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A variety of unicellular algae, thylakoids from higher plants in different stages of maturity and isolated pigment-protein complexes were oriented in stretched polyvinyl alcohol films. Low temperature linear dichroism (LD) spectra of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and higher plant thylakoids in the films were very similar to those obtained after orientation of similar samples using magnetic or electric fields. Positive LD bands corresponding to Chl a (670) and (682) and negative bands due to Chl a (658) and Chl b(648) were resolved in spectra of the light harvesting Chl a/b protein. Chl b (648) and Chl a (658) and (670) were not seen in the LD spectrum of thylakoids from plants grown in intermittent light, the Chl b-less mutant of barley, Euglena gracilis or the cyanobacteria, Phormidium luridum and Anacystis nidulans, but did appear upon chloroplast maturation in Romaine lettuce and during the greening of etiolated and intermittent light plants. The highly oriented long wavelength Chl a (682) in the light-harvesting complex may represent residual PS II whose peak dichroism is centered at 681 nm. The PS I preparation had a Chl a/b ratio of approx. 6 and the LD spectrum was positive with a maximum at 690-694 nm and a band of lower amplitude at 652 nm. The minor LD band was not observed in PS I preparations from organisms that lack chl b such as the cyanobacteria, intermittent light plants and the Chl b-less mutant of barley. We suggest that the 652 nm band is due to Chl b molecules associated with the antenna of PS I and are distinct from those on the light harvesting complex whose orientation is different. We also conclude that all the Chl a forms are oriented and that the long geometric axes of the pigment-protein complexes, as deduced from the configuration they assume in the stretched films, are axes that normally lie parallel to the plane of the native thylakoid.  相似文献   

The absorption and linear dichroism (LD) spectra (380–780 nm) of isolated light-harvesting complex (LHC), Photosystem I (PS I), Photosystem II (PS II), as well as intact thylakoids have been determined at 300 and 100 K. The samples were oriented in squeezed polyacrylamide gel. The low-temperature spectra of LHC and PS I present LD signals which are characteristic enough to be recognized in the LD spectrum of thylakoids. Tentative assignments of the various features of the LD spectra to the major photosynthetic pigments are discussed. A shoulder in the low-temperature absorption spectra is observed at about 673 nm in all the systems under investigation. The absence of an associated LD signal suggests that this ubiquitous chlorophyll (Chl) a form is non-dichroic. Furthermore, in the three isolated chlorophyll-protein complexes described in this study the sign of the LD signal indicates that both the Qy transition of the Chl a and the carotenoid molecules are preferentially oriented parallel to the largest dimension(s) of the particles.  相似文献   

John Biggins 《BBA》1981,635(2):259-266
The effect of cations on the linear dichroism (LD) and selective polarized light scattering of higher plant thylakoids was investigated. The results show that the major change in LD signal caused by the addition of cations is due to a scattering contribution most probably resulting from thylakoid stacking. However, minor changes in the LD signal also occur on the short wavelength side of the main LD band that persist even when a large proportion of the scattering change is eliminated by increasing the refractive index of the medium. The minor changes appear to be correlated with the cation-induced increase in variable fluorescence and resolution of the spectra at 77 K reveals that the changes in dichroism are due to LD bands of pigments associated with the light-harvesting complex.  相似文献   

Using absorption and fluorescence experiments at low temperature with polarized light on oriented samples, the orientation of PS-I-related pigments, both in green plants and in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, has been investigated on isolated pigment-protein complexes and intact thylakoids. The following observations have been made. (i) The isolation procedure of PS I110, PS I65, LHC I and CP0) particles from pea and C. reinhardtii do not alter significantly the intrinsic orientation of the pigments inside the complexes; (ii) Chl b is a structural component of PS I, linked to the peripheral antenna, with an orientation with respect to the thylakoid plane different from that observed in the main light-harvesting complex (iii) PS I65 (i.e., ‘core’ PS I) of pea and C. reinhardtii contains identical chromophores having the same orientation with respect to the geometrical longest axis (axes) of the complexes. (iv) LHC I and CP0 (i.e., PS I ‘peripheral antenna’) of pea and C. reinhardtii have identical oriented chromophores, except that a long-wavelength component with a high anisotropy is only present in green plants. This set of pigments, which absorbs at 705–725 nm, has the same orientation as the dipoles emitting F735 and also as the QY transition of P-700. (v) All the long-wavelength fluorescence properties of the various studied membranes are explained by these data on isolated PS I complexes: wild-type C. reinhardtii and Chl-b-less barely fluoresce from the core pigments, while a CP1 deficient mutant of C. reinhardtii and wild-type barley fluoresce from the antenna pigments.  相似文献   

