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Forty-four undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology course entitled Biofeedback and Self-Regulation over a period of three semesters. Twenty percent of each student's grade in the course was derived from the level of self-regulation skills, as measured in an individual performance examination. Results show students can develop impressive self-regulation skills in a course format. Results also indicate that the performance examination measures abilities which are altogether different from those utilized in written examinations.  相似文献   

为适应当前职业教育政策,积极推进高水平职业院校“岗课赛证”综合育人课程建设,“动物微生物”课程教学团队进行“岗课赛证”四位一体课程教学改革,以岗位能力培养为核心,以职业标准和技能大赛为引导制定课程标准,编写特色教材,通过任务驱动法、项目式教学法和引“赛场”入课堂教学方法提高课堂教学效果,打造优质教育教学资源,加强课程师资力量建设,实现岗位、课程、大赛、证书的互为融通,把学生培养为企业需要的高素质技能型人才,全面提升教学质量。  相似文献   

李莹  周亮  陈霞明 《生物工程学报》2022,38(4):1662-1670
"普通生物学"是环境科学与工程专业的专业基础课,为后续专业课程框架的搭建奠定基础,然而,课程点多、面广的特点以及"满堂灌"式传统教学方法无法引起学生的学习热情.为了适应"双一流"背景下应用型综合大学对人才培养的需求,教学团队将"BOPPPS+对分课堂混合式教学""第二课堂思想教育、专业教育与创新创业教育三融合"双循环模...  相似文献   

介绍了以能力培养为主线、分层次、理论与实践教学既有机衔接又相对独立的植物学课程新体系,重点介绍了"3 1"模式的植物学实验课程体系(基本型、综合型、研究探索型三个层次实验课程和野外实习训练),并由此进行了植物学实验课程内容体系、教学模式、教学方法、开放运行模式等方面深层次的改革,形成了一定的特色和优势。新体系付诸了实践和推广,取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

Forty-four undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology course entitled "Biofeedback and Self-Regulation" over a period of three semesters. Twenty percent of each student's grade in the course was derived from the level of self-regulation skills, as measured in an individual performance examination. Results show students can develop impressive self-regulation skills in a course format. Results also indicate that the performance examination measures abilities which are altogether different from those utilized in written examinations.  相似文献   

立德树人是教育事业的根本任务,课程思政是将立德树人融入教育各环节、各领域的重要手段。"细胞生物学"既是现代生命科学的前沿分支学科之一,也是高校生命科学类专业的重要课程。该文在课程思政的背景下,选择新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(简称:新冠疫情)为载体,以"细胞生物学"课程中"病毒的特征、入侵、增殖"为主线,从"教学内容的甄选"和"实施策略"两个方面着手,开展聚焦新冠疫情下"细胞生物学"课程思政教学的深入探讨。该研究旨在引导学生在研习专业知识的基础上,提升其科学素养、树立其正确的价值观,为侧重新冠疫情的课程思政研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

“岗课赛证”四元融通是以课程为中心,将岗位、竞赛和职业证书有机融合于课程的一种教学改革模式。本课程团队以“岗课赛证”融合育人为抓手,通过以岗定课、以赛促课、以证融课的方式,全面实施高等职业院校“食品微生物检验技术”课程教学改革。基于企业岗位能力需求和典型工作任务,开展模块化、项目式教学;以技能竞赛和创新创业大赛为载体,赛教融合,激发学生成长的内生动力,提升学生职业综合素质;基于“1+X”证书制度,课程标准与技能证书标准对接,优化教学资源。通过近三年的教学实践,证实基于“岗课赛证”的“食品微生物检验技术”教学改革能够有效提高学生职业竞争力,满足企业和社会对岗位人才的需求,为职业教育食品专业相关课程改革提供参考。  相似文献   

《遗传学》课程的建设与优化   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:15  
《遗传学》是本科教学的主干课程之一。文章从《遗传学》课程的特点出发,分析了《遗传学》课程教学中存在的一些问题。讨论了《遗传学》精品课程建设中教学内容的更新、教学方法的改进、计算机辅助课件的创建、电子版教材的编写、教学质量的评估、实验项目的创新以及教学效果的提高等方面的一些思路和方法。  相似文献   



Sex and gender differences play a significant role in the course and outcome of conditions that affect specific organ systems in the human body. Research on differences in the effects of medical intervention has helped scientists develop a number of sex- and gender-specific guidelines on the treatment and management of these conditions. An online series of courses, “The Science of Sex and Gender in Human Health,” developed by the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Office of Women’s Health, examines sex and gender differences and their implications. Thus far, three online courses have been generated. The first course offers an overview of the scientific and biological basis for sex- and gender-related differences. The second course is focused on disease-specific sex and gender differences in health and behavior and their implications. Finally, the third course covers the influence of sex and gender on disease manifestation, treatment, and outcome.


