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A highly sensitive and specific diagnostic test for Brucella based on polymerase chain reaction is under development in our laboratory. A commercially available PCR kit was used to create primers that allowed the amplification of a 635 bp fragment of a 43 kDa outer membrane protein gene from Brucella abortus strain 19. We successfully amplified the cloned gene present in the pMS64 plasmid and genomic Brucella S19 DNA. The amplified DNA was easily detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Using both the pMS64 plasmid and Br. abortus S19 purified DNA as template each component of the PCR reaction was adjusted for the optimum amplification of the DNA sequence. Optimum specific amplification resulted when the primer annealing temperature was 60C. The gene fragment was amplifiable in 25 different Brucella species and strains. To test the specificity of the reaction, DNA extracted from 17 micro-organisms possibly associated with cattle were tested. No amplification was observed. The sensitivity of the reaction was determined with different concentrations of genomic Brucella strain 19 DNA. As little as 0.1 pg DNA (less than 100 brucella cells) could be detected. The specificity and sensitivity of PCR combined with its simplicity and speed suggests the potential of this technique for routine diagnosis of brucellosis.  相似文献   

A 501 bp caf1 gene fragment and a 443 bp of pla gene fragment carried by 100 kb (pFra) and 10 kb (pPst) species-specific extrachromosomal replicons, respectively, were used as targets to study the conditions under which DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be applied to detect and identify Yersinia pestis DNA in cell lysates of pure cultures and biological samples. The sensitivity limit of PCR with the crude cell lysates of Y. pestis EV was estimated as 10–50 cfu in reaction mixture. When target Y. pestis EV cells were mixed with fresh blood of white mice, which contained 0.4% potassium citrate, the PCR detection level varied from 400 to 100 cfu ml-1 of blood depending on the method used for preparing the sample. In our tests PCR was effective for the detection of yersinia in the blood of white laboratory mice experimentally infected with virulent Y. pestis KM638 strain. This method can be considered convenient for routine detection and identification of Y. pestis.  相似文献   

The application of two synthetic oligonucleotides as probes and as primers in the polymerase chain reaction is presented for a specific, sensitive, and quick identification of Brucella spp. The specific oligonucleotide sequences were chosen on the basis of a 16S rRNA sequence alignment between Brucella abortus and Agrobacterium tumefaciens.  相似文献   

Summary Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied for detection ofAnaplasma marginale in tissues of maleDermacentor andersoni. Primer sequences were derived from the gene for the MSP1β surface protein ofA. marginale (Florida isolate). Optimum PCR conditions were used to detectA. marginale in individual bisected ticks and salivary glands; associated control tissues were negative.  相似文献   

The application of two synthetic oligonucleotides as probes and as primers in the polymerase chain reaction is presented for a specific, sensitive, and quick identification of Brucella spp. The specific oligonucleotide sequences were chosen on the basis of a 16S rRNA sequence alignment between Brucella abortus and Agrobacterium tumefaciens.  相似文献   

