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Chitosan becomes thermally less stable as a result of complex formation with silver. A comparison of the thermal curves of a sample containing 210 mg silver g−1 chitosan with those of chitosan showed that not all the polymer is engaged in complex formation and only about 52% of the silver present is actually complexed, the remainder being retained by sorption. The evaporation curves obtained in mass spectrometry exhibited a maximum for chitosan and two maxima for silver-containing chitosan. A comparison of the peak ratios 80:60, 67:60 and 80:42 for the components of each maximum corroborates the fact that silver-containing chitosan can be considered as a mixture of complexed and uncomplexed polymer.  相似文献   

Permethylated derivatives of N-acetylneuraminic acid-containing GM3, N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing GM3, GD1a, and GD1b, were analyzed by direct inlet ammonia chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry. These compounds were found to yield simple fragmentations, prominent fragment ions in the high mass region, and characteristic fragment ions corresponding to the cleavage of glycosidic linkages. This method also provides detailed information on the carbohydrate sequence and lipophilic composition in gangliosides.  相似文献   

Submicrogram quantities of trimethylsilyl derivatives of cerebrosides obtained from the spleen of a patient with Gaucher's disease and from bovine brain were analyzed by direct probe inlet-chemical ionization mass spectrometry, using isobutane as the reagent gas. Quasimolecular ions (QM+, M + 73) and other recognizable fragment ions produced by the successive elimination of trimethylsilanol and sugar residue gave useful information about fatty acid compositions. These ions could also be utilized for qualitative analyses of the molecular species of cerebrosides. Cerebrosides with non-hydroxy and hydroxy fatty acids could be discriminated from each other by comparing the intensities of their quasimolecular ions. Cerebrosides with saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids could also be discrimnated from each other, because the mass number decreased by two mass units in cerebrosides with monounsaturated fatty acids. It was concluded that structural information and molecular species determination could be obtained from small amounts of purified cerebrosides.  相似文献   

The technique of direct probe mass spectrometry (DPMS) has been applied to the classification of 40 strains of lactic acid bacteria from refrigerated vacuum-packed beef, pork, lamb and bacon. Relationships between strains were examined by multi-variate statistical techniques using sets of ions selected for reproducibility and sample discrimination. Five groups were distinguished which corresponded closely to those detected in a previous numerical taxonomic study. Two groups contained all 12 representatives of a cluster of unidentifiable non-aciduric streptobacteria whose sub-division is supported by other taxonomic evidence. All twenty-one strains from a cluster of aciduric streptobacteria provisionally identified with Lactobacillus sake were contained in two further groups. The sub-division of these aciduric strains revealed by DPMS has not been verified by other techniques and requires further investigation. The fifth group contained Leuconostoc strains. The study demonstrates the value of DPMS in confirming and clarifying classification schemes obtained by conventional methods.  相似文献   

The technique of direct probe mass spectrometry (DPMS) has been applied to the classification of 40 strains of lactic acid bacteria from refrigerated vacuum-packed beef, pork, lamb and bacon. Relationships between strains were examined by multi-variate statistical techniques using sets of ions selected for reproducibility and sample discrimination. Five groups were distinguished which corresponded closely to those detected in a previous numerical taxonomic study. Two groups contained all 12 representatives of a cluster of unidentifiable non-aciduric streptobacteria whose sub-division is supported by other taxonomic evidence. All twenty-one strains from a cluster of aciduric streptobacteria provisionally identified with Lacto-bacillus sake were contained in two further groups. The sub-division of these acid-uric strains revealed by DPMS has not been verified by other techniques and requires further investigation. The fifth group contained Leuconostoc strains. The study demonstrates the value of DPMS in confirming and clarifying classification schemes obtained by conventional methods.  相似文献   

Omega-3 index is a relatively new concept, defined as the sum of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) expressed as a percentage of the total fatty acids in red blood cell membranes. This index reflects medium to long-term intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and could be a useful tool in epidemiological studies. The standard technique used for fatty acid analysis and quantification has been gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection. This method is robust and has good precision and sensitivity. However, a major disadvantage is inability to confirm spectrometrically the identity of fatty acids detected, which is important especially in complex biological samples. The current study measures omega-3 index in 12 healthy human volunteers using GC-mass spectrometry (MS). Both the intra-assay and day-to-day variations were well within 5% with linearity of response extending to a concentration of 250 μg/ml (830 μmol/L) of EPA. The limit of detection of EPA was 0.36 μg/ml (1.2 μmol/L). About 25 fatty acids were consistently detected in red blood cells from healthy volunteers including cis and trans isomers. The omega-3 index ranged from 2.4% to 6.2% among the 12 volunteers examined and there was no difference between samples taken in the fasting and postprandial states. EPA and DHA concentrations ranged from 3.53 to 105.89 μg/ml (11.7–350 μmol/L) and 12.19 to 214.42 μg/ml (37.1–652.7 μmol/L), respectively. Thus a GC–MS method has been developed for measuring the omega-3 index. Further studies are required to determine the role of this index as a predictor of disease.  相似文献   

