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In natural variable environments, plants rapidly adjust photosynthesis for optimum balance between photochemistry and photoprotection. These adjustments mainly occur via changes in their proton motive force (pmf). Recent studies based on time resolved analysis of the Electro Chromic Signal (ECS) bandshift of photosynthetic pigments in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have suggested an active role of ion fluxes across the thylakoid membranes in the regulation of the pmf. Among the different channels and transporters possibly involved in this phenomenon, we previously identified the TPK3 potassium channel. Plants silenced for TPK3 expression displayed light stress signatures, with reduced Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) capacity and sustained anthocyanin accumulation, even at moderate intensities. In this work we re-examined the role of this protein in pmf regulation, starting from the observation that both TPK3 knock-down (TPK3 KD) and WT plants display enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the light under certain growth conditions, especially in old leaves. We thus compared the pmf features of young “green” (without anthocyanins) and old “red” (with anthocyanins) leaves in both genotypes using a global fit analysis of the ECS. We found that the differences in the ECS profile measured between the two genotypes reflect not only differences in TPK3 expression level, but also a modified photosynthetic activity of stressed red leaves, which are present in a larger amounts in the TPK3 KD plants.  相似文献   

An experimental system is described for the simultaneous measurement of components of the proton motive force and other energy-related activies in microorganisms under steady defined microaerobic conditions. Oxygen is supplied in a solution containing an O2-carrier such as myoglobin or leghaemoglobin, to a stirred reaction chamber in which a suspension of the microorganism is required aboce a membrane filter whic is pervious to the carrier. The rate of O2 consumption is regulated by the rate at which the solution is pumped through the chamber. The concentration of free O2 in the chamber and the rate of its consumption are calculated from the pumping rate and the decline in the relative oxygenation of the carrier measured spectrophotometrically in the effluent solution. The uptake by the microorganisms of radioactively labelled probes for ΔpH and Δψ is calculated following their injection into the reaction chamber and monitoring of continuously collected fractions of effluent solution, after it has passed through the spectrophometer. An example of the use of the system is given.The use of this system is advocated for many microaerobic applications since most of the measurements can be made without perturbing the steady state until the final shape of the suspension is collected.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the proton motive force (p) and its constituents, the electrical () and chemical potential (-ZpH), were established for chemostat cultures of a protease-producing, relaxed (rel ) variant and a not protease-producing, stringent (rel +) variant of an industrial strain ofBacillus licheniformis (respectively referred to as the A- and the B-type). For both types, an inverse relation of p with the specific growth rate was found. The calculated intracellular pH (pHin) was not constant but inversely related to . This change in pHin might be related to regulatory functions of metabolism but a regulatory role for pHin itself could not be envisaged. Measurement of the adenylate energy charge (EC) showed a direct relation with for glucose-limited chemostat cultures; in nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures, the EC showed an approximately constant value at low and an increased value at higher . For both limitations, the ATP/ADP ratio was directly related to .The phosphorylation potential (G'p) was invariant with . From the values for G'p and p, a variable H+/ATP-stoichiometry was inferred: H+/ATP=1.83+0.52µ, so that at a given H+/O-ratio of four (4), the apparent P/O-ratio (inferred from regression analysis) showed a decline of 2.16 to 1.87 for =0 to max (we discuss how more than half of this decline will be independent of any change in internal cell-volume). We propose that the constancy of G'p and the decrease in the efficiency of energy-conservation (P/O-value) with increasing are a way in which the cells try to cope with an apparent less than perfect coordination between anabolism and catabolism to keep up the highest possible with a minimum loss of growth-efficiency. Protease production in nitrogen-limited cultures as compared to glucose-limited cultures, and the difference between the A- and B-type, could not be explained by a different energy-status of the cells.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trichloromethoxyphenylhydrazone - DW dry weight of biomass - F Faraday's constant, 96.6 J/(mV × mol) - Fo chemostat outflow-rate (ml/h) - FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - G'p phosphorylation potential, the Gibbs energy change for ATP-synthesis from ADP and Pi - G'0p standard Gibbs energy change at specified conditions - H+/ATP number of protons translocated through - ATP synthase in synthesis of one ATP - H+/O protons translocated during transfer of 2 electrons from substrate to oxygen - specific growth rate (1/h) - H+ transmembrane electrochemical proton potential, J/mol - Mb molar weight (147.6 g/mol) of bacteria with general cell formula C6.0H10.8O3.0N1.2 - pHout,in extracellular, intracellular pH - Pi (intracellular) inorganic phosphate - p proton motive force, mV - pH transmembrane pH-difference - transmembrane electrical potential, mV - P/O number of ADP phosphorylated to ATP upon reduction of one O2– to H2O by two electrons transferred through the electron transfer chain - P/O (H+/O) × (H+/ATP)–1 - P/OF, P/ON P/O with the two electrons donated by resp. (NADH + H+) and FADH - q specific rate of consumption or production (mol/g DW × h) - rel +,rel stringent, relaxed genotype - R universal gas constant, 8.36 J/(mol × degree) - T absolute temperature - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium ion - TPP+ tetraphenyl phosphonium ion - Y growth yield, g DW/mol - Z conversion constant=61.8 mV for 310 K (37 °C) - ZpH transmembrane proton potential or chemical potential, mV  相似文献   

