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We compared the removal of pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone photoproducts [(6-4) photoproducts] and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) from the genome of repair-proficient Escherichia coli, using monoclonal antibodies specific for each type of lesion. We found that (6-4) photoproducts were removed at a higher rate than CPDs in the first 30 min following a moderate UV dose (40 J/m2). The difference in rates was less than that typically reported for cultured mammalian cells, in which the removal of (6-4) photoproducts is far more rapid than that of CPDs.  相似文献   

H Kamiya  S Iwai    H Kasai 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(11):2611-2617
Two major ultraviolet-induced photolesions of TpT, a (6-4) photoproduct [T(6-4)T] and a cis-syn cyclobutane TT dimer (T=T), were incorporated into a predetermined site of one of the leading and lagging template strands of a double-stranded vector, and the modified DNAs were transfected into simian COS-7 cells. The DNAs replicated in the cells were recovered and were transfected again into Escherichia coli. The DNA replication efficiencies of plasmids containing T(6-4)T and T=T in the template strand for lagging strand synthesis were 93 and 79%, respectively, as compared with the unmodified DNA. Similar inhibitory effects were observed in the cases of the photoproducts in the template strand for leading strand synthesis (71 and 58%, respectively). These results indicated that T(6-4)T blocked DNA replication more weakly than T=T during leading and lagging strand syntheses in mammalian cells. The mutation frequencies of T(6-4)T were 2.3 and 4.7% in the leading and lagging template strands, respectively. The T=T lesion was less mutagenic and induced mutations with 0.2-0.7% frequencies. The T(6-4)T lesion primarily elicited 3'-T-->C substitutions, and T=T induced various types of mutations. These results indicate that T(6-4)T is more mutagenic than T=T during leading and lagging strand syntheses in simian cells. Moreover, this is the first evidence that shows T(6-4)T mainly elicits targeted substitutions at its 3'-T site in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

F Bourre  A Benoit    A Sarasin 《Journal of virology》1989,63(11):4520-4524
UV light induces DNA lesions which are mutagenic in mammalian cells. We used simian virus 40 tsB201 (unable to produce viral capsid at the restrictive temperature of 41 degrees C because of a point mutation in the VP1 gene) to analyze the mutagenic potency of the two major UV-induced lesions, pyrimidine dimers (Py-Py) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidones [Py(6-4)Py], which are formed on the same nucleotide sites. The mutagenesis criterion was the reversion toward a wild-type growth phenotype. After UV irradiation (mainly at 254 nm), part of the DNA was treated with the photoreactivating enzyme of Escherichia coli, which monomerizes Py-Py but does not modify the Py(6-4)Py photoproduct. Higher survival and lower mutation frequency rates for the photoreactivated DNA indicated that the two lesions were lethal and mutagenic. The VP1 gene of some mutants was entirely sequenced. The mutation spectra showed that the two lesions did not induce the same mutation hot spots, although some sites were common to both. The induced mutation hot spots were not only correlated with lesion hot spots but seemed partially directed by local DNA structures.  相似文献   

The importance of Trp H33 in antibody recognition of DNA containing a central pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproduct was investigated. This residue was replaced by Tyr, Phe and Ala and the binding abilities of these mutants were determined by surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Conservative substitution of Trp H33 by Tyr or Phe resulted in moderate losses of binding affinity; however, replacement by Ala had a significantly larger impact. The fluorescence properties of DNA containing a (6-4) photoproduct were strongly affected by the identity of the H33 residue. DNA binding by both the wild-type and the W-H33-Y mutant was accompanied by a small degree of fluorescence quenching; by contrast, binding by the W-H33-F and W-H33-A mutants produced large fluorescence increases. Taken together, these variations in binding and fluorescence properties with the identity of the H33 residue are consistent with a role in photoproduct recognition by Trp H33 in the high-affinity antibody 64M5.  相似文献   