Several methods of alkaline extraction of chromosome DNA from Brucella in the presence of 50 microliters model diagnostic material blood serum are developed for the diagnosis of brucellosis by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These methods are based on the capacity of NaOH to effectively denature proteins and destroy Brucella cell wall, thus isolating the genome DNA without exposure to proteolytic enzymes, detergents, deproteinization, or pH neutralization. The first method consists in alkaline lysis by 0.2-1.0 M NaOH followed by DNA precipitation with two ethanol volumes in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl, washing of the resultant precipitate in 80% ethanol, drying of the precipitate, and dissolving in distilled water. The second method includes alkaline lysis in the presence of 0.3 M NaCl with NaOH concentrations of 0.5-4.3 M and the stages of DNA sedimentation, washing of precipitate, its drying and dissolving similar to those in alkaline lysis. The third method consists in alkaline lysis-precipitation by 0.2-05 M NaOH in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl and 64% ethanol, followed by DNA preparation stages similar to those in alkaline lysis. The best results were achieved by alkaline lysis in the presence of 0.3 M NaCl at NaOH concentrations of 0.7 and 2.1 M, which meant theoretical levels of sensitivity 140 and 86 Brucella cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles of Brucella and non-Brucella DNA were established after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Five arbitrary oligonucleotide primers were screened to generate Brucella-specific DNA fingerprints. The arbitrary primer OPB-01 (5-GTTTCGCTCC-3) produced DNA bands specific to Brucella. Amplification conditions must be optimized for reproductibility. Accordingly, we optimized and established the conditions, which included Mg2+, enzyme (DNA polymerase), primer, template and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) concentrations as well as the optimum number of thermal cycles to produce OPB-01 directed Brucella DNA fingerprints.The optimized RAPD method can produce a 1.3 kb DNA fragment specific to Brucella. This DNA fragment was common to eight biovars of B. abortus and one biovar of B. melitensis. The fragment was not detected in genetically related species such as Ochrobactrum anthropi and other non-Brucella organisms associated with farm animals. We anticipate the use of this fragment as a possible probe for the detection of Brucella organisms.  相似文献   

The obligate parasitic fungus-like organism Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et De Toni, is the causal agent of downy mildew disease in sunflower (Helianthus annuus). New races of this economically important parasite are regularly detected throughout the world. In addition, fungicide-resistant isolates have been reported in Europe and North America. These observations of parasite evolution, as well as the risk of propagation of the disease by infected seeds, means that it is necessary to guarantee the absence of Plasmopara halstedii in seed shipments. We report here the development of a rapid assay that can be used to detect infection by Plasmopara halstedii in plant tissues. Based on the nucleotide sequence information obtained from one cloned random amplified polymorphic DNA fragment, specific oligonucleotides were designed and used as primers for in vitro DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction. An amplification product was detected on agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide when DNA from various Plasmopara halstedii races was tested, whereas no amplified DNA was detected when DNA from other origins was tested, including DNA from the host plant. The sensitivity of the technique was evaluated. The assay successfully reveals the presence of Plasmopara halstedii in infected sunflower plants prior to sporulation.  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1999,27(4):237-239
A practical class experiment on the PCR is described which has been used over several years as part of an undergraduate biochemistry and molecular biology course for science students. A major aim is to provide experience in the use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and its interpretation. Students are given small coded DNA samples and use the PCR reaction to determine whether the sample is from a male or a female.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Brucelosis is a severe acute febrile disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. Its current diagnosis is based on clinical observations that may be complemented by serology and microbiological culture tests; however, the former is limited in sensitivity and specificity, the latter is time consuming. To improve brucelosis diagnosis we developed a test which is specific and sensitive and is capable of differentiating the six species of Brucella. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four primers were designed from B. abortus sequences at the well-conserved Omp2 locus that are able to amplify the DNAs of all six species of Brucella. RESULTS: Our test detected all six species of Brucella. Their differentiation resulted directly from differences in the amplification patterns or was achieved indirectly using a RFLP present in one of the PCR products. The sensitivity and specificity of the new test were then determined; it was applied successfully in confirming the diagnosis of a patient whose clinical history and serology indicated infection with Brucella. CONCLUSIONS: The results make possible the use of a PCR test for Brucella detection and differentiation without relying on the measurement of the antibodies or microorganism culture. Our first results showed that the PCR test can confirm the presence of Brucella in blood samples of infected patients.  相似文献   