9-Aminoacridine has been used to monitor the intrathylakoid pH of photo-synthetically competent intact chloroplasts. Values obtained from 9-aminoacridine accumulation in the chloroplasts must be corrected for light-dependent binding of 9-aminoacridine to the thylakoid membranes. During nitrite reduction by intact chloroplasts, the intrathylakoid proton concentration increased. It decreased somewhat during CO2 reduction. However, low concentrations of uncoupling amines such as NH3 or cyclohexylamine, which rapidly penetrated the chloroplast envelope and decreased the intrathylakoid proton concentration, failed to reduce, and actually stimulated, rates of CO2-dependent oxygen evolution even under rate-limiting light. In contrast, low concentrations of carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) or nigericin, which inhibited CO2 reduction, even appeared to increase the intrathylakoid proton concentration. As indicated by measurements of the 515 nm signal of the chloroplasts, the light-induced membrane potential was not much affected by low concentrations of the uncoupling amines, but was decreased by FCCP and by high concentrations of the amines. Even in the presence of high concentrations of NH4Cl, ATP/ADP ratios of illuminated chloroplasts remained far above the ratios observed in the dark. In contrast, low concentrations of FCCP were sufficient to reduce ATP/ADP ratios to the dark value even under high intensity illumination. The observations are difficult to explain within the framework of the chemiosmotic hypothesis as presently discussed.  相似文献   

Pyridine nucleotide levels were measured in intact spinach chloroplasts. The NADPH/NADP ratio was close to unity in darkened chloroplasts. On illumination, chloroplast NADP levels decreased rapidly. The decrease was more prominent at low than at high light intensities. In the presence of bicarbonate, NADP subsequently increased to reach a steady-state level. The kinetics of the increase were related in general, but not in detail, to the lag phase of photosynthesis. In the steady state, chloroplast NADP was sometimes, particularly during photosynthesis at high light intensities, less reduced in the light than in the dark. In the dark-light transition, phosphoglycerate reduction is driven by increases in the ratios NADPH/NADP and ATP/ADP. When photosynthesis accelerates after the initial lag phase, the NADPH/NADP ratio decreases and a high ratio of phosphoglycerate to triose phosphate becomes an important factor in driving carbon reduction. Under photosynthetic flux conditions, the redox state of the chloroplast NADP system appeared to be governed largely by the chloroplast ratio of phosphoglycerate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and by the phosphorylation potential [ATP]/[ADP] [Pi]. The inhibitor of cyclic electron transport, antimycin A, increased reduction of the chloroplast NADP system. Even when reduction was almost complete in the presence of 5 μM antimycin A, photosynthesis was still significant at low light intensities. Electrons appeared to be effectively distributed between the cyclic electron-transport pathway and the noncyclic route to NADP at NADPH/NADP ratios as low as about 1. When bicarbonate was absent, the NADP system remained largely reduced in the light. The energy-transfer inhibitor, Dio-9, and uncouplers and agents which interfered with pH regulation of the Calvin cycle increased reduction of the NADP system while decreasing photosynthesis.  相似文献   

We have attempted direct observation of the light-driven rotation of a FoF(1)-ATP motor. The FoF(1)-ATP motor was co-reconstituted by the deletion-delta subunit of FoF(1)-ATP synthase with bacteriorhodopsins (BRs) into a liposome. The BR converts radiation energy into electrochemical gradient of proton to drive the FoF(1)-ATP motor. Therefore, the light-driven rotation of FoF(1)-ATP motor has been directly observed by a fluorescence microscopy using a fluorescent actin filament connected to beta-subunit as a marker of its orientation. The rotational torque value of the Fo motor was calculated as 27.93+/-1.88pNnm. The ATP motor is expected to be a promising rotary molecular motor in the development of nanodevices.  相似文献   

