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J. Kojima 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(4):411-420
Summary Colonies of an Australian swarm founding polistine wasp,Ropalidia romandi, on the Atherton Tableland, Queensland, manage perennial nests by practicing seasonal colony activity. In summer nests, most cells were occupied by immatures of all developmental stages. The proportion of cells that did not contain immatures increased towards winter, when most nest cells did not contain immatures and half of these winter nests had rather large amounts of nectar deposited in empty cells. While the visits to tree flowers byR. romandi were not frequent in summer, nearly 60 % of insects collected on tree flowers in winter wereR. romandi. With such seasonal switching in the modes of colony reproductive activity and of nectar foraging behavior,R. romandi responds to its physical and biotic environment. In this way,R. romandi may be able to continue colonies throughout the year, with much reduced level of colony activity in winter, in areas with seasons that are unfavorable for reproductive activity of a colony.  相似文献   

Summary Nest usurpation in the subtropical paper waspRopalidia fasciata was studied in Okinawa, southern Japan. Eight of 14 usurpations occurred around the first worker emergence (within 3 days before and 3 days after the emergence). A discriminant analysis showed that the usurpers preferred colonies that had fewer adult females and fewer cells but abundant pupae, compared with non-usurped colonies in the study area on same dates. This suggests that usurpers can assess the development of other colonies and then select a nest that is easy to usurp (fewer females) but has valuable resources (abundant pupae).  相似文献   

This study presents the first observations of early-season colony development of Ropalidia plebeiana in Canberra, Australia. The growth pattern of three R. plebeiana nests was measured during weekly observations from October 2006 to January 2007 and showed that nests steadily increase in size over the early summer to approximately 50 cells when the nest is newly established and to approximately 170 cells when nests from the previous season are re-used. A first generation of adult females is produced by December, and the bimodality of the curves of egg, larval and pupal numbers indicates that these three developmental stages last approximately 2–3 weeks each. The nesting cycle of R. plebeiana in Canberra commences approximately 2 weeks later than in coastal Australia, the shorter summers in this inland region restricting the length of the active season. R. plebeiana did not form dense nesting aggregations in Canberra as described elsewhere, with only small colonies consisting of a single or just a few nests. Characteristic comb-cutting behavior of the species was observed but this did not result in complete nest division as recorded from coastal populations.  相似文献   

  • 1 In a 16-month study in Bangalore, India, about 35% of the newly founded colonies of Ropalidia marginata were single foundress colonies and the remainder were multiple foundress colonies with two to twenty-two individuals.
  • 2 Larger colonies did not have a significantly higher per capita productivity, did not produce significantly heavier progeny and did not produce them significantly faster than smaller colonies did.
  • 3 Predation by the hornet Vespa tropica appeared to be independent of group size.
  • 4 Single foundress colonies failed more often but not often enough to make them have a lower average per capita productivity, compared to multiple foundress colonies.
  • 5 Some of the advantages of multiple foundress associations came from the greater predictability of their attaining the mean per capita productivity, the relatively lower rates of usurpation experienced by them compared to single foundress colonies, and the opportunities provided by queen turnovers for workers to become replacement queens and gain direct individual fitness.

Abstract.  The eumenine genus Pseudodynerus is revised, and the phylogenetic relationships among its species are reconstructed based on adult morphology. The cladistic analyses of the 21 terminal species (15 ingroup and six outgroup species) and 48 characters, from external morphology and male genitalia, produced one cladogram under equal weights and two under implied weights. The monophyly of Pseudodynerus was corroborated in all three hypotheses, although the internal relationships varied depending on the weighting scheme. Two major clades were recovered under both equal and implied weights, one containing mostly Central and North American species and the other only South American species. The main difference between the hypotheses involves the placement of P. luctuosus , which comes out either as sister to a clade formed by P. hallinani  + ( P. maxillaris  +  P. quadrisectus  +  P. crypticus ) or as sister to a clade comprising the remaining species. Fifteen species of Pseudodynerus are recognized, of which four are described as new: P. crypticus from Costa Rica, P. carpenteri from French Guiana and Suriname, P. obesus from Rondônia, Brazil, and P. singularis from Espírito Santo, Brazil. One new synonymy is proposed: Odynerus ( Odynerus ) aztecus de Saussure, 1857  =  Pseudodynerus quadrisectus ( Say, 1837 ) syn.n. Names treated as varieties by Bequaert (1941) are not recognized at any level herein, as follows: Monobia mina-palumboi Gribodo, 1891 , stat.rev. ; Odynerus ( Leionotus ) beelzebub Zavattari, 1912 , stat.rev. ; Stenodynerus anisitsii garleppi Schrottky, 1911 , stat.rev. ; and Stenodynerus mondaiensis Bertoni, 1918, stat.rev. Lectotypes are designated for Odynerus bellone Lepeletier, 1841 , Odynerus ( Odynerus ) aztecus de Saussure, 1857 and Odynerus ( Stenodynerus ) migonei Bertoni, 1926 .  相似文献   

