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Lumen to bath J 12/C 1 and bath to lumen J 21/ C 2 fluxes per unit concentration of 19 probes with diameters (d m) ranging from 3.0–30.0 Å (water, urea, erythritol, mannitol, sucrose, raffinose and 13 dextrans with d m 9.1–30.0 Å) were measured during volume secretion (J v ) in the upper segment of the Malpighian Tubule of Rhodnius by perfusing lumen and bath with 14C or 3H-labeled probes. J net=(J 12/C 1J 21/C 2) was studied as a function of J v · J v was varied by using different concentrations of 5-hydroxy tryptamine. J net for 3H-water was not different from J v We found: (i) A strong correlation between J net and J v for 8 probes d m =3.0–11.8 Å (group a probes), indicating that the convective component of J net is more important than its diffusive component and than unstirred layers effects which are negligible. Therefore group a probes are solvent dragged as they cross the epithelium, (ii) There is no correlation between J net and J v for 11 probes with d m=11.8–30 Å (group b). Therefore these probes must cross the epithelium by diffusion and not by solvent drag, (iii) In a plot of J net/J v vs. d m group a probes show a steep linear relation with a slope = –0.111, while for group b probes the slope is –0.002. Thus there is a break between groups a and b in this plot. We tried to fit the data with models for restricted diffusion and convention through cylindrical or parallel slit pathways. We conclude that (i) group a probes are dragged by water through an 11.0 Å-wide slit, (ii) Most of J v must follow an extracellular noncytosolic pathway, (iii) Group b probes must diffuse through a 42 Å-wide slit, (iv) A cylindrical pathway does not fit the data.E.G. is a Visiting Scientist at IVIC. It is a pleasure to thank Drs. A.E. Hill and Bruria Shachar-Hill for their suggestion of the use of dextrans, their instruction and help with the dextran separation technique, and their extensive discussions. Dr. R. Apitz, Mr H. Rojas and Mrs. Fulvia Bartoli were most helpful with suggestions during the course of the experimental work. Mr. Jose Mora was fundamental help with the equipment. Mrs. Lelis Ochoa and Mr. Luis F. Alvarez helped with some of the drawings. This work was partially supported by CONICIT, Fundación Polar and CDCH of UCV. It is a pleasure to thank Dr. H. Passow and Dr. K.J. Ullrich at the Max Planck Institut für Biophysik (Frankfurt/Main) where this work was initiated.  相似文献   

1. Calcium movements in the isolated rabbit pancreas and in rabbit pancreas fragments have been studied with the aid of 4 5 Ca2+. 2. Addition of 4 5 Ca2+ to the incubation medium of the isolated rabbit pancreas results in an immediate appearance of isotope in the secreted fluid reaching a constant specific activity in 30 min. The absolute activity in the secreted fluid is 30-40% of that in the incubation medium. 3. Addition of 10(-5) M carbachol after 2 h preincubation with 4 5 Ca2+ results in enzyme secretion accompanied by calcium release. There is also an increase in 4 5 Ca2+ secretion, but this is maximal 10 min after the protein and total calcium peaks. 4. Partial removal of 4 5 Ca2+ from the bathing medium, before stimulation, reduces the increase in 4 5 Ca2+ secretion nearly proportionally. 5. [3H]Mannitol, added to the bathing medium, appears in the secreted fluid and behaves upon carbachol stimulation similarly to 4 5 Ca2+. 6. Upon repeated stimulation with 10(-5) M acetylcholine, a 4 5 Ca2+ peak appears, even in virtual absence of enzyme secretion. In this case the peak coincides with a small total calcium peak. 7. Efflux studies of rabbit pancreas fragments, preloaded with 4 5 Ca2+, show a carbachol-stimulated 4 5 Ca2+ efflux in addition to a release of amylase. 8. These studies indicate that there are three calcium movements in rabbit pancreas which can all be influenced by cholinergic agents: (a) an extracellular route for calcium and other small molecules and ions; (b) a calcium release across the apical membrane along with the enzymes, originating from a pool which does not freely exchange with 4 5 Ca2+ in the bath; (c) a calcium flux across the serosal membrane, which involves calcium exchanging freely with 4 5 Ca2+ from the bath. The third flux is thought to result from an increase in cytoplasmic calcium, which may be involved in the stimulus-secretion coupling of pancreatic enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the pancreatic epithelium is permeable to three presumably passively distributed non-electrolytes, namely sucrose, inulin and mannitol, via paracellular shunts, and that the increased flux of sucrose and inulin seen during augmented digestive enzyme secretion is due to an increase in the permeability of these shunts. The present study considers this hypothesis by comparing the permeability of the epithelium to three different hexose derivatives, mannitol, inositol and 3-O-methyl-glucose, in both the unstimulated state and after the augmentation of protein secretion with a cholinergic drug. The epithelium was found to be more permeable to mannitol than to either inositol or 3-O-methyl-glucose. In the unstimulated state, the concentration of mannitol in ductal fluid at the steady state was approx. 54% of its concentration in the interstitium, as compared to 12% for inositol and 8% for 3-O-methyl-glucose. Cholinergic stimulation substantially increased the concentration of inositol and 3-O-methyl-glucose in secretion, but did not increase that of mannitol. The increase in the concentration of inositol occurred in the absence of an increase in its rate of transepithelial movement. Taken together, the results suggest that: (1) there is a substantial passage of mannitol through the cells of the epithelial layer, and (2) the increased concentration of inositol and 3-O-methyl-glucose in ductal fluid that occurs with stimulation is due to an increase in their efflux from secretory cells.  相似文献   

