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A number of Crabtree-positive and Crabtree-negative yeasts were tested for their ability to yield respiratory-deficient (petite) mutants on treatment with acriflavine. Crabtree-positive species produced petite mutants but did not contain the polyunsaturated linoleic (C 18.2) and linolenic (C 18.3) fatty acids. Crabtree-negative species contained these fatty acids and were resistant to acriflavine. This work was supported in part by grant B/SR/5780 from the Science Research Council. We are grateful to the Brewer's Society for a Research Scholarship to Mr. B. Johnson. We thank Mr. A. Bradley for competent technical assistance.  相似文献   

The recent work of Cohen &; Benedek (1976) and Cohen et al. (1975, 1976) on the apparent interdependence of beef liver glutamate dohydrogenase catalytic activity and degree of polymerization is examined in the light of previously published equilibrium and kinetic results. It is shown that some of the hypotheses central to the Cohen &; Benedek (1976) model are in contradiction with existent data. Consideration of all available information leads to the conclusion that effector-induced depolymerization may simply be an incidental side reaction in the events leading to inhibition.  相似文献   

Kuchel PW  Benga G 《Bio Systems》2005,82(2):189-196
Aquaporins are now known to mediate the rapid exchange of water across the plasma membranes of diverse cell types. This exchange has been studied and kinetically characterized in red blood cells (erythrocytes; RBC) from many animal species. In recent years, a favoured method has been one based on NMR spectroscopy. Despite knowledge of their molecular structure the physiological raison d' etre of aquaporins in RBCs is still only speculated upon. Here, we present two hypotheses that account for the fact that the exchange of water is so fast in RBCs. The first is denoted the "oscillating sieve" hypothesis and it posits that known membrane undulations at frequencies up to 30 Hz with displacements up to 0.3 microm are energetically favoured by the high water permeability of the membrane. The second denoted the "water displacement" hypothesis is based on the known rapid exchange across the RBC membrane of ions such as Cl- and HCO3- and solutes such as glucose, all of whose molecular volumes are significantly greater than that of water. The ideas are generalizable to other cell types and organelles.  相似文献   


Pollen allergies are responsible for a considerable global public health burden, and understanding exposure is critical to addressing the health impacts. Atmospheric pollen counts are routinely used as a predictor of risk; however, immune responses are triggered by specific proteins known as allergens, which occur both within and on the surface of the pollen grain. The ratio between atmospheric pollen counts and allergen concentrations (‘pollen potency’) has been shown to be inconsistent, with potentially important implications for pollen monitoring practice. Despite this, there has been no previous synthesis of the literature and our understanding of the factors that influence pollen potency remains poor. We conducted a scoping review with the aim of deriving a current understanding of: (a) the factors that influence pollen potency; (b) its variation through time, between taxa and by location; and (c) the implications for pollen monitoring practice. Our synthesis found that pollen potency is highly variable within and between seasons, and between locations; however, much of this variability remains unexplained and has not been deeply investigated. We found no predictable pollen potency patterns relating to taxon, geography or time, and inconclusive evidence regarding possible driving factors. With respect to human health, the studies in our synthesis generally reported larger associations between atmospheric allergen loads and allergy symptoms than whole pollen counts. This suggests that pollen potency influences public health risk; however, the evidence base remains limited. Further research is needed to better understand both pollen potency variability and its implications for health.


Two distinct classes of protein referred to as short- and long-lived (Poole and Wibo, 1973) were found in pulse-chased HeLa S-3 and BHK 21/C13 cells. From experiments with pulse times ranging from 1 min to 20 h, a clear inverse correlation emerged between the pulse length and the percentage of protein which was hydrolysed intracellularly in the first h of chase. Using a 5 min pulse labelling with 3H-leucine, cells were either harvested immediately or after a 2 h chase. Approximately 35% of the label incorporated by cells was lost in a 2h chase; however, electrophoretic separation of cytosol and residual cytoplasmic fractions revealed no significant alteration in their protein profiles. The technique of selectively labelling ‘short’ and ‘long-lived’ proteins, which implies qualitative differences between them, is more readily interpreted as an artificial polarisation of a declining statistical probability curve of proteolysis with time which is similar for all nascent proteins.  相似文献   

A group of non-protein amino acids of higher plants, namely l-canavanine, l-canaline, 0-ureido-l-homoserine, and l-canavaninosuccinic acid, have been implicated in mammalian intermediary metabolism. The clinical observations and biochemical basis for this hypothesis as well as conflicting experimental evidence are presented. A possible explanation for the apparent role of these non-protein amino acids in mammalian metabolism is offered.  相似文献   

