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It is well known that aging and longevity strongly correlate with energy metabolism. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used as an ultimate model of experimental animals. Thus, we developed a novel tool, which is constructed from an optical detector, using an indirect method that can measure simply the energy metabolism of C. elegans. If we measure the oxygen consumption rate using this optical tool, we can easily evaluate the activity of mitochondria as an index in the aging process. However, a direct measurement of the oxygen consumption rate of C. elegans exposed in air is thought to be impossible because of the high concentration of atmospheric oxygen and the small size of the animals. We demonstrate here that we can directly detect the oxygen consumption with a small number of animals (相似文献   

Closed-circuit metabolic system with multiple applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A closed-circuit metabolic system has been designed and tested for multiple applications. Air pressure within a closed chamber is regulated electronically while allowing for respiratory gas exchange. Compared with a previously reported standard indirect calorimetry system, the new device had by virtue of longer duration of measurement improved precision (coefficient of variation 3% vs. 14%) during studies of O2 consumption both at room temperature and at 5 degrees C. In addition, a more physiological atmospheric environment is maintained. This system has also been utilized for simultaneously labeling groups of up to 20 weanling rats with 18O2 over a 2-day period and for exposure of rats to a hyperoxic (84% O2), normobaric environment for 4-day periods. Potential applications include maintenance of pressure (hypobaric through hyperbaric) and O2 (hypoxic through hyperoxic) controlled environments, exposure to toxic gases, study of diurnal variations in metabolic rate, measurement of metabolic expenditure with activity, and adaptation to other species including humans.  相似文献   

Swarms of flying robots are a promising alternative to ground-based robots for search in indoor environments with advantages such as increased speed and the ability to fly above obstacles. However, there are numerous problems that must be surmounted including limitations in available sensory and on-board processing capabilities, and low flight endurance. This paper introduces a novel strategy to coordinate a swarm of flying robots for indoor exploration that significantly increases energy efficiency. The presented algorithm is fully distributed and scalable. It relies solely on local sensing and low-bandwidth communication, and does not require absolute positioning, localisation, or explicit world-models. It assumes that flying robots can temporarily attach to the ceiling, or land on the ground for efficient surveillance over extended periods of time. To further reduce energy consumption, the swarm is incrementally deployed by launching one robot at a time. Extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that increasing the time between consecutive robot launches significantly lowers energy consumption by reducing total swarm flight time, while also decreasing collision probability. As a trade-off, however, the search time increases with increased inter-launch periods. These effects are stronger in more complex environments. The proposed localisation-free strategy provides an energy efficient search behaviour adaptable to different environments or timing constraints.  相似文献   

In search of a method to increase the validity of experimental data and simultaneously counteract the negative consequences of restricted laboratory environments, a pilot study was run with three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), which were trained and tested with a laboratory-type task in the animal housing facility. The testing apparatus was made available to individual animals 24 hours a day at their living cage and was connected to a computer that controlled the test and the distribution of regular monkey chow as reward. The animals were thus able to work whenever they wanted, for whatever period of time they chose, in their accustomed home environment. Besides furnishing data on the distribution of activity and performance over extended periods of time, the study provided more data than those obtained previously when animals were tested each day for only a limited time in an isolated test chamber. It was also found that the self-initiated manipulatory activity required by the test considerably reduced the number of motor stereotypies. Thus, testing animals within the housing facility was profitable for the investigators and beneficial for the animals.  相似文献   

A glass metabolic cage was designed for studies involving newborn rats and small animals up to about 15 g. The metabolic chamber is a jacketed tube, open on both ends and closed with 0-ring clamps. Water is circulated around the cage to maintain a constant and physiologic chamber temperature. Information about the metabolic pathway of nutrients and drugs can thus be studied, and the effects of drugs on metabolism of substrates to CO2 can also be assessed in the newborn animal.  相似文献   