Isotope effects of ~2 have been found for the O-demethylation of p-nitroanisole, p-methoxyacetanilide, and p-dimethoxybenzene and the respective trideuteromethyl derivatives, when mediated by rat liver microsomes.The direct insertion mode of electron impact mass spectrometry (the advantages and limitations of which are discussed) was used together with conventional methods (observation of formaldehyde release, product analysis by spectrophotometry) to determine the isotope effects. Only the mass spectrometry method was applicable for determining the isotope effect associated with the mono-O-demethylation of p-trideuteromethoxyanisole and an unusually large value (10) was found.An insignificant isotope effect (≯ 1.05) was found for the mono-N-demethylation of l-(o-carbamoylphenyl)-3,3-dimethyltriazene and its di-(trideuteromethyl) analogue. The protium and deuterium forms had closely similar growth-inhibitory activities for the TLX5 lymphoma in mice.  相似文献   

Botulinum toxin analysis has renewed importance. This study included the use of nanochromatography-nanoelectrospray-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry to characterize the protein composition of botulinum progenitor toxins and to assign botulinum progenitor toxins to their proper serotype and strain by using currently available sequence information. Clostridium botulinum progenitor toxins from strains Hall, Okra, Stockholm, MDPH, Alaska, and Langeland and 89 representing serotypes A through G, respectively, were reduced, alkylated, digested with trypsin, and identified by matching the processed product ion spectra of the tryptic peptides to proteins in accessible databases. All proteins known to be present in progenitor toxins from each serotype were identified. Additional proteins, including flagellins, ORF-X1, and neurotoxin binding protein, not previously reported to be associated with progenitor toxins, were present also in samples from several serotypes. Protein identification was used to assign toxins to a serotype and strain. Serotype assignments were accurate, and strain assignments were best when either sufficient nucleotide or amino acid sequence data were available. Minor difficulties were encountered using neurotoxin-associated protein identification for assigning serotype and strain. This study found that combined nanoscale chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques can characterize C. botulinum progenitor toxin protein composition and that serotype/strain assignments based upon these proteins can provide accurate serotype and, in most instances, strain assignments using currently available information. Assignment accuracy will continue to improve as more nucleotide/amino acid sequence information becomes available for different botulinum strains.  相似文献   

Fully acetylated methyl x-deoxy-x-fluoro-alpha-D-glucopyranosides have been studied using electron impact and ammonia chemical ionisation mass spectrometry. Mass analysed metastable ion kinetic energy spectroscopy (MIKE), collisional activation (CID), and accelerated voltage scanning have been used to evaluate complete fragmentation schemes. Characteristic differences in the fragmentation of positional isomers were noted on analysis of the spectra, and these make it possible to determine the location of fluorine in the molecules studied. Collisionally activated fragmentation of [M-OCH3]+ ions, produced by electron impact, provides an alternative method for localisation of the fluorine atoms. To the contrary, MIKE and CID spectra of [M + NH4]+ cluster ions produced by chemical ionisation did not afford such structural information.  相似文献   

L.N. MANCHESTER, A. TOOLE AND R. GOODACRE. 1995. Forty-eight strains of Carnobacterium were examined by pyrolysis mass spectrometry (PyMS). The effects of culture age and reproducibility over a 4 week period were also examined. The results were analysed by multivariate statistical techniques and compared with those from a previous numerical taxonomic study based on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics and with studies which used DNA-DNA and 16S rRNA sequence homologies. Taxonomic correlations were observed between the PyMS data and the previous studies. Culture age was observed to have little effect on the mass spectra obtained and the reproducibility study indicated that there was very little variation over the 4 week period. It was concluded that PyMS provides a reliable method for studying carnobacterial classification and provides a rapid way for clarifying and refining subgeneric relationships within the genus Carnobacterium. Further work may also show that it offers a potentially very rapid and accurate method for the identification of Carnobacterium.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase (SGPL1) is the last enzyme in the catabolism of sphingolipids. It catalyzes the retroaldolic cleavage of long chain base phosphates into phosphoethanolamine and a fatty aldehyde. In this article we report on an easy and sensitive procedure to determine SPL activity. The assays uses C17-sphinganine-1-phosphate as substrate and the aldehyde product, pentadecanal, is quantified as its pentafluorobenzyloxime derivative by GC/MS. Derivatization of pentadecanal is performed as a one-step reaction, and the oxime product is directly injected for GC/MS analysis without any further purification. Acquisition in selected ion monitoring mode allows very high sensitivity, with a limit of detection of 281fmol. The assay is linear with both protein concentration and incubation time up to 20μg and 40min, respectively. The K(m) value obtained (6μM) is similar to that for the natural substrate sphingosine-1-phosphate. Using this method, FTY720 and deoxypyridoxine phosphate inhibited SPL with similar potencies to those reported.  相似文献   