The orientation of pigments and pigment-protein complexes of the green photosynthetic bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii was studied by measurement of linear dichroism spectra at 295 and 100 K. Orientation of intact cells and membrane vesicles (Complex I) was obtained by drying on a glass plate. The photochemically active pigment-protein complexes (photosystem-protein complex and reaction center pigment-protein complex) and the antenna bacteriochlorophyll a protein were oriented by pressing a polyacrylamide gel. The data indicate that the near-infrared transitions (Qy) of bacteriochlorophyll c and most bacteriochlorophyll a molecules have a relatively parallel orientation to the membrane, whereas the Qy transitions of the bacteriochlorophyll a in the antenna protein are oriented predominantly perpendicularly to the membrane. Carotenoids and the Qx transitions (590–620 nm) of bacteriochlorophyll a, not belonging to the bacteriochlorophyll a protein, have a relatively perpendicular orientation to the membrane. The absorption and linear dichroism spectra indicate the existence of different pools of bacteriochlorophyll c in the chlorosomes and of carotenoid and bacteriopheophytin c in the cell membrane. The results suggest that the photosystem-protein and reaction center pigment-protein complexes are oriented with their short axes approximately perpendicular to the plane of the membrane. The symmetry axis of the bacteriochlorophyll a protein has an approximately perpendicular orientation.  相似文献   

Absorption, linear dichroism and circular dichroism spectra of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata (wild-type-St. Louis strain, mutant Y5 and mutant Ala+) are particularly sensitive to the nature of the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll-carotenoid-protein complexes. Evidence for exciton-type interactions is seen near 855 nm in the membranes from the wild-type and from mutant Y5, as well as in an isolated B-800 + 850 light-harvesting complex from mutant Y5. The strong circular dichroism that reflects these interactions is attenuated more than 10-fold in membranes from the Ala+ mutant, which lacks both B-800 + 850 and colored carotenoids and contains only the B-875 light-harvesting complex. These results lead to the conclusion that these two light-harvesting complexes have significantly different chromophore arrangements or local environments.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation in vitro of the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab protein complex associated with Photosystem II (LHCII) resulted in the lateral migration of a subpopulation of LHCII from the grana to the stroma lamellae. This movement was characterized by a decrease in the chlorophyll ab ratio and an increase in the 77 K fluorescence emission at 681 nm in the stroma lamellae following phosphorylation. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the principal phosphoproteins under these conditions were polypeptides of 26–27 kDa. These polypeptides increased in relative amount in the stroma lamellae and decreased in the grana during phosphorylation. Pulse/chase experiments confirmed that the polypeptides were labelled in the grana and moved to the stroma lamellae in the subsequent chase period. A fraction at the phospho-LHCII, however, was unable to move and remained associated with the grana fraction. LHCII which moved out into the stroma lamellae effectively sensitized Photosystem I (PS I), since the ability to excite fluorescence emission at 735 nm (at 77 K) by chlorophyll b was increased following phosphorylation. These data support the ‘mobile antenna’ hypothesis proposed by Kyle, Staehelin and Arntzen (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1983) 222, 527–541) which states that the alterations in the excitation-energy distribution induced by LHCII phosphorylation are, in part, due to the change in absorptive cross-section of PS II and PS I, resulting specifically from the movement of LHCII antennae chlorophylls from the PS-II-enriched grana to the PS-I-enriched stroma lamellae.  相似文献   