We describe a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that detects avian malarial infection across divergent host species and parasite lineages representing both Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. The assay is based on nucleotide primers designed to amplify a 286-bp fragment of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) coding sequence within the 6-kb mitochondrial DNA malaria genome. The rRNA malarial assay outperformed other published PCR diagnostic methods for detecting avian infections. Our data demonstrate that the assay is sensitive to as few as 10(-5) infected erythrocytes in peripheral blood. Results of avian population surveys conducted with the rRNA assay suggest that prevalences of malarial infection are higher than previously documented, and that studies based on microscopic examination of blood smears may substantially underestimate the extent of parasitism by these apicomplexans. Nonetheless, because these and other published primers miss small numbers of infections detected by other methods, including inspection of smears, no assay now available for avian malaria is universally reliable.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate a PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis in canine semen, comparing its performance with that of bacterial isolation, serological tests and PCR assay of blood. Fifty-two male dogs were examined clinically to detect reproductive abnormalities and their serum was tested by the rapid slide agglutination test, with and without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME-RSAT and RSAT, respectively). In addition, microbiological culture and PCR assays were performed on blood and semen samples. The findings of the semen PCR were compared (Kappa coefficient and McNemar test) to those of blood PCR, culture of blood and semen, RSAT, and 2ME-RSAT. Nucleic acid extracts from semen collected from dogs not infected with B. canis were spiked with decreasing amounts of B. canis RM6/66 DNA and the resulting samples subjected to PCR. In addition, semen samples of non-infected dogs were spiked with decreasing amounts of B. canis CFU and the resulting suspensions were used for DNA extraction and amplification. Of the 52 dogs that were examined, the following tests were positive: RSAT, 16 (30.7%); 2ME-RSAT, 5 (9.6%); blood culture, 14 (26.9%); semen culture, 11 (21.1%); blood PCR, 18 (34.6%); semen PCR, 18 (34.6%). The PCR assay detected as few as 3.8 fg of B. canis DNA experimentally diluted in 444.9 ng of canine DNA (extracted from semen samples of non-infected dogs). In addition, the PCR assay amplified B. canis genetic sequences from semen samples containing as little as 1.0 x 10(0) cfu/mL. We concluded that PCR assay of semen was a good candidate as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis of brucellosis in dogs; its diagnostic performance was similar to blood culture or blood PCR. Furthermore, the PCR assay of semen was more sensitive than the 2ME-RSAT or semen culture. Examination of semen by PCR should be included for diagnosis of brucellosis prior to natural mating or AI; in that regard, some dogs that were negative on serological and microbiological examinations as well as blood PCR were positive on PCR of semen.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is a widespread zoonosis. Currently the diagnosis of this zoonosis is based on microbiological and serological laboratory tests. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to detect DNA from Brucella. Different target genes, primer pairs, PCR techniques, and extraction procedures have previously been published for Brucella detection. But only a few of these primers have been used in human samples, and only one study has been carried out to compare sensitivity between them. In the present study, 3 sets of primers and 3 different PCR protocols amplifying 3 different regions of the Brucella genome were compared for detection of Brucella DNA in a peripheral-blood PCR assay to conclude which is most suitable for the clinical diagnostic laboratory. These 3 pairs of primers amplify 3 different fragments included in (i) a gene encoding a 31 kDa Brucella abortus antigen (B4/B5), (ii) a sequence 16S rRNA of B. abortus (F4/R2), and (iii) a gene encoding an outer membrane protein (omp-2) (JPF/JPR). Some modifications on the reported techniques were applied during the present work to improve the outcome. The results showed that the B4/B5 primer pair had the highest sensitivity for detection of positive samples (98%), the JPF/JPR primer pair detected 88.4% of positive samples, whereas F4/R2 primer pair was the least sensitive, being able to detect only 53.1% of positive samples. The specificity of the 3 techniques was 100%. The B4/B5 primer pair was also able to detect the smallest number of bacteria (700 cfu/mL), whereas JPF/JPR was able to detect 7 x 105 cfu/mL and F4/R2 was able to detect 7 x 107 cfu/mL. It is thus concluded that using the B4/B5 primer PCR with the suggested modifications is a robust assay, which meets the sensitivity requirements to be used for testing of human blood samples for brucellosis in the diagnostic laboratory.  相似文献   

A PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis in canine vaginal swab samples was evaluated, comparing its performance with that of bacterial isolation, serological tests, and a blood PCR assay. One hundred and forty-four female dogs were clinically examined to detect reproductive problems and they were tested by the rapid slide agglutination test, with and without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME-RSAT and RSAT, respectively). In addition, microbiological culture and PCR were performed on blood and vaginal swab samples. The results of the vaginal swab PCR were compared to those of the other tests using the Kappa coefficient and McNemar test. Of the 144 females that were examined, 66 (45.8%) were RSAT positive, 23 (15.9%) were 2ME-RSAT positive, 49 (34.02%) were blood culture positive, 6 (4.1%) were vaginal swab culture positive, 54 (37.5%) were blood PCR positive, 52 (36.2%) were vaginal swab PCR positive, and 50.69% (73/144) were positive by the combined PCR. The PCR was able to detect as few as 3.8 fg of B. canis DNA experimentally diluted in 54 ng of canine DNA, extracted from vaginal swab samples of non-infected bitches. In addition, the PCR assay amplified B. canis genetic sequences from vaginal swab samples containing 1.0 × 100 cfu/mL. In conclusion, vaginal swab PCR was a good candidate as a confirmatory test for brucellosis diagnosis in bitches suspected to be infected, especially those negative on blood culture or blood PCR; these animals may be important reservoirs of infection and could complicate attempts to eradicate the disease in confined populations.  相似文献   

A PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis in canine vaginal swab samples was evaluated, comparing its performance with that of bacterial isolation, serological tests, and a blood PCR assay. One hundred and forty-four female dogs were clinically examined to detect reproductive problems and they were tested by the rapid slide agglutination test, with and without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME-RSAT and RSAT, respectively). In addition, microbiological culture and PCR were performed on blood and vaginal swab samples. The results of the vaginal swab PCR were compared to those of the other tests using the Kappa coefficient and McNemar test. Of the 144 females that were examined, 66 (45.8%) were RSAT positive, 23 (15.9%) were 2ME-RSAT positive, 49 (34.02%) were blood culture positive, 6 (4.1%) were vaginal swab culture positive, 54 (37.5%) were blood PCR positive, 52 (36.2%) were vaginal swab PCR positive, and 50.69% (73/144) were positive by the combined PCR. The PCR was able to detect as few as 3.8 fg of B. canis DNA experimentally diluted in 54 ng of canine DNA, extracted from vaginal swab samples of non-infected bitches. In addition, the PCR assay amplified B. canis genetic sequences from vaginal swab samples containing 1.0 x 10(0) cfu/mL. In conclusion, vaginal swab PCR was a good candidate as a confirmatory test for brucellosis diagnosis in bitches suspected to be infected, especially those negative on blood culture or blood PCR; these animals may be important reservoirs of infection and could complicate attempts to eradicate the disease in confined populations.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of haemophilia B using the polymerase chain reaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J Reiss  U Neufeldt  K Wieland  B Zoll 《Blut》1990,60(1):31-36
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify specific DNA sequences within the factor IX gene of haemophilia B patients and their relatives. Three of the amplified fragments contain polymorphic sites, which can be used as markers in segregation analyses. These restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were until recently detected by Southern blotting after digestion with the restriction enzymes Taq I, Dde I and Xmn I. All three RFLP's are located in introns of the factor IX gene and together are informative in approximately 70% of all cases. Each of the polymorphisms was successfully used in carrier detection studies after amplification of the relevant fragments. This method is also suitable for rapid antenatal diagnosis. Additionally we were able to amplify all eight exons of the factor IX gene including the splice junctions and a part of the 5'-region. Large deletions or insertions can be detected without further analysis. Several possibilities for the rapid detection of point mutations after DNA amplification have been described recently. The complete amplification of all functional parts of the Factor IX gene in combination with these new techniques should enable us to detect the majority of mutations leading to haemophilia B.  相似文献   

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