Biological studies suggest that a significant proportion of the cytotoxicity observed in mammalian cells after uv irradiation may be due to damage other than cyclobutane dimers in DNA. Although pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts have been implicated as major contributors to cell lethality, their induction has been measured at considerably less than cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers when measured by chromatographic techniques. Because the yield of (6-4) photoproducts may be reduced by their lability to extreme heat and pH, we have advised an alternative, immunological quantification which does not require DNA hydrolysis. Affinity-purified rabbit antisera were used to precipitate low molecular weight 32P-labeled PM2 DNA irradiated with increasing fluences of uv light. DNA of known molecular weight was used to determine rates of induction for antibody-binding sites associated with (6-4) photoproducts and cyclobutane dimers. These rates were calculated to be 0.6 (6-4) photoproducts and 1.2 cyclobutane dimers/10(8) Da/J/m2. At low uv fluences (6-4) photoproducts were induced at one-half the rate of cyclobutane dimers, whereas at higher fluences (6-4) photoproducts predominated.  相似文献   

UV-induced pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone photoproducts in DNA of mammalian cells are apparently repaired much more rapidly than cyclobutane dimers. Since only immunological assays for (6-4) photoproducts have been sensitive enough for repair measurements, it was possible that these apparently rapid repair kinetics reflected a change in physical conformation of antibody-binding sites, resulting in epitope loss rather than excision. To discriminate between these possibilities, we developed a procedure to photochemically convert (6-4) photoproducts to single-strand breaks in UV-irradiated DNA with a background low enough to permit repair measurements. Analysis of a specific DNA sequence indicated that photoinduced alkali-labile sites (PALS) were induced with the same site-specificity as (6-4) photoproducts. Normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) variant cells rapidly excised (6-4) photoproducts measured as PALS, but little repair was seen in cells from XP complementation group A. These repair kinetics corresponded to those determined in the same samples by radioimmunoassay of (6-4) photoproducts. Thus we conclude that the rapid repair of (6-4) photoproducts observed in UV-irradiated human cells is not the result of a conformational change resulting in epitope loss, but reflects excision of this photoproduct from DNA.  相似文献   

Abasic sites are common DNA lesions produced either spontaneously or as a consequence of the action of some genotoxic agent. The mutagenic properties of a unique abasic site replicated in mammalian cells have been studied using a shuttle vector. A plasmid, able to replicate both in mammalian cells and in bacteria, carrying a unique abasic site chemically synthesized has been constructed. After replication in mammalian cells, plasmid DNA was recovered and used to transform bacteria. Mutants were screened without selection pressure by differential hybridization with a labelled oligonucleotide and their DNA was sequenced. A mutation frequency ranging from 1% to 3% was found, depending on the base originally inserted during the vector construction, opposite the abasic site. All the sequenced mutants correspond to single base-pair substitutions targeted at the abasic site. We observed a deficit in guanine incorporation opposite the abasic site, while the three other bases were incorporated with a similar efficiency. The mutational potency of abasic sites was observed without any voluntary preconditioning treatment of mammalian cells in order to induce "SOS" like conditions.  相似文献   

The binding specificity was defined of a human ultraviolet light-damaged DNA recognition protein (UV-DRP), the activity of which is absent in some xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group E cells. Our results suggest that cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) are not high affinity UV-DRP binding sites--a finding consistent with other reports on this protein (Hirschfeld et al., (1990) Mol. Cell Biol., 10, 2041-2048). A major role for 6-4 photoproducts in UV-DRP binding was suggested in studies showing that irradiated oligonucleotides containing a T4C UV box sequence, which efficiently forms a TC 6-4 photoproduct, was a superior substrate for the UV-DRP when compared to a similar irradiated oligonucleotide having a T5 sequence. The latter sequence forms CPDs at a much higher frequency than 6-4 photoproducts. In a more direct approach, T4C-containing oligonucleotides complexed with the UV-DRP were separated from the unbound oligonucleotide fraction and the frequencies of 6-4 photoproducts in the two DNA populations were compared. The UV-DRP-bound fraction was highly enriched for the 6-4 lesion over the unbound fraction supporting the conclusion that 6-4 photoproducts are the principal binding cues for the UV-DRP.  相似文献   