The low-temperature linear dichroism spectrum of thylakoids oriented in polyacrylamide gel can be adequately described by a linear combination of the corresponding spectra of particles of light-harvesting complex, Photosystem I and Photosystem II, isolated by Triton X-100 extraction. The main conclusions which can be derived from this observation are: (1) The in vivo orientation of the pigments within each of the three complexes is not significantly affected by the extraction and purification procedures. (2) The various photosynthetic pigments are oriented roughly to the same extent in each of the three main biochemical constituents of the thylakoid. (3) All the complexes investigated behave like ellipsoids, the largest dimensions of which are lying in the plane of the photosynthetic membrane.  相似文献   

Using a polyacrylamide gel squeezing technique, linear dichroism spectra of thylakoids from wild-type and chlorophyll-b less barley have been obtained at 100 K. The calculated difference linear dichroism spectra, based on normalization at 690–695 nm, are identical to those of the light-harvesting complex (LHC) isolated by Triton solubilization. This observation is in agreement with previous conclusions (Tapie, P., Haworth, P., Hervo, G. and Breton, J. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 682, 339–344) regarding: (i) scattering artifacts are absent in linear dichroism spectra determined using polyacrylamide gels, (ii) the in vivo orientation of LHC pigments is maintained in the isolated complex and (iii) the largest dimension(s) of the isolated LHC is (are), in vivo, parallel to the plane of the photosynthetic membrane.  相似文献   

Excitation spectra of chlorophyll a fluorescence in chloroplasts from spinach and barley were measured at 4.2 K. The spectra showed about the same resolution as the corresponding absorption spectra. Excitation spectra for long-wave chlorophyll a emission (738 or 733 nm) indicate that the main absorption maximum of the photosystem (PS) I complex is at 680 nm, with minor bands at longer wavelengths. From the corresponding excitation spectra it was concluded that the emission bands at 686 and 695 nm both originate from the PS II complex. The main absorption bands of this complex were at 676 and 684 nm. The PS I and PS II excitation spectra both showed a contribution by the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab protein(s), but direct energy transfer from PS II to PS I was not observed at 4 K. Omission of Mg2+ from the suspension favored energy transfer from the light-harvesting protein to PS I. Excitation spectra of a chlorophyll b-less mutant of barley showed an average efficiency of 50–60% for energy transfer from β-carotene to chlorophyll a in the PS I and in the PS II complexes.  相似文献   

An isolated light-harvesting pigment-protein complex contains polypeptides which bind chlorophyll a and b. The individual complexes can be purified from detergent-solubilized membranes. The isolated light-harvesting complex, when dialyzed to remove detergents, was examined by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The material consisted of planar sheets of 80-Å subunits which interacted via an edge-to-edge contact. Addition of cations caused the planar light-harvesting complex sheets to become tightly appressed in multilamellar stacks, with distinct subunits still visible within each lamellar sheet. A transition of particle organization from random to crystalline occurred in parallel with the cation-induced lamellar association. Treatment of the dialyzed light-harvesting complex subunits with low levels of the proteolytic enzyme trypsin removed a 2000 molecular weight segment of the major polypeptide of the light-harvesting complex and blocked all subsequent cation-induced changes in structural organization of the isolated light-harvesting complex lamellar sheets.To gain further evidence for mechanisms of cation effects upon the organization of the light-harvesting complex in native membranes, the light-harvesting complex was incorporated into uncharged (phosphatidylcholine) lipid vesicles. The protein complexes spanned the lipid bilayer and were arranged in either a random pattern or in hexagonal crystalline lattices. Addition of either monovalent or divalent cations to ‘low-salt’ (20 mM monovalent cation) vesicles containing light-harvesting complex caused extensive regions of membrane appression to appear. It is concluded that this cation-induced membrane appression is mediated by surface-exposed segments of the light-harvesting complex since (a) phosphatidylcholine vesicles themselves did not undergo cation-induced aggregation, and (b) mild trypsin digestion of the surface-exposed regions of the light-harvesting complex blocked cation-induced lamellar appression. The particles in the appressed vesicle membranes tended to form long, linear arrays of particles, with occasional mixed quasi-crystalline arrays with an angular displacement near 72°. Surface-mediated interactions among light-harvesting complex subunits of different membranes are, therefore, related to changes in structural organization and interaction of the particles within the lipid phase of the membrane.Numerous previous studies have implicated the involvement of the light-harvesting complex in mediating grana stocking in intact chloroplast membranes. The data presented herein provide a simulation of the membrane appression phenomena using a single class of chloroplast-derived membrane subunits. The data demonstrate that specific surface-localized regions of the light-harvesting complex are involved in membrane-membrane interactions.  相似文献   