More than 50% of nests of Ropalidia fasciata were founded by association of foundresses (multifemale nests). The multifemale nests were generally initiated earlier and grew faster than the single-female nests. The survival rate of the multifemale nests was significantly higher than that of single-female nests, and the productivity as measured by the number of cells produced per foundress had a peak at a foundress-group size from 6 to 10. The number of marked foundresses which were seen on their original nest decreased as the colony cycle proceeded, but some of them continued to coexist on the original nests after emergency of many female progeny. Except in the case where a large number of foundresses attended a young nest so that some foundresses could not sit on the nest, the dominance interactions among cofoundresses were mild. More than twothirds (71.4%) of nests (including those at the post-emergence stage) had multiple egg-layers. The foundress association in this species is considered to be beneficial for every foundress because it raises ability to avoid predation or to reconstruct their nests when the nests are destroyed by typhoons.  相似文献   

The relationship between reproductive status and body size in foundresses of Ropalidia plebeiana, an Australian endemic paper wasp forming huge aggregations of nests, was examined. Foundresses with developed ovaries (laying foundresses) in multifoundress colonies tended to be larger than foundresses in single‐foundress colonies and foundresses with undeveloped ovaries (non‐laying foundresses). However, the laying foundress was not always the largest of the foundresses in a colony. Body shape in foundresses varied according to simple allometric growth, while foundresses and first brood females diverged in their growth parameters in the preimaginal stage.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial, polistine wasp widely distributed in peninsular India. In spite of its primitively eusocial status, queens of R. marginata are surprisingly docile and behaviourally non-dominant (except during the first week or so of their careers as queens). Yet they successfully maintain reproductive monopoly throughout their careers, probably through the use of pheromones. Workers exhibit dominance-subordinate interactions but these behaviours are not involved in regulating reproductive competition among the workers because workers with high dominance ranks are not necessarily the ones who replace lost queens. We have speculated and provided correlational evidence before that dominance-subordinate interactions among the workers have been co-opted in this species for the workers to regulate each other's foraging. Here, we provide experimental evidence in support of the speculation, by reducing demand for food and showing that this results in a significant decrease in the frequency of dominance-subordinate interactions among the workers.  相似文献   

Stahlhut JK  Cowan DP 《Heredity》2004,92(3):189-196
The Hymenoptera have arrhenotokous haplodiploidy in which males normally develop from unfertilized eggs and are haploid, while females develop from fertilized eggs and are diploid. Multiple sex determination systems are known to underlie haplodiploidy, and the best understood is single-locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD) in which sex is determined at a single polymorphic locus. Individuals heterozygous at the sex locus develop as females; individuals that are hemizygous (haploid) or homozygous (diploid) at the sex locus develop as males. sl-CSD can be detected with inbreeding experiments that produce diploid males in predictable proportions as well as sex ratio shifts due to diploid male production. This sex determination system is considered incompatible with inbreeding because the ensuing increase in homozygosity increases the production of diploid males that are inviable or infertile, imposing a high cost on matings between close relatives. However, in the solitary hunting wasp Euodynerus foraminatus, a species suspected of having sl-CSD, inbreeding may be common due to a high incidence of sibling matings at natal nests. In laboratory crosses with E. foraminatus, we find that sex ratios and diploid male production (detected as microsatellite heterozygosity) are consistent with sl-CSD, but not with other sex determination systems. This is the first documented example of sl-CSD in a hymenopteran with an apparent natural history of inbreeding, and thus presents a paradox for our understanding of hymenopteran genetics.  相似文献   

Circulating hemocytes from larval stages of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus were characterized by light and transmission electron microscopy. Three types were identified: prohemocytes, plasmatocytes and granulocytes. The first two are agranular cells while the latter present typical cytoplasmic inclusions called granules. Plasmatocytes differ from prohemocytes being larger, showing lower nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and they possess many phagolysosomes. The substantial uniformity of most subcellular features and the presence of "intermediate forms" support the "single-cell theory" i.e., there is only one cell line that originates from the prohemocyte and leads to the granular cell passing through the plasmatocyte. This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by functional tests. Indeed, most part of cells adheres to the glass and is able to phagocytize fluorescent microspheres.  相似文献   