Organisms living in periodically varying environments adjust their life history events to the changes in food availability. When these changes are not entirely predictable animals face a trade-off between maintaining physiological preparedness (which can be costly) and being unprepared (which decreases the chances of successful reproduction). To investigate this problem, we developed an optimal annual routine model of gonad regulation in birds. Most birds regress their reproductive organs during non-breeding periods, but to start breeding again they need to have functional gonads. Maintaining the gonads in this state is costly, but because it takes time to achieve this state, if gonads are not functional the bird may miss a possible breeding opportunity. We explore the resolution of this trade-off in environments where favorable periods can occur at any time of the year and variability in the length of good and bad periods can be altered. Consistent with empirical studies of reproductive behavior in unpredictable environments, we find that birds maintain the gonads partially activated during unfavorable conditions in many cases. However, gonad regulation may differ strikingly depending on the consistency of the good and bad periods. Furthermore, seasonal changes in food availability lead to the entrainment of reproduction and the segregation of the breeding and non-breeding season, even if the magnitude of seasonality is small compared to the degree of environmental fluctuations. These results indicate that several aspects of the environment need to be taken into account to understand reproductive behavior in unpredictable environments. Given that the trade-off between the costs and benefits of maintaining physiological preparedness is not limited to birds, our results have implications for understanding behavioral flexibility in other organisms as well.  相似文献   

Summary In captivity,Galago demidovii shows annual variations in oxygen consumption which are independent of daylength cycles. This rhythm is characterized by two periods during which metabolic and sexual activities are increased: a short period in November/December; and a longer period from March to June inclusive. These two periods alternate with periods of decreased metabolic rate, of which the most pronounced extends from July to September. Another point of interest is that the basal metabolism of captive Galagos is 17.5% above the value calculated from its body weight.The physiological cycle observed in captivity is synchronized with climatic variations in Makokou (Gaboon), from where the animals originated: higher metabolic and sexual activities are correlated with rainy seasons. This study suggests that an endogenous rhythm may exist inGalago demidovii.  相似文献   

Intracellular NAD(P)H oscillations exhibited by polarized neutrophils display congruent with 20 s periods, which are halved to congruent with 10 s upon stimulation with chemotactic peptides such as FNLPNTL (N-formyl-nle-leu-phe-nle-tyr-lys). By monitoring this frequency change, we have measured accurately the time interval between stimulus and metabolic frequency changes. A microscope flow chamber was designed to allow rapid delivery of FNLPNTL to adherent cells. Using fluorescein as a marker, we found delivery to be complete and stable throughout the chamber within approximately 400 ms. Peptides were injected into the chamber at concentrations ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-9) M. Injections also varied with respect to the relative phase of a cell's NAD(P)H oscillations. The time interval between injection of 10(-6) M FNLPNTL and the acquisition of congruent with 10 s period metabolic oscillations was found to be 12.2+/-3.3 s when injections occurred at the NAD(P)H oscillation peak whereas the lag time was 22.5+/-4.8 s when coinciding with a trough. At 10(-8) M FNLPNTL, lag times were found to be 26.1+/-5.2 and 30.5+/-7.3 s for injections at NAD(P)H peaks and troughs, respectively. FNLPNTL at 10(-9) M had no effect on metabolic oscillations, consistent with previous studies. Our experiments show that the kinetics of transmembrane signal processing, in contrast to a simple transmembrane chemical reaction, can depend upon both ligand dose and its temporal relationship with intracellular metabolic oscillations.  相似文献   

Flow-through respirometry systems provide accurate measurement of gas exchange over long periods of time. However, these systems have limitations in tracking rapid changes. When an animal infuses a metabolic gas into the respirometry chamber in a short burst, diffusion and airflow in the chamber gradually alter the original signal before it arrives at the gas analyzer. For single or multiple bursts, the recorded signal is smeared or mixed, which may result in dramatically altered recordings compared to the emitted signal. Recovering the original metabolic signal is a difficult task because of the inherent ill conditioning problem. Here, we present two new methods to recover the fast dynamics of metabolic patterns from recorded data. We first re-derive the equations of the well-known Z-transform method (ZT method) to show the source of imprecision in this method. Then, we develop a new model of analysis for respirometry systems based on the experimentally determined impulse response, which is the response of the system to a very short unit input. As a result, we present a major modification of the ZT method (dubbed the ‘EZT method’) by using a new model for the impulse response, enhancing its precision to recover the true metabolic signals. The second method, the generalized Z-transform (GZT) method, was then developed by generalizing the EZT method; it can be applied to any flow-through respirometry system with any arbitrary impulse response. Experiments verified that the accuracy of recovering the true metabolic signals is significantly improved by the new methods. These new methods can be used more broadly for input estimation in variety of physiological systems.  相似文献   