A study was made of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectra between 100 and 4.2 K of chloroplasts of various species of higher plants (wild strains and chlorophyll b mutants) and of subchloroplast particles enriched in Photosystem I or II. The chloroplast spectra showed the well known emission bands at about 685, 695 and 715–740 nm; the System I and II particles showed bands at about 675, 695 and 720 nm and near 685 nm, respectively. The effect of temperature lowering was similar for chloroplasts and subchloroplast particles; for the long wave bands an increase in intensity occurred mainly between 100 and 50 K, whereas the bands near 685 nm showed a considerable increase in the region of 50-4.2 K. In addition to this we observed an emission band near 680 nm in chloroplasts, the amplitude of which was less dependent on temperature. The band was missing in barley mutant no. 2, which lacks the lightharvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complex. At 4.7 K the spectra of the variable fluorescence (Fv) consisted mainly of the emission bands near 685 and 695 nm, and showed only little far-red emission and no contribution of the band at 680 nm.From these and other data it is concluded that the emission at 680 nm is due to the light-harvesting complex, and that the bands at 685 and 695 nm are emitted by the System II pigment-protein complex. At 4.2 K, energy transfer from System II to the light-harvesting complex is blocked, but not from the light-harvesting to the System I and System II complexes. The fluorescence yield of the chlorophyll species emittting at 685 nm appears to be directly modulated by the trapping state of the reaction center.  相似文献   

Herbert Böhme  Helmar Almon 《BBA》1983,722(3):401-407
Isolated heterocysts from Anabaena variabilis show high rates of light- and hydrogen-dependent acetylene reduction. This heterocyst preparation also shows light-induced redox reactions of cytochromes f-556 and b-564. Both cytochromes are reversibly oxidized by light or by oxygen (in the dark). Oxygen-oxidized cytochromes assume their initially reduced state by addition of dithionite or flushing the reaction vessel with hydrogen or argon. All three agents remove oxygen from solutions more or less efficiently, thereby creating reducing conditions; hydrogen-induced reduction is slow and generally completed after about 10 min. No evidence has been obtained for a direct electron donation of hydrogen to either of the cytochromes measured. Photoreduction of nitrogen in the presence of hydrogen is explained by a combined operation of properly poised cyclic photophosphorylation providing ATP, and a light-independent hydrogenase reaction providing reductant.  相似文献   

The electron donation to Chl a+II has been studied by measurement of absorbance changes at 824 nm under repetitive excitation conditions. For untreated inside-out thylakoids the electron donation was dominated by 35 and 220 ns kinetics. After salt-washing, both oxygen-evolution and nanosecond phases decreased drastically with corresponding increase in the microsecond time range. On addition of a purified 23 kDa protein, a restoration of the nanosecond phases up to 75% of the orginal level was obtained concomitant with a corresponding restoration of oxygen evolution. The results are consistent with a function of the 23 kDa protein at the oxidizing side of Photosystem II and that the nanosecond donation to Chl-a+II is coupled to the natural path of electrons from water.  相似文献   

After isolated chloroplast thylakoids have been transferred to a medium which is more alkaline than their storage medium, they retain considerable amounts of unequilibrated protons for often longer than 10 min. Essentially all of these protons are released upon uncoupler addition when the thylakoids are osmotically swollen, but only a portion of them when they are in a shrunken state. Osmotic swelling also greatly accelerates the inactivation of the water-oxidizing system enzyme of Photosystem II, and its depletion of functional Cl?, at alkaline pH. Analyses of the mestable proton gradient in terms of stoichiometry, temperature dependence, and effect on fluorescent amine probes, suggest that most of the protons involved are bound and exchange readily with the bulk phases only when the thylakoids are swollen. It is concluded that, in shrunken thylakoids, the water-oxidizing enzymes are buried in special H+-sequestering domains which probably are formed by cavities in the inner surface of the thylakoid membrane. An observed cooperative action of alkaline pH and divalent cations during Cl?-extraction from Photosystem II is interpreted as revealing an involvement of both a negatively charged surface region and positively charged groups in maintaining the functional integrity of the site of water oxidization.  相似文献   

