of the nerve terminal. A number of varicosities, separated from each other by schwann cells, have been revealed along the course of the nerve terminal. This indicates the existence of an interrupted synaptic contact. Both the evoked and spontaneous transmitter release decreased from the initial to the end parts of the nerve terminal. The data obtained suggest that there is a correlation between structural heterogeneity and the differences in the transmitter release.  相似文献   

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