Christoph Giersch 《BBA》1983,725(2):309-319
Amines have been shown recently to stimulate at low concentrations the steady-state rate of photophosphorylation by unbroken chloroplasts (Giersch, C. (1982) Z. Naturforsch. 37c, 242–250). In the present contribution it is demonstrated that not only amines but also the carboxylic ionophores nigericin and monensin at concentrations of 10 and 150 nM, respectively, stimulate the phosphorylation rate. The ATP2e ratio is not decreased upon the addition of nigericin at concentrations that stimulate phosphorylation. Nigericin-induced stimulation is observed only in the presence of sufficient external potassium, indicating that the observed stimulation is unlikely to be a side-effect of the uncoupler but is related to H+-K+ exchange. The proton permeability of the thylakoid membrane is increased and the proton gradient decreased by amounts of nigericin that stimulate phosphorylation. The membrane potential is not affected in the steady state, indicating that the proton-motive force is slightly reduced upon addition of the ionophore. Data on the proton-motive force were related to maximum values of the phosphorylation potential, which was 45 000–50 000 M?1 in the absence and 30 000–35 000 M?1 in the presence of 10 nM nigericin. The observation that the ATP2e ratio is not decreased in the presence of uncoupler-induced proton leakage is suggested to indicate that the thylakoid lumen does not represent a homogeneous phase of constant proton electrochemical potential. The results presented here are in agreement with the chemiosmotic concept as far as energetic aspects are concerned but seem to be at variance with the postulated free mobility of protons inside the thylakoids. A tentative model of uncoupler-induced stimulation of phosphorylation is presented.  相似文献   

The proton motive force (pmf) across the thylakoid membrane is composed of the proton gradient and the membrane potential, which promotes millisecond-delayed light emission (ms-DLE). In this study, the time courses of LHC II phosphorylation and ms-DLE were investigated in spinach chloroplast during State-2 transition. Red light illumination resulted in an exponential rise in LHC II phosphorylation and a biphasic time course of ms-DLE. The phospho-LHC II appeared upon ∼ 1 min illumination. The phosphorylation level increased exponentially when illumination was elongated to 20 min. The t&frac; of saturated LHC II phosphorylation was estimated 4–5 min under present illumination. During this process, the amplitudes of ms-DLE increased transiently to a maximal amplitude within 0.5 min illumination, and the reached maximum of the fast phase of ms-DLE was ∼ 140% of the dark control. Then, ms-DLE decreased from the maximum. After ≥3 min illumination, ms-DLE decreased to a lower level than the dark control. In the presence of uncouplers and inhibitors, the transient increase in the biphasic time course of ms-DLE was removed by nigericin and DCMU, and the sequential decrease was delayed by DCCD. The time course was not affected significantly by valinomycin and DBMIB. Moreover, the level of LHC II phosphorylation was enhanced by nigericin, valinomycin and DCCD, and was inhibited completely by DCMU and partially by DBMIB. Taken together, we proposed that the PS II photochemical activity remained unaffected even with a higher level of LHC II phosphorylation, which was reflected by the effect of DCCD on the time course of ms-DLE. Probably, the evidence of LHC II phosphorylation is the rearrangement of LHC II–PS II complex and the thylakoid, a feedback to light-exposure, rather than the redistribution of excitation energy from PS II to PS I.  相似文献   

The general properties of respiration-driven proton translocation by the two facultative methylotrophs, Pseudomonas AM1 and Pseudomonas extorquens, were similar to those of other bacteria. The stoichiometry of H+ extruded/O atom consumed (H+O) during respiration with a particular substrate depended, however, on the concentration of the permeant anion SCN? used to abolish the membrane potential and on the physiological state of the organism. This variability makes the use of proton translocation data of dubious value in the elucidation of electron-transport pathways, at least in these species, unless the physiological condition of the organisms can be accurately described and reproduced. Methanol oxidation was inhibited by SCN? but substitution of valinomycin for most of the SCN? during pulse oxidant experiments allowed measurement of proton translocation when methanol was the substrate. Starved organisms were used to eliminate ambiquity as to whether added test substrates or endogenous reserve materials were being oxidised. Viability remained high during starvation and endogenous O2 uptake remained detectable long after endogenously driven proton translocation was undetectable. In the absence of endogenously driven proton translocation, measured H+O stoichiometries differed substantially from those when it was present, suggesting that the physiological state of the organisms is an essential parameter in assessing proton translocation data.  相似文献   

