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Methionine sulfoxide reduction is an important protein repair pathway that protects against oxidative stress, controls protein function and has a role in regulation of aging. There are two enzymes that reduce stereospecifically oxidized methionine residues: MsrA (methionine-S-sulfoxide reductase) and MsrB (methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase). In many organisms, these enzymes are targeted to various cellular compartments. In mammals, a single MsrA gene is known, however, its product is present in cytosol, nucleus, and mitochondria. In contrast, three mammalian MsrB genes have been identified whose products are located in different cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The cardiac troponin T (cTNT) pre-mRNA contains a single alternative exon (exon 5) which is either included or excluded from the processed mRNA. Using transient transfection of cTNT minigenes, we have previously localized pre-mRNA cis elements required for exon 5 alternative splicing to three small regions of the pre-mRNA which include exons 4, 5, and 6. In the present study, nucleotide substitutions were introduced into the region containing exon 5 to begin to define specific nucleotides required for exon 5 alternative splicing. A mutation within the 5' splice site flanking the cTNT alternative exon that increases its homology to the consensus sequence improves splicing efficiency and leads to increased levels of mRNAs that include the alternative exon. Surprisingly, substitution of as few as four nucleotides within the alternative exon disrupts cTNT pre-mRNA alternative splicing and prevents recognition of exon 5 as a bona fide exon. These results establish that the cTNT alternative exon contains information in cis that is required for its recognition by the splicing machinery.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases catalyze the reduction of protein-bound methionine sulfoxide back to methionine via a thioredoxin-recycling process. Two classes of methionine sulfoxide reductases, called MsrA and MsrB, exist that display opposite stereoselectivities toward the sulfoxide function. Although they are structurally unrelated, they share a similar chemical mechanism that includes three steps with 1) formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate with a concomitant release of 1 mol of methionine per mole of enzyme; 2) formation of an intradisulfide Msr bond; and 3) reduction of the oxidized Msr by thioredoxin. In the MsrBs that have been biochemically, enzymatically, and structurally characterized so far, the cysteine involved in the regeneration of the catalytic Cys-117 is Cys-63. Cys-117 is located on a beta strand, whereas the recycling Cys-63 is on a loop near Cys-117. The distance between the two cysteines is compatible with formation of the Cys-117/Cys-63 intradisulfide bond. Analyses of MsrB sequences show that at least 37% of the MsrBs do not possess the recycling Cys-63. In the present study, it is shown that Cys-31 in the Xanthomonas campestris MsrB, which is located on another loop, can efficiently substitute for Cys-63. Such a result implies flexibility of the MsrB structures, at least of the loops on which Cys-31 or Cys-63 are located. The fact that about 25% of the putative MsrBs have no recycling cysteine supports other recycling processes in which thioredoxin is not operative.  相似文献   



Overexpression of α-synuclein (SNCA) in families with multiplication mutations causes parkinsonism and subsequent dementia, characterized by diffuse Lewy Body disease post-mortem. Genetic variability in SNCA contributes to risk of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD), possibly as a result of overexpression. SNCA downregulation is therefore a valid therapeutic target for PD.


We have identified human and murine-specific siRNA molecules which reduce SNCA in vitro. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate that direct infusion of chemically modified (naked), murine-specific siRNA into the hippocampus significantly reduces SNCA levels. Reduction of SNCA in the hippocampus and cortex persists for a minimum of 1 week post-infusion with recovery nearing control levels by 3 weeks post-infusion.


We have developed naked gene-specific siRNAs that silence expression of SNCA in vivo. This approach may prove beneficial toward our understanding of the endogenous functional equilibrium of SNCA, its role in disease, and eventually as a therapeutic strategy for α-synucleinopathies resulting from SNCA overexpression.  相似文献   

Two forms of the smaller subunit of the human soluble guanylate cyclase enzyme have been cloned by using PCR. One of the clones (HSGC-1) is identical to bovine and rat lung smaller subunit cyclase. However, the other (HSGC-2) is lacking 33 amino acids. Comparison of its sequence with published partial genomic sequences of bovine guanylate cyclase indicates that HSGC-2 is formed due to alternative splicing.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a purine-rich sequence located within exon M2 of the mouse immunoglobulin mu gene functions as a splicing enhancer, as judged by its ability to stimulate splicing of a distant upstream intron. This sequence element has been designated ERS (exon recognition sequence). In this study, we investigated the stimulatory effects of various ERS-like sequences, using the in vitro splicing system with HeLa cell nuclear extracts. Here, we show that purine-rich sequences of several natural exons that have previously been shown to be required for splicing function as a splicing enhancer like the ERS of the immunoglobulin mu gene. Moreover, even synthetic polypurine sequences had stimulatory effects on the upstream splicing. Evaluation of the data obtained from the analyses of both natural and synthetic purine-rich sequences shows that (i) alternating purine sequences can stimulate splicing, while poly(A) or poly(G) sequences cannot, and (ii) the presence of U residues within the polypurine sequence greatly reduces the level of stimulation. Competition experiments strongly suggest that the stimulatory effects of various purine-rich sequences are mediated by the same trans-acting factor(s). We conclude from these results that the purine-rich sequences that we examined in this study also represent examples of ERS. Thus, ERS is considered a general splicing element that is present in various exons and plays an important role in splice site selection.  相似文献   

We have characterized a novel positive-acting splicing element within the developmentally regulated alternative exon (exon 5) of the cardiac troponin T (cTNT) gene. The exon splicing element (ESE) is internal to the exon portions of the splice sites and is required for splicing to the 3' splice site but not the 5' splice site flanking the exon. Sequence comparisons between cTNT exon 5 and other exons that contain regions required for splicing reveal a common purine-rich motif. Sequence within cTNT exon 5 or a synthetic purine-rich motif facilitates splicing of heterologous alternative and constitutive splice sites in vivo. Interestingly, the ESE is not required for the preferential inclusion of cTNT exon 5 observed in primary skeletal muscle cultures. Our results strongly suggest that the purine-rich ESE serves as a general splicing element that is recognized by the constitutive splicing machinery.  相似文献   



Thioredoxin reductase (TR) is a redox active protein involved in many cellular processes as part of the thioredoxin system. Presently there are three recognised forms of mammalian thioredoxin reductase designated as TR1, TR3 and TGR, that represent the cytosolic, mitochondrial and novel forms respectively. In this study we elucidated the genomic organisation of the mouse (Txnrd1) and human thioredoxin reductase 1 genes (TXNRD1) through library screening, restriction mapping and database mining.  相似文献   

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