We have examined the mutagenic properties of the T-T pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidinone UV photoproduct in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transforming the yeast cells either with single-stranded vectors that carried this adduct at a unique site or with gapped duplex vectors in which the adduct was located within a 28 nt single-stranded region. In an earlier study with SOS-induced Escherichia coli, we found that this photoproduct is highly mutagenic, specifically generating 3' T-->C substitutions in >85% of replicated molecules, and ascribed this specificity to the formation of a stable guanine-pyrimidinone mispair via hydrogen bonds at N-3 and O-2. In contrast, this adduct is very much less mutagenic in yeast, with 60-70% of molecules being replicated accurately and only 12-20% of them exhibiting 3' T-->C substitutions. The enhanced accuracy may reflect the ability of a yeast DNA polymerase, but not E.coli DNA polymerase III, to trap the adduct in a configuration favorable for the formation of an adenine-pyrimidinone base pair.  相似文献   

DNA (6-4) photoproducts are major constituents of ultraviolet-damaged DNAs. We prepared double-stranded (ds) (6-4) DNA photoproducts and analyzed formation of their complexes with anti-(6-4) photoproduct antibody Fabs. Elution profiles of the mixtures of ds-(6-4) DNAs and Fabs from anion-exchange and gel-filtration columns indicate that Fab 64M-2 deprives 14mer ds-(6-4) DNA of single-stranded (ss) (6-4) DNA and shows no interaction with 18 mer ds-(6-4) DNA (A18). Fab 64M-5 with an approximately 100-fold higher affinity than Fab 64M-2 forms a complex with the ds-(6-4) DNA (A18), but partly dissociates another 18 mer ds-(6-4) DNA (A18-3), with a lowered G-C content, into ss-DNAs. From these results, antibody 64M-5 possibly accommodates the T(6-4)T photolesion moiety of the ds-(6-4) DNA (A18) by flipping out the moiety from its neighboring segments.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) patients carry germ-line mutations in DNA polymerase eta (poleta), a major translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) polymerase, and exhibit severe sunlight sensitivity and high predisposition to skin cancer. Using a quantitative TLS assay system based on gapped plasmids we analyzed TLS across a site-specific TT CPD (thymine-thymine cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer) or TT 6-4 PP (thymine-thymine 6-4 photoproduct) in three pairs of poleta-proficient and deficient human cells. TLS across the TT CPD lesion was reduced by 2.6-4.4-fold in cells lacking poleta, and exhibited a strong 6-17-fold increase in mutation frequency at the TT CPD. All targeted mutations (74%) in poleta-deficient cells were opposite the 3'T of the CPD, however, a significant fraction (23%) were semi-targeted to the nearest nucleotides flanking the CPD. Deletions and insertions were observed at a low frequency, which increased in the absence of poleta, consistent with the formation of double strand breaks due to defective TLS. TLS across TT 6-4 PP was about twofold lower than across CPD, and was marginally reduced in poleta-deficient cells. TLS across TT 6-4 PP was highly mutagenic (27-63%), with multiple mutations types, and no significant difference between cells with or without poleta. Approximately 50% of the mutations formed were semi-targeted, of which 84-93% were due to the insertion of an A opposite the template G 5' to the 6-4 PP. These results, which are consistent with the UV hyper-mutability of XPV cells, highlight the critical role of poleta in error-free TLS across CPD in human cells, and suggest a potential involvement, although minor, of poleta in TLS across 6-4 PP under some conditions.  相似文献   