Soil surface CO2 flux (RS) is overwhelmingly the product of respiration by roots (autotrophic respiration, RA) and soil organisms (heterotrophic respiration, RH). Many studies have attempted to partition RS into these two components, with highly variable results. This study analyzes published data encompassing 54 forest sites and shows that RA and RH are each strongly (R2>0.8) correlated to annual RS across a wide range of forest ecosystems. Monte Carlo simulation showed that these correlations were significantly stronger than any correlation introduced as an artefact of measurement method. Biome type, measurement method, mean annual temperature, soil drainage, and leaf habit were not significant. For sites with available data, there was a significant (R2=0.56) correlation between total detritus input and RH, while RA was unrelated to net primary production. We discuss why RA and RH might be related to each other on large scales, as both ultimately depend on forest carbon balance and photosynthate supply. Limited data suggest that these or similar relationships have broad applicability in other ecosystem types. Site‐specific measurements are always more desirable than the application of inferred broad relationships, but belowground measurements are difficult and expensive, while measuring RS is straightforward and commonly done. Thus the relationships presented here provide a useful method that can help constrain estimates of terrestrial carbon budgets.  相似文献   

Summary A distinction between the chemical composition of ultrastructurally modified regions and the rest of the cell wall (canals) of the yeast Schwanniomyces occidentalis was shown by cytochemical staining of cell wall polysaccharides. The formation of canals was induced by cultivation of yeasts on hydrocarbons and was parallelled by the enhancement of -glucosidase, -glucanase and -mannosidase activities which were all capable of degrading cell wall polysaccharides. The presence of cycloheximide prevented canal formation. We assume that these hydrolases modified definite cell wall regions transforming them into canals.  相似文献   

Summary When millet was grown in short-term pot experiments in the greenhouse, in the red-clay and sand-veld soils of Southern Rhodesia and the red clay loams of Uganda, a very close correlation was obtained between labile soil phosphorus and the aluminium- and iron-bound phosphate in these soils. A large increase in labile soil phosphorus was obtained when millet was grown in Uganda soils that had been stored in the air-dry condition for 15 weeks, and a greater increase after 24 weeks. The increase is attributed to the mineralisation of soil organic phosphorus. The maximum temperature used to dry the soils had no effect on the labile soil phosphorus values obtained.  相似文献   

A number of finite element analyses (FEAs) for the dental implant were performed without regard for preload and with all interfaces ‘fixed-bonded’. The purpose of this study was comparing the stress distributions between the conventional FEA model with all contacting interfaces ‘fixed-bonded’ (bonded model) and the model with the interfaces of the components in ‘contact’ with friction simulated as a preloaded implant (contact model). We further verified the accuracy of the result of the FEA using model experiment. In the contact model, the stress was more widely distributed than in the bonded model. From the model study, the preload induced by screw tightening generated strain at the peri-implant bone, even before the application of external force. As a result, the bonded model could not reproduce the mechanical phenomena, whereas the contact model is considered to be appropriate for analysing mechanical problems.  相似文献   

Cytidine-5′-diphosphocholine (CDP-choline) is a widely used neuroprotective drug for multiple indications. In industry, CDP-choline is synthesized by a two-step cell culture/permeabilized cell biotransformation method because substrates often do not enter cells in an efficient manner. This study develops a novel one-step living cell fermentation method for CDP-choline production. For this purpose, the feasibility of Pichia pastoris as a chassis was demonstrated by substrate feeding and CDP-choline production. Overexpression of choline phosphate cytidylyltransferase and choline kinase enhanced the choline transformation pathway and improved the biosynthesis of CDP-choline. Furthermore, co-overexpression of ScHnm1, which is a heterologous choline transporter, highly improved the utilization of choline substrates, despite its easy degradation in cells. This strategy increased CDP-choline titer by 55-folds comparing with the wild-type (WT). Overexpression of cytidine-5′-monophosphate (CMP) kinase and CDP kinase in the CMP transformation pathway showed no positive effects. An increase in the ATP production by citrate stimulation or metabolic pathway modification further improved CDP-choline biosynthesis by 120%. Finally, the orthogonal optimization of key substrates and pH was carried out, and the resulting CDP-choline titer (6.0 g/L) at optimum conditions increased 88 times the original titer in the WT. This study provides a new paradigm for CDP-choline bioproduction by living cells.  相似文献   

Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) analyses of detergent mitochondrial extracts have provided evidence that the yeast ATP synthase could form dimers. Cross-linking experiments performed on a modified version of the i-subunit of this enzyme indicate the existence of such ATP synthase dimers in the yeast inner mitochondrial membrane. We also show that the first transmembrane segment of the eukaryotic b-subunit (bTM1), like the two supernumerary subunits e and g, is required for dimerization/oligomerization of ATP synthases. Unlike mitochondria of wild-type cells that display a well-developed cristae network, mitochondria of yeast cells devoid of subunits e, g, or bTM1 present morphological alterations with an abnormal proliferation of the inner mitochondrial membrane. From these observations, we postulate that an anomalous organization of the inner mitochondrial membrane occurs due to the absence of ATP synthase dimers/oligomers. We provide a model in which the mitochondrial ATP synthase is a key element in cristae morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The porphyrinogenic drug 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide causes the degradation of microsomal cytochrome P-450 and inhibits the synthesis of catalase in rat liver. The inhibition of catalase synthesis follows the induction of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase and the consequent overproduction of haem. The allylisopropylacetamide-mediated breakdown of cytochrome P-450 is a rapid event and has a reciprocal relationship to the pattern of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction. Breakdown of cytochrome P-450 appears to be one of the conditions leading to the ;derepression' of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase.  相似文献   

Reef corals are sentinels for the adverse effects of rapid global warming on the planet''s ecosystems. Warming sea surface temperatures have led to frequent episodes of bleaching and mortality among corals that depend on endosymbiotic micro-algae (Symbiodinium) for their survival. However, our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary response of corals to episodes of thermal stress remains inadequate. For the first time, we describe how the symbioses of major reef-building species in the Caribbean respond to severe thermal stress before, during and after a severe bleaching event. Evidence suggests that background populations of Symbiodinium trenchi (D1a) increased in prevalence and abundance, especially among corals that exhibited high sensitivity to stress. Contrary to previous hypotheses, which posit that a change in symbiont occurs subsequent to bleaching, S. trenchi increased in the weeks leading up to and during the bleaching episode and disproportionately dominated colonies that did not bleach. During the bleaching event, approximately 20 per cent of colonies surveyed harboured this symbiont at high densities (calculated at less than 1.0% only months before bleaching began). However, competitive displacement by homologous symbionts significantly reduced S. trenchi''s prevalence and dominance among colonies after a 2-year period following the bleaching event. While the extended duration of thermal stress in 2005 provided an ecological opportunity for a rare host-generalist symbiont, it remains unclear to what extent the rise and fall of S. trenchi was of ecological benefit or whether its increased prevalence was an indicator of weakening coral health.  相似文献   

Polo like kinase-1 is a key effector of cell division and its over-expression in several cancers is often linked with negative prognostic. We recently described that Plk1 is over-expressed in acute myeloid leukemia, and that its inhibition selectively reduces the proliferation of leukemic cells. Here, we report that Plk1 inhibition or depletion using pharmacological and siRNA approaches decreased the phosphorylation of two mTOR substrates in AML cells. In HCT116 cells, inducible expression of a constitutively active form of Plk1 leads to activation of mTOR, as shown by increased phosphorylation of its 4E-BP1 and RPS6 down-stream targets. In addition, HCT116 cells over-expressing the active form of Plk1 were characterized by abnormal growth that could be reversed by rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of the TORC1 complex. Altogether these data suggest the existence of a molecular and functional link between the Plk1 mitotic kinase and the mTOR pathway. Given the different established functions of Plk1 and mTOR during the cell cycle, we will discuss the possible meaning of this functional relationship.  相似文献   

Some studies have highlighted benefits for Lobesia botrana by adding Botrytis cinerea mycelium to an artificial larval diet and have suggested a mutualistic relationship between the two organisms on grapevine, hypothesizing that fungal sterols were the nutritional factor involved. Because the nutritional quality of an artificial diet should be similar to grapes to allow extrapolation of the results to the field conditions, in the current study L. botrana larval performance was compared when larvae were fed on grapes (berries) or two artificial diets either with or without enrichment with B. cinerea. Based on sterol analysis, the two artificial diets had high cholesterol content, but relative to berries showed comparable and low phytosterol contents, respectively (high- and low-phytosterol, HPh, and LPh). While larval fitness on the HPh diet was similar to berries, the LPh diet led to higher mortality and worse larval performance. The addition of the fungus compensated for the shortage in the LPh diet but did not improve the HPh diet. Supplementing the LPh diet with linoleic acid, which is supplied also from B. cinerea, partially improved larval performance. In a field experiment, females did not show any egg-laying preferences towards naturally botrytized bunches. The positive effect of B. cinerea on the moth's next generation that is reported in the literature could be a consequence of fungus developed inside berry tunnels bored by larvae. Therefore, based on our data and previous reports the existence of a mutualistic relationship between L. botrana and B. cinerea is not well-founded.  相似文献   

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