Observations were made on a nest of Ropalidia cyathiformis consisting of three combs. The number of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults were monitored at about 3-day intervals for a 2-month period. The behaviour of the adults was observed with special reference to the proportion of time spent on each of the three combs, the proportion of time spent away from the nest site and the frequencies of dominance interactions and egg laying. The adults moved freely between the three combs suggesting that all of them and all the three combs belonged to one nest. However, most of the adults preferred combs 2 and 3 over comb 1. Of the 10 animals chosen for a detailed analysis of behaviour, seven spent varying periods of time away from the nest site and oRen brought back food or building material. Five of the 10 animals laid at least one egg each but two adults monopolized most of the egg-laying. The animals showed a variety of dominance interactions on the basis of which they have been arranged in a dominance hierarchy. The dominant individuals laid most of the eggs and spent little or no time foraging, while the subordinate individuals spent more time foraging and laid few eggs or none. It is argued that R. cyathiformis is different from R. marginata , the only other Indian social wasp whose behaviour has been studied, in being at a more primitive stage of social organization.  相似文献   

Summary Five cases of the early emergence of males in a Japanese paper wasp,Polistes chinensis antennalis, in which male emerged together with the first group of workers, were described. In one case of the five where the queen disappeared before the emergence of male, worker(s) produced female offspring. The frequency of the nests where the early emergence of male was observed was 16.7% (5/30 nests). In two colonies, worker(s) and/or queen chased off males. But in an orphan nest where worker(s) produced female offspring, the dominance order among workers which was similar to that of colony without male was observed. The significance of the early emergence of male in the social evolution of wasps was discussed.  相似文献   

In the primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata,individual females are known to drift from one newly founded nest to another. In the laboratory, young (<6- to 8-day-old) alien wasps are accepted onto unrelated colonies, while older (>6- to 8-day-old) wasps are not. Here we have investigated the factors that could influence the acceptance of foreign conspecifics onto unrelated nests. Individually marked wasps of different ages, isolated immediately after eclosion from the natal nest and from each other, were introduced onto unrelated recipient nests. Considered separately, both age and ovarian condition seemed to influence the probability of acceptance as well as the levels of aggression and tolerance received by the introduced wasps. However, partial correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis indicated that only age had a direct influence and that the ovarian condition acts only through age, a variable with which it is highly correlated. The observed acceptance of young aliens and rejection of old aliens are less likely to be due to the perception of older wasps as a reproductive threat rather than some age-related factor, other than ovarian condition, for example, the relative ease with which younger wasps can be molded into desired roles.  相似文献   

Absconding swarms of the Australian swarm-founding wasp,Ropalidia romandi, were artificially induced. Workers may initially search for new nesting sites and once a new nest site is decided, they recruit their nest mates including multiple queens there. During the swarm emigration, workers often land on prominent objects, such as tree leaves, and drag the metasoma; those that do not drag usually antennate the object surfaces. These findings suggest thatR. romandi workers use a scent trail during swarm emigration. Artificial transfer of colonies resulted in clustering of wasps from different colonies, indicating thatR. romandi may not act exclusively against non-nestmates. In the formation of tentative aggregation of wasps prior to commencing emigration, and also in recognizing a new nesting site by following swarm members that have been guided by a scent trail, a visual cue (aerial swarm formed around an aggregation of wasps) seems to play an important role.  相似文献   

We isolated 13 microsatellite markers for the Japanese paper wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis. Null alleles were ruled out in the loci because we could detect polymerase chain reaction products for 578 haploid males. Our results indicate that these markers are excellent tools for the analysis of pedigrees within colonies for species with a complicated pedigree structure due to worker reproduction (male production by workers in queen‐right colonies).  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Ropalidia wasps in the Indian subcontinent is revised, recognizing 26 species in the subcontinent. Their diagnostic characteristics are summarized in a key to species. New synonymies proposed in the present study are: R. bicolorata shiva Das and Gupta, 1989 under R. bicolorata van der Vecht, 1962; R. colorata sordida van der Vecht, 1941 under R. colorata van der Vecht, 1941; R. rodialipa Lambert and Narendran, 2005 and R. anupama Lambert and Narendran, 2005, both under R. cyathiformis Fabricius, 1804; R. jacobsoni flavoscutellata Das and Gupta, 1989, and R. bangalorica Lambert and Narendran, 2005, both under R. jacobsoni du Buysson, 1908; R. travancorica Lambert and Narendran, 2005, under R. marginata Lepeletier, 1836; R. sridharani Lambert and Narendran, 2005, under R. rufocollaris Cameron, 1900; Ropalidia rufoplagiata nursei van der Vecht, 1941 under R. rufoplagiata Cameron, 1905; Icaria lugubris Smith, 1858, under R. sumatrae Weber, 1801; and a revised synonymy is Icaria pendula Smith, 1857, under R. variegata Smith, 1852. The new replacement name Ropalidia kasaragodensis Lambert and Narendran is proposed for R. indica Lambert and Narendran, 2005, non van der Vecht, 1941.  相似文献   

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