Due to the similarity of the major metabolic pathways in all living organisms it might be thought unlikely that the study of metabolic variation would add to an understanding of ecological differences. However, a quantitative study of the regulation of metabolism and its end-products indicates a link between cell biochemistry and the capability of certain species to succeed in particular environments. A study of anaerobic metabolism in animals and plants shows a number of similarities in those species able to survive in oxygen-poor environments. These include the production of nontoxic end-products and the avoidance of a large oxygen debt. As a large variety of organisms is examined, these comparisons suggest that the metabolic solutions to a given environmental stress, whether in plants or animals, can be strikingly similar. Therefore, although the main metabolic pathways in most living organism are the same, the regulation of metabolism varies with the ecology of the species. Examples are discussed in which a knowledge of metabolism in relation to ecology could have practical applications in forestry and agriculture.  相似文献   

1. Estimating the metabolic rate of animals in nature is central to understanding the physiological, behavioural and evolutionary ecology of animals. Doubly labelled water and heart-rate methods are the most commonly used approaches, but both have limitations that preclude their application to some systems. 2. Accelerometry has emerged as a powerful tool for estimating energy expenditure in a range of animals, but is yet to be used to estimate field metabolic rate in aquatic taxa. We combined two-dimensional accelerometry and swim-tunnel respirometry to estimate patterns of energy expenditure in giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama during breeding. 3. Both oxygen consumption rate (Vo2) and swimming speed showed strong positive associations with body acceleration, with coefficients of determination comparable to those using similar accelerometers on terrestrial vertebrates. Despite increased activity during the day, field metabolic rate rarely approached Vo2, and night-time Vo2 was similar to that at rest. 4. These results are consistent with the life-history strategy of this species, which has a poor capacity to exercise anaerobically, and a mating strategy that is visually based. With the logistical difficulties associated with observation in aquatic environments, accelerometry is likely to prove a valuable tool for estimating energy expenditure in aquatic animals.  相似文献   

Animals have been assumed to employ an optimal foraging strategy (e.g., rate-maximizing strategy). In patchy food environments, intake rate within patches is positively correlated with patch quality, and declines as patches are depleted through consumption. This causes patch-leaving and determines patch residence time. In group-foraging situations, patch residence times are also affected by patch sharing. Optimal patch models for groups predict that patch residence times decrease as the number of co-feeding animals increases because of accelerated patch depletion. However, group members often depart patches without patch depletion, and their patch residence time deviates from patch models. It has been pointed out that patch residence time is also influenced by maintaining social proximity with others among group-living animals. In this study, the effects of maintaining social cohesion and that of rate-maximizing strategy on patch residence time were examined in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). I hypothesized that foragers give up patches to remain in the proximity of their troop members. On the other hand, foragers may stay for a relatively long period when they do not have to abandon patches to follow the troop. In this study, intake rate and foraging effort (i.e., movement) did not change during patch residency. Macaques maintained their intake rate with only a little foraging effort. Therefore, the patches were assumed to be undepleted during patch residency. Further, patch residence time was affected by patch-leaving to maintain social proximity, but not by the intake rate. Macaques tended to stay in patches for short periods when they needed to give up patches for social proximity, and remained for long periods when they did not need to leave to keep social proximity. Patch-leaving and patch residence time that prioritize the maintenance of social cohesion may be a behavioral pattern in group-living primates.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of diving metabolic rate are central to assessing the energy needs of marine mammals. To circumvent some of the limitations inherent with conducting energy studies in both the wild and captivity, we measured diving oxygen consumption of two trained Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the open ocean. The animals dived to predetermined depths (5–30 m) for controlled periods of time (50–200 s). Rates of oxygen consumption were measured using open-circuit respirometry before and after each dive. Mean resting rates of oxygen consumption prior to the dives were 1.34 (±0.18) and 1.95 (±0.19) liter/min for individual sea lions. Mean rates of oxygen consumption during the dives were 0.71 (±0.24) and 1.10 (±0.39) liter/min, respectively. Overall, rates of oxygen consumption during dives were significantly lower (45% and 41%) than the corresponding rates measured before dives. These results provide the first estimates of diving oxygen consumption rate for Steller sea lions and show that this species can exhibit a marked decrease in oxygen consumption relative to surface rates while submerged. This has important consequences in the evaluation of physiological limitations associated with diving such as dive duration and subsequent interpretations of diving behavior in the wild.  相似文献   