Data were obtained using website analytics and post-course surveys.


To date, over 1000 individuals have completed at least one course. Additionally, 600 users have received continuing education credit for completing a course in the series. Finally, the majority of respondents to the online course survey have indicated that the courses considerably enhanced their professional effectiveness.


“The Science of Sex and Gender in Human Health” online courses are freely available sources of information that provide healthcare providers and researchers with the resources to successfully account for sex and gender in their medical practice and research programs.

生物化学是生命科学领域学科专业重要基础课之一,也是"教"与"学"的两难课程之一。基于国内外教学理论和农学专业课程多年的实践教学经验,构建了生物化学课程的"2463"教学模式:在师生双主体的前提下,在教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和教学评价四个层面开展了六个目标方向的实践探索,即教学内容的前沿化、生活化和人文化,教学方式的多元化,教学手段的信息化和教学评价的过程化,而且每个目标方向至少进行三个路径的实践探索。该教学模式经过五轮的教学实践,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

“生物分离工程”是生物工程专业本科生的一门重要的专业必修课,是生物工程专业建立“新工科”课程体系的重要组成部分。本教学团队坚持“以学生发展为中心,以创新思维为核心”的教育理念,以“学习成果”为导向的创新理念,针对课程长期存在的“理论教学与实验课脱节,学生不能及时地将理论知识内化为实践能力”、“课程内容陈旧,与行业需求脱节”、“授课和考核方式相对单一,学生的专业能力和素质未能有效培养”等痛点问题开展教学改革,重构课程内容。打通理论课和实验课的界限,开展“线上+线下”混合教学,通过科研反哺教学,使课程内容紧跟行业发展前沿,充分利用现代信息技术手段开展更丰富的课堂教学活动,并对学生进行全程化、动态化和多样化的考核,全面提升学生的能力。  相似文献   

Employing Bacillus cereus strain 2, we examined the fate of two chromosomes contained in vegetative cells in the course of sporulation. Cytological observations and quantitative estimation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) confirmed the earlier observations that, during the course of sporulation, one of two chromosomes of the vegetative cell was incorporated into the sporangium and the other disappeared into the medium as the result of cell lysis. Log-phase cells, labeled completely with thymine-2-(14)C in the presence of deoxyadenosine, were cultured in the "cold" glucose-glutamate-glycine-salts medium, and culture samples, taken at intervals at successive generations, were subjected to sporulation in glutamate-salts medium. The percentage of radioactivity in the spores separated from each culture remained almost unchanged at nearly 50% and was independent of the number of generations of the preceding culture in the "cold" medium. This suggests that the selective incorporation into the sporangium of either the "older" or "younger" chromosome of a vegetative cell does not occur in the course of spore formation. Some examples of the selective and nonselective behavior of DNA molecules in cellular events in microorganisms are cited.  相似文献   



The rapidly evolving discipline of biological and biomedical engineering requires adaptive instructional approaches that teach students to target and solve multi-pronged and ill-structured problems at the cutting edge of scientific research. Here we present a modular approach to designing a lab-based course in the emerging field of biofabrication and biological design, leading to a final capstone design project that requires students to formulate and test a hypothesis using the scientific method.


Students were assessed on a range of metrics designed to evaluate the format of the course, the efficacy of the format for teaching new topics and concepts, and the depth of the contribution this course made to students training for biological engineering careers. The evaluation showed that the problem-based format of the course was well suited to teaching students how to use the scientific method to investigate and uncover the fundamental biological design rules that govern the field of biofabrication.


We show that this approach is an efficient and effective method of translating emergent scientific principles from the lab bench to the classroom and training the next generation of biological and biomedical engineers for careers as researchers and industry practicians.

The methods for authoring and distributing course content are undergoing substantial changes due to advancement in computer technology. Paper has been the traditional method to author and distribute course content. Paper enables students to personalize content through highlighting and note taking but does not enable the incorporation of multimedia elements. Computers enable multimedia content but lack the capability of the user to personalize the content. Therefore, we investigated TK3 eBooks as a potential solution to incorporate the benefits of both paper and computer technology. The objective of our study was to assess the utility of TK3 eBooks in the context of authoring and distributing dermatology course content for use by second-year medical students at the University of Utah School of Medicine during the spring of 2004. We incorporated all dermatology course content into TK3 eBook format. TK3 eBooks enable students to personalize information through tools such as "notebook," "hiliter," "stickies," mark pages, and keyword search. Students were given the course content in both paper and eBook formats. At the conclusion of the dermatology course, students completed a questionnaire designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the eBooks compared with paper. Students perceived eBooks as an effective way to distribute course content and as a study tool. However, students preferred paper over eBooks to take notes during lecture. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that eBooks provide a convenient method for authoring, distributing, and using course content but that students preferred paper to take notes during lecture.  相似文献   