Two peptide-oligothymidylic acids, prepared by joining an 11 residue synthetic peptide containing one internal carboxyl group (Asp side chain) to amino-linker-5'pdT6 and amino-linker-5'pdT10 oligonucleotides, were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) on a linear time-of-flight mass spectrometer and by electrospray ionization (ESI) on a triple-quadrupole system. These synthetic compounds model peptide-nucleic acid heteroconjugates encountered in antisense research and in studies that use photochemical crosslinking to investigate molecular aspects of protein-nucleic acid interactions. MALDI and ESI sensitivities for the two hybrid compounds were found to be similar respectively to their sensitivities for the pure oligonucleotide parts. In general, MALDI proved to be less affected by sample impurities and more sensitive than ESI, while ESI on the quadrupole produced greater mass accuracy and resolution than MALDI on the time-of-flight instrument. A hybrid's behavior in a MALDI-matrix or an ESI-spray-solvent was found to be governed mainly by the oligonucleotide. A single positive ESI tandem mass spectrum of the peptide-dT6 accounted for the heteroconjugate's entire primary structure including the point of the oligonucleotide's covalent attachment to the peptide.  相似文献   

A mass spectral fragmentation pattern of permethyl 6-C-glycosylflavones is proposed from the MS data of permethyl derivatives mono-O-deuteriomethylated in the 2″-, 3″-, 4″- or 6″-positions. The synthesis of these compounds via O″-glycosyl-6-C-glucosylflavones is described.  相似文献   

An expanding appreciation for the varied functions of neutral lipids in cellular organisms relies on a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms of lipid production and packaging into cytosolic lipid droplets (LDs). Conventional lipid profiling procedures involve the analysis of tissue extracts and consequently lack cellular or subcellular resolution. Here, we report an approach that combines the visualization of individual LDs, microphase extraction of lipid components from droplets, and the direct identification of lipid composition by nanospray mass spectrometry, even to the level of a single LD. The triacylglycerol (TAG) composition of LDs from several plant sources (mature cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) embryos, roots of cotton seedlings, and Arabidopsis thaliana seeds and leaves) were examined by direct organelle mass spectrometry and revealed the heterogeneity of LDs derived from different plant tissue sources. The analysis of individual LDs makes possible organellar resolution of molecular compositions and will facilitate new studies of LD biogenesis and functions, especially in combination with analysis of morphological and metabolic mutants. Furthermore, direct organelle mass spectrometry could be applied to the molecular analysis of other subcellular compartments and macromolecules.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of direct chemical ionization mass spectrometry with ammonia as the reagent gas (NH3-DCI) for structure analysis of underivatized, permethylated and permethylated and reduced glycosphingolipids. In contrast to ionization by electron impact, the NH3-DCI mass spectra exhibit intense molecular and carbohydrate sequence-related ions using microgram amounts of sample. Underivatized glycosphingolipids with up to two sugar residues yield abundant protonated and ammonia-cationized molecular ions and structurally significant fragments. Permethylation in conjunction with NH3-DCI can be used to obtain molecular weight as well as oligosaccharide sequence and branching information on neutral, acidic and complex-type glycosphingolipids with up to five sugar residues. Reduction of the permethylated derivatives gives rise to several new, structurally significant fragments in the corresponding NH3-DCI mass spectra which enable fatty acid and base compositions to be determined. Isotopically labeled reagent gases have been used to confirm the assignment of fragment structures and to demonstrate that the ions observed are unique to the NH3-DCI mass spectra.  相似文献   

The early onset oxidative damage within segments of the protein alpha-crystallin is examined by radical probe mass spectrometry by its treatment with reactive oxygen species under low-, moderate-, and high-oxidizing conditions. Five regions comprising the first 11 residues of the N-termini of the A and B subunits (A/B:1-11), central domains from each subunit B:57-69 and A:104-112, and a C-terminal segment of the A subunit A:120-145 were found to be the initial sites of oxidation. The susceptibility of each segment to oxidation and oxidative damage is investigated by subjecting the intact protein to different oxidation conditions within the ion source of an electrospray ionization mass spectrometer. LC-MS of the oxidized protein digests enables the sites and levels of oxidation to be monitored. The onset of oxidative damage and the levels of oxidation observed before damage occurs differ across the protein surface. The regions comprising residues A/B:1-11 and A:104-112 are shown to be more susceptible to oxidative damage than those comprising residues B:57-69 and A:120-145. The results are discussed in the context of available experimental and homology-modeled theoretical structures for the subunits of alpha-crystallin.  相似文献   

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