The mechanism of iron transport in Francisella is still a puzzle since none of the sequenced Francisella strains appears to encode a TonB protein, the energy transducer of the proton motive force necessary to act on the bacterial outer membrane siderophore receptor to allow the internalization of iron. In this work we demonstrate using kinetic experiments of radioactive Fe3+ utilization, that iron uptake in Francisella novicida, although with no recognizable TonB protein, is indeed dependent on energy generated by the proton motive force. Moreover, mutants of a predicted outer membrane receptor still transport iron and are sensitive to the iron dependent antimicrobial compound streptonigrin. Our studies suggest that alternative pathways to internalize iron might exist in Francisella.  相似文献   

The three most commonly used electron donors for flow dialysis measurements of membrane potential lead to the development of an apparent but artifactual membrane potential with the interior negative in the presence or absence of membrane vesicles. The same three electron donors used in flow dialysis determinations of delta pH in the presence or absence of membrane vesicles lead to the development of an apparent but artifactual delta pH with the interior acidic. These artifacts have been evaluated using two probes for membrane potential, namely, TPP+ and rubidium in the presence of valinomycin and for two probes of delta pH, namely, acetate and DMO. Measurements were made over a range of ionic strengths.  相似文献   

The and the Gp have been measured in whole cells ofMethylophilus methylotrophus during the oxidation of various respiratory chain substrates. The magnitude of the depended on the external pH and the composition of the assay medium, and varied from-109 to-165 mV. The relative contributions of the and the pH to the were found to vary with the external pH such that the internal pH remained constant; depending on the composition of the assay medium, this value was between 6.6 and 7.0. A Gp of approximately-46 kJ/mol was generated during the oxidation of methanol, and either the or pH alone was fully competent to drive ATP synthesis. Respiration and ATP synthesis were found to be poised far from equilibrium under the conditions of these experiments, and the value of the Gp was thus controlled kinetically. Comparison of the with the Gp yielded an H+/ATP quotient >2.6 g-ion H+/mol ATP.Abbreviations TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - FCCP carbonylcyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium (iodide salt); Tween 20, polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium (bromide salt) - bulk phase transmembrane electrochemical potential difference of protons ( ) - pH bulk phase transmembrane pH difference (pHin-pHout) - bulk phase transmembrane electrical potential difference (in-out) - p true protonmotive force (incorporating both bulk phase and localised protons; )  相似文献   

Thomas Graan  Donald R. Ort 《BBA》1981,637(3):447-456
Full development of the capacity for ATP formation in isolated thylakoid membranes coincides with the beginning of illumination. Indeed, the yield of ATP per ms of illumination is about twice as great during the first 15 ms of high-intensity illumination as it is thereafter. The presence of valinomycin and K+ prevents the formation of a membrane potential (as indicated by the obliteration of most of the change in absorbance at 518 nm) and at the same time delays the formation of the capacity for ATP synthesis for many milliseconds. Presumably, phosphorylation is initially dependent on a rapidly formed membrane potential, whereas after a delay a ΔpH sufficient to drive ATP formation forms. The actual duration of this delay depends on the phosphoryl group transfer potential (i.e., ΔGATP) of the ATP-synthesizing reaction. If the delay in the presence of valinomycin and K+ represents the time required to develop a ΔpH capable of driving phosphorylation by itself, then the effect of ΔGATP on the duration of the delay suggests that the onset of phosphorylation is determined by the magnitude of the electrochemical potential of protons and not by factors affecting the activation of the coupling factor enzyme. The initial ATP formation, which is almost entirely dependent on the electrical potential, should not be affected by the electrically neutral exchange of cations catalyzed by nigericin. When the external pH is 7.0 this seems to be true, since the ATP synthesis which is initially sensitive to valinomycin and K+ is largely insensitive to nigericin and K+. However, when the external pH is 8.0 the response to nigericin is exactly the opposite and the ATP formation which is sensitive to valinomycin is also abolished by nigericin. These data suggest that there may be either an energetic requirement for both a ΔpH and membrane potential at alkaline pH or a non-energetic requirement for a minimum proton activity in the initiation of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ATP synthesis associated with acid-base transitions in chloroplast lamellae under conditions which allow simultaneous control of the thermodynamic variables, ΔpH, membrane potential and ΔGATP. These variables have been directly imposed rather than simply inferred. Since the initiation of labeled Pi incorporation seems to measure accurately the initiation of net ATP synthesis, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The proton-motive force which is just sufficient for ATP synthesis provides almost exactly the required energy for ΔGATP if the efflux of three H+ is required for each ATP molecule formed. (2) The membrane potential and the ΔpH contribute to the proton-motive force in a precisely additive way. Thus, the threshold can be reached or exceeded by a ΔpH in the absence of a membrane potential, by a membrane potential in the absence of a ΔpH, or by any combination of membrane potential and ΔpH. With a large enough membrane potential, ATP synthesis occurs even against a small inverse ΔpH. In each instance the combined ΔpH and membrane potential necessary for initiation of ATP synthesis represent the same threshold proton-motive force.  相似文献   