1. Reduced metabolic rate among cave organisms compared with surface species has long been suggested as an adaptation to food shortage in cave environments. However, comparisons of metabolic rates between species have not often included closely related surface and cave species. By measuring metabolic rate across three seasons and over a range of body sizes, we examined the hypothesis that the routine metabolic rate of Gammarus acherondytes, a federally listed stygobitic amphipod, is lower than that of the closely related stygophilic Gammarus troglophilus. To determine if human activities increased the supply of organic matter to caves, we also examined the relationship between residential development and bacterial contamination in water wells. 2. For G. acherondytes, the slope of the overall relationship between oxygen consumption and body dry mass did not differ from zero and did not vary seasonally, whereas for G. troglophilus it was positive and higher in summer than in winter and spring. These results provide insights into a potential novel metabolic adaptation among stygobites. Higher metabolic rate in young G. acherondytes would allow efficient use of typically transient energy sources and a low metabolic rate at larger body sizes would increase survival through periods of food scarcity. 3. The number of wells with faecal coliform contamination was weakly but positively correlated with the number of residential building permits, indicating that surface land‐use changes probably increase the availability of energy in groundwater systems inhabited by G. acherondytes. This may give stygophilic animals, with higher metabolic rates, a competitive advantage in the caves, thus reducing the abundance of stygobites such as G. acherondytes.  相似文献   

Lizards and many other animals often engage in locomotor behaviors that are of such short duration that physiological steady-state conditions are not attained. It is sometimes difficult to estimate the energetic costs of this type of locomotor activity. This difficulty is addressed by considering as reflective of the metabolic cost of activity (C(act)) not only the oxygen consumed during the activity itself, but also the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and any excess metabolites persisting at the end of EPOC. Data from both lizards and mammals demonstrate that EPOC is the major energetic cost when activity is short and intense. This paper evaluates the major metabolic components of EPOC in lizards. We then examine how behavioral variables associated with locomotion (duration, intensity, frequency) can influence EPOC and C(act). Short and intense activity is much more expensive by this measure than is steady-state locomotion. Evidence is provided that intermittent activity of short duration can be more economical relative to single bouts of the same activity. Metabolic savings appear greatest when the pause period between behaviors is short. In contrast, endurance is enhanced by short activity periods and longer pause periods, suggesting a tradeoff between endurance and EPOC-related metabolic costs.  相似文献   