Summary The size, number and volume per cell of secretion granules in rat exocrine pancreas have been measured using stereological techniques. The changes which occur as a result of feeding starved animals (90 min) or stimulating lobular fragments in vitro with carbachol are documented. In fasted animals mean acinar cell volume was estimated as 1670 m3 and the cells contained an average of around 450 secretion granules with a corrected mean diameter of 0.70 m. They occupied around 7% of cell volume. After feeding mean cell volume was about 1300 m3 and the cells contained an average of about 190 granules per cell with a mean diameter of 0.58 m. They occupied 3% of cell volume. A shift in the size frequency distribution of granule diameters occurred as a result of feeding. In vitro experiments in which lobules were induced to secrete with carbachol (10M, 3 h, 37° C) had a similar effect. Mean cell volume was reduced from around 1760 m3 to 1360 m3, mean granule number from around 420 per cell to 180 per cell and the volume density of granules was reduced from about 8% to 3% of cell volume. There was no significant change in mean granule diameter or shift in the size-frequency distribution of granule diameters. Incubation of tissues with cycloheximide (1 mM, 3 h, 37° C) did not prevent secretion by carbachol but it prevented replacement of granules. As a consequence, depletion by carbachol was greater in the presence of cycloheximide, the granules being reduced to around 110 per cell and to only 2.5% of cell volume. We conclude that feeding causes a preferential loss of larger granules and that during secretion replacement of granules occurs. Some of these granules are smaller than those evident in the glands of starved animals.  相似文献   

The role of Na+ in fluid secretion by the isolated rabbit pancreas was investigated. The fluid secretion rate is reduced upon replacement of Na+ in the bathing medium by Li+, K+ or choline. The inhibition depends on the nature of the substituting cation, and is largest with choline. Upon replacement, the substituent cation appears in the secreted fluid, and the Na+ concentration in the secreted fluid is decreased in a mirror-like fashion. When Na+ is replaced by Li+ or choline, the secretory Na+ concentration is decreased, although less than in the bathing medium, and the K+ concentration is increased. When Na+ is replaced by K+, the Na+ and the K+ concentration in the secreted fluid are approximately equal to their bathing medium concentrations. In the Li+ and choline medium, stimulation of the pancreas by carbachol or CCK-8 increases the fluid secretion rate. In addition, it increases the Li+ or choline concentration, and decreases the Na+ and K+ concentrations in the secreted fluid. In normal and K+ medium, stimulation causes only a slight increase in fluid secretion rate, with no change in the secretory Na+ concentration. In normal medium, stimulation leads to a decrease in the secretory K+ concentration. The effects of replacing Na+ appear to be the result of a direct inhibition of the active HCO3- transport underlying secretion, and an indirect inhibition related to the permeability of the pancreas for the various cations. The stimulants are likely to act by increasing the permeability of the tight junctions.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that overlapping inward sodium and outward potassium currents play a role in generating the waveform of light-evoked depolarizations (LEDs) in one type of retinal neuron in Strombus luhuanus, a marine gastropod [Chinn, K. S., and Gillary, H. L. (1985). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 80A:233-245]. This paper concerns the effects of divalent cations on the LED. The LED can exhibit a distinct early phase of depolarization (DE). Increasing the [Ca2+] in the artificial seawater (ASW) bathing medium reduced the amplitude of the entire LED, and omitting Ca2+ increased it. Adding 10 mM Sr2+ or 10 mM Mn2+ to either normal ASW or 0-Ca2+ ASW decreased the LED amplitude. Adding 10 mM Ba2+ to 0-Ca2+ ASW also decreased the LED amplitude, but adding Ba2+ to normal ASW selectively increased DE. Cd2+ (100 microM) selectively reduced DE when added to normal ASW but not when added to 0-Ca2+ ASW. The results show that a variety of divalent cations can alter the currents that underlie the LED. They also suggest that an inward Ca2+ current occurs during DE.  相似文献   