The proton-motive forces generated in submitochondrial particles by both hydrolysis of ATP and oxidation of succinate have been measured by flow dialysis and compared with the ambient phosphorylation potentials. It is concluded that three H+ are translocated for each ATP molecule hydrolysed or synthesised. By utilising rat liver mitochondria respiring with β-hydroxybutyrate as a new system for regeneration of ATP from ADP and Pi, phosphorylation potentials were clamped at a range of values by using mixtures of particles and mitochondria in various ratios. As the rate of ATP hydrolysis by the particles was lowered, the proton-motive force decreased only slightly except at the very lowest rates, these results paralleling earlier studies on the relation between rate of respiration-driven proton translocation and proton-motive force.  相似文献   

In the presence of nitrite or oxaloacetate, intact chloroplasts evolved oxygen at a significant rate for the initial 1 to 2 min of illumination. Subsequently, oxygen evolution was suppressed progressively. The suppressed oxygen evolution was stimulated strikingly by NH4Cl. The results indicate that coupled electron flow in intact chloroplasts is controlled in the light, and the control is released by NH4Cl. However, at low concentrations, NH4Cl was not an effective uncoupler of photophosphorylation in intact chloroplasts. Intrachloroplast ATP levels and ATP/ADP ratios were not significantly influenced by NH4Cl. In contrast, the quenching of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence, which can be used to indicate the intrathylakoid pH in intact chloroplasts, was reduced drastically even by low concentrations of NH4Cl. This suggests that the chloroplast phosphorylation potential is not in equilibrium with the proton gradient. In coupled chloroplasts, the intrathylakoid pH was lower in the light with nitrite than with oxaloacetate as electron acceptor. Electron flow was also more effectively controlled in chloroplasts illuminated with nitrite than with oxaloacetate. It is concluded that the intrathylakoid pH, not the phosphorylation potential, is a factor in the control of the rate of electron flow in intact chloroplasts.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - OAA oxalo-acetate - MES 2-(N-morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid - HEPES N-2-hyroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid Postal address  相似文献   

Clostridium sporogenes MD1 grew rapidly with peptides and amino acids as an energy source at pH 6.7. However, the proton motive force (p) was only –25 mV, and protonophores did not inhibit growth. When extracellular pH was decreased with HCl, the chemical gradient of protons (ZpH) and the electrical membrane potential () increased. The p was –125 mV at pH 4.7, even though growth was not observed. At pH 6.7, glucose addition did not cause an increase in growth rate, but increased to –70 mV. Protein synthesis inhibitors also significantly increased . Non-growing, arginine-energized cells had a of –80 mV at pH 6.7 or pH 4.7, but was not detected if the F1F0 ATPase was inhibited. Arginine-energized cells initiated growth if other amino acids were added at pH 6.7, and and ATP declined. At pH 4.7, ATP production remained high. However, growth could not be initiated, and neither nor the intracellular ATP concentration declined. Based on these results, it appears that C. sporogenes MD1 does not need a large p to grow, and p appears to serve as a mechanism of ATP dissipation or energy spilling.Mandatory disclaimer: Proprietary or brand names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by the USDA implies no approval of the product, and exclusion of others that may be suitable.  相似文献   

The initial rates and steady-state values of proton uptake by broken chloroplasts have been measured as functions of light intensity at various concentrations of chlorophyll, pyocyanine, supporting electrolyte, buffer, as well as pH and temperature. Kinetic analysis of the data shows that the rate of decay of proton gradient due to backward leakage depends on light intensity. Under steady illumination, the decay constant kL is equal to kD + mR0, where R0 is the initial rate of proton uptake which is a function of light intensity, kD is the decay constant in the dark and m is a parameter which is independent of light intensity. Treatment of chloroplasts with lysolecithin, neutral detergent, 2,4-dinitrophenol, or valinomycin in the presence of K+ increases kD without affecting m. Treatment with N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or adenylyl imidodiphosphate under appropriate conditions decreases m without affecting kD. Treatment with glutaraldehyde makes kL independent of light intensity and hence m = 0. These results suggest that the light-dependent part (mR0) of kL is due to leakage of protons through the coupling factor (CF1-CF0) complex which can open or close depending on light intensity and that the light-independent part (kD) of the decay constant kL is due to proton leakage elsewhere.  相似文献   

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