UV damage-specific binding proteins are considered to play important roles in early responses of cells irradiated with UV, including damage recognition in the DNA repair process. We have surveyed nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins which bind selectively to UV-irradiated DNA using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. We detected four distinct binding activities with different mobilities in fractions separated from HeLa cells by heparin chromatography. Three of them were found in nuclear extracts and one in cytoplasmic extracts. We purified one of the binding factors from nuclear extracts to homogeneity, which was designated NF-10 (the 10th fraction of nuclear extract on heparin chromatography). It migrated as a 40 kDa polypeptide in SDS-PAGE, and bound to UV-irradiated double- stranded DNA but not to unirradiated DNA. The binding pattern of the NF-10 protein to DNA irradiated with UV corresponded to the induction kinetics of (6-4) photoproduct. Removal of (6-4) photoproducts from UV- irradiated DNA by (6-4) photoproduct-specific photolyase diminished the binding of NF-10 protein. These results suggest that the NF-10 protein binds to UV-damaged DNA through (6-4) photoproduct. Immunoblot analysis using a monoclonal antibody revealed that the NF-10 protein was expressed in cell lines from all complementation groups of xeroderma pigmentosum, indicating that the NF-10 protein is a novel UV-damaged-DNA binding protein.  相似文献   

We report the preparation of a deoxyribooligonucleotide containing a new thymine (6-4) photoproduct analog. The (6-4) photoproduct is one of the major forms of DNA lesions, and leads to mutation in DNA. An antibody (64M5) that binds the (6-4) photoproduct has been described. To investigate the interaction of the photoproduct with the 64M5 antibody, we prepared a (6-4) photoproduct analog in which the two thymines were connected with a formacetal linkage. With UV-irradiation, the thymine dimer with the formacetal linkage reacted to the (6-4) photoproduct faster than the phosphodiesterified dimer, and the yields of the analog was higher than those of the natural thymine dimer. The 64M5 antibody exhibited sufficient binding to a tetranucleotide containing the (6-4) photoproduct analog with a formacetal linkage, although the association constant was slightly lower than that for the natural lesion. This (6-4) photoproduct analog may be useful for investigation of other proteins that recognize the (6-4) photoproduct.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light induces damage to DNA, with the majority of the damage expressed as the formation of cyclobutane dimers and pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts. The (6-4) photoproducts have been implicated as important UV light-induced premutagenic DNA lesions. The most abundant of the (6-4) products is the thymine-cytosine pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproduct, or TC (6-4) product. The structure of the TC (6-4) product was deduced by proton NMR, IR, and fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy, and the product was found to differ from the previously described photoadduct, Thy(6-4)Pyo, by the presence of an amino group at the 5 position of the 5' pyrimidine. The implications of this structure on DNA base pairing and the induction of ultraviolet light-induced mutations are discussed.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antiserum raised against UV-irradiated DNA can be used to assay cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts specifically by changing the nature of the 32P-labelled antigen. Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts were removed faster than cyclobutane dimers in UV-irradiated human, hamster and mouse cells. Xeroderma pigmentosum cells from complementation groups A, C and D were deficient in the repair of both lesions.  相似文献   

UV light-induced DNA lesions block the normal replication machinery. Eukaryotic cells possess DNA polymerase eta (Poleta), which has the ability to replicate past a cis-syn thymine-thymine (TT) dimer efficiently and accurately, and mutations in human Poleta result in the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Here, we test Poleta for its ability to bypass a (6-4) TT lesion which distorts the DNA helix to a much greater extent than a cis-syn TT dimer. Opposite the 3' T of a (6-4) TT photoproduct, both yeast and human Poleta preferentially insert a G residue, but they are unable to extend from the inserted nucleotide. DNA Polzeta, essential for UV induced mutagenesis, efficiently extends from the G residue inserted opposite the 3' T of the (6-4) TT lesion by Poleta, and Polzeta inserts the correct nucleotide A opposite the 5' T of the lesion. Thus, the efficient bypass of the (6-4) TT photoproduct is achieved by the combined action of Poleta and Polzeta, wherein Poleta inserts a nucleotide opposite the 3' T of the lesion and Polzeta extends from it. These biochemical observations are in concert with genetic studies in yeast indicating that mutations occur predominantly at the 3' T of the (6-4) TT photoproduct and that these mutations frequently exhibit a 3' T-->C change that would result from the insertion of a G opposite the 3' T of the (6-4) TT lesion.  相似文献   