Depression of metabolic rate has been recorded for virtually all major animal phyla in response to environmental stress. The extent of depression is usually measured as the ratio of the depressed metabolic rate to the normal resting metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is sometimes only depressed to approx. 80% of the resting value (i.e. a depression of approx. 20% of resting); it is more commonly 5-40 % of resting (i.e. a depression of approx. 60-95% of resting); extreme depression is to 1% or less of resting, or even to an unmeasurably low metabolic rate (i.e. a depression of approx. 99-100% of resting). We have examined the resting and depressed metabolic rate of animals as a function of their body mass, corrected to a common temperature. This allometric approach allows ready comparison of the absolute level of both resting and depressed metabolic rate for various animals, and suggests three general patterns of metabolic depression. Firstly, metabolic depression to approx. 0.05-0.4 of rest is a common and remarkably consistent pattern for various non-cryptobiotic animals (e.g. molluscs, earthworms, crustaceans, fishes, amphibians, reptiles). This extent of metabolic depression is typical for dormant animals with ‘intrinsic’ depression, i.e. reduction of metabolic rate in anticipation of adverse environmental conditions but without substantial changes to their ionic or osmotic status, or state of body water. Some of these types of animal are able to survive anoxia for limited periods, and their anaerobic metabolic depression is also to approx. 0.05-0.4 of resting. Metabolic depression to much less than 0.2 of resting is apparent for some ‘resting’, ‘over-wintering’ or diapaused eggs of these animals, but this can be due to early developmental arrest so that the egg has a low ‘metabolic mass’ of developed tissue (compared to the overall mass of the egg) with no metabolic depression, rather than having metabolic depression of the entire cell mass. A profound decrease in metabolic rate occurs in hibernating (or aestivating) mammals and birds during torpor, e.g. to less than 0.01 of pre-torpor metabolic rate, but there is often no intrinsic metabolic depression in addition to that reduction in metabolic rate due to readjustment of thermoregulatory control and a decrease in body temperature with a concommitant Q10 effect. There may be a modest intrinsic metabolic depression for some species in shallow torpor (to approx. 0.86) and a more substantial metabolic depression for deep torpor (approx. 0.6), but any energy saving accruing from this intrinsic depression is small compared to the substantial savings accrued from the readjustment of thermoregulation and the Q10 effect. Secondly, a more extreme pattern of metabolic depression (to < 0.05 of rest) is evident for cryptobiotic animals. For these animals there is a profound change in their internal environment-for anoxybiotic animals there is an absence of oxygen and for osmobiotic, anhydrobiotic or cryobiotic animals there is an alteration of the ionic/osmotic balance or state of body water. Some normally aerobic animals can tolerate anoxia for considerable periods, and their duration of tolerance is inversely related to their magnitude of metabolic depression; anaerobic metabolic rate can be less than 0.005 of resting. The metabolic rate of anhydrobiotic animals is often so low as to be unmeasurable, if not zero. Thus, anhydrobiosis is the ultimate strategy for eggs or other stages of the life cycle to survive extended periods of environmental stress. Thirdly, a pattern of absence of metabolism when normally hydrated (as opposed to anhydrobiotic or cryobiotic) is apparently unique to diapaused eggs of the brine-shrimp (Artemia spp., an anostracan crustacean) during anoxia. The apparent complete metabolic depression of anoxic yet hydrated cysts (and extreme metabolic depression of normoxic, hypoxic, or osmobiotic, yet hydrated cysts), is an obvious exception to the above patterns. In searching for biochemical mechanisms for metabolic depression, it is clear that there are five general characteristics at the molecular level of cells which have a depressed metabolism; a decrease in pH, the presence of latent mRNA, a change in protein phosphorylation state, the maintenance of one particular energy-utilizing process (ion pumping), and the down-regulation of another (protein synthesis). Oxygen sensing is now the focus of intense investigation and obviously plays an important role in many aspects of cell biology. Recent studies show that oxygen sensing is involved in metabolic depression and research is now being directed towards characterising the proteins and mechanisms that comprise this response. As more data accumulate, oxygen sensing as a mechanism will probably become the sixth general characteristic of depressed cells. The majority of studies on these general characteristics of metabolically depressed cells come from members of the most common group of animals that depress metabolism, those non-cryptobiotic animals that remain hydrated and depress to 0.05-0.4 of rest. These biochemical investigations are becoming more molecular and sophisticated, and directed towards defined processes, but as yet no complete mechanism has been delineated. The consistency of the molecular data within this group of animals suggests similar metabolic strategies and mechanisms associated with metabolic depression. The biochemical ‘adaptations’ of anhydrobiotic organisms would seem to be related more to surviving the dramatic reduction in cell water content and its physico-chemical state, than to molecular mechanisms for lowering metabolic rate. Metabolic depression would seem to be an almost inevitable consequence of their altered hydration state. The unique case of profound metabolic depression of hydrated Artemia spp. cysts under a variety of conditions could reflect unique mechanisms at the molecular level. However, the available data are not consistent with this possibility (with the exception of a uniquely large decrease in ATP concentration of depressed, hydrated Artemia spp. cysts) and the question remains: how do cells of anoxic and hydrated Artemia spp. differ from anoxic goldfish or turtle cells, enabling them so much more completely to depress their metabolism?  相似文献   