A. Melis  A.P.G.M. Thielen 《BBA》1980,589(2):275-286
In the present study we used three types of Nicotiana tabacum, cv John William's Broad Leaf (the wild type and two mutants, the yellow-green Su/su and the yellow Su/su var. Aurea) in order to correlate functional properties of Photosystem II and Photosystem I with the structural organization of their chloroplasts. The effective absorption cross-section of Photosystem II and Photosystem I centers was measured by means of the rate constant of their photoconversion under light-limiting conditions. In agreement with earlier results (Okabe, K., Schmid, G.H. and Straub, J. (1977) Plant Physiol. 60, 150–156) the photosynthetic unit size for both System II and System I in the two mutants was considerably smaller as compared to the wild type. We observed biphasic kinetics in the photoconversion of System II in all three types of N. tabacum. However, the photoconversion of System I occurred with monophasic and exponential kinetics. Under our experimental conditions, the effective cross-section of Photosystem I was comparable to that of the fast System II component (α centers). The relative amplitude of the slow System II component (β centers) varied between 30% in the wild type to 70% in the Su/su var. Aurea mutant. The increased fraction of β centers is correlated with the decreased fraction of appressed photosynthetic membranes in the chloroplasts of the two mutants. As a working hypothesis, it is suggested that β centers are located on photosynthetic membranes directly exposed to the stroma medium.  相似文献   

Steven M. Theg  Peter H. Homann 《BBA》1982,679(2):221-234
Studies of the association of Cl? with Photosystem (PS) II in CF1-containing thylakoid membranes revealed that photosynthetically active Cl? is retained in a Cl?-free medium unless it is sufficiently alkaline, uncoupling conditions are established and light is excluded. After treatment under such conditions, electron transport from water became dependent on added Cl? under all conditions. Quantitative measurements of 36Cl? retention in the light revealed that there were about five Cl? anions present in Cl?-sufficient chloroplasts per PS II reaction center, and one-fourth of that in Cl?-deficient samples. Uncouplers representing three different types of uncoupling mechanism were found to be effective mediators of Cl? release from thylakoids. Since the ability to collapse a proton gradient probably is the only property shared by all the tested uncouplers, a proton gradient may be involved in the retention of Cl?. As uncoupler-mediated Cl? release did not depend on preillumination of our samples, a long-lived proton gradient must exist in dark-adapted chloroplasts which may not span the whole thickness of the thylakoid membrane. It is postulated that the Cl? active in PS II reactions resides in a special membrane domain from which protons slowly equilibrate with those in the bulk solutions. Cl? is thought to be released to the bulk phases only when the pH of the membrane domain is raised above a certain threshold by the action of uncouplers. This domain may be identical to the intramembranous compartment which has been postulated to be associated with PS II (Prochaska, L.J. and Dilley, R.A., (1978) Front. Biol. Res. Energ. 1, 265–274).  相似文献   