The antigen binding site of monoclonal antibody 64M5, which possesses a high degree of affinity for DNA containing pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts, were investigated by use of stable-isotope-assisted NMR spectroscopy. A variety of 64M5 Fab fragments specifically labeled with 13C and 15N at backbone amide groups were prepared. Extensive assignments of amide resonances originating from the variable region of 64M5 were made by using 2D-HN(CO) measurements along with recombination of the heavy and light chains of 64M5. On the basis of chemical shift changes of the amide resonances caused upon addition of d(T[6-4]T) and d(GTAT[6-4]TATG), the binding sites of 64M5 Fab for the (6-4) photodimer and for the oligodeoxynucleotides flanking it were identified. It was revealed that the L1 and L3 segments, which are responsible for the binding to (6-4) photodimer, exhibit conformational multiplicities in the absence of antigens, and take different conformations between the d(T[6-4]T) and d(GTAT[6-4]TATG)-bound forms. On the basis of spectral comparison with another Fab fragment with a similarity in the amino acid sequence of the VL domain of 64M5, we suggest that the conformational multiplicities observed in the present study is caused by a substitution of an amino acid residue at the position of a key residue in L3 canonical structure, which leads to a preferable effect on the antigen binding, and by a specific combination of L1 and L3 canonical structures.  相似文献   

The UV-induced (6-4)photoproducts and their repair in individual human cells were quantitatively determined by argon-laser imaging microspectrofluorometry or autoradiography with a well-characterized monoclonal antibody against (6-4)photoproducts. (6-4)Photoproduct induction curves were linear as a function of UV dose, using both methods. The formation of (6-4)photoproducts was detected in the cells irradiated with as low as 10 and 25 J/m2 of UV by autoradiography and laser cytometry, respectively. Normal cells repaired more than 80% of the initial damage within 4 h post irradiation. In contrast, almost no repair was observed in xeroderma pigmentosum cells (complementation group A) within 8 h.  相似文献   

Available evidence rules out the possibility that cyclobutane dimers are the major premutagenic lesions responsible for point mutations at sites of adjacent pyrimidine residues in the experiment systems examined to date in sufficient detail, that is, UV-induced mutations in chromosome loci in E. coli and UV-induced mutations in the cI gene of phage lambda. However, it is likely that the major cytotoxic effects of UV irradiation can be attributed to the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer, as these lesions occur at 10 times the frequency of other UV-induced photoproducts in the dose range of 0.1-100 J/m2. The evidence also suggests that cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are the major lesions responsible for induction of the SOS response and that as such they play an important, though indirect role, in the formation of mutations in irradiated DNA. Cyclobutane dimers may also be the major lesions responsible for other types of UV-light-induced mutations such as deletions. None of the available evidence rules out (6-4) photoproducts as a major premutagenic lesion induced by UV irradiation using these experimental systems. On the contrary, the mutation spectrum induced both in the lacI gene and the cI gene of phage lambda is that predicted for mutations induced by (6-4) photoproducts. The observation that neither the premutagenic lesions nor the (6-4) photoproduct is subject to enzymatic photoreactivation also implies that the (6-4) photoproducts are premutagenic. As reviewed above, neither the photosensitization experiments nor the action spectrum of the (6-4) photoproducts rules out such a role. Might a lesion other than the (6-4) photoproduct be the major premutagenic lesion responsible for point mutations in these experimental systems? It cannot be ruled out that another as yet undefined minor photoproduct that occurs with the same sequence distribution specificity as that of the (6-4) photoproduct and that is also not subject to the reactivating treatments is more mutagenic than the (6-4) photoproduct itself. Candidates for such a lesion might include a photohydrate of the (6-4) photoproduct itself or as yet undefined photoproducts. However, we believe these alternative possibilities to be remote.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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