Living in harsh and variable environments that are prone to periodic desiccation, tardigrades exhibit remarkable tolerance against physical extremes through a state known as anhydrobiosis. To study the effect of this state on the longevity and hence the lifecycle in the taxon Tardigrada for the first time, we exposed a tardigrade species, Milnesium tardigradum , to alternating periods of drying and active feeding periods in a hydrated state. Compared with a hydrated control, the periodically dried animals showed a similar longevity, indicating that the time spent in anhydrobiosis was ignored by the internal clock. Thus, desiccation can produce a time shift in the age of tardigrades similar to the model described for rotifers that has been termed 'Sleeping Beauty'.  相似文献   

A technique for measuring the oxygen consumption of small laboratory animals suitable for pharmacological and toxicological studies is described. The oxygen consumption of the animal in the respiratory chamber is compensated by means of a photoelectrically operating servo mechanism from an oxygen reservoir. The oxygen supplied is directly recorded via a transducer by an X-Y recorder. The carbon dioxide exhaled by the animal is entirely absorbed. Composition and pressure of air in the respiratory chamber correspond to the physiological medium. The usefulness of this technique is demonstrated by investigations on the effects of epinephrine and morphine on the oxygen consumption of rats.  相似文献   

The Kupffer cells (melanomacrophages) in the livers of lower vertebrates contain varying quantities of melanin according to the season. Specimens of Triturus carnifex raised for 2 months at 6 degrees C and then transferred to water at 22 degrees C show a rapid increase in the hepatic accumulation of the pigment. The Kupffer cells make up more than one fourth of the liver mass in chlorbutol-anesthetized animals isolated for 6-7 hr in hypoxic water at 18 degrees C (to bring the oxygen content in a 620-mL respiratory chamber from 1.1 ppm to 0.0). Thus, hepatic melanin is synthesized when the newt's oxygen supply is inadequate to meet its metabolic needs; melanogenesis, however, requires the presence of oxygen and does not occur in anesthetized specimens immersed in a totally anoxic fluid such as paraffin oil. The intraperitoneal injection prior to hypoxic treatment of 1 mg/g of body weight of kojic acid (inhibitor of the enzyme tyrosinase which catalyzes melanin synthesis) blocks melanogenesis and doubles oxygen consumption. The combination of hypoxia and tyrosinase inhibition causes permanent damage to essential functions of the nervous system, while hypoxic treatment alone has no irreversible consequences. The genic expression of tyrosinase in hypoxia appears to be a physiological response aimed at prolonging survival time in anaerobiosis by lowering the metabolic level; melanin would be an inert subproduct of this function.  相似文献   

The quantification of oxygen consumption and ammonia-N excretion rates is essential in determining energy requirements for development of larval invertebrates. In larval energetics, there is a need for accurate and uncomplicated techniques to quantify metabolic rates. A method for simultaneous measurements of oxygen and ammonia-N concentrations is presented. It employs sealed respirometric chambers (ca. 30 ml) in which embryos and larvae are incubated. Analysis is carried out in end-point samples by Winkler's titration and indophenol-blue for oxygen and ammonia-N, respectively. Water is sampled into volume-calibrated glass syringes and oxygen consumption and ammonia-N excretion rates were determined by the difference between experimental and control (no animals) units. The method was successfully used to measure metabolic rates in embryo and larval stages of the shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis and in veliger of the mussel Perna perna. The accuracy denoted by the coefficient of variation is comparable to previous results on larval metabolic rates. A biomass: volume (microg ml(-1)) is proposed to extend its application to further species of marine invertebrates. The method is simple to operate, involves non-expensive material and is portable enough for field work. A substantial number of replicates can be analyzed at the same time and O:N ratio, an indicator of the catabolized substrate, can be calculated.  相似文献   

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