Anemotaxis in adult larder beetles, Dermestes ater,was investigated using a locomotion compensator, to uncover the mechanism(s) by which beetles maintain a course direction relative to a wind stimulus. Compared to walking in still air, anemotactically orienting beetles walk with the following characteristics over 60-s periods: (1) reduced locomotor and turning rates, (2) sustained, relatively straight paths with course directions at various angles to the wind, and (3) an increased tendency to stop for brief periods. Differences in wind speed affect mainly path straightness, which increases positively with stimulus intensity. Beetles track the wind direction equally well moving up or downwind, and they are able to orient at angles either close to the wind or at more oblique angles. When the wind direction was shifted 90°, the beetles turned, usually over the short angle, to their previous course heading relative to the stimulus. Indvidual beetles exhibited preferred course directions over several trials within a period of 20 min. Each beetle regained its particular anemotactic angle after the 90° shift in the stimulus direction. Although the beetles paused in some trials, stopping was not required to reorient to the altered stimulus direction.  相似文献   

"海洋微生物学实验"课程是高等院校海洋科学类专业的重要基础课程,在海洋科学人才培养过程中发挥重要作用。开展"海洋微生物学实验"课程的思政建设,是落实高校全员全程全方位培养青年海洋微生物人才的重要途径。本文以"海洋微生物学实验"课程为例,挖掘提炼课程中蕴含的思政元素,从课程建设、教学理念、教学目标、教学方法、考核评价体系、教学反思等方面开展课程思政教育的探索和实践,旨在将专业知识和思政元素有机融合,实现知识传授和价值引领同频共振。  相似文献   

杨帆  杨劲树 《生物工程学报》2022,38(4):1631-1639
合成生物学作为生物学中新的分支学科,发展迅速,理论研究和应用潜力巨大,在带来了很多新的研究理念和研究方法的同时,给高校教学也带来了新的挑战.目前就合成生物学课程而言,国内可供参考的教学经验不多.文中以浙江大学"博雅技艺"类通识课程—"合成生物学"为例,从课程背景、课程设计、课程实施情况、课程成果与存在问题等方面,全方位...  相似文献   

《环境工程微生物学》是环境工程专业的核心课程之一,为提高教学质量,以湖南文理学院环境工程专业为例,从明确课程定位、提升教师教学水平、提高学生兴趣以及加强实践教学几个方面进行了探讨。首先需明确该课程不同于普通的微生物学,教师在授课中应将微生物学相关理论知识与环境科学、环境工程领域实践相结合。其次,教师应通过多种方式提高自身教学水平。在授课中应注意通过合理使用教具、引入热点问题以及善于使用多媒体设备、提高学生课堂参与力度等方式来培养学生的学习兴趣。同时,在实践教学中也应注意促进学生对于环境工程微生物理论知识的理解和运用,提高动手能力和实验独操能力,以期达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether students within a large (100-160 students) didactic lecture-based course, "Elementary Physiology" (EP), who were given an active-learning opportunity would perform better on objective examinations over EP material compared with their classroom peers who did not have the same active-learning experience. This was achieved by offering the EP students the option of taking a supplemental one credit hour discussion-based course, "Case Studies in Physiology" (CSP). Approximately 14% of the EP students opted for the CSP course. The format of CSP consisted of a one-hour-per-week discussion of applied problems based on the factual information presented in EP. On a subjective scale of 1 to 4, the CSP students felt that the course helped them to understand the EP material (3.5). This was reflected in the EP examination results for which the CSP students scored significantly higher compared with their non-CSP peers (81.1% vs. 75.7%; P < 0.05). These results indicate that when active-learning methods, such as discussion of applied problems, are used as a supplement to didactic lectures in physiology, performance on objective examinations of lecture material is improved.  相似文献   

在《分子细胞生物学》课程体系和教学方法研究中,提出了"以分子细胞生物学领域最新研究进展为主要内容"的课程体系以及"培养学生创造性思维为主题"的课堂教学方法和考核模式为要特征的教学改革,很好地培养了学生对《分子细胞生物学》的兴趣和较强的科研的能力。本文从课程体系、教学方法和考试方式等方面总结了《分子细胞生物学》课程改革的研究成果。  相似文献   

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