Fast axonal transport of [3H]protein has been examined in bullfrog primary afferent neurons incubated in media supplemented with divalent cations that can act as agonists or antagonists of calcium ions. Incubation in calcium-free medium (CFM) had no effect on the rate of transport, but reduced the amount of transported [3H]protein by 40–60% relative to transport in the contralateral preparation maintained in normal medium. Preparations incubated in CFM supplemented with 1.8 mM SrCl2 (equimolar to the CaCl2 concentration in normal medium) carried out transport at control levels. Incubation conditions in which primary afferent somata were exposed to the Sr2+-medium while nerve trunks were maintained in CFM also supported normal transport. By contrast, selective exposure of nerve trunks to Sr2+-medium, and somata to CFM resulted in a reduced level of transport similar to that observed when the whole preparation was incubated in CFM. The depression of transport resulting from incubation in CFM was shown to be reversible when preparations were transferred from CFM to either Sr2+-supplemented CFM or to normal medium. By contrast to the effects of Sr2+, Ba2+ (up to 18 mM) did not substitute for Ca2+ in the transport process. When normal medium was supplemented with calciumantagonist cations, the amount of transport was depressed (Co2+ > Mn2+ >> Mg2+), with no concomitant effect on the rate of transport. Results of studies with Co2+, as well as those with Sr2+, suggest that a major locus of action of these cations is within the neuronal soma at a step subsequent to protein synthesis, and prior to the onset of protein translocation via the transport system. Thus, it is inferred that these divalent cations affect a calcium-dependent step that occurs during the initiation phase of fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic membrane fragments were prepared from Anacystis nidulans by French pressure cell disruption. Ascorbate was required to stabilize photophosphorylation activity in membranes kept at near 0°C. Divalent cations were required during mechanical disruption and during assays for Photosystem II activity, with Ca2+ serving best. The rate of photophosphorylation was severely inhibited by Ca2+ during assays. Results suggest that best rates are achieved when photosynthetic membranes contain Ca2+ exposed to the interior surface, facilitating Photosystem II activity, and Mg2+ exposed to the exterior surface during assays, facilitating photophosphorylation activity.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacterium causing chronic infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Such infections are associated with an active type VI secretion system (T6SS), which consists of about 15 conserved components, including the AAA+ ATPase, ClpV. The T6SS secretes two categories of proteins, VgrG and Hcp. Hcp is structurally similar to a phage tail tube component, whereas VgrG proteins show similarity to the puncturing device at the tip of the phage tube. In P. aeruginosa, three T6SSs are known. The expression of H1-T6SS genes is controlled by the RetS sensor. Here, 10 vgrG genes were identified in the PAO1 genome, among which three are co-regulated with H1-T6SS, namely vgrG1a/b/c. Whereas VgrG1a and VgrG1c were secreted in a ClpV1-dependent manner, secretion of VgrG1b was ClpV1-independent. We show that VgrG1a and VgrG1c form multimers, which confirmed the VgrG model predicting trimers similar to the tail spike. We demonstrate that Hcp1 secretion requires either VgrG1a or VgrG1c, which may act independently to puncture the bacterial envelope and give Hcp1 access to the surface. VgrG1b is not required for Hcp1 secretion. Thus, VgrG1b does not require H1-T6SS for secretion nor does H1-T6SS require VgrG1b for its function. Finally, we show that VgrG proteins are required for secretion of a genuine H1-T6SS substrate, Tse3. Our results demonstrate that VgrG proteins are not only secreted components but are essential for secretion of other T6SS substrates. Overall, we emphasize variability in behavior of three P. aeruginosa VgrGs, suggesting that, although very similar, distinct VgrGs achieve specific functions.  相似文献   

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