The structural and functional organization of the spinach chloroplast photosystems (PS) I, IIα and IIβ was investigated. Sensitive absorbance difference spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet (?A320) and red (?A700) regions of the spectrum provided information on the relative concentration of PS II and PS I reaction centers. The kinetic analysis of PS II and PS I photochemistry under continuous weak excitation provided information on the number (N) of chlorophyll (Chl) molecules transferring excitation energy to PS IIα, PS IIβ and PS I. Spinach chloroplasts contained almost twice as many PS II reaction centers compared to PS I reaction centers. The number Nα of chlorophyll (Chl) molecules associated with PS IIα was 234, while Nβ = 100 and NPS I = 210. Thus, the functional photosynthetic unit size of PS II reaction centers was different from that of PS I reaction centers. The relative electron-transport capacity of PS II was significantly greater than that of PS I. Hence, under light-limiting green excitation when both Chl a and Chl b molecules are excited equally, the limiting factor in the overall electron-transfer reaction was the turnover of PS I. The Chl composition of PS I, PS IIα and PS IIβ was analyzed on the basis of a core Chl a reaction center complex component and a Chl ab-LHC component. There is a dissimilar Chl ab-LHC composition in the three photosystems with 77% of total Chl b associated with PS IIα only. The results indicate that PS IIα, located in the membrane of the grana partition region, is poised to receive excitation from a wider spectral window than PS IIβ and PS I.  相似文献   

Extraction conditions have been found which result in the retention of managanese to the 33–34 kDa protein, first isolated as an apoprotein by Kuwabara and Murata (Kuwabara, T. and Murata, N. (1979) Biochim. Biophys Acta 581, 228–236). By maintaining an oxidizing-solution potential, with hydrophilic and lipophilic redox buffers during protein extraction of spinach grana-thylakoid membranes, the 33–34 kDa protein is observed to bind a maximum of 2 Mn/protein which are not released by extended dialysis versus buffer. This manganese is a part of the pool of 4 Mn/Photosystem II normally associated with the oxygen-evolving complex. The mechanism for retention of Mn to the protein during isolation appears to be by suppression of chemical reduction of natively bound, high-valent Mn to the labile Mn(II) oxidation state. This protein is also present in stoichiometric levels in highly active, O2-evolving, detergent-extracted PS-II particles which contain 4–5 Mn/PS II. Conditions which result in the loss of Mn and O2 evolution activity from functional membranes, such as incubation in 1.5 mM NH2OH or in ascorbate plus dithionite, also release Mn from the protein. The protein exists as a monomer of 33 kDa by gel filtration and 34 kDa by gel electrophoresis, with an isoelectric point of 5.1 ± 0.1. The protein exhibits an EPR spectrum only below 12 K which extends over at least 2000 G centered at g = 2 consisting of non-uniformly separated hyperfine transitions with average splitting of 45–55 G. The magnitude of this splitting is nominally one-half the splitting observed in monomeric manganese complexes having O or N donor ligands. This is apparently due to electronic coupling of the two 55Mn nuclei in a presumed binuclear site. Either a ferromagnetically coupled binuclear Mn2(III,III) site or an antiferromagnetically coupled mixed-valence Mn2(II,III) site are considered as possible oxidation states to account for the EPR spectrum. Qualitatively similar hyperfine structure splittings are observed in ferromagnetically coupled binuclear Mn complexes having even-spin ground states. The extreme temperature dependence suggests the population of low-lying excited spin states such as are present in weakly coupled dimers and higher clusters of Mn ions, or, possibly, from efficient spin relaxation such as occurs in the Mn(III) oxidation state. Either 1.5 mM NH2OH or incubation with reducing agents abolishes the low temperature EPR signal and releases two Mn(II) ions to solution. This is consistent with the presence of Mn(III) in the isolated protein. The intrinsically unstable Mn2(II,III) oxidation state observed in model compounds favors the assignment of the stable protein oxidation state to the Mn2(III,III) formulation. This protein exhibits characteristics consistent with an identification with the long-sought Mn site for photosynthetic O2 evolution. An EPR spectrum having qualitatively similar features is observable in dark-adapted intact, photosynthetic membranes (Dismukes, G.C., Abramowicz, D.A., Ferris, F.K., Mathur, P., Upadrashta, B. and Watnick, P. (1983) in The Oxygen-Evolving System of Plant Photosynthesis (Inoue, Y., ed.), pp. 145–158, Academic Press, Tokyo) and in detergent-extracted, O2-evolving Photosystem-II particles (Abramowicz, D.A., Raab, T.K. and Dismukes, G.C. (1984) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Photosynthesis (Sybesma, C., ed.), Vol. I, pp. 349–354, Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague, The Netherlands), thus establishing a direct link with the O2 evolving